"Huh? Can you capture?"

   Lin Beichen was overjoyed.

   He immediately summoned his phone and clicked on the [Capture Little Wonder] game app.

   A green virtual radar appeared on the screen.

   The radar is constantly scanning.

   is located in the west, showing the presence of ‘foreign objects’.

   This foreign object is just the ‘Little Wonder’ that can be captured.

   Lin Beichen subconsciously looked towards the west.

   under the flashlight, I saw a group of light that was rounder than Jian Xue's nameless buttocks in the grid of the "God Bookcase" in Zhengxi.

   It was a blue ball of light the size of a basketball.

   Inside the ball of light, there is a light and shadow figure with three heads and six arms sitting cross-legged.

   "It is the position of God."

   Jianxue namelessly whispered: "Hey, I didn't expect it, your perception is so sharp, only a little bit slower than me, and then I noticed the existence of this god."

   Lin Beichen: "..."

   Sister, would you like to point your face?

   You just didn't notice it at all.

   "What kind of **** is this?"

   Lin Beichen asked curiously.

Jian Xue said in namelessly: "The gods that can be dispersed here alone are not simple. From the appearance, they don't seem to belong to the Great Desolate Protoss and the other seven major war gods. The battle-type deity...Brother smelly, your luck is good. The first time you find a deity, you are a good product of excellent quality... However, I don't recommend that you accept this deity."


   Lin Beichen asked humbly.

   The dog goddess said: "Because you deserve better."

   Lin Beichen suddenly opened his eyebrows and smiled: "Thank you for considering me so much."

   Then he used the camera program in [Capture Little Wonder] to snap a picture of the blue god.

   "Ding Dong."

   "The capture was successful."

   "Congratulations to the players for successfully capturing the first "Little Wonder"."

   "You get 10 experience points."

   "You have leveled up, and you have received five assignable points. The current level is level 2."

   "No.1 Little Wonder is located in your'pet terrarium". After a period of training, the loyalty is above 60. No. 1 Wonder can be used for you. The current loyalty is 10..."

   "Your ‘pet breeding box’ can also hold 9 pets. By allocating points, the capacity of the contents can be increased."

   In an instant, dozens of in-game system information popped up.

   Sure enough, I saw the image of the three-headed six-armed **** position, and it appeared in the "pet breeding box" in the game.

   At the same time, the gods that were originally located in the [the bookcase of gods] in reality have completely disappeared.

   It was taken into the game.

   So, this [Capture Little Wonder] game APP, can actually collect gods?

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   "What did you just do?"

   Jianxue Wuming looked at Lin Beichen in surprise, and said, "Which **** did you choose? You are too anxious, you will regret it."

   Lin Beichen spread his hands and said: "If I said, I didn't choose it, but it was dead and wanting to follow me, do you believe it?"

   "I believe in your grandma's butt."

   "Hey? Don't talk dirty, pay attention to the quality of the gods."

   The two are noisy and continue to move forward.

   Jianxue Wuming did not further question.


   "A new captureable little wonder is detected, do you want to capture it?"

   The emotional voice of the smart voice assistant mini-machine rang in his mind.

Through the virtual radar of the [Capture Little Wonder] game APP, Lin Beichen quickly saw a red football-sized ball in the grid on the left front [The Bookcase of God's Position], with red light flowing inside, depicting a The phantom image of the three-headed dog beast burning with flames all over.

"The **** position of the flame **** system, the battle direction, the high god... Tsk tsk tsk, you were able to perceive this **** position again at a speed of one point and one breath later... However, it is still not recommended that you choose this **** position. , The flame-type beasts are still not worthy of you when they fight toward the gods."

   Jianxue Wuming arrogantly and professionally explained.

   Before she finished the explanation, Lin Beichen put the plane away.


   Only he can hear the shutter sound.

   There is another ‘Little Wonder’ in the ‘storage box’.

  At this time, the loyalty of No.1 Little Wonder has risen to 20.

   "This is simply a fool-like development game."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

   After capturing the No. 2 Little Wonder, the game account level was upgraded to level 3, and there were five more assignable points. Counting the previous five points, Lin Beichen accumulated ten points.

   He was not in a hurry to allocate points.   I'll take a look first.

   Jianxue Wuming looked at him with a dumbfounded look: "What are you doing? What are you doing? I have said not to choose this **** position, should you fart what I said?"

   "It's so rude."

   Lin Beichen said: "This time it still takes the initiative to follow me, I have no choice... Don't worry, next time, I will listen to you."

   ten minutes later.

"what are you doing?"

   "What the **** are you doing?"

   Jianxue stared at Lin Beichen in nameless death, and issued a soul torture.

   She saw that Lin Beichen once again picked off a **** position very casually.

"That’s how you chose five gods to cultivate [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue]? Do you know that the higher the grade of the **** you choose today, the [Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue] you will cultivate in the future? The stronger the five divine power attributes, the higher your upper limit?"

   The dog goddess looked sad and angry.

   Lin Beichen was a little moved.

   He decided to tell the truth.

"In fact, it's like this. I practiced a secret technique that can save multiple gods at the same time and bring them by my side." Lin Beichen looked 24K sincere, blinked his eyes, and said: "The three just now The position of God is not used for me...I have a bold plan. I wonder if you are not interested?"

   Jian Xue, who was in anger, stayed blank, rather cute, and said, "What bold plan?"

   "We swept away all the gods in this pantheon, and sold them for money. What do you think?"

   Lin Beichen's words are not surprising and endless.

   Jianxue Wuming imagined that kind of scene in his mind, and suddenly became excited: "I think it's good...but I said in advance that two and one will be added to five, and we are half of us."


   Of course Lin Beichen didn't do it.

   The two were noisy and continued to walk up.

   An hour later, Lin Beichen’s [Capture Little Wonders] system’s ‘pet breeding box’ has been upgraded to the upper limit of 80, which contains a full 68 ‘Little Wonders’.

   In other words, he has collected sixty-eight gods.


   If this is known by the Lord Lan and others, I am afraid it will be crazy.

   But this is just the beginning.


Give the new leader Biandu Gagagan.

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