Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1169: By mistake

Wait, plan?

   What plan did I talk to the dog goddess just now?

   Lin Beichen took a few steps before he reflected, with a dazed expression in his eyes.

   It seems that apart from talking about the gossip of the ‘Father of the Gods’, everything else just talked about it, and there was no detailed plan and steps of the gods at all.

   He rubbed his forehead helplessly.

   Forget it, let's talk about winning the finals first.

   When the time comes, Jian Xue Wuming should send the secret vault key of the father of the gods over, so he can only act by chance.

  He came out of the tavern, walked aimlessly on the street, thinking about things in his mind.

   Suddenly, a cry came from ahead.

   A faint smell of blood came.

   Lin Beichen looked up.

   I saw noisy shouts in the market ahead, and many civilians rushed out from the inside crying, apparently receiving a huge shock.

   "Go ahead."

   A middle-aged man with a beard mixed in the crowd, drinking loudly.

   He led his four companions and fled in the crowd.


   A light golden streamer came from behind.

   The golden javelin directly penetrated his left leg and nailed him to the ground.

   The bearded man let out a scream.

   "Leave me alone, hurry up."

   He gritted his teeth and shouted wildly.

   But how the four companions were willing to steal their lives alone, and turned around to draw the golden javelin. As a result, the four of them could not shake the javelin even with the strength of breastfeeding.

at the same time.

   More than a dozen warriors wearing the battle armor of the Sun Protoss, armed with long spears, rushed out of the market and surrounded the five people.

   step to step.

   Heavy footsteps sounded.

   The three-meter-tall giant Lieyang Protoss warlord slowly walked out of the market, beckoning, the golden javelin flew back and fell into his hand.

   "A few maggots, still want to escape from my Pan Sheng's eyelids?"

   There was a cruel light in his eyes.

   At this time, more Lieyang Protoss warriors drove all the crowds who had escaped from the market and gathered together.

   Someone who dared to resist was directly beheaded on the spot.

   The head is grunting on the ground.

   The blood is flowing in the ground and dirt.

   The people were so scared that they turned pale and gathered together.

   "Where is the ‘Shadow Man’ hiding?"

   Pan Sheng is like a giant spirit evil **** who controls life and death, his eyes are cold and cruel, staring at the five people on his cheeks, and slowly asking.

   There was a blood hole in the left thigh of Luo Che Hu, almost cut off his leg, his face was distorted in pain, but he gritted his teeth hard and didn't mean to answer at all.

"Do not say?"

   Pan Sheng laughed: "Do you know that the ‘Shadow Man’ murdered our gods and masters, the crime deserves a million deaths, and anyone who protects them is equally guilty... I can make you speak in any way, such as..."

   said, his fingers flicked.

   A golden light fell into the body of the beard.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

   Lin Hu suddenly trembled violently, let out a scream like a beast, and rolled back and forth directly on the ground, turning his eyes to the companion next to him, begging: "Kill me, hurry, kill me..."

   He suffered terrible pain.

   An unbearable color flashed in the eyes of a companion, a gleam in his palm, and a snowy arrow pierced towards the heart of the beard, trying to help the companion to get rid of it.


Puff puff.

   Three or four spears pierced his arm and thigh in an instant.

   He screamed and fell to the ground.

   "If I don't let you die, you can't die."

   Pan Sheng forced to ask: "I will tell you the whereabouts of the'Shadow Man', and I will give you a good time."

  , my nose, nose, tears, blue veins and bulging veins, painful limbs twitching, rolling in the mud, but even if I bite to death, I still don’t speak...

   The other three companions vibrated the power in the body together, wanting to blew themselves on the spot.

   But Pan Sheng just let out a cold snort.

   The three of them immediately lay on the ground with a thud without any resistance, their bones shattered...

"you guys……"

   What else Pan Sheng wants to say.

  At this time——

   A figure appeared in the field.

   is Lin Beichen.

   He slowly picked up the falling snow-colored arrow on the ground, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

   "Where did this arrow come from?"

   Young Master Lin looked at the hapless ghost who had been stabbed three times.

  At the same time, he released a divine power, dispelling the golden blazing sun divine power in the bearded man, and directly eliminating the power that suppressed the other three.

   The five people who had been tortured suddenly felt lightened, as if they had come from **** to heaven.

   Huohu panted, looking at Lin Beichen suspiciously.

   And at this moment--

   "Bold, the Lieyang Protoss is doing things, who are you, how dare"

   Seeing someone suddenly broke in, the **** general Pan Sheng was furious.

   But he didn't finish his sentence, but he suddenly recognized Lin Beichen's identity, and his face changed horribly with fright. His legs became weak and he stammered incoherently, and he couldn't even finish the rest of the words.

   Lin Beichen ignored him.

   He still looked at the five beards, showed the snow-colored arrow in his hand, and asked again: "Where does this arrow come from?"

   This time, he used a language that Pan Sheng and others could not understand.

   "My lord, you..."

   her beard and her eyes lit up, with a trace of luck in her heart, and said: "This is our own thing, and we...brought it from our hometown."

   The language of the host Shinshu.

  , to be precise, is the language of the host Shinshu Aurora Empire.

   Lin Beichen's heart shook wildly.

When he first saw this arrow, he was familiar with it. He recognized that it was the arrow shape shot by the royal family of the North Sea Empire, the old rival of the North Sea Empire, on the host Zhenzhou continent. Even the material was the same as the royal noble metal snowflake of the Aurora Empire. Gold is particularly similar.

   That's why I asked.

   I didn't expect this beard to speak the lower bounds.

   "You are from the Aurora Empire?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

  The eyes of the five people with their beards and beards burst out with amazing brilliance. They all got up together, bowed on their knees and saluted, and said, "Sir, we are from the Aurora Empire...sir, help."

   Although I don't know the person in front of me, what is his identity or status, but since he dares to act in front of the people of the Lieyang Protoss, he still speaks the language of the Aurora Empire, maybe he is his own.

   This is the only chance to survive.

   The five people banged their heads.

   Lin Beichen was shocked by the words of several people.

  Looking like this, it's not a long time for a few people to come to the God Realm.

   How did they come?

   Is it the same as what happened to Chu Hen?

   No, their situation seems to be much better than Chu Hen.

   Several questions flashed in his heart, and Lin Beichen turned to look at Pan Sheng.


   Pan Shenggang opened his mouth and said a word.


   A red and hot sword light flashed.

   His head shot up into the sky.

   The death feud with the Lieyang Protoss has long been forged, and Lin Beichen will not hesitate to take action.

   Pan Sheng's head flew by in the air, turning into a cloud of smoke and flying ashes.

   At the same time, his body also turned into black smoke and dispersed in the wind at the same time.


   "It's that big devil."

   "Run away."

  The warriors of the other Lieyang Protoss were also frightened instantly, turned around and fled, unable to hold the slightest will to fight.

   Lin Beichen did not kill anyone again.

   "You can go with me."

   Lin Beichen raised his hand in the five people's body, injected a gentle divine power, and healed their injuries-this kind of simple skin and flesh injuries did not require special treatment.

   The five people with the face and the beard came out of desperation, overjoyed.

   are obediently following behind Lin Beichen.

   Other people outside the market also fled and dispersed.

   The security environment in God City is getting worse and worse.

   People are in panic.

   During this period of time, the deaths and injuries of the battles in the city frequently appeared, and even the law enforcement team of the Great Desolate Protoss did not care much—even it was rumored that people from the Great Desolate Protoss were attacked and suffered casualties.

   Lin Beichen didn't say a word, and led the five people to a quiet place, then stopped and turned around to look at the five people.

   "Thank you sir for saving my life."

   Luojihu quickly thanked him again, with a humble attitude.

   "Do you know who I am?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "This... please forgive the little man for his clumsy eyes."

   "We are here for the first time..."

   "My lord, please show me down."

   Several people are also a little worried, picking up good things to say.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Very good.

   I don’t know who I am, so it’s easy to act.

   "I am the most trusted **** under the crown of the feather arrow god."

   Lin Beichen Road.

   "It turned out to be under the crown of a god."

   "Your loyal believer, pay homage to the crown."

   The five people on the face and beard were overjoyed upon hearing this.

   They have no doubt.

  Because Lin Beichen can recognize their identities from Xuejian, master the language of the Aurora Empire, and can also kill the gods of the Lieyang tribe and rescue them...

   All this, except for the gods under the crown of the great feather sword god, who else can do it? Who else is willing to do it?

   As for when there was such a male **** under the crown of the feather arrow god, why they had never heard of it in the mortal gods...They were selectively ignored.

   Lin Beichen sighed.

   Unfortunately, the **** of feather arrows is a woman.

   Otherwise, he will directly pretend to be the God of Feather Arrows.

   After all, it is a good idea to gain absolute trust.

   "When did you come to God Realm?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

   "Return to Mianxia, ​​we came to the God Realm two months ago." Luo Jihu knelt on the ground, respectfully and authentically.

   Two months ago?

   This is much later than Lao Chu and the others.

   Lin Beichen asked again: "How did it come?"

Li Hu hurriedly said: "The five of us are the generals of the imperial imperial shooting army. Two months ago, the brainless sword immortal forest Beichen of the Beihai Empire defeated the imperial shooting force. In order to track down the whereabouts of his friend Han Wei The empire forced the empire to continuously send masters to search for people in Falling Star Abyss. The five of us received the task of tracing people and went 10,000 meters under Falling Star Abyss. As a result, we accidentally lost our way, lost our way, and made a mistake. Below, he actually came to the God Realm..."

   He recounted what happened that day in detail.

   Lin Beichen was shocked.

   came to God Realm through Falling Star Abyss?

   This abyss is really extraordinary, it can connect to the realm of the gods.

   Then he was overjoyed again.

  Since a few people with a beard can come from Luoxingyuan to the God Realm, wouldn’t it be okay for Han to be worthy?

   The probability of Lao Han being alive has increased again.


On Saturday involuntary, everyone was merciful.

In addition, I will set off to Hangzhou tomorrow to participate in a training class of the Chinese Writers Association, the kind that cannot be pushed, so the update may be unstable.

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