Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1316: I want your lives

Lin Beichen's gaze fell on the black-clothed old man.

   Gray hair, tall and thin, with a withered face.

   But the muscles of the body are exaggeratedly bulging, like the black iron of the root of a tree, full of explosive visual impact, as if it were the God of War.

   After a few glances, Lin Beichen had an uncontrollable thought in his mind—

  Blind this muscle in white.

   This old face doesn't match this muscle.

   "Boy, who are you?"

   The gray-haired old man's eyes were surprised.

   The injury on the right hand recovered extremely slowly, and the injury caused by the return of chaos to the vital energy, even he needed to take medicine to slowly recover.

   He raised his head and stared at Lin Beichen, his eyes were fierce and violent, like a wolf eager to fight.

   Lin Beichen also felt a little pressure.

   This gray-haired and withered King Kong exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

   Let's be polite first.

   So he raised his head elegant and easy-going and said: "You? Who cares who I am? Old man, you are so ugly, do you want to be the first bird? Your mother didn't tell you, don't run out to scare people when you are ugly?"


  Is the old man with gray hair and black clothes ever been ridiculed so much?

   He raised his hand and threw a punch.

   Lin Beichen's warning signs appeared, and he dodged for the first time.


   An invisible fist, almost reaching the extreme, blasted into the void with his ears.

   In the air 100 meters behind his head, the void barriers split like broken glass, and the void on this side collapsed into a large cobweb that could not be explained by Einstein and Newton.

   Lin Beichen only felt the buzzing in his ears.

   Someone seems to have shot his ears at close range.

   A wisp of slippery liquid rubbed his face and slipped off.

   There is a slight pain in the temple.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and wiped it.


is blood.


   His breathing thickened and he ran away on the spot.

   "Old clapper, how dare you destroy my face?"

   Lin Beichen turned into a flash of lightning, and the sword six used it, ignoring the space and distance, and came directly to the gray-haired and black-clothed old man, his sword shining like electricity, ruthlessly thrusting.

  The gray-haired and black-clothed old man had a solemn look in his eyes, and he didn't dare to meet the resistance with his proud King Kong body, dodge, counterattack, punch...


   Boxing is as strong as a dragon.


   Sword Qi is invisible.

   The danger level of the two fights, compared to any previous battle of Lin Beichen, has increased countless geometric dimensions.

   After twenty breaths, the scar on Lin Beichen's face slowly healed.

   This old clapper is definitely a stranger.

   Lin Beichen has a clear understanding in his heart.

   Although the opponent's moves are simple and not very subtle, but the power is so great, you can smash the void barriers when you raise your hands at will, causing the space to continue to collapse like a cobweb.

   This kind of punch is very weird.

   is not Xuan Qi.

   is not supernatural power.

   But it is extremely powerful.

   is only four or five levels inferior to his own chaotic return vitality.

   If I hit this old clapper in the front, the consequences would be terrible. At the very least, he would have to be scratched and healed not as easily as the previous injuries.

   People outside the sky, it's hard to deal with.

   Lin Beichen quickly made a judgment in his heart, thinking about the next strategy.

   can't delay here for too long.



   A violent burst of energy sounded from behind.

  The shattered sword feathers spattered.

   Lin Beichen saw a scene that made him distraught.

   The priest Qin was injured.

   She was attacked by someone.

   Bleeding in the blue sky, the beauty was flying with white hair, her figure flew back and faltered, two **** sword wings were torn off alive, held in the hands of a little black dwarf who was licking his lips and sneer...

   "I 艹&...%¥#"

   Lin Beichen uttered the forbidden words directly, no longer caring about fighting with the gray-haired and black-clothed old man, recklessly withdrew and retreated, approaching the priest Qin...

   "Want to go?"

   The gray-haired and black-clothed old man sneered and punched continuously.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

   The standard villain ghost cry like a night owl came from the mouth of the little black dwarf.

Like an evil and bloodthirsty bird, he stretched out his tongue to lick the blood on the broken sword wing, and then threw it away. He swooped down, drawing a black light in the void, and pounced on the priest Qin like hunting. .

   Although the priest Qin was not panicked.

   Silver long hair is flying like snow in the sky. She holds a sword of light, her face is cold, her beautiful eyes are as calm as an ancient lake of Xuanbing, she burns divine power, and makes a counterattack.

   But being attacked first, he is still at an absolute disadvantage.

   The situation is precarious.

   And Wei Mingchen, who was already on the verge of death, was almost left with a blood-sparkling skeleton by Ling Chi, but he escaped the catastrophe because of this, and was helped by the subordinates of the gods and demons, and withdrew from the battlefield.

   Lin Beichen was anxious.

  He was eager to get rid of several times to support the priest Qin, but the gray-haired and black-clothed old man followed him like a shadow, haunting him tightly...

   "Go on, old stuff."

   Lin Beichen was completely impatient.

   He urged [The Immortal King Suit] with all his strength, the chaos returned to his body, and the black-clothed old man swiped several punches from the front, and he was beaten to spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

   But also taking this opportunity, the silver sword in his hand cut off the opponent's other fist, and by the way, he stabbed a blood hole in his waist...

  The gray-haired and black-clothed old man retreated in pain.

   Lin Beichen took advantage of the situation and summoned the [No. 1 machine] and gave instructions to entangle the gray-haired and black-clothed old man...

   He turned around and cut out with a sword.

   Sword Six.

   Shadow suddenly cut.

   This move was regarded as a displacement skill by him. With a flash of light, he came to the black little dwarf in an instant, and he stabbed the sword...

   "Ghost boy, be careful..."

  The painful forehead was sweating and the black-clothed old man yelled: "This little thing holds the power of the five auras that do not belong to this world. It is definitely not an ordinary opponent."

   The voice did not fall.


   A series of sparks sputtered.

   "Green Crab, don't you **** say it earlier..."

   The little black dwarf ghost screamed and retreated.

I saw that he was wearing a pair of bizarre metal gloves in the palm of his hand, with blood overflowing. Obviously, he wanted a palm of the [Ghost Gloves] hard silver sword in the previous match, but it was infiltrated by the Chaos Returning Qi and took a small amount of blood. deficit.

   Lin Beichen forced the little dwarf back, not in love with war.

   He stepped back and reached the priest Qin's side. He stretched out his hand to embrace the beauty of Ruyu in his arms, holding the priest Qin, and instantly retreated to the bronze chariot a kilometer away.

   "How is the injury?"

   Lin Beichen looked eager.

   He also let go of his embrace, but instead of turning the chaos and returning vitality into the power of [Dingzhi Water Realm], he rushed into the body of the chief priest Qin frantically to heal her injuries.

   At the same time, several healing medicines have also emerged.

   "Take the medicine quickly."

   Lin Beichen urged.

Master Qin looked at the unconcealed concern and nervousness on this handsome face that was close at hand. The sorrow that was wrapped around his waist flashed away, and he didn't struggle strongly. He hummed, and said, "Don't worry. "

   Lin Beichen checked, and then released the Qin priest.

   After confirming that the main priest Qin's injury was under control, he breathed a sigh of relief and released his arm.

   Injuries caused by people outside the sky will not recover quickly.

   The Qin priest can no longer fight for a while.

   Although Mingchen Wei was rescued, the Guiyuan Chaos Qi in his body still remained. It was impossible to recover and heal. In addition to suffering from severe pain, sooner or later, it would be a death, which is not a cause for concern.

  The biggest obstacle is these two aliens.

   "You stay here and don't move, take care of your injuries, those two guys, leave it to me."

   Lin Beichen turned around and recalled the [first number machine].

   The metal statue silently appeared on the bronze carriage. On the burly metal body, it had been kicked out one by one with clear footprints and deep elbow prints.

   It can be seen that in the face of people outside the sky, it can't resist for long.

   The priest Qin nodded.

   Lin Beichen turned around, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the dwarf ghost boy and the gray-haired and black-clothed old man.

   "Death to Lao Tzu."

   His eyes were full of anger, and the roar shook the world: "I want your lives."


Second, there is more

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