Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1065: Full load

It turned out that what came out of the sand was not a cut head.

   is a complete person.

   Lin Beichen got out of it.

   The mask on his face was torn and ragged, and the armor on his body was also stained with blood, and it was stained with loess, soaked into blood mud, it looked like a ghost crawling out of hell.

   But he is really alive.

   Lin Beichen, who crawled out of the ground, seemed to be pulling something in his hand.

   He stumbled and stood firmly, then with one arm, he roared and waved what he was holding.


   The ground shakes.

   The earth's crust is broken, the stones and dust are the same color.

A giant rock wolf with a length of six meters was dragged by his tail and pulled out from below the ground. The huge body cast a huge shadow on the ground. As Lin Beichen's arm fell, it finally hit the ground. With a sound, it hit the central holding rock severely.

   is [King of Rock Wolf].

   The Qianlong seeing this scene in the distance, his heart beating madly.

   is really [King of Rock Wolf].

   This invincible King of Rock Wolf is dead?

   Qianlong couldn't believe his eyes.

   He subconsciously rubbed his eye sockets, exercised his eyesight, carefully observed, and kept his eyes on the huge wolf corpse that had been soaked in blood and breathless.

  The dead [King of Rock Wolf] still exudes a frightening and fierce aura from all over his body.

  The huge physical body is daunting.

   But judging from the gurgling blood flowing from the huge window in the abdomen, and the stiff body, it is really dead.

   Qianlong took a deep breath.

   Then he jumped up from the boulder and shouted loudly: "Don't be afraid, boss, I will help you."

   rushed into the city quickly.

   "We are here too."

   "Boss, we live and die together with you."

   Wang Zhan and Xiao Bo also noticed the abnormal changes in the abandoned ancient city, and they flew like two gusts of wind.

  In the abandoned ancient city.

   Lin Beichen sat casually on a broken rock, gasping for breath.

The crimson flame on    slightly jumped, sweeping away all the filth.

   The ragged armor and mask instantly became extremely clean.

   He took out a huazi from [Baidu Netdisk], stuffed it into his mouth, then snapped his fingers, a ball of flame appeared in front of him, lit it, and took a hard breath.

  The Huazi after the demon reform has a refreshing effect.

   The whole person became sober a lot in an instant.

   "Boss, this blood can't flow casually, it's wasted."

   Qianlong rushed forward, with a flattering expression, and pointed at the wound in the abdomen of [Rock Wolf King].

   Lin Beichen looked up at him.

   Give you a look, you can feel it yourself.

"I know."

Qianlong immediately took out an ink-colored jade bottle with a skillful action, performed magic skills, and sucked up against the window of the wolf corpse's abdomen. The bright red blood drew a wonderful arc in mid-air and fell into the ink-colored jade. In the bottle.

   Wang Zhan and Xiao Bo also rushed over to help.

  After Lin Beichen smoked a cigarette, the whole person's condition was much better.

   after a moment.

   Everything is packed.

   "Boss, yours."

   Qianlong placed the black jade bottle with both hands.

   Lin Beichen brought it over and hung it around his waist.

   After thinking for a while, he tried to make some space in the [Baidu Netdisk] and loaded the huge [Rock Wolf King] corpse.

   "There are also ordinary wolf corpses in the lair below. They are a bit quicker and they are all cleaned up."

   Lin Beichen ordered again.

   "Understand, I understand."

   Qianlong immediately took Wang Zhan and Xiao Bo to sweep the battlefield among the ruins.

   Lin Beichen stood up and put away the giant black mace that [King of Rock Wolf] had never had time to use.

   After half a stick of incense time.

In the sky of the entire'Death Valley' big map, the power suddenly changed, and immediately a series of spatial vortices of different colors appeared, like giant eyes of the devil who only opened and looked down, exuding a powerful and powerful power. Squeeze your breath.


   This trial is finally over.

  The contestants who are still alive on the big map of the ‘Valley of Death’ are involuntarily floating in the spatial vortex.

   That is the door to teleport away.

   Lin Beichen and several people are no exception.

   "Boss, where can I find you?"

   Qianlong was floating in the air, while loud and authentic.

   "Send the goods to the'Moyuanzhai' at the transfer station on the fourth floor of Moyuan."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   I didn't want to talk to Qianlong, the dude.

   But the source of a lot of rock wolf beasts, corpses, and all the previous gains that have been condensed just now are all on this goods.

   "Boss rest assured, I will deliver it as soon as possible."

   Qianlong rejoiced.

   He is now determined to hug Lin Beichen's thigh firmly.

   Intuition did not lie to him.

   This time, he intuitively told him that this guy wearing a mask has the strength to make it into the top ten.



   Northwest Region, the lower three districts.

   Temple No. 98.

   A group of figures slowly walked out from the dark door of light.

   Until the light gate disappeared and returned to the hall, there were only ten people in the end.

   Twenty-one contestants, and finally ten returned alive.

   The survival rate is less than half.

   "You look embarrassed."

   The Xiangyan priest turned his head to look at Lin Beichen, and said, "Is you in trouble?"

  A dialog box emerged from Lin Beichen's mouth: "Death Valley, I met the King of Rock Wolf."

   "Then you can escape from the claws of the wolf king, luckily."

   A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the fragrance priest.

  A dialog box appeared at the corner of Lin Beichen's mouth: "Yes, good luck, and then dropped [The King of Rock Wolf]."

   The Xiangyan priest was startled, and immediately pursed his lips and smiled.

   I didn't expect that this little dumb would have such a humorous moment.

The other eight contestants next to    also roared with laughter.

   Lin Beichen curled his lips and said nothing more.

   Pretending to be forceful in front of such a group of people, without a sense of accomplishment, it is better to give up.

A short and stocky little man, who looked quite bold, laughed, and said: "Everyone, we are lucky and we all survived. The next game is the first team battle. The registration point for the temple is The unit, in other words, next time the ten of us will fight side by side. We will be in Xiayun Wuhen. Today we will be the host in Xiaomeilou. Please gather together and discuss how to deal with the game. Please also enjoy your face."

   "Oh, Xiaomeilou is a good place."

   "Okay, go together."

   "It is necessary to discuss the countermeasures carefully, otherwise it may not survive the next game."

   Someone enthusiastically agreed.

   The fragrance priest shook his head and said, "I'm going to have evening classes."

   Lin Beichen didn't say a word, and walked directly outside the hall.

   He wants to sell goods quickly.

Yun Wuhen had a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said to the others: "Different ways are not conspiring. This brother doesn't seem to have much confidence in everyone, so don't force it. The eight of us can get together... I am waiting for you in Xiaomeilou."


   "Big Brother Yun is proud."

   Several people enthusiastically agreed.



  The fourth floor of Demon Abyss, the transfer station.


   Xiao Ziran is greeting guests enthusiastically.

   After Qing Lei's rectification, Xiao Meilou's atmosphere has been clean and business has improved in the past few days.

Xiao Ziran’s feared retaliation did not come. Instead, she temporarily stabilized her purple skirt sales position. The commission bonus she deserved was not small. Therefore, she worked harder and maintained Qinglei’s new store manager everywhere. authority.

   Just after receiving a client, Xiao Ziran subconsciously glanced towards the gate, and was suddenly startled.

he came?

   Seeing Lin Beichen appear, Xiao Ziran's heart is mixed.

   It was this man who changed Qing Lei's destiny.

   It's a pity that she didn't seize the opportunity herself.

   Thinking like this in her heart, Xiao Ziran didn't dare to be scornful, she took the initiative to greet her and said enthusiastically: "My lord, you are here, and the manager Qinglei is in the backyard to entertain guests. I will take you there."

"no need."

   Lin Beichen waved his hand in a normal tone and said, "I'll go find him by myself."


   Welcome in the living room.

   Qinglei rubbed her eyebrows embarrassedly, shook her head, and said, "I'm afraid this won't work."


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