Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1211: He succeeded?

"Master Sword, have you chosen your **** position?"

   Xiao Yu, who had been guarding the door of the Pantheon, came up immediately.

   Lin Beichen quietly returned the black key back, saying: "I have chosen it, you have worked hard, Lord Xiao."

   Haha, not only did I choose, but I also emptied it.

   But I am not greedy, and I have left you more than sixty gods.

   Don't thank me.

   "Don't dare to be."

   Xiao Yu turned sideways slightly, made a gesture of please, and respectfully said: "Since the adults have received the reward, please let me go to the'Rongshen Tower' to refine the gods and become gods completely."

   "Rongshen Tower?"

   Lin Beichen was startled.

   I haven't heard of it before.

Xiao Yu led the way and explained respectfully: "The Rongshen Tower is one of the three tallest buildings in the God City. It overlooks the Great Desolate God City. Its internal environment is special. With the help of its strength, it can integrate the gods in the fastest time. , Avoiding a lot of trouble."


   Lin Beichen understands.

   It turned out to be after-sales.

  Why don't you go and have a look, it's also great to integrate God's position in a short time.

   After a while.

   Under the leadership of Xiao Yu, Lin Beichen came to a towering round building.

   The round building is cylindrical, similar to the rural water tower seen by Lin Beichen in his previous life, but the height is unattainable by the previous scientific and technological civilization. It is a full kilometer high, and the top has the shape of a bunker.

   In addition to this Rongshen Tower, there is also a temple and a tower around it.

   Both are similar in height, which is equivalent to Rongshen Tower.

   is far beyond any other building.

   looks extremely conspicuous.

"Oh, the name of the temple is [Governing Hall], and it is the residence of the masters of the five main gods. The tower is called the Pagoda of Wind, and there is a'Daluo Star Micro Array' on it, so you can look at the scenery inside and outside of the entire God Realm. ...They and Rongshen Tower are the three tallest buildings in the Great Desolate God City, even better than the Pantheon."

   Xiao Yu noticed Lin Beichen's gaze and explained.

   In the ruling hall, now is the Lord of Lan, right?

   This man with the highest authority in the God Realm performed very strangely in the finals of the God's Choice Contest.

She sat and watched the God of Heaven colluding with the Lord of Lieyang, and watched [Heavenly Sword] behead the Lord God, and watched the Lord God behead the Lord God of Lieyang. As a result, the current balance of the God Realm must be broken... This is not a qualified archon Things to do.

  Lin Beichen's mind drifted past the beautiful figure and face of the Lord Lanzhu, as if it was already a phenomenon, this empress-like figure, who was standing at the top of the ruling hall at this time, had a pair of deep and noble eyes looking down.

   "My lord, please."

   Xiao Yu opened the gate of Rongshen Tower, respectfully and authentically.

   Lin Beichen suddenly forgot something at this time.

   When the dog goddess was there just now, I forgot to ask in detail about the godhead, the position of the god, and the condensing method of the **** ring behind the head.


   Look back and ask for an opportunity.

  He walked into the tower.

   In the center of the building, there is an automatic formation.

After three breaths, Lin Beichen was teleported to the top of the building.

   The landscape suddenly opens up.

   Standing on the smooth top platform like a mirror, you can catch the sight of all directions of the Great Desolate God City.

   The ruling hall not far away is also clearly visible.

   I can really see that at the guardrail of the main hall, there are two figures, one black and one blue, standing by the wind, graceful and graceful.

   And the [Guanfeng Tower] in the other direction was silent, in dead silence.

   Lin Beichen stood on the top of the Rongshen Building, and only felt that he was open-minded, the sky was small, overlooking the many beings of the God Realm, and there was also a feeling that was the same when he was in the host Zhenzhou, and when the top of the tree tower overlooks the city of Chaohui——

   All things in the world are in my hands.

   At this moment, his awe of the gods disappeared.

   Sit cross-legged.

  He started to think.

   According to the dog goddess Jianxue Wuming, if the five gods are refined, the [Five Qi Chao Yuan Jue] can be promoted to the degree of completion.

   This exercise is indeed the strongest among all the exercises he has now.

   Now he has the two gods of Sword Immortal and Desolate God, and he has mastered the two divine powers of Consciousness God Fire Realm and Concentration Wisdom Water Realm.

  You only need to choose two more three divine positions, and you can master the power of the other three auras among the five qi, the "Wandering Soul Wood Realm", "Wandering Earth Realm" and "Xuanpao Golden Realm".

   So the problem now is to choose the three strongest gods for refining among the many gods that have been obtained.

   Since the Rongshen Tower is conducive to refining the gods, it will simply refining all at once.

   after a while.

   He made a choice.

   He decided to take the lead in refining the position of the God of God.

   Cang is among the five main gods, controlling thunder and lightning and clouds, and is the strongest **** position among the seven hundred and twenty **** positions that Lin Beichen has mastered.

   He took out his mobile phone, opened the [Capture Little Wonder] game, and entered the "pet breeding box".

The loyalty of    Cang is 50.

   "It looks like I have to buy feed with krypton gold."

   Lin Beichen gritted his teeth and directly recharged 10,000 sacred stones and replaced them with 100,000,000 wonderful coins.

   After purchasing a hundred bags of ‘special pet feed’, there are still two-thirds of the magic coins left.

   feeds the ‘cang god’s position’ with ‘extra pet feed’.

   After half an hour, the loyalty of the "cang **** position" of the mother with milk is directly full.

   Lin Beichen took out the position of God from the game and tried to refine it.

   With the lessons learned from the previous refining and transforming the position of the gods, this time it can be said to be a familiar road.

   The power of the gold system in the cocoon of sealing power in the world of Dantian was attracted by the divine power of the Desolate God.

   The body felt like it was bursting in time. Heart-piercing pain came from every part of the limbs, every cell, and every pore.

Jian Xue Wuming said that the reason why the gods could not achieve dual gods is because the flesh, soul, and even fate can not bear the energy personality of the second god. Forcible integration will explode themselves, which is tantamount to self. Take extinction.

   Lin Beichen is now experiencing the feeling of being blown up for the third time.

   Fortunately, in the cocoon of dantian power, the separated golden power of profound energy began to work.



   fix it again.

   a full hour later.

  Lin Beichen gradually felt the pain, like a tide, slowly receding.

   A new power begins to be generated in the body.

  【Xuanpao Golden State】!




  Government Hall.

   "He really chose Cang's position."

The barefoot girl in black robes held her snow-white chin in her hands and looked at the Rongshen Tower in the distance. She could vaguely sense the divine power fluctuations coming from there, and snorted coldly: "It's really ambitious. Isn’t it just taking its place and becoming one of the five main gods of my Great Desolate God Race?"

Lord Lan, letting the night wind blow his face, said indifferently: "Someone will go and some will come. The pattern of the five main gods was set by the father of the gods himself. It is indispensable. Since Jian Xiaoyao can merge with the **** of Cang, then he is The new God of God."

The barefoot girl in the black robe bit her lip, and said, "Is the crown optimistic that he can successfully merge with the main **** level? Even I am not sure about the main **** level... this time, the big devil is afraid that he will not be able to steal the chicken. The eclipse has lost rice."

   "It's difficult, but..."

   The lord **** Lan just said halfway, suddenly his complexion changed, and on his majestic beautiful face, there was a look of extreme shock, staring at the Rongshen Tower in the distance, and said: "He...he succeeded?"


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