Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1147: Lin Beichen arrived

"what's going on?"

   The five Qianlong people are a little bit out of their heads.

   Hit when you come up?

   One wants to fight, so that one does not resist at all?


   In a blink of an eye, it was already several whips down.

   Chu Hen's back was **** and blood flowed.

   "Stop it."

   Shi dared to drink, and went up and grabbed the leader's wrist, and said, "What's the matter? Why hit people?"

The captain looked fierce and looked at Shi Gan when he was dressed in good manners. He was not a slave to the people of God, and his tone was calmer. He said: "This is the rule in the mine. [Sin Road] must be whipped three times a day, one each time. Hundred whip...Who are you?"

   There are such rules?

   Shi Gan Dang and others looked at each other.

   They are in the light and their status is respected. Even though they have been in contact with some criminals on weekdays, they have never seen such a method of torturing criminals in a dark mine.

   "What kind of rule is this?"

   Lu Bing said steadily: "Go away, I'm asking questions, go away first."

  What kind of status is he, he doesn't pay attention to the patrol captain of the family of a lower **** at all.

"you guys……"

   The captain looked hesitantly, and said: "Who are you? Dare to control my Yunying crown..."


   A slap in the face was loud.

   The ferocious short captain was drawn and turned around in circles.

Guan Ruofei retracted his palm, then took out a white towel and wiped his hands with a look of disgust, showing the unreasonable unreasonableness of the God Realm to the fullest, and said: "What are you worthy of asking our name? Go, don't go, go straight Kill you."

   Half of Captain's face was swollen into a pig's head, he staggered back, his eyes flashed with resentment, and he didn't dare to say anything. He took the other executioners and turned around and ran...

   ran far, and said loudly: "Where did the wild dog come from, dare to make trouble in the wait."

   and then accelerate to leave.

   Guan Ruofei and others turned to look at Chu Hen again.

   The injury of the latter's back, as the flesh and blood squirmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, it completely recovered in an instant-this degree of injury would not leave any scars at all, just the pain and humiliation during the torture.

   "With your current reputation, God Yunying still treats you this way, even a small running dog dares to whip you... Are you still willing to leave here?"

   Qianlong couldn't help asking loudly.

   "What does it matter to you?"

   Chu Hen's expression was indifferent and indifferent: "Several people, please go back, this is not the place for your family members to stay."

   I finally said a few more words this time.

Mu Linsen didn’t believe in evil and said: “Did the **** Yunying threaten you by any means? Or do you have some unspeakable concealment? Don’t worry, I am the son of the thousand-year-old family of the Aoki God family. He is a member of the Flame Lord God family, and He, the golden reindeer family... are all big powers in the city of God, as long as you ask, we can find a way to help you solve it..."

   The voice did not fall.

   Chu Hen has already turned around and left.

   The five great dandies looked at each other.

   This is strange.

   Is this [Sin Road] a masochist?

   Must stay here to be abused?

   has already said this, he shouldn't believe in the energy of himself and others.

   "It seems that the boss will be disappointed this time."

   "Yes, this [Sin Road] is harder than the stone in the pit, it can't be done..."

   "Maybe only the boss is here."

   "It's useless for the boss to come in person. The five of us can't handle it together, and the boss has nothing to do."

   "Yes, the boss is very good at dealing with women, but it's a lot worse for us to be men..."

   "Yes, it's really impossible for the boss to be a man."

   A few dudes discussed quite authentically. ’

  Shi Gandang suddenly remembered something, and said weakly on the side, saying, "But the boss has gotten some of our best men."

   The other four people were silent for a moment.

   Then all turned around, pressed Shi Gandang and hit him.

   After a while, the ferocious dwarf captain went and returned.

   also stood in front of him a shirtless **** warrior who also wore a black vest of thorns.

   is a head taller than the execution squad leader, but he is also considered to be a dwarf rank, muscular, like steel infusion, full of power and oppression.

   "Several guests, why interrupt my family's execution?"

This person held a dark red magic card in his hand and said, "I know that you are all young masters with great abilities. I don’t want to do anything with you. Upon my clan’s order, I invite all guests to watch from the sidelines. Don't disturb the normal execution."

  God card blooms and makes his debut.

   The expressions of the five big boys changed all at once.

   Although they are the sons of a family with a thousand-year-old family, they are not gods. In front of this kind of magic card that contains the coercion of Yunying God, they suddenly feel suppressed and feel uncomfortable everywhere.

   "Continue execution."

   The shirtless **** warrior sunk himself.

   The execution captain sneered and glanced at the five great dudes, and immediately shouted: "[Sin Road], are you dead inside? You still have to come out to be tortured."

   Chu Hen's figure walked out slowly again.

   He didn't say a word, wrote down the torn robe, and turned around to reveal the muscular and hardcovered junior...

   "How dare you be able to cure injuries?"

   The execution captain sneered fiercely, and said: "The dog kills the talent, it's really looking for death, the few whips just now don't count, count again, double the caning..."

   said, his wrist flicked.


   With a metal spiked whip, he threw an afterimage in the air, burst the air, and yanked it towards Chu Hen's back...

   Qianlong wanted to stop them, but the shirtless **** warrior urged the power of the magic card to keep them in place.

   Seeing that the whip shadow is about to fall on Chu Hen's back...


   A sword light flashed.

   Silver light broke through the dim air of the underground mine world.

   is like a sudden light in the darkness.



   "My hand, my hand..."

   The chunky and fierce execution captain clutched his right arm and screamed in disbelief.

   His elbow-holding forearm was chopped off along with his hand, blood spurted wildly, and fell to the ground.

   A figure with a black robe and animal mask, like a ghost, appeared at the door of the cave courtyard.


   Qianlong cheered.

   The other boys were also excited.

  The boss finally arrived.

   finally resolved the opponent felt here.

   Although I don’t know who the opponent is to be solved by the boss, it doesn’t matter.

   Lin Beichen nodded to a few dandies, and his eyes fell on the middle-aged man with his upper body in front of him.

   And Chu Hen turned around slowly, looked at the screaming execution captain, and then at a few other people, frowning, and said: "It's really're done, I'll come out again."

   said, turned around and entered the mine wall cave.

   "Hey? Wait."

   Lin Beichen is about to chase in.

  At this time——


   The shirtless **** warrior holding the **** card, roared in rage, took off the huge hammer behind his back, turned into a black light, and instantly attacked Lin Beichen behind him, before slamming the hammer out.

   Murderous intent is overwhelming.


The second is more.

Take a lunch break

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