Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1152: Forcing me to do a trick

This giant hand of magma is so similar to the giant hand that tore through the void that day and grabbed Flowing Water City directly to the God Realm.

   Seeing it, it was like a nightmare repeating that day.

   The anger and hatred in the hearts of the two suddenly burst.

   More than 800,000 people died directly or indirectly under such a giant hand.

   Chu Hen was angry, his hands clenched tightly, and his beard swelled.

   "Go ahead."

   Qianlong came over and pulled him.

   "Leave the boss alone, he can stand it."

   "We are cumbersome to stay."

   Mu Linsen and several dandies drag Chu Hen and Dai Zichun with their heads scurrying.


   Chu Hen was sober in an instant, and said: "You guys make a lot of sense...Run."

   He turned around and ran.

   After all, at a critical moment, you must believe in your own brother.

   That stinky boy, since he decided to stay and cut off, there must be some reversal method. When he was in the host Zhenzhou, he did miracles time and time again.

   This time it is also comparable...


   There was a loud roar from behind.

   The earth trembled violently.

  The horrible air wave will lift off the few people who are on the run.

   Chu Hen looked back.

   Lin Beichen has been slapped directly on the ground by the giant magma hand, as if holding down a flying ant.


   The eyes of Chu Hen and others almost protruded.

   The picture magnified at the giant hand just now is very passionate and majestic, but in a blink of an eye...

   The contrast is too sharp.

The giant magma hand slapped Lin Beichen on the ground and held it, pinching half of his body, and then the heat subsided. The magma quickly condensed and turned into a five-finger-shaped hill, firmly holding Lin Beichen's lower body. The seal is in it, and a pair of arms and a head are exposed from the outside...


   Lin Beichen looked dumbfounded and shouted: "I don't want to wear a golden hoop, I don't want to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures."

  Chu Hen looked at each other, and they didn't know what Lin Beichen was thinking about.

   Is it stupid to be slapped by the palm of [Ore Lord]?

  The next moment——


At the entrance of the mine behind   , countless figures rushed out.

   Among them is Yunying God with a big axe.

   "Sword Xiaoyao, your death date is up."

   Seeing Lin Beichen who was suppressed under the "Five Fingers Mountain" unable to move, Yunying's evil spirit rose from her heart, and she was angry with her gall, and rushed over with an axe.

   "Not good, protect the boss."

   Seeing this scene, Qianlong shouted, and immediately pushed with both arms, pushing Lu Bingwen and Mulinsen towards the'Five Finger Mountain', while he stepped back and said loudly, "I will cover and meet you from behind."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   Are you the **** teaser I invited?


  The sound of gold and iron clinking exploded.

   At the critical moment, Chu Hen's figure appeared in front of Lin Beichen, punching on the giant axe, splashing clusters of sparks, blocking the blow of the giant axe.

   Yunyingshen took two steps back.

   Chu Hen was shocked in his mouth and nose, and blood was faintly overflowing.

   High and low judgment.

   In fact, Chu Hen's strength is not weaker than Yunying God, but the coercion of the god's personality is extremely resisted by mortals. Under the fight, he was still injured.

   "You **** slave, how dare you stop me?"

   Yunying God was furious like thunder and raised his axe again.

   But at this moment, a black shadow flashed past.


   A burst of blood burst out from Yunyingshen's arm.


   Yunyingshen was suddenly shocked, and withdrew back.

   There seems to be a **** mouse running past?


  His body is made of Yunying Shenyan. It is hard and unmatched. It is impossible for ordinary soldiers to hurt the slightest. As a result, he was broken twice today, making Yunying's heart tremble.

   "Quickly, cut through the stone wall and save the young master."

   A voice rang in Chu Hen's ear.

   seems familiar.

   But I can't remember who it is.

   But I can't think of anything anymore.

   Chu Hen turned his head and started to take action.

The ten fingers of his hands creaked, and the beauty of the mechanical arm was reflected. The palm of his right arm turned into a'drill', and the palm of his left arm turned into a'dug bucket', facing the rock on top of Lin Beichen's head. Just drilled...

  Fuck me?

   Seeing this scene, Lin Dashao stared at his dog's eyes.

   Is this the shape of the Pegasus Meteor Arm after Lao Chu has been mining for so long?

   Isn't this the half year of studying in Lan Xiang?

   da da da da da da da...

   There was a burst of sparks.

  Fine crushed rocks splashed, like cement falling down.

   Lin Beichen only felt that his ears were about to be deafened.

   "No, it's too hard."

   Chu Hen quickly stopped.

   The'Five Finger Mountain' transformed by the giant magma hand is as hard as God's gold, and Chu Mark cannot be smashed at all for a while.


   Gong Gong’s voice is a bit rush.

   After he came to the God Realm, he evolved rapidly, but after all, he was not a god. He could only fight against Yunying God's great axe. After a long time, he was deterred by the coercion of the god's personality, and his speed gradually slowed down.

   There is a qualitative gap between ordinary family members, **** warriors, and gods, which cannot be made up by mere power.

   Lin Beichen burned his divine power, spurred the [Desolate God's Knuckles] and [Immortal Helm] to break free, but the "Five Finger Mountain" on his body was like a mountain of gods, which was hard to shake.

   Is this the power of one of the seven main war gods?

   As expected, he was far from being able to fight against the supernatural power level of his'War King' level.

   The situation is not good.

   More and more warriors of the Protoss, the lord of the ore, gushing from the exit of the underground mine like a dark tide, rushing towards Lin Beichen and others.

   "Kill them."

   "Don't let one go, kill them all."

   Yunyingshen wielded a battle axe higher than himself, and smashed the black shadow that Gong Gong had made with one axe, pointed at the suppressed Lin Beichen and others, and roared.

   "Damn, it's a big game this time."

   Qianlong brandished a long sword and fell into a bitter battle.

   He has a premonition of danger and instinct.

   told him instinctively that this time was a journey of ‘great wealth and noble’.

   And now, Gouri’s intuition keeps reminding him: You are dead.

   "I can't send the signal... I can't ask for help."

Lu Bingwen's complexion was anxious, and his body was bathed in flames. The phantom of the Vermillion Bird appeared behind him. The hot flame burst out. The two purple winged scimitars in his hand were obviously not ordinary soldiers. The flapping sound of the bird's wings is so strange.

   "Damn, I just want to know who pushed me just now."

   There was a green light on Mulinsen's head.

   It was the seed of a sacred tree, glowing with a breath of life. The green light turned his whole skin green, and it also shone the surrounding companions like green leeks.

  This kind of green light can continuously stimulate everyone's physical strength and energy, and burst out stronger power.

  At the same time, he spread out with both hands, green seeds, thrown on the ground, and instantly turned into half-human green magic vines, wrapping up all the enemies that rushed over, and thorns pierced into the body to **** blood...

   This product turned out to be an auxiliary route.

   Guan Ruofei and Shi Gandang were also fighting desperately, protecting Lin Beichen behind them.

   Lin Beichen touched his head.

   "Damn, I hate this color."

   He vomited.

   At this time, there is another god-level existence under the command of [Ore Lord], who rushed from the mine to join the battle.

   The situation was instantly reversed.


   Gong Gong was beaten out of his real body and fell backward.

   Chu Hen was also shaken back again and again.

   The five great dandies were wounded on each body, dripping with blood...

   "Sword Xiaoyao, you shouldn't dare to come to my mine to make trouble..."

God Yun Ying waved his battle axe, surging with endless killing intent, and his eyes were bloodshot, with undisguised hatred and viciousness, and he killed Lin Beichen: "Now, you are going to die in my hands, I didn't expect Right, hahaha... kill."

   The battle axe cut down mercilessly.

   "You are forcing me to play tricks."

   Lin Beichen snorted coldly, then shouted: "Help."


   Yunyingshen’s battle axe suddenly froze in the air, unable to fall a bit.

  In the distance, a rather helpless voice sounded: "Why do you always cause me trouble?"


Second, continue to ask for a double monthly pass.

Thank you Wuye Xing Xing, the little black fan of the knife, Cong Cong that year 97, Lao Na is your uncle, the star of the knife alliance, the swordman of Beichen, the king of Edong, Fengtian Xiaoyao, I am the most handsome, your cat went out and was picked up by me, Iamterrorist, Lan Xiaopang, and Xiaoyu Uji for their rewards, thanks to the leader of Meow Meow for their rewards. Actually, [Your cat was picked up by me when I went out] Big, there really is a cat in my house

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