

   What Jian Xiaoyao said was so crazy.

   Pan had a look of sneer, and laughed on the spot: "I don't know where the sky is high and the earth is thick, where do you think this is..."

   The voice did not fall.


   The sword light flashed quickly.

   Lin Beichen violently shot.

   Sword Six-Shadow sudden cut.

   got close instantly.

   Many times, Lin Beichen prefers to use Jianliu as a close-in skill.

   "Looking for death."

   Pan sentimentally sneered.

   He had already prepared.

   While drinking, the light of the Hao Sun flickered all over the body.

Gorgeous and amazing golden armor appeared in an instant, protecting the vitals of the whole body, the sun's divine power erupted unreservedly, and layers of violent and turbulent waves made Pan Duoqing's whole person instantly look like a sun **** of war, glorious Bright, unobtrusive, amazing.

   "Ignorant fanatic."

Pan Duoqing laughed wildly and shouted, [Haori Spear] held it in his hand, raised his hand and pierced it out, like a thousand rays of light bursting, blasted out a burst of air and thunder: "Dare to hurt people at the big banquet. , The sin is unforgivable, hahaha, I killed you today, and no one can say anything."


   [Fire Passion] and [Haori Spear] collided.

  The flames and sunlight continue to burst.

   The entire Zhetian Hall seemed to shake.

   Everyone all around backed away.

  Whether it is Jian Xiaoyao or Pan Duoqing, they are all super popular seed players in this time God's election contest. With their strength exploding, they are forceful and forceful. They are afraid of being involved in this battle that shouldn't break out.

   Weapon shakes.


  The figures of Lin Beichen and Pan Duoqing fluctuated at the same time.


   Lin Beichen offensively connected, Sword One to Sword Seven were continuously superimposed, and hundreds of swords were cut out in an instant.

   Inside the hall, the sword aura whistled, and the sword light came and went, as if the realm of swords descended instantly.

   "Hahaha, not enough, not enough, not enough."

   Pan passionately laughed loudly.

   The golden war spear in his hand waved, urging the "Zhanzhan Jiuge" of the Lieyang Protoss to use the magical combat skills.

  The sky is full of heavy spear shadows, and every blow seems to have the power to tear apart the space barrier.

   The front of the war spear was hard to regret Lin Beichen's swordsmanship, and it was not in the slightest.

   The figures of the two moved at high speeds, constantly changing positions, leaving a fading afterimage in the air.

   Boom boom boom.

   The terrifying roar and crackling sound continued. The power fluctuations in the hall set off gas explosions again and again, radiating in all directions.

  The audience walked back again.

   "The strength of these two people is really terrifying."

"Pan Duoqing is a God Realm arrogant cultivated by the Lieyang God Clan over the years. It is like Hao Nikkei, whose reputation is constantly skyrocketing. When I saw it today, it was indeed a well-deserved reputation. Far less than..."

   "What is the origin of Jian Xiaoyao, the Great Demon King who suddenly appeared, and why does it have such terrifying strength?"

   "These two people, I am afraid that it is difficult to distinguish Xuanzhen in one day and one night."

   Countless thoughts flashed in the eyes of the spectators.

  While they marveled at the strength of the two peers, they also sweated for Jian Xiaoyao.

   In the God Realm where the strong respects the law of the jungle, they are absolutely strong and must stand on the background of absolute crushing strength and absolute hugeness.

   Otherwise, the end will be miserable.

   And now it seems that Jian Xiaoyao is strong but strong, but it cannot crush Pan Duoqing.

   As for the background?

   seems to be too far apart.

   "Hahaha, Jian Xiaoyao, your performance makes me very disappointed."

   Pan passionately danced his war spears passionately, like the sun **** of war, with the power of the sun blooming, and he laughed wildly: "You don't keep trying to kill me? This strength is far from enough."

   Lin Beichen's sword power accelerated.

   Boom boom boom.

   is another dozen blows.

   Pan Duoqing was surging with golden light all over his body, and the golden blazing sun armor formed an absolute defense.

   Every blow of the war spear in his hand contains the power of stopping the battle, blocking the bombardment of [Fire's Passion].

   "Too weak, too weak, too weak, Jian Xiaoyao, you are too weak."

   Pan Duoqing continued laughing and mocking: "You can't break my defense at all with a sword like you..."

   The voice did not fall.

   "It's too weak, isn't it?"

  A smirk appeared on Lin Beichen's face.


   Left fist blasted out.

   This punch was very sudden.

   The fist was burning with flames.


   In the middle of Pan's passionate belly.

   Terrible power burst out instantly.


   Pan Duoqing was hit and bowed in an instant, and a mouthful of blood came out.


   The golden war spear fell to the ground.

  Pan’s passionate body bowed like dried shrimps, and blood couldn’t stop squirting from his mouth and nose...

   Click, click, click.

   Hao Sun God Armor also cracked.  , especially the plate armor on the abdomen, cracked directly into pieces, and pieces fell.

   Fierce battle, at this moment, suddenly press the pause button without warning.

   may even be the end button.

   The crowd onlookers didn't even react at the first time.

  发...what happened?

   Many people looked blank.


  The blood dripped from Pan Duoqing's mouth and nose and fell to the ground.

   "No... it's impossible, you..."

On the twisted and hideous face, the blood vessels bulging like small blue snakes, Pan Duo was emotionally affected by the supernatural power that had been completely dissipated by this punch in his body, struggling to raise his head in disbelief, looking at Lin Beichen, his voice hoarse: ...This punch...why...this power..."


   Lin Beichen's response was a slash with his leg raised.

   slammed a heel directly on Pan Duoqing's raised face and stomped his head on the ground.


   The white rock ground centered on Pan Duoqing's head, and a spider-web-like depression appeared.

   "Aren't you too weak?"

   Lin Beichen asked in a deep voice, "What about now?"

When    was speaking, on his left fist, a golden glove that perfectly blended the two completely different styles of ancient and delicate, was shining brightly.

  【Desolate God Gloves】.

  In that blow just now, Lin Beichen silently urged [Desolate God's Knuckles].

   really deserves to be a treasure given by the Lord God.

   was just a punch, and Pan Duoqing was beaten to a halt.

   "I will ask you again, betting on the **** stone, will you give it?"

   Lin Beichen bowed his head to ask.

   "You...cough cough cough... Kill me if you have a seed, do you dare?"

   Pan sentimental, rage and mad, grinning gritted teeth.

"Okay, you have a kind."

   Lin Beichen sneered.

   [Fire's Passion] The tip of the sword against Pan Duoqing's chest...

   violently exerted force.


   The blade really tore through the gap in Haori's golden armor, and pierced Pan Duoqing's chest bit by bit.

   "Stop it."

The Great God Ming Ruo on the side of   , at this time, finally shouted angrily and said: "Sword Xiaoyao, don't stop? Do you know what you are doing?"

   "You? Don't scare me."

   Lin Beichen turned his head and yelled: "I am a very courageous person. I don't need to be frightened. If your voice is too loud, I will shake my hand and stabbing the sword slightly, it will really kill this fool.


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