Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1109: Severe friendship (please subscribe)

"No, you shouldn't talk like that."

  The young man with a mask stared at the little butler: "You robbed me of my lines."

   "Who the **** are you..."

  The little butler yelled.

   "This sentence is also wrong."

   The young man with a mask said, slapped his backhand and said, "You should ask, who are you."


   The little butler is spinning the spinning top.

   The other servants next to him were stunned.

   The people who lined up to give gifts were also attracted by this scene and whispered to each other.

   How dare someone beat the Qin family at the gate of the Qin mansion.

   "Don't let him run away."

   Someone drank loudly and said, "I'm going to ask the Chief Guard Wang."

   Soon, a dozen or so **** warriors in armor rushed out from the side door.

The leading'Guardian Wang' is a young man in his thirties, with a burly figure and a fierce complexion. He glanced at the masked young man and didn't ask much. There was a trace of cruelty between his brows, and he said indifferently: " Scrap it, grab it."



   The high-ranking **** warriors who rushed over were slapped casually by the masked young man, and they turned into tops again.

   With the little butler before, several people are spinning in place at high speed.

   "Go to Qin Shou and come out."

  The young man with a mask said: "I will leave after a few words with him."

   "Look for my young master?"

   The head of the guard king was shocked, and said, "You...Who are you?"

   The masked young man nodded and said, "This time the line is correct, but there is no reward... Tell Qin Shou, my name is Jian Xiaoyao."

   Sword Xiaoyao?

   The king's head guard changed wildly in an instant.

   During this time, this name can be described as thunderous in the Great Desolate God City.

  In the God’s Choice contest, the child of miracles who continuously created miracles.

   Countless great powers of the God Realm are constantly wooing them.

   Even if he is the head of the Qin family, he is a relatively polite figure of the new generation.

   is definitely not something he can offend a little guard.

   "Quickly, please go and ask Master."

  The head of the guard king hurriedly said: "Forget it, I will invite it myself."

   turned and flew away.

   At the same time, the people who were queuing to give gifts thought that this young man who had never lived before was completely abolished today, but when they heard that it was Jian Xiaoyao in person, it was a sensation.

  "Is this Sword Xiaoyao?"  "I heard that he is a weird man who wears a mask all day long."

   "Maybe it's too ugly?"

   "Hush, Jian Xiaoyao is not easy to provoke, are you looking for death? When you say this, be careful to be heard by him."

   "As long as it doesn't fall, the upstarts of the gods in the future."

   Everyone whispered and talked excitedly.

   Quite a past life on the earth, the people who eat melon suddenly saw the feeling of Jay Chou.

   There are some flexible-minded people who subconsciously want to come over and strike up a conversation, but the aura of ‘Don’t get close to strangers’ emanating from Jian Xiaoyao’s body makes them afraid to take action.

   Lin Beichen turned around and looked at the two poor old people.

   "The two old people are Chu Hanlan's parents, right?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   The old man looked at Lin Beichen up and down, with a look of awe, and said: "Back to the lord, it is, you know the little girl?"

Lin Beichen heard from Qin Shou that Chu Hanlan was born in the adventurer class, and his social status in the God Realm was not high. The timid and awe-inspiring expressions of these two old men in front of him made Lin Beichen feel a sigh in his heart. Women are the most afraid of all their lives What is entrusted to is not human, not only will he swallow the bitter fruit, but even his parents and relatives will have to suffer and worry about suffering.

   "The two old people don't have to be like this, I'm a friend of Sister Chu's."

   Lin Beichen said: "You can tell me what happened today. I will preside over this justice for the two elderly people."

Although she didn't have much contact with Chu Hanlan, this beautiful and kind-hearted young woman also left a deep impression on Lin Beichen, and she could be regarded as Qing Lei's best girlfriend in a short time, and the little girl Qin Qianxuan was also No. 1 in An'an. Friends...

   Today, he couldn't help but ask the dog to take the mouse to take care of his business.

   The two old men wiped their tears, and with a single word, they probably explained what happened.

   It turned out that what Qin Shou, a beast said before, was not a joke.

   He really can’t wait to marry again.

   Do the math, Chu Hanlan hasn't even had the first seven, and it's definitely not an exaggeration to say that the bones are not cold.

As a result, this [Clean Street Beast] directly expelled Chu Hanlan’s parents from the courtyard of the Qin Mansion, and also deprived Chu Hanlan of the money he had accumulated. Chu Hanlan’s brother, Chu Chang, was not in a good manner. Severely injured, today the old couple wanted to pick up their daughter’s body and bury it. As a result, they came across Qin’s palace and got married. Instead of going to the daughter’s body, they were beaten up...

   "It's a pity that my Laner gave birth to a daughter for that beast, but it turned out..."

   The old man burst into tears.

at this time--

   "Haha, I heard the boss are you here?"

A triumphant laugh came from the direction of the gate, and I saw Qin Shou wearing a festive red robe, walking over with red light, saying: "Because I was afraid of delaying your preparation for the God of War contest, the boss, so I didn't notify you, haha, That’s great, the famous Jian Xiaoyao came to my wedding, it’s really brilliant, please hurry up."

   Lin Beichen looked at the man in front of him.

   After he came to God Realm, he was the first guy to be called a brother.

   Although the smells were congenial and used each other from the beginning, they didn't expect that this person would be a scumbag.

   Lin Beichen feels that it is not a good thing to be greedy for money, **** for life and fear of death, but compared with Qin Shou, it is still far away.

   "I didn't come to the wedding."

   Lin Beichen said indifferently: "You'd better not call me the boss."

   "Why? You don't recognize me if you have a reputation?"

   Qin Shou's expression also became cold.

   Lin Beichen said: "I'm here to give you something"

As he said, he unfolded Qin Qianxuan's blue button in his palm, and said: "Qianxuan is still alive, she asked me to give this button to you... but it seems that you are no longer qualified to get it. ."

   Qin Shou's body shook slightly.

   Immediately there was a careless look on his face, and said, "Hehe, is that girl still dead? What a fate."

   Lin Beichen turned around and handed the blue button to the old man, and said, "This is your granddaughter's belongings, old man, leave it and think about it."

   "Ah, Xuanxuan is still alive? She...where is she now?"

   The old couple held the blue buttons, crying and laughing.

   Lin Beichen said: "Qian Xuan is now in the Great Desolate Temple. She... has been selected by the great figure in the Temple and has become a dependent family. She will practice for a long time in the future. If I have time, I can take you to see her."

   "Thanks a lot..."

   "Master Sword, you are our benefactor."

   The two old men bowed again and again, and they had to kneel down, but they were stopped by Lin Beichen.

Lin Beichen turned to look at Qin Shou, and said, "Our friendship so far will end today. From now on, there will be nothing to do. Qinglei will leave Moyuanzhai, and [The King of Rock Wolf] will never meet again. I’ll sell it to you. My cooperation with Moyuanzhai will end here..."

   Qin Shou's complexion changed drastically, and said, "Don't, boss, I..."

   "I said, don't call me the boss."

Lin Beichen said indifferently: "If you call again, I will break your tooth, call twice, I will break your leg... If you dare to do things in my name, I will destroy your Qin family. You know, although I am also a dude, I absolutely count on my words. If you say that you destroy your whole family, you will definitely destroy your whole family."


The second is more, there are 2 more.

Thank you book friend 59031263 for your support.

Everyone can see that the knife is going to compete for the monthly ticket list this month, so I will work hard to update it and think about it... Our crazy knife league is about to rise.

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