Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1079: Competition restart

"you sure?"

  The old magician's eyes were strange, and he looked at Lin Beichen again.

   "What? Didn't you come to buy me?"

   Lin Beichen also felt very strange, and said: "Why are you afraid of me agreeing? Are you jealous of me and being so valued by the Lord God at a young age? Afraid that I will take your place?"

   "There is no such thing."

   The old magician denies it.

   After a pause, he added: "It's just nonsense."

   Lin Beichen chuckled and said, "You be careful for me."

   The elderly magician twitched, and said, "What do you mean?"

   "The meaning is very simple, you better respect me."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Otherwise, when I become the next god, I will be the most trusted person by the Lord God. When that happens, I will be the first to avenge you and let you kneel and sing to conquer."

"Ha ha."

  The old magician faintly said: "Then slowly wait for that day...Since you have agreed to the invitation of the Lord God's Crown, then let me see the Crown."

   "Oh,, I'm not free."

Lin Beichen directly refused, saying: "I want to prepare for the next second round of the competition. If the Lord God is really sincere, I will honor my **** position first, and then send some **** swords, **** armor, **** consciousness. , The value of faith..."

   The old magician raised his eyelids and said, "Are you kidding me?"

   Lin Beichen said: "No, no, impossible."

  The old magician was silent for a moment, and said: "I will report your words as they are, and you can wait for my news."

   After adding the frequency number of Lin Beichen's third-generation Kirin superconducting crystal, the old magician left with the fastest speed.

   Lin Beichen looked at the black back and smiled.

   These people really can’t think about it.

   actually wanted to use "high-ranking officials and generous" to buy me off.

   Sooner or later they will know that I am Lin Beichen, a man of seven feet...

   is the easiest to be bought.

   As long as you have milk, you are a mother.

   He left the tavern.

  Who knew that he was stopped again before leaving the lower three districts.

   This time, the one who stopped Lin Beichen was a tall woman in golden armor, a female warrior from the Lieyang Protoss.

   "On behalf of the Sun Family, I invite you to join..."

   The woman is tall and burly, with a rugged face. The golden armored heart-guard has a sun pattern radiating thousands of rays. She is extremely powerful in the fire system, and is a proper war-general master.

   But Lin Beichen refused mercilessly.

   Because of the contract conditions given by the Sun Family, it turned out to be only 10 sacred stones per month, and also proposed a gambling agreement-for example, Lin Beichen must get the top 20 in the sacred contest before the contract will really take effect.

   "Reject us, you will regret it."

   The female soldier named Gao Yanyun glanced at Lin Beichen coldly, and turned away without saying more.


   Pull like this?

   Lin Beichen suddenly had a bad impression of the entire Lieyang Protoss.

After   , the same thing happened continuously.

Among the seven major gods of the God Realm, the Juli Clan, the Lord of Flame, the Azure Wood God System, and the Lord of the Sky, all have different families and powers. They come in contact with Lin Beichen and give similarities to Lieyang. The conditions of the **** family'Sunny Family' are similar.

   Lin Beichen of course refused unceremoniously.

   And what angered him the most was that when he faced the great family of the Aoki Divine System and proposed a ‘heart of wood’ as a condition, the other person looked at him like a brain-dead.

   This makes Lin Dashao feel that he has been insulted.

   "It's a strange god."

   suddenly raised my expectations.

   How the people behind the results bid, how sincere they were, he felt that he was perfunctory, and he was too lazy to talk a few words.

   At the same time, a big question popped up in Lin Beichen's mind.

   Things are wrong.

  Why did the Lord God of the Great Desolate Protoss not hesitate to pay the promise of a divine position to win him as soon as he opened his mouth, while the other thousand-year aristocratic families of the great gods actually come up with such a funny gambling contract?

   Is it possible that the only **** is the wise eye and talented person?

   Other people are brain disabled?


   There must be some reason for this.

   It is impossible for so many gods and forces in the God Realm to be so stubborn.

   Lin Beichen returned to the Demon Abyss with huge doubts, and continued to hunt down the Abyssal Beast with the fat tiger.

  According to the agreement between him and Jian Xue Wuming, he will return to the host country, Zhenzhou, when the contest is over.

   So we must hurry up and race against time to make money.


   "Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

   Jiang Ruolin’s roar sounded intermittently, like a seriously injured beast in the back mountain courtyard of Jiangfu.

   "Little Bai, you must avenge your sister."

Madam Jiang wiped her tears, took Jiang Ruobai's hand, and said, "My Jiang family can't suffer this loss. Your sister can't suffer such a big crime in vain. You must kill that Jian Xiaoyao and step him into the dust. go with."

   Jiang Ruobai expressionlessly said, "I have already made an appointment with him, and I won't keep my hand at that time."

   sighed secretly in his heart.

   Now ninety-nine percent of the families of the family members of the major gods in the entire God City are offering all kinds of attractive conditions to win the sword freely. How optimistic about this person's potential.

   As the mother of the Jiang family’s mistress, she has no overall view at all, but the starting point is still private enmity...

   What a narrow vision.

   How stupid the mind is.

   The Jiang family is a thousand-year-old family of the Great Desolate God Clan. It was so glorious in the past, but now it is down to the point that it depends on an underage woman like her to support its glory. It is not without reason.

   She turned and left.

   Up to now, the biggest question in her mind is, how did Jian Xiaoyao get such a high score?

   Generally speaking, even if you kill all the monsters and all the contestants in the "Valley of Death", it is impossible to get this score.

   Unless there is something hidden, all contestants do not know.

   Watching the eldest daughter leave indifferently, Madam Jiang's eyes flashed with disappointment.

   She can feel her daughter's perfunctory.

   The middle-aged beautiful woman gritted her teeth and recruited her most trusted butler.

   "I don't care what you use to kill that sword Xiaoyao for me, even if you can't kill him, kill all his friends, I want him to feel the greatest pain in the world before he dies."

   This middle-aged beautiful woman gritted her teeth authentically.

   "Yes, ma'am."

   The butler did not dare to defy.



   Time flies by.

   In a blink of an eye, the second round of the God Selection Contest, which the whole God Realm is watching, is finally about to begin.

   The bells of the Great Desolate God City fluttered in every corner of the God Realm.

   When Lin Beichen came to the Temple No. 98, Xia San District, Northwest Region, the other nine contestants had already assembled in advance.


One more

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