Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1076: Layout and snatch?

What a beautiful aunt.

  A beautiful kid.

   Anan looked at the projection screen as if she was looking at a painting. The people in the painting are very kind, but she has no intention of opening the door.

   used to live in a small courtyard in the second district, so that she developed a vigilance that her peers did not possess. Without the company of her mother, no matter who knocked on the door, she would not open the door.

   Fortunately, at this time, Lin Beichen and Qing Lei finished their'cultivation' and came to the front yard.


   An An cheered and rushed directly into Lin Beichen's arms.

   Qing Lei squatted to one side, only a ball of air was held in her open arms, her beautiful oval face, her mouth twitched.

   I don’t recognize my mother so soon.

   She just stood up, and finally put her arms around Lin Beichen’s neck An An said, almost causing her to stagger over: "Uncle, you smell like a mother..."

   Lin Beichen also almost sweated his forehead.

   "Ah, this...I practice qigong, there will be contact..."

   He hesitated and said, "Did someone knock on the door just now?"

   "There are a few strangers outside."

   Ann opened the mirror image of the guardian formation with a token.

   Seeing the beautiful young woman and the little girl in his arms, Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said, "It looks like a gift...Let them come in and have a look."

  The house guard formation opens a curved door.

   The gate of the mansion opened.

   The young woman walked in with her daughter and maid.

   turned out to be a neighbor.

   And she is still half an acquaintance-the young woman is Qin Shou's wife, named Chu Hanlan, and the girl in her arms is Qin Shou's daughter, named Qin Qianxuan.

   Lin Beichen was very cautious about the Kirin third-generation superconducting crystals. After asking Qin Shou, Chu Hanlan's identity was correct, and he was relieved.

   "I heard the official said that his friend lives here, so I prepared a little gift and came to visit. If there is any presumption, please forgive me."

   Chu Hanlan has a quiet and elegant temperament, skillful and gentle, and speaks very softly. At first glance, everyone is born as a lady, which inexplicably gives people a sense of intimacy.

   "Sister, sister."

   Qin Qianxuan also stretched out his chubby hand and interacted with An An.

   Ann looked at her mother timidly, and subconsciously stepped back.

   In her life, there has never been such a thing as ‘friend’.

   "Ann, don't be afraid, you can play with your sister."

   Lin Beichen squatted down, touched An An's hair lightly, and said, "You are the little host here now. You can take your sister to visit the scenery at home."


   Xiao An'an nodded vigorously.

   She stretched out her hand to someone other than her mother and uncle for the first time.

   In the sun, the white and slender hands can vaguely see the blue blood vessels.

   This is not a normal child's hand.

   The torture of the [Flower Mark] disease has made An'an's limbs much thinner and fragile than her peers.

   Soon, the two children got acquainted.

   Chu Hanlan and Qing Lei soon had a conversation in the pavilion.

   Lin Beichen greeted him, then turned and left.

  He wants to go to the Demon Abyss, continue to hunt down the Abyssal Beast, earn enough faith points, and buy the [Wood Spirit Heart] for Yue Hongxiang to restore his former flowers and moon appearance.


   Demon Abyss.

   The sixth floor transfer station.

   "Hey, yes... yes... yes..."

   Fat Tiger’s voice came from behind.

   Lin Beichen turned around and saw the silly fat man scratching the back of his head with a surprised expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

   He did not expect that he would encounter this fool at the transfer station on the sixth floor of the Demon Abyss.

   Originally, his plan was to wait until the second round of the competition to figure out a way to slowly subdue the fat man-the more important the person, the more slowly he must not rush it.

   I didn't expect to think too much as a coincidence, and I encountered it directly here.

   "My mother... let... let me... earn..."

   Fat Tiger stammered, his face flushed again in a hurry.

   "Oh, it turns out that your mother asked you to hunt in the Demon Abyss."

   Lin Beichen's reading comprehension got a perfect score, and he understood it instantly.

   He thought for a while, and directly sent an invitation: "It's better to be a company, I just lack a backpacker here."


   Fat Tiger’s answer was simple and clear.

   "Then, do you have a large-capacity backpack?"

   Lin Beichen looked at him up and down.

  The backpacker in the Demon Abyss is carrying a backpack with huge capacity, which looks like a hill-this kind of backpack is cheap and has a large reserve, which is very popular with adventurers.


   Fat Tiger is a little embarrassed.

   "Then you wait."

   Lin Beichen turned around and went to the Moyuanzhai store on the sixth floor. He returned after a while, carrying a super huge space backpack, plus a set of black large armor.

   "Take it, put it on."

   Lin Beichen handed the equipment to Fat Tiger.


   Fat Tiger declined, and began to stutter again.

   "I know, turn around and deduct your dividends."

   Lin Beichen Road.


  Panghu then accepted.

   He recognized the black armor, and pieces of armor flew to his upper body instantly, as if the saint clothing in Saint Seiya was awakened, and the picture was quite passionate.

   In a blink of an eye, a fat black giant appeared beside Lin Beichen.

   plus a huge space bag over three meters high, the shape is simply exaggerated.

   "Not bad."

   Lin Beichen nodded in satisfaction: "Go."



   "Why is there a warlord [Rock Wolf King] in the map of'Death Valley'?"

  Lord Lan, sitting in the air above the altar, looked at the black-clothed barefoot girl, and said: "Sword Xiaoyao can actually kill it... how did he do it?"

   The barefoot girl in black knelt on one knee.

This time, although Lord Lan looked as usual, she did not dare to laugh, and said: "Subordinates have checked, the map of the Valley of Death is arranged by the upper **** Liuxi under the command of the Lord God. As for that battle The king-level [King of Rock Wolf] was indeed killed by Jian Xiaoyao. When he sold the corpse of the wolf, he can find out, and his subordinates will watch him closely."

   "Remember, don't try to do anything to him."

   Lan Lord God said indifferently: "Just find out the truth, don't interfere with him in the competition."

   "Yes, subordinates understand."

   The black snow-footed girl breathed a sigh of relief.

   After a pause, she said again: "Under Mian, some people are doing small movements, the layout is aimed at Jian Xiaoyao..."

   "Don't bother."

   Lan Lord God is indifferent.

   The snow-footed girl in black said again: "In addition, there are some ambitious guys who interfere with the competition, especially the Lord God's side. Recently, some actions have broken the rules of the game..."

   "Breaking the rules of the contest, no matter who it is, there is no mercy."

   Lanzhu's voice is calm and authentic.


   The snow-footed girl in black immediately bowed her head respectfully and saluted: "Subordinates understand."

   paused, as if thinking of something, her eyes began to flicker with cunning colors.

"Under the crown, that sword Xiaoyao has great potential. Should we try to recruit him? Hey, I think this is very interesting. Although he is already a believer in the Lord of the Sword, as long as we are willing to extend the olive branch, I believe he will Will betray the original god... The Lord of the Sword has nothing except the false name of the first beauty. Taking him over is just enough to beat her arrogance."

   This time, Lord Lan did not speak.

   The black snow-footed girl waited for a long time and looked up.

   "Go down."

   Lan Lord God said gently.

   "Yes, I understand."

   The snow-footed girl in black immediately became lively and resumed her usual excitement. She smiled and said: "You can rest assured, I will do it very cleverly."


There is one more.

Will everyone still go to work tomorrow? (#^.^#)

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