Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1069: Main **** leg bone

After contacting these tools, Lin Beichen thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and sent a WeChat message to Jian Xue Wuming.

   "Do you see brother dick?"

  He triumphantly and authentically.

"dont see."

   Jianxue answered the message anonymously, saying: "Smelly hooligan, die for grandma."

   Lin Beichen: "……"

  Goddess, you have changed.

   actually started drag racing.

   You are not pure anymore.

   "I mean, do you know my preliminary results?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

Jian Xue Wuming replied: "You are too high-profile. The so-called wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind. The rafters in the early days will rot first, and the birds in the early days will die first... You can't keep fishing quietly, and wait until the last moment to surprise everything. person?"

"Have no idea."

   Lin Beichen said in a helpless tone, "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength is not allowed."

   My low-key stepping on a horse was killed by [King of Rock Wolf].

   I was also forced.

   "Get ready for the next second round."

   Jianxue Wuming's big news said: "You performed high-profile this time. In the second round, someone will definitely target you. You must be more careful at that time."

   Lin Beichen looked at it, and he was still moved.

   This unreliable dog goddess finally learned to speak human.

Just watch Jian Xue Wuming send another message, saying: "The day after tomorrow is the second round of the game. We will meet tomorrow night. Under the crown of Emperor Haiwu, I will prepare some weapons and equipment for you, which will definitely be needed then. Give it to you together."

   Lin Beichen was startled, and subconsciously returned the message: "You don't want to cheat me again, do you?"

   "Give you it for free."

   Jianxue Wuming said.


  The sun came out from the west?

   The conscience of this dog goddess has been discovered.

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   After some discussions, I decided to meet in the previous tavern tomorrow.

   Lin Beichen closed the phone.

   He stretched out his backhand, and the two-meter-long black giant mace appeared in his hand.

   This is the weapon of [Rock Wolf King].

   But this king of monsters has never used it.

   "This stick is made from the thigh bone of a fallen lord **** of the Great Wilderness tribe. It contains supernatural power and is extremely hard. Even the famous Seven God Soldiers in the God Realm will never cut it."

   A voice rang in Lin Beichen's ear.

   If Qianlong could hear this sound, he would pee his pants in shock.

  Because the speaker is the dead [King of Rock Wolf].

   Its body is dead.

   But its soul appeared in this black mace.

   "You are in this **** city, still dare to speak out?"

   Lin Beichen replied and asked with his spiritual knowledge: "You are not afraid of being discovered by the gods of the gods and let your soul fly? After all, do you have a physical body now."

   "Hehe, I said, this stick is the leg bone of a fallen lord **** of the Great Desolate Protoss. It is extremely mysterious. I hide in it. As long as I don't take the initiative to come out and talk or talk, I won't be discovered."

   "Ah, I haven't been to this city for a long time. It's really missed."

   "It's a pity that the little reptiles of the Great Desolate Clan made a mess of smoke and anger... These stupid stupid guys are really in Baoshan and don't know it, and they waste this post for nothing."

  [Rock Wolf King]’s voice was full of emotion.


   Lin Beichen asked back.

"Here, it used to be an outpost on the edge of the wilderness... Forget it, these stories are too old, you don't know if you say it, you only need to believe what I said, the so-called God Realm is just a small puddle, And the so-called Great Wilderness Clan is just a group of small tadpoles in the puddle... The real mountain, sea and star river, you haven't seen it yet."

  [The King of Rock Wolf] quickly ended this topic.

   "What do you want me to do for you?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   Let such a terrible guy with unknown origins always follow him, which always makes him feel insecure.

   "Find someone for me."

  [The King of Rock Wolf] said: "A person who does not belong to this small puddle, but comes from the vast ocean of stars."

   "How to find?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   [King of Rock Wolf] said: "Take me, just walk around in this world more, leave the rest to me, if I meet, I should be able to recognize it."

   Lin Beichen was playing with a black mace.

   is clearly metallic.

   doesn't look like bones either.

   "What is the origin of the person you are looking for?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously: "For him, you didn't hesitate to abandon your physical body and live in a leg bone, paying such a big sacrifice."

   "Things that should not be asked, don't ask."

A voice came from the black mace, saying: "We are just making a deal. You got the source and bones of the wolf king, and I was able to come to this city... beyond the puddle, the more you know More, the closer you are to death."


   Lin Beichen curled his lips, slandering in his heart.

   However, he did not continue to question.

   But then again, does this mean that I got another gold finger?

   One of the super giant golden fingers of the fantasy novel [Bring a grandpa with me] finally appeared on my body?

   Could it be that my fortune as the protagonist has increased again?

Lin Beichen tried to say: "I will give me the body and the source of the beast first, and I will bring you out. This is the first step of the transaction. It has been completed. Next, I will take you around the city to find someone. This is the second part. Deal, you owe me, but remember, don’t shirk when it is time to repay the debt, this is truly fair."

   "The greedy little can."

  The King of Rock Wolf agreed: "I won't let you die until I find that one, don't worry."

   Lin Beichen put away the black mace, took out a long sword, and began to familiarize himself with swordsmanship in the yard.

   Mobile APP practice, but you also need to familiarize yourself with it.

   Increase the proficiency, in order to exert the full power of various combat skills.

time flies.

   The agreed time is coming soon.

   Lin Beichen changed into a clean white robe and went to the front yard to find Qing Lei. The latter explained all the affairs of the store and went to Xiaomeilou together.

On the way to   , the little young woman Qing Lei's goose egg face was covered with red clouds.

   Sometimes I look at Lin Beichen secretly.

Even through the mask, that handsome and unparalleled face constantly appeared in her mind... Such a man, in Qinglei's world, is absolutely perfect, without any defects, making her cry for him willingly , Laughed for him, petitioned him for a lifetime.

   soon arrived outside Xiaomeilou.

   "What? There is no room left?"

   Lin Beichen looked at the little cat girl in front of her, and couldn't help but raised her **** and rubbed her eyebrows.

   "Mi Chiu, yes Meow, business is relatively good today, and the private rooms have been booked."

   The little cat girl with cheese is cute and authentic.

   "Where is the lobby on the first floor?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   "The hall is full too, Michie, you need to wait." The little cat said softly.


   This is very embarrassing.

  The guests have made appointments, but Xiaomeilou is out of place?

  Who would have thought that Xiaomeilou, which was still in business a few times before, suddenly became full.

   Lin Beichen has been accustomed to being served by others, and he never thought of this level.

   "If it doesn't work, let's wait outside."

   Qinglei blushed and said in a low voice.

   Lin Beichen was about to speak.

   At this time, another yin and yang strange voice came from the side: "Oh, this adult, didn't he say that he is going to practice cultivation, didn't he come to Xiaomeilou for a gathering? Why did you come again?"

   Several people came from the side.

Headed by    is Yun Wuhen, a short and fat young contestant who came back alive from Temple No. 98.

   Lin Beichen glanced, but did not speak.

   I'm too lazy to bother about it.

"Hehe, I have to be willing to be with us. It turns out that the beautiful lady has an appointment. Hehe, it seems that in the eyes of this adult, our teammates who will fight side by side in the next game are not as good as a charming little lady. Attractive."

   Yun Wuhen walked over, looked around, quickly figured out what happened, and immediately doubled the yin and yang.

   Some of the other companions laughed deliberately.


Goodnight everybody.

Are you happy on the first day? ^_^

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