Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1172: Biggest hole card

The mobile phone directly acts on Lin Beichen's sea of ​​consciousness through his mind, so even if he is closed and deprived of his five senses, he can still hear it.

Yes it is.

   Lin Beichen opened Baidu Navigation.

   I'm so stupid, really.

   I should have thought that [Baidu Navigation] is the best weapon to break the formation.

   I didn't think of it until this time.

   I still have too little experience against the battlefield division.

   Lin Beichen reflected in his heart.

   This Cang Jingkong is also an old yin, he will yin me as soon as he comes up.

   When I walked out of the battle, she must have foamed her limbs and twitched.

   Lin Beichen secretly swore viciously in his heart.

   At the same time, resisting the severe pain of being stabbed by the wind needle, follow the navigation of [Baidu Map].


   Right one.


  'S figure once again flickered in the white mist formation.

   The next moment, the distance from Cangjingkong was no more than three meters.

   The latter's [Wind Yin] magic knife once again slashed the afterimage of Lin Beichen left in place, and returned without success.

"how come?"

   Cang Jing Kong's heart shook wildly.

   At this time, Lin Beichen's footsteps stopped.

  Because in his mind, the feedback of the intelligent voice assistant to him is——

   "You have reached the target point, this navigation is over."

   He exploded with divine power, and the flames swept out.

   But it didn't have any effect.

   The formation is still there.

   also failed to kill the enemy.

   A drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

   is wrong.

   The formation has not yet gone out.

   I may have been extremely close to the opponent, but the effect of the formation is still continuing, my attack will still be teleported to an unknown direction, and Cang Jingkong will not be injured at all.

  RNM, refund.

   Lin Beichen has a big groove in his heart to vomit.

   Many times in the past life, this situation has also happened.

After the map navigates to the target point, it also leaves a sentence "You have reached the destination, the destination is on your right, this navigation is over", but you can't find the store or entrance you are looking for .

   I didn’t expect that after the mobile phone’s divine change, this map navigation is still so cheating?

   He just started the navigation after paying for the **** stone.

   What should I do next?

   The opponent is not far away.

   But I still can't perceive her.

   My five senses and intuition are all taken away by the seal.

   If you want to detect your opponent, it must be that the opponent's mental power fluctuates sharply...

   can let the mental power of a divine formation master fall, how easy is it to say?

How do we do this?

   Lin Beichen realized that his most dangerous moment had arrived.


   Cang Jingkong stood still, motionless. She stared at Lin Beichen with clear eyes, with a complicated expression.

   I have to admit that at this level, she really admires this young man who is called the Great Devil.

   fell into his own formation from the beginning, but he could still persist to this level.

  This person is really enchanting.

   How did he do it?

   has closed the six senses, and has been deprived of even directness.

   Can you step into the ‘gap’ of the formation movement?

   If it weren't for the superb self-cultivation of the Divine Formation Master, I'm afraid Cang Jingkong would be unable to control the fluctuations in his spiritual consciousness just now.

  Is there a flaw in my formation?

Where is   ?

   She couldn't help but start thinking subconsciously.



   "It must be because before the sixth sense was deprived, Jian Xiaoyao had a foreboding the ‘gap’ of the formation’s operation, so he escaped this blow."

   "It must be so."

  As a divine formation master, Cang Jingkong has never lacked wisdom.

   is different from the crude and ruthless **** warrior. The formation master and the magician are considered to be representatives of erudition and wisdom, so she quickly wanted to understand the ‘truth’.

   She is very careful to contain all her breath.

   Especially the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness.

  Because of this fluctuation, it is not within the five senses and the sixth sense.

  Once it overflows, even people who have sealed the five senses and intuition can perceive the perception. ‘

   Especially in the current situation, the opponent invaded three meters in front of him, which was a very delicate and dangerous distance for the Divine Formation Master Cang Jingkong.

   At this distance, the binding of the formation has reached an extremely weak level.

   What’s even more dangerous is that the ‘gap’ of the formation that Lin Beichen stepped on this time is precisely the most critical position of the [Chaos illusion maze] she has arranged, which is called the ‘inverted point’.

   At the ‘inverted point’, you can break through the concealment, teleportation and psychedelic of the formation, and really attack the formation master in the eye of the formation.

   Of course, the premise is that the position of the formation division can be detected.

   Jian Xiaoyao can detect his position?


   Even if he is in a ‘reverse point’, he can’t do this.

   Because he has been closed with five senses and intuition.

  Because the ‘inverted point’ is a fixed ‘gap’ in which the [Chaotic illusion maze] operates, and it is also the last ‘gap’.

  Because she won't give him a chance.

   Within a short period of three or four breaths, Cang Jingkong cleared his thoughts.

   She perfectly converges the fluctuations of her spirit and consciousness, and is about to urge her formation again, control the magical weapon [Feng Yin], and give her opponent the final blow...

   But at this moment, Lin Beichen suddenly spoke.

"you lose."

   He was covered in blood, but he was smiling.


   Cang Jingkong was startled.

   But she was just surprised, and she didn't spill any mental power and consciousness fluctuations.

   This level of language agitation will not play any role for a mature spiritual formation master.

   Lin Beichen could not hear, see, or perceive anything.

   But he believes his opponent is looking at him.

   He said again: "Do you know why you lost?"

   Cang Jingkong still maintained a perfect state of restraining his breath.

   However, she was also curious about what reason Jian Xiaoyao would give.

   "Because you are a woman."

   Lin Beichen said again.

   Cang Jingkong became more and more curious.

   Lin Beichen said: "As long as it is a woman, it is impossible to defeat me...because I am the dream of a trillion girls."

   said, he made a move.

   A simple movement without any power fluctuations.



   raised his hand and took off his flame pattern beast mask.

   An unparalleled face of a beautiful man appeared in Cang Jingkong's sight instantly.

When Lin Beichen spoke just now, she was aroused by curiosity, her eyes were always on Lin Beichen's body, so at the first time, she saw this face that she could never forget as long as she saw it. .

   What a handsome face is that.

   has the youthful beauty, middle-aged mature and unrestrained, and old age wisdom.

   Cang Jingkong has never seen a beautiful man.

   There are many gods in the God Realm, and they are known for their beauty and heroism.

   But she has never had a face, and can shake her heart fiercely in just one thousandth of an instant.

  At this moment, Cang Jingkong lost his mind.

Even as a destiny divine formation master, who has pride in self-cultivation, a heart that faces the formation is extremely tough, but at the moment when he sees that face, his mental power and consciousness are uncontrollably fluctuating. .

   "I caught you."

   Lin Beichen, who was waiting, caught the source of this fluctuation in an instant.

   Sword Six · Shadow Sudden Slash.

  The hand is the sword.

   broke through all obstacles in an instant, broke the defense directly, and arrived in front of Cang Jingkong.

   The **** palm pierced her chest directly.


   Cang Jingkong let out a low cry, stiffening.

   Lin Beichen flicked his hand, and contained Cang Jingkong's neck with his backhand.


  The neck of the **** array master was twisted.

   "I said, you lost."

   Lin Beichen's senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch are recovering quickly.

  In his blurred vision, he saw Cang Jingkong's face.

   The latter was surprised and shocked.

   Even if she was wounded by wearing her body, the strong vitality did not make her die on the spot.

   "I have to force me to use the biggest hole card."

   Lin Beichen blew the hair hanging down on his forehead, and said: "Now call Dad again to listen?"

at the same time.

   The giants of all parties who followed this battle looked dull.

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