Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1319: No hesitation

"Haha... it's kind of interesting."

Upon seeing this, Tian Gongzi casually appeared with a touch of contempt on the extremely ugly face: "The first-order energy and the second-order combat power are indeed much stronger than the two wastes around me, but it's all this time. Want to be a hero? You are too naive, just a little bug."

   He shook his five fingers abruptly, and his palms erupted.

   The terrifying suction instantly drew Lin Beichen, breaking his sword and destroying his balance. The next moment, Tian Gongzi’s palm almost touched Lin Beichen’s forehead...

   He wanted to pinch Lin Beichen's head like before.

   This is his favorite way to abuse the enemy.

   Almost all of his fingertips have touched Lin Beichen's hair.

   just at this very moment—

   "Throw thunder tactics."

   Lin Beichen raised his left hand.

   Something like white and gray suddenly spilled out.


   Tian Gongzi was caught off guard, he only felt that his eyes were gray, his face was raised, his eyes were fascinated, and he even sucked some into his mouth. There was a bitter feeling, and he broke his work...


  Jianxue Wuming, the "lime" given by the dog goddess, really can fascinate people outside the sky.

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   The air separates silently like water does not move.

  The moment Lin Beichen recovered his control, he appeared to the left of Tian Gongzi, the big silver sword was covered with Guiyuan chaotic energy like a ray of silver light, and he stabbed silently...


   Tian Gongzi was furious, and he vomited: "Jade phosphorus powder?"

   He didn't expect that this low-level creature would actually have something like ‘Jade Phosphor Powder’ that does not belong to this world, and he was caught off guard.

   But he reacted very quickly, he actually sensed this breathless sword for the first time, and his right hand passed through the left arm under the armpit and pinched the tip of the big silver sword...


   Lin Beichen only feels that the silver sword is like piercing the immortal gold and black iron, and it is difficult to get any more.

  Fuck, this grandson is so strong.

   He realized that it was not good, suddenly exerted his force, and drew his sword with his backhand.

   "Don't let go yet."

   Tian Gongzi snorted coldly, shaking his wrist.

  Lin Beichen suddenly felt terrifying power rushing like mountains and seas, and the bone of his right arm holding the sword was broken inch by inch in the sound of clacking clacking...

   The pain is like a tide.

   But more terrifying is the subsequent danger.

   Lin Beichen didn't hesitate to think, spread his five fingers, abandoning the big silver sword and retreat.

   Tian Gongzi burst out of blood in his eyes.

   He ran the'Dayan Blood Staining Technique', and his body exploded, and the white powder covering his upper body was shaken off.

   At the same time, luck is in hand.

   The **** glow on the ten fingers of both hands surged. He grasped the palm of the big silver sword to open and close and knead it, and in three or two strokes, this sharp weapon that could kill the gods was like rubbing the mud of white paper, directly into a ball of silver...

  My sword, my sword.

   Lin Beichen watched this scene, his eyelids jumped wildly.

   is so ugly and so strong.

   is completely beyond the power of this world.

   "Dididi...cannot complete the scan, unknown creature, it is recommended that the host stay away as soon as possible, and stay away as soon as possible..."

   A harsh warning sounded in my mind.

   The mobile phone ‘scan’ function finally ended the first scan at this time, but it turned out to be a series of scary blood red exclamation marks.

   Lin Beichen's heart sank instantly.

   The situation is heading for the worst.

   The last time this happened was when I was scanning the city lord Liang Yuandao before the mobile phone was upgraded.

   Later facts also proved that the seriousness of this situation appeared after scanning the mobile phone.

   That Liang Yuandao, the provincial governor of the province of wind and whispers, is one of the evil spirits from the outside world [Mirror Race Blood Demon]. His strength is extremely terrifying. He has been reincarnated in the blood pool countless times and once put Lin Beichen into despair...

   After the mobile phone was upgraded, I used the ‘scan’ function, and this did not happen again.

   Until I met this ugly man.


   Still quit?

   Rationally and madly reminded Lin Beichen: Run away.

   This kind of opponent, even if it is pulled into [Reincarnation Despair], it may not be defeated.

   But the emotional side is telling Lin Beichen that he can't escape, he has to find a way.

If you escape now, the entire host Zhenzhou Continent will be completely destroyed. The people you care about, former friends, classmates, teachers, and beautiful girls like flowers will also be refined and annihilated, and they will never be resurrected. , Never get the chance to make up again...

   Stay and fight for it, maybe there is still a chance?

  Time seems to freeze at this moment.

   Lin Beichen’s mind flashed thousands of thoughts frantically, and the two little men started fighting frantically, one said to stay, the other said to run away, their heads were beaten, broken, broken and disheveled...

   Then a thousandth of an instant later, a little man was beaten to death.

   He made a decision.

   "Big wife, hurry up."

   Lin Beichen looked back at the priest Qin.

   "Tell everyone, don't come here to find me, if... then try to escape to the gods."

   If he died here in battle, the matter is irreversible, maybe the God Realm can escape.

   As for the gods who were transported by him to the host Zhenzhou?

   Sorry, the operation made a mistake.

  Please ask for your blessings.

   He rushed towards Tian Gongzi without turning his head back.

   Just when he looked back, he suddenly realized something.

   A very important thing.

The so-called return to the earth has changed from an obsession that he thought he could never let go of to a dispensable idea, and the warmth, affection and friendship of the home he missed was what he cherished. These things, in this world called'Dongdao Zhenshu', the aura has been given back to itself several times in a silent manner.

   Many things, when you have them, you cannot feel the importance of them.

   But once you are facing the risk of losing it, when you have to make a choice, you will instantly realize its indispensable weight in your life.

   Love is so.

   Friendship is so.

   Many things in life are like this.

   If I came to the host province of Zhenshu for this moment, let me burn it once.

   Lin Beichen aimed at Tian Gongzi and directly opened [Reincarnation Despair].

   Guanghua flashed.

   Two people disappeared between heaven and earth at the same time.

   "Lin Beichen!"

   At this moment, the main priest Qin paled, and could no longer maintain the image of the iceberg beauty, exclaimed, and rushed over frantically.

   But he couldn't capture any breath of Lin Beichen.

   Silver is scattered, and her beautiful eyes are filled with unconcealed panic and anxiety.

   The aloft goddess, at this moment, has seven emotions and six desires, and she has never eaten the clouds of fireworks and fell into the mortal world of billowing red dust.

   She raised her eyes and looked around.

   I don’t see the boy.

   The gods and demons around rushed up.

   The Qin priest sacrificed the sword of light again.

  The silver sword light cut through the sky, and a **** and demon fell like rain.

   She did not leave as Lin Beichen said.

Because she knew that the reason Lin Beichen asked her to notify others to evacuate was just an excuse for her to leave. Those whom he cherished had now gone to various places in the mainland to destroy Que Long Pillars, and they could not be one by one in a short time. get in touch…

   Evacuate at this time, everyone has to die.

   The time limit cannot be allowed, and everyone has no option to withdraw.

   This is also the reason why Lin Beichen didn't choose to flee, but instead rushed towards Tian Gongzi like moths.

   The priest Qin swung his sword to cut the gods and demons, raised the sword of light high, and swooped down towards the nine-layer altar force field on the top of the holy mountain below.

   The sword broke through the sky.

   This is a blow that she condenses all the energy and energy in her body.

   She has no hesitation.

   Just like Lin Beichen, who had never hesitated before.

   As long as this formation hub is cut, everything still has a chance to be restored.

   The silver sword light broke through the sky, no one can stop it.

   until the loli girl wearing a white swordsman uniform, holding a rusty broken gun in her hand, blocked the trajectory of the sword.


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