Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1156: Villain comes

Jiang Mansion.

   The trees are bleak and the wind is rushing.

   "Master, Xiaobai, she... is she okay?"

   Madam Jiang looked at the tightly closed door, with a worried expression on her face.

Jiang Jiuhe said: "No matter what, she finally saved her life. Sooner or later, I can figure it out. Alas...This is also the luck of my Jiang family. Madam, if you are really worried, just look at Xiaobai here. If you want to dismiss the family and sell the mansion for your husband, you will have to suffer for your husband in the future."

   "Master, if you don't dismiss the family, if you don't take part in this mansion, can't you?"

   Madam Jiang asked with a pained and unwilling look.

   She still has a trace of luck.

   I don't want to have everything in front of me, but it turns into a cloud of smoke.

"No way, in order to save Xiaobai in the God’s Choice contest, I have dedicated the property rights of [Rose God Seed] and'Rose Medicine Garden’ to God God. Without God Seed and Medicine Garden, the family industry will be no longer available. It’s hard to support, raising so many servants, living in such a large mansion, plus a few branches and blood sucking from the vassal family. Sooner or later, the wealth accumulated by my Jiang family for thousands of years will be lost. Sooner or later, the time will come. , It’s hard to climb to the sky if you want to make a comeback."

   Jiang Jiuhe said this in a tragic tone.

  Mrs. Jiang trembled: "Master, those friends in your daily life, they..."

"Madam, no one asks the poor in the busy city. The rich has distant relatives in the mountains. Now that the Jiang family is losing power, how many sincerity can those friends of the past have? If you don't rush to take a few bites, it's considered the best, don't embarrass others. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Jiuhe shook his wife's hand and said guiltily: "Speaking of it, I am incompetent, and the cultivation base is stagnant. Instead, it depends on the child, Xiaobai, to support the family alone, and the Jiang family has come to today step by step. ...Now that the family is falling apart, in the future, I am afraid it will be the hard wife."


  Mrs. Jiang was in tears, and she regretted it and said: "Blame me, blame me for spoiling Lin'er, blame me for being domineering, blame me for shortsightedness...Master, don't worry, I will definitely change..."

   She is really repentant now.

   I used to think that the Jiang family was on the top. Who knew that a contest for the selection of Gods could make a situation that was thought to be cooked with oil and fire to go down directly?

   Looking back on the past, Jiang Fu found himself stupid.

   The spoiling of the little daughter, the dissatisfaction with the husband, the accusation of the eldest daughter...Everyone is working hard to support this family, but she has been making trouble and causing trouble.

   "Madam, don't worry, our Jiang family will surely rise again."

Jiang Jiuhe held his wife's hand, patted the back of his hand lightly, and said: "This time, I asked God God to make a move. It seems to have paid a painful price, but in fact, it has preserved the greatest wealth and heritage of my Jiang family, and also We can take the opportunity to get rid of those branches and vassals, and go into battle lightly...For us, it is a great opportunity to break and stand up."

  Ms. Jiang said: "You mean...Xiao Bai?"

   "Not bad."    Jiang Jiuhe suddenly surged in pride, and said, "Xiaobai's talent is the strongest in the Jiang family's history. As long as she survives this level and goes one step further, at that time, we can make a comeback."

   "However, Xiaobai's injury..."

  Mrs. Jiang was extremely worried.

   Jiang Jiuhe looked at the closed door of the room and said, "Believe in Xiaobai, whether it is talent or mind, she is a true genius."



   Xiaofushan Mansion.

   Qing Lei, who has come to practice time again, is not there.

   Several big men ate and drank, very lively.


   Qianlong exclaimed: "Boss, you mean, that [Rose of Light] Jiang Ruobai did not die in battle?"

   "Well, she was seriously injured and was sent away by a divine light."

   Lin Beichen said: "In that battle, it was automatically judged that I had won...I am also very surprised. Didn't it mean that the God's Choice contest must be divided into life and death? Why did such a thing happen?"

   Qianlong said: "Only the existence of the Great Desolate God Clan's main **** level can save the players on the ancient bridge of the crying abyss... I just don't know, which main **** made this time."

   "Hey, it's simple, you will know by inquiring."

   Mu Linsen immediately started his family relationship.

   I got the answer in a moment.

   "It is the God of the Blue Lord."

Mulinsen gave the answer, saying: "It is Jiang Jiuhe, the Patriarch of the Jiang family, who enshrines two-thirds of the family property to the God God, as well as the exclusive resource [Rose God Seed] on which the Jiang family depends. The main god’s shot."

   Qianlong stayed in a daze: "So, isn't the Jiang family finished?"

   "On the surface, it is true."

Guan Ruofei said: "But using these resources to replace Jiang Ruobai's life, it cannot be said that it is a complete loss of business. You forget, Jiang Ruobai was once the number one warrior of the gods, and she was only twenty. year old."

   Shi dared to laugh and said, "So what, isn't it defeated by the boss? If it's stupid..."

   Lin Beichen made a murderous look.

   Shi Gandang suddenly retracted what he was about to say.

   Lin Beichen turned on the phone and clicked on ‘WIFI hotspot’.

After searching   , I first saw the signal value of Qianlong's five-frame full grid.

   Then I saw Mulinsen, Shi Gandang, Guan Ruofei, and Lu Bingwen, all of which were all upgraded to a five-segment signal value.

   It seems that today's trip to the underground mine has completely convinced these few dudes, and they have entered a category that can be trusted.

   "Little Dragon Dragon, hurry up and use the fastest speed to get the [Rock Wolf King] corpse and source of beasts. Don't believe in points, all will be exchanged for **** stones."

   Lin Beichen urged.   "Okay, boss, I'll do errands, don't worry."

   Qianlong patted his chest confidently.

  Lin Beichen thought for a while, and then said: "There are other corpses of the Rock Wolf clan, as well as all the high-level beast corpses and beast sources I have hunted during this time, I must quickly shoot them, and all of them will be exchanged for **** stones."

   Guan Ruofei is very economically savvy, and vaguely guessed what Lin Beichen meant, and said: "Boss, what do you mean, because of today's [Ore Lord]'s words of breaking the confession, the gods of the gods will increase?"

   Lin Beichen nodded, and said: "It's just such a premonition. If [Ore Lord] really dares to insist on cutting off the confession under the pressure of the Great Desolate Protoss, then the Divine Stone will definitely rise by a big wave in the short term."

   This is just a guess.

   I don’t know why, Lin Beichen always feels——

   God Realm seems to be in trouble.

   After some discussions, Lu Bingwen and others left with Qianlong.

"Big Brother Chu, Big Brother Dai, you first take a good rest, wait a few days, the limelight is over, our five brothers, take you to Shenlianju to relax and relax, I will treat you." Lu Bingwen is the most scumbag of the five big boys. One, before leaving, said enthusiastically that he would take Chu Hen and Dai Zichun to meet the world.

   After the five big boys left, the Xiaofushan Mansion finally calmed down.

   Lin Beichen and the two deceased finally met, and there were endless words.

  As soon as the years passed, Chu Hen and Dai Zichun didn't know what happened to the host Zhenzhou. Lin Beichen talked to them one by one, and they were shocked when they heard them.

  Who would have thought that in a short period of time, the Beihai Empire would have experienced such a dual-day change.

   They both fell silent when they heard that Han was worthy of his heroic death.

   Especially Chuhen.

  Han is worthy of being a student he has taken. He knows how good this young man is.

   The Han family can be said to be loyal and loyal.

   Han lived up to his grandfather and father, also died for the country.

   "In other words, although the situation in the empire is temporarily stable, but the surrounding environment is still perilous?" Chu Hen was a little worried.

   Wei Mingchen's rebellion and the skyrocketing status and status are definitely a huge threat to the Beihai Empire.

   "That Wei Mingchen has such a high hidden identity, wouldn't he also have contact with the God Realm?"

   Dai Zi is pure and delicate in mind and makes guesses.

   Lin Beichen nodded, and said: "I guessed that way, but after I arrived in the God Realm, I haven't found any clues yet, I'm going to..."

   The voice did not fall.


   There was a violent, violent knock on the door.

   "Open the door, open the door, open the door."

   "Open the door quickly."

   Someone slapped the mansion door vigorously, and his voice was extremely impatient.

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