Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1055: Take away

Lin Beichen was startled.

   Sword Seventeen?

   Isn't this the swordsmanship taught by the soft rice king Lao Ding?

   However, the incomplete version taught by Old Ding.

   only the first seven tricks.

   Sword One to Sword Seven.

   Is this the full version?

That's great.

   The incomplete version of Sword Seventeen is already invincible.

   Lin Beichen defeated a strong enemy several times in the host Zhenzhou.

   If you get the full version...

   Think about it, Lin Beichen started to breathe shortly and shivered with excitement.

   The dog goddess is so generous this time.

   He picked up the notebook and opened it.

   has fourteen pages in total.

   The first seven pages are the strokes of sword one to sword seven.

   And the eighth to fourteenth pages are from the eighth to the fourteenth.

   "What about behind?"

   Lin Beichen turned to the end, looking up at Jian Xue Wuming with a look of dissatisfaction, and said, "Isn't it the seventeenth sword? How come there are only fourteen moves? What about the next?"

   "No more below."

   Jianxue Wuming began to raise his neck again, and poured himself with brown rice wine ‘tons ton ton’. The white and slender swan-necked neck was graceful and full of tension.

   A posture of'drinking to death'.

   Lin Beichen was even more dazed.

   Is there no more below?


  What do you mean?


   I have only heard of the large number of eunuchs in the online literature circle, but I have never heard of the creator of the martial arts cheats.

   "Don't have a **** look."

Jian Xue Wuming mouth full of alcohol, huh, he said: "Sword Seventeen is the ultimate sword skill. Ordinary people can master one and a half of these tricks, and they can dominate the sword. There are already 14 tricks. What are you not satisfied with? of."

   "In other words, you can only get this scrap?"

   Lin Beichen caught the loophole in Jian Xue's nameless words at once.

   "It's not easy to get this dilapidated copy. Okay."

Jian Xue Wuming stretched out her little pink tongue, licked the wine pearl at the corner of her mouth, gave Lin Beichen a white look, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, learn hard, practice hard, after you master these fourteen tricks, it is said to be Winning a champion in the God’s Choice Contest, even if it is invincible in the God Realm, is easy."

   Lin Beichen was speechless.

  Don't just drink, eat some peanuts.

   He picked up the secret book of "Sword Seventeen", read it, and at the same time he was puzzled, and said: "No."


   Jianxue Wuming continued, saying: "What's wrong?"

   Lin Beichen snapped, closed the secret book, and said: "Since this seventeen sword trick is so powerful, why don't you practice it yourself?"

After    is trained, can he sweep the gods?

   such a cheat book, wherever it is, it will be like the position of the Jiuyin Scripture in the Jin Yong martial arts arena, and it will cause a **** battle in an instant.

   The dog goddess held it in her hand, but she didn't practice by herself?

   "This kind of garbage sword skill is not good for me."

   Jianxue Wuming raised his chin and said proudly: "I deserve better."

   Lin Beichen "……"

  (????W???)?? 3???

   Are you talking human words?

After    trash sword skills are practiced, can they cross the gods?

  What is the God Realm?


   However, he has just read the content of the fragmented version of "Sword Seventeen", at least judging from the contents of the previous Sword One to Sword Seven, it is not fake.

   The sword eight to the fourteenth sword behind are also extremely profound.

   belongs to the kind of scumbag like Lin Dashao, even if you read it for a lifetime, you can't understand the content.

   does not look like a fake.

   "This cheat book, won't it be given by the Sword Lord, right?"

   Lin Beichen's mind flashed, and suddenly he found the answer.

   He saw through the secret expression on his face, and said: "So you dare not practice privately, you can only give it to me? Right, don't try to deny it, it must be the case."

   Jianxue slapped namelessly, slapped the wine jar on the table, smirked, and said in a deep sense of melancholy: "I didn't expect you to see it."

   Lin Beichen laughed: "Haha, if you are a good hunter, you can't hide it from me, a good fox."

   "It's so shameless, please take this drink."

   Jianxue Wuming said again.

   Lin Beichen triumphantly put away the secret book of "Sword Seventeen" and said: "Well, I will give you a can drink whatever you like, a few jars of brown rice, I can still afford you."


   Jianxue Wuming suddenly blinked his eyes and said loudly, "Come to Ten Altars again."

   "By the way, why don't you see the Yinhuang Haiwu crown?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously.

   "Oh, she took a big deal recently, so she was a little busy." Jian Xue said vaguely.

   I drank this wine for an hour.

   Jianxue Wuming picked up the wine jar and poured it into her mouth.

   The pale white wine syrup flowed down the corners of her mouth, and soon soaked the collar, poured into the underwear, and the wet coat was tightly attached to the chest...

   Wet temptation?

   Lin Beichen looked at it for a while, and couldn't help it.

   He patted the table and said, "It's too wasteful, can't you drink well?"

When he was on earth, he wanted to complain about the so-called knights. His mother couldn’t drink a good drink. He had to pick it up and pour it on himself. As a result, two-thirds of the jar of wine was poured. Outside, it seems that if you don't drink like this, you can't show your heroic wine style...

   Isn’t it a brain disease?

   "You don't understand... hiccups."

   Jianxue Wuming slapped a wine hiccup, and said, "Drinking like this will give you a soul."

   Lin Beichen couldn't wait any longer, and said, "Go to the scene to confirm. If you are too late, you can drink whatever you want. I'm going to the Demon Abyss to hunt down the Abyssal Beast to make money."

   "Good too."

   Jianxue Wuming slapped the table and stood up, took a sip of Dantian Qi, his tongue was spring thunder, and said loudly: "Boss, let's take another hundred jars of brown rice wine.

  A series of black lines hang down Lin Beichen's forehead.

   "It's too much."

  Goddess, you are slaughtering me like a pig.

   The shop owner heard the words and ran up from the back hall, saying: "There are only the last 15 jars of rice wine in the Keguan Xiaodian..."

   Jianxue Wuming waved his big hand: "Pack all of them and take them away."

   Lin Beichen endured it.

   Anyway, it is the tavern in the lower three districts, and the prices are not expensive.

   settled 10,000 faith points, and the two left the tavern.

The on-site confirmation of the   God Selection Contest can be carried out in the temples of the seven main war gods.

  The confirmation process is also very simple.

   No more twists and turns occurred this time, and the confirmation process went smoothly.

   At this point, the registration for the God’s Choice Contest has finally been successfully completed.

   Next, we are waiting for the first round of the primaries.

   "I have a question, I have always wanted to ask you."

   On the way back, Lin Beichen couldn't help but said: "Since you are so poor, why don't you go to the Demon Abyss to hunt down the Abyssal Beast, you can make some money at any rate, and you don't have to go around swindling and cheating."

   Jianxue Wuming hehe sneered: "I am a superior god, how can I do things that lowly coolies do... Besides, there is danger and tiredness there."

   Lin Beichen was directly speechless.

   Isn’t this the legendary poor exquisiteness?

   It's delicious and lazy, I'm talking about this dog intern goddess.

   After an appointment was made for the next contact time, the two parted ways.

   Lin Beichen rushed to the sixth floor of the Demon Abyss and began to hunt down the Abyssal Demon to make money.

   sharpening one's own strength is second.

   The main thing is to get one billion faith points as soon as possible to buy Yue Hongxiang the "Wood Spirit Heart" to restore his appearance.

   This is a big deal.


at the same time.

   The central area of ​​the Great Desolate City.


In the temple under the jurisdiction of the Lord God, the chief magician Xuan Ming opened his eyes and said: "What does it mean to be missing? Lin Fengyi and his four followers, not only did not complete the task under the crown, but disappeared in this world. Up?"


   A magician wearing a black gold robe knelt on the ground and respectfully said: "We have searched all the places that Lin Fengyi might go, and we have not found the slightest bit. The magical search also yielded nothing."

   "In this case, there is only one explanation."

   In Xuanming’s eyes, the dark red blood seemed to overflow, and he felt slightly, saying: “It seems that there are high-level gods who have taken action to wipe them out of this world.”

   "My lord is wise."

   The magician on his knees quickly praised.

   Xuan Ming snorted coldly, and said, "It doesn't matter if Lin Fengyi is dead, but the little girl he said must find a there any clue?"

Kneeling the magician said: "Lin Fengyi is narrow and greedy. In order to swallow the reward, he kept the little girl’s information secret. Who was it? I never told anyone else. So far, no one knows what he said about the little girl. Who is it? This needs to be investigated from his deeds during this period of time. It may take at least ten days, because there are so many places he has been."

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