Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1135: Can actually download the film

This time, Ming Ruo dared not say one more word, and immediately sent the [Great Huang Xing Yi] secret policy to the sky.

   Lin Beichen took it in his hand, turned a few pages casually, and nodded in relief.

   I really couldn't understand.

  Any cheat book that cannot be understood is a good cheat book and a true cheat book.

   Just turn around and practice with a mobile phone.

   "You two, wait for me."

   Lin Beichen got the prize, and his anger disappeared a bit.

   "Go, brother."

   Lin Beichen beckoned to Fat Tiger.

   "Good... good... good... good."

   Fat Tiger touched his chubby belly, dragging the tail of the golden monitor lizard along.

   Karma Boom.

   The tail is broken.

  The golden monitor lizard looked at Fat Tiger with a dumbfounded look: "Squeaky."

   "Ok... OK, I... next... next time... lightly."

   Fat Tiger apologized.

   One person, one beast, reluctantly followed behind Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen walked a few steps, suddenly remembered something, turned around and pointed at Ming Ruo and Pan Duoqing, and said, "This matter is endless today. You will wait for me. Sooner or later I will find a chance to kill you two bastards."

   I have torn my face anyway, so I might as well put it to the end.

  Sure enough, Pan Duoqing and Ming Ruo both shivered when they heard this.

   If they were threatened by Jian Xiaoyao before today's big banquet, they would definitely not take it to heart.

   But at this time, there is really a sense of horror like a man restless on his back.

   Because Jian Xiaoyao really has this strength.

   Until Lin Beichen's figures disappeared into the distant night, Ming Ruo and Pan Duoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

   But looking at each other, it's hard to hide the fear in the eyes.

   The big banquet has progressed to such an extent, even if it is not over, it is almost the end.

  溟箬 did not say a word, and left for the first time.

   Pan Duoqing looked at the night, and his heart moved.

He seemed to be talking to himself, but his voice was clearly heard by people inside and outside the hall. He slowly said: "It turns out that he is a god, he has already obtained the position of god, and he is only relying on the power of a divine tool. , When I become a god, I will avenge this revenge."

   Everyone heard it, and their expressions were different.

   There are those who laugh secretly, there are those who disdain, but there are also those who sympathize.

   Pan's passion cannot be said to be not strong, it can only be said to be bad luck.

   I thought that among the popular characters, only Jian Xiaoyao was rootless, so I stepped on it.

  Who knew that this foot stepped on a nail and pierced the sole of the foot.


   However, with Jian Xiaoyao's combat skills that even Ming Ruo was beaten by the gods today, the loss of Pan's love to Jian Xiaoyao's hands is not an unacceptable thing. Instead, it'washed' him.

   Everyone closed their minds, and each turned around, preparing to leave.

at this time--


   A figure broke through the air.

   is actually a sword Xiaoyao who has gone and returned.

   "Where is Ming Ruo's dog stuff?"

   Lin Beichen hurriedly landed.

   "Brother dumb, he has left."

   The tavern girl hurriedly talked.

   "Huh? The dog runs so fast and has already gone...oh, what a pity."

   Lin Beichen beat his chest and feet.

   "What are you looking for under Ming Ruo Mian?"

   Xiangyan priest is curious and authentic.

   Lin Beichen said solemnly: "I saw that when the dog came, he was riding a good carriage. I want to borrow it for a few days. Who knows he runs so fast."

   Xiangyan priest: "..."

   Everyone: "..."


  Excuse me, is this ‘borrow’ you said serious?

   is serious?

Is    the one that does not need to be returned?

   Pan Duoqing heard the words, shuddered, held his breath, and muttered silently in his heart: I can’t see, I can’t see, I can’t see me...

   Fortunately, Lin Beichen didn't notice him, and left in a hurry.

   Now, Pan Duoqing no longer dared to say anything to save his face.

   He moved towards the place opposite to Lin Beichen for the first time, and hurriedly fled away.

This is the end of the big banquet.

   Everyone left.

  Someone came to the foot of Shenlian Peak and saw a strange thing.

   Outside the gate of the Golden Cave at the foot of the mountain [Shen Lianju], hundreds of people were squeezed in the dark, vying to watch the excitement.

   "What happened?"

   Huo Xie, the little boatman, leaned over and asked.

   "Don't you know? God loves Curie, four oirans have passed out."

   Onlookers watched the masses Jiadao.

   "Who is so bold to make trouble in Shenlianju?"

   Huo Xie asked.

   "The trouble? You don't know? It's Mr. Lu from the Suzaku family and Mr. Mori from the Aoki sacred line. They are testing their waist strength inside." The crowd Yi said with great interest.

   "Compare waist strength?"

   Huo Xie looked surprised.

   The boatman doesn't quite understand this.

"Yes, it has lasted for seven hours, even if it is a god, I guess the waist is broken. As a result, the oiran passed out four, but these two people did not admit defeat and claimed to be fighting until dawn..." The crowd said.

   "So strong waist strength."

   Huo Xie suddenly squeezed in and said, "I want to watch too."

  He usually rowed wormwood in the underground river, and he emphasized the unity of waist and horse, and waist strength is very important. To be able to overcome all obstacles in the God’s Selection Contest, defeat so many dialogues with a bamboo wormwood, rely on the waist strength trained by the wormwood rowing, and the strength of the waist and abdomen core, I haven’t encountered an opponent yet. Hearing such a'grand event', I suddenly couldn't bear it, and wanted to observe and learn.



  On the way back, Lin Beichen and Fat Tiger parted.

   The golden monitor lizard chose to follow Fat Tiger.

   This person and beast get along very well.

   Lin Beichen is also happy to see it happen.

   After all, he is a dedicated person, and cannot have lizards and forget the rats.

   Back to Xiaofushan mansion, the young woman Qinglei is no longer.

   left a message, saying that he was going to follow Master Wugui the magician to practice.

   Before I left, I left the laundry and cooked meals in the bedroom.

   Lin Beichen was not hungry, and went straight back to the quiet room to retreat.

  This is his habit. After every battle, he must calm down and reflect on it.

   Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Lin Beichen took out the [Hem of Immortality] and [Gloves of Desolate God] and placed them in front of him.

   "It seems that the materials are exactly the same."

   "Does this helmet and gloves belong to the same armor?"

   "But why one is called [Hem of Immortality] and the other is [Desolate Gloves]?"

   Lin Beichen is very curious.

   When he fought against the mingruo today, he noticed that the helmet and the glove can resonate and increase each other's power. If it is not a set of armor, it is unreasonable.

   After observing for a long time, Lin Beichen decided to put both things away.

  【Baidu Netdisk】The storage space is already small.

   And artifact-level items take up a lot of space.

   "Wait, if I remember correctly, the mobile phone [Xunlei] APP actually has a cloud disk, which can store things."

   Lin Beichen suddenly remembered [Xunlei] who had been beaten into the cold palace by him since downloading it.

   hurriedly clicked on the [Xunlei] APP on the phone.

   Sure enough, at the bottom of the APP interface, I saw the word [Cloud Disk].


   should be able to store items.

   Lin Beichen tried to deposit all the helmet and gloves in it.

  The deposit process is very smooth.

   appeared unexpectedly after the storage was completed.

   "A downloadable video link is detected, please use [Xunlei] to download?

   A question box in the APP program jumped out directly.


   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   can download the film?


There is one more.

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