Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1088: I will repay you

The operation of this auction is just ordinary.

   is mainly Lin Beichen, who has been accustomed to poverty. At the beginning, I really didn't expect that these second generations of gods would have such a strong spending power.

   looked down on them.

   However, this result is acceptable.

   After all, most people are accustomed to breaking out in desperate situations, madly seizing the last chance, and being unresponsive at first.

   Therefore, if Lin Beichen initially priced too high, the intensity of the auction would decrease a lot, and the final belief value might not be much different from the current one.

   almost done.

   After all, this matter itself is very wicked.

  What kind of bicycle do you want?

   Lin Beichen comforted herself so in her heart.

   In the end, ignoring that special idol, there were five ‘mission idols’ in Lin Beichen’s hands.

   After deducting two of himself and Fat Tiger, the other three are considered ‘liquid funds’.

   Some people's eyes greedily and fiercely stared at the three statues.

   They are the last hope.

   "Master Sword, I am willing to produce a thousand sacred stones and give me a ‘mission idol’."

   "I have a thousand and one, Master Jian, I can't be banished here..."

   "Master Sword, as long as you can sell me a **** statue, you can do anything to me..." a muscular man said excitedly.

   Lin Beichen punched out immediately.


   This muscular man turned into a light spot in the distant sky, disappearing without a trace.

   The remaining people who haven't bought the ‘Mission Idol’ don’t care about this brawny man, they still stare at these three Idols.

   They are very clear in their hearts that this is their last hope.

   Lin Beichen ignored them.

   "You...yes, what about you."

   Lin Beichen beckoned to a young man sitting at the end of the auction booth, and said, "Come here."

This boy looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. He is wearing ordinary animal skin armor. The workmanship is rough and the needles are messy. Even the animal skins are simply hand-made. At first glance, he made a handmade product. Holding a rusty knife, the young man is about 1.8 meters tall and well-proportioned, but he is slightly thinner and has dark skin. He has large black and white eyes and very bright eyes.

   Hearing Lin Beichen's greeting, he was slightly startled, and then got up with a vigilant look on his face, and came to Lin Beichen ten meters away.

   "Which team leader are you?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "God fire bug."

   Youth is authentic every word.

   "Shenhuo worm team?"

   Lin Beichen asked again: "Which **** family are you?"

   "Ordinary civilians."

   The young boy pursed his mouth, his expression stubborn.

   "Do you want to shoot me?"

   Lin Beichen smiled.

   He could feel that there was a faint killing intent jumping on the boy's body. Several times, it seemed that he had condensed to the peak and he was about to shoot, but at that moment he converged.

   The young man was exposed, his complexion changed drastically, and he subconsciously took three steps back.

   He was covered with calluses, and his huge palm, which was completely out of proportion to his arm, pressed his backhand on the rusty handle of the long knife.

   "If I were you, I would never draw a knife."

   Lin Beichen said: "Where are your team members?"

   The voice did not fall.

   Two twin girls, almost identical in length, rushed into the oasis, standing next to the boy one by one.

The twin girls have immature faces, thin faces, somewhat similar to those of teenagers, but their facial features and eyebrows are more refined, and they are also wearing their own handmade animal skin armor, rough and simple, highlighting the word'poor', although they deliberately go to their own There was a lot of dirt on his face, and the clothes were very bloated, but how abnormal Lin Beichen's skill in appraising women is, one can confirm at a glance that these two girls are rare little beautiful embryos.

   Both of them are fourteen or five-year-old, with the same sword behind them, and their breath is not weak, but there is a trace of panic in their eyes, looking at Lin Beichen as if looking at the most terrifying demon in the world.

   They held the young man's hand from left to right to prevent him from actually pulling out the knife.

   "Three brothers and sisters?"

   Lin Beichen said: "The three of you are one team? The Sacred Fire Worm Team?"

   The boy looked stubborn and resisted, looking at Lin Beichen without saying a word.

   Lin Beichen smiled.

   He raised his hand and threw the three remaining statues at the feet of the young man, and said, "Yours."

  Juvenile froze.

   The twin girls were also startled.

   Other people around were also dull, as if they had heard the most incredible absurd thing in the world.

   The air suddenly became quiet.

   Immediately, a group of hot and crazy gazes constantly looked back and forth between the three young siblings and the three ‘mission idols’.

  Many people have secretly calculated in their hearts, and when the matter is here, they must be killed for the first time to capture the idol.

  This kind of thing, they are very skilled.

   And the boy, after a slight start, immediately picked up the three statues on the ground and kicked them firmly in his arms.

   It's not that he didn't feel the dangerous breath in the air.

   But this is his last hope to leave with his two sisters alive.

   At that moment, the voice of the devil rang again: "If anyone dares to **** the things I sent out, I will cut off his paws and screw off his head."

   The young man stayed in a daze and looked up at Lin Beichen in disbelief.

   The twin girls reacted, and incredible colors burst out of their bright eyes.

   This demon is actually protecting their brother and sister.


   Other people also looked at Lin Beichen unexpectedly.


   They also want to ask, why?

   Why are we willing to pay a high price to buy, but these three brothers and sisters can get it for free?

   "I'm not convinced..."

   A young man in luxurious armor jumped up, his face full of violence, and said: "Why can these three poor and sour ghosts..."

   The voice did not fall.

   In Lin Beichen's eyes, the light flashed by.


   In the void, the sword light flashed.

   The violent and distorted head rolled to the ground.

   Lin Beichen gently flicked the [Fire Passion] sword in his hand.


   Blood drops, slowly embossed among the grass.

   In fact, in the moment just now, the power of the Conscious God Fire Realm could burn this young man to ashes in an instant.

   But Lin Beichen felt that the pretending to be **** under the sword is the pretending to have soul.

   "I act at ease, why should I explain to you?"

   Lin Beichen's voice was indifferent, his eyes swept, his eyes were like swords.

   Everyone bowed their heads, no one dared to look at him.

  Ha, it's really cool.

   This pretending quote from a previous online novel is really good to say in the real world.

   "In this world, some people live by money, some live by examination of power, some live by their parents, and some live by hard work and affection."

Lin Beichen swallowed what he had said while pretending to be forceful, with a gleam in his hand, and put away the'Fire Passion' sword, and said indifferently: "The first three kinds of people have the chance to survive, I have already given enough in the auction. , And for the remaining three statues of gods, I want to give the last kind of people...Is there a problem?"

   There is silence inside and outside the oasis.

   No one dares to refute.

  Because the last person who felt that there was a problem, his head is no longer his own.

   Lin Beichen did not continue to say anything.

   There is a good life in heaven.

   But the gods' selection contest held by the gods is like raising Gu. All contestants must fight together, and finally the strongest one will be selected to become their lower-level member.

In order to make money this time, his methods are too extreme. Some people who rely on their own hard work and strength in the "Golden Desert" field have lost their qualifications to compete, so they gave three brothers and sisters idols. One last compensation for this group.

   Lin Beichen has actually been following the three brothers and sisters for a long time.

   It can be seen that they feel very good and work hard, and they support each other even in desperate situations.

  Moreover, their aptitude is not bad, and their strength is not weak. Without his own sorrow operation, the three brothers and sisters might really have a chance to get out of the arena alive.

   "I will repay you."

   The boy said loudly and authentically.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand and said nothing.

   "Next, let's play the second..."

   He looked at everyone and said, "Do you want the highest individual points? Why don't you give it a try. Maybe in the end, you will get absolutely high points. Even if you don't have a ‘mission idol’, you can go out alive."


   God statues can be auctioned, can you even sell your points?


   There was a commotion in the crowd.

   At the same time, thirty or forty people appeared in the distance, quickly approaching the oasis.

   "You guys haven't found the ‘Mission’ idol, ha ha, don’t worry, I know where the idol has gone... I can show you the way and take you to find..."

   A voice came from a crowd in the distance.

very familiar.

   That is Yun Wuhen's voice.


Second more

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