Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1324: Crazy woman?

The two sneaky people were of course Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming who came here.

   Jianxue Wuming was finally fooled from the God Realm by Lin Beichen.

   The defense of the sacred mountain, the Great Desolate Temple has been in operation for thousands of years, layered on top of each other, with countless restrictions and enchantments, as well as various organs for defense, which can be said to be invincible.

   But Lin Beichen’s [Dingzhi Water Realm] is the best at simulation, helping Jian Xuewuming and himself to simulate the aura of the clergy of the Great Desolate Temple. The formations encountered along the way were barely obstructed, and they walked through layers of barrier light film.

   Navigate with [Baidu Map], avoiding all kinds of ancient mechanisms that can intercept the gods, and easily get into the interior of the holy mountain.

On the way, Lin Beichen looked at the opportunity and caught two bishop-level clergymen of the Great Wild Temple who seemed not to be of low status, and killed them directly. Then, they changed their faces with [Magic Camera], put on robes, and swaggered. Toward the top of the holy mountain.

   "You didn't lie to me, on the top of the sacred mountain, is there really a treasure from the heavens?"

   Along the way, Jianxue's nameless general was skeptical.

   She came for the treasure, otherwise how could she have come to Zhenzhou, the host country where birds don’t shit.

   "When did I lie to you?"

Lin Beichen made a vow and said: "On the top of this mountain, there really is a grandson who claims to be the son of Heaven. At first glance, he is the son of the rich family. There are countless treasures hidden in him. They are all treasures of the heavens. If you kill him, the treasure is all you. That’s right, you only need to divide a billion points."

   Jianxue Wuming's eyes lighted, and said: "Say okay first, if you lie to me, give me all your predecessor silver."

   "No problem, I guarantee with Chu Hen's head."

Lin Beichen patted his conscience and repeatedly assured him, and then calmly tentatively said: "By the way, that Tian Gongzi is extremely strong and claims to be the third-tier pinnacle. I don't know much about the cultivation realm of the outer world, can you handle it? "

"Tier 3? It's been a long time since I heard this term, hehehe, don't worry, there are 24 bloodline systems, no matter which one, Tier 3 is a trash fish... Although I only recovered one thousandth of my strength, But to deal with this kind of third-order miscellaneous fish, one look can be done."

   Jianxue Wuming is confident.

   Lin Beichen deliberately urged the general: "You won't say it nicely. When the time comes when the opponent is too strong, just turn around and run?" Sometimes the dog goddess is not very reliable.

Jian Xue Wuming felt that his credibility was being despised, and said angrily: "What kind of **** do you consider me? I am now completely invincible in the **** realm and the world. I am so powerful. If you don't believe me, I will stand here. This is an oath, if I lose to that godson by then, my virginity that has been preserved for hundreds of years will be ruined by you."

  呸, I think you are coveting the beauty of the first beautiful man in my **** realm.

   Young Master Lin slandered in his heart. "I can rest assured that."

   He pretended to breathe a long sigh of relief.

   As expected, the right medicine must be prescribed.

   The goddess of the dog saw the money opened and her head was simple, but she was completely stunned by the treasure. After some flickering, she finally worked hard.

   As for himself?

no way.

   The injury has not fully recovered.

   When the time comes, I can only shout cheering on one side.

   The two are pregnant with ghosts, and accelerate forward.

   After a stick of incense time.

   Seeing that it was about to reach the top of the sacred mountain, a deafening bell suddenly rang over the Mark Lagebao mountain range during the whole year of crouching.

   There was an urgent sound of chasing footsteps behind him.

what happened?

   Young Master Lin and the dog goddess looked at each other: Could it be discovered?

No way?

   Be exposed before leaving a teacher?

   "It is the bell of summoning, speed up, and call us to gather under the nine-story altar of God King Plaza on the top of the mountain."

   "Quick, run, don't waste time."

   All the clergymen on the holy mountain were running quickly behind them, shouting loudly to gather more companions as they ran.

   Lin Beichen and the dog goddess breathed a sigh of relief.

   It turned out to be like this.

   Good thing.

   Zhengchou went to the Ninth-Floor Altar without a valid reason, and now he can get caught in the crowd and fish.

   The two followed the crowd and ran wildly. After a while, they came to the square on the top of the holy mountain.

   A nine-story altar with a height of 100 meters is in front of me.

   At the same time, Lin Beichen also saw Tian Gongzi standing on the altar in front of the statue of God King.

   This ugly man is really here.

   Then don't blame me Lin someone closed the door and let the dog out.

  Lin Beichen turned his head and winked at Jian Xue Wuming, and turned his mouth in the direction of Tian Gongzi, silently indicating that this guy is full of treasures from outside the sky, you can let go of your hands and feet and go dry.

   Jianxue's nameless and beautiful face showed excitement.

   I will be able to go back in a while, just take advantage of this opportunity to make a robbery, gather some points and entangle, and return to the prehistoric world will not be too shabby.

   There is a trace of cruel expression in the eyes of this dog goddess, and she moves her robes skillfully, and she has to move...

   At this moment, Tian Gongzi, standing in front of the statue of the **** king, suddenly stretched out his hand to press on some strange mechanism above the nine-story altar.

   Zaza Zaza.

   The sound of the mechanism twisting sounded.

   Above the nine-story altar, on the 100-meter statue of the King of God, ray of brilliant silver light began to flicker and flow along the line of the clothing belt, and spread to the energy field above.


   The force field was stimulated, releasing an unparalleled horrible devouring suction power.




Panicked screams came from the mouths of more than 2,000 clergymen of the Great Wilderness Temple on the square. Many people did not respond, and were swallowed up by this suction all of the essence and energy of life, turning into a plume of flying ashes. In the air, only the clothes on the body fell and piled on the ground...

   In a blink of an eye, more than two thousand clergymen who were most loyal to the Great Desolate Temple were completely dead.

   They originally thought that what they were waiting for was a reward from the **** king, a reward for their previous loyalty performance, but who knew they were squeezed out of the last trace of surplus value and never looked down upon them.

   A number of people's shadows turned into fly ash.

   At the end, the two figures standing in a pile of clothes on the square without being affected by the power of swallowing were extremely conspicuous.

   is Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming.

   The two looked at each other, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

   was exposed in this way?

   This is really... hard to explain in a word.

   Tian Gongzi obviously noticed these two people too.

   Standing high on the nine-story altar, he looked down, his eyes flowed, and he stared at the two of them at once, the blood flickering in his mung bean-like eyes, which broke the [Magic Camera] disguise.

"Oh it's you?"

Tian Gongzi recognized Lin Beichen, and after a slight surprise, he burst into laughter: "It's great, you don't go on the road to heaven, there is no way to hell, you break in... Haha, then don't leave, here Let my formation be nourishment."

   Lin Beichen was fearless, quickly stepped back ten steps, and said: "Mianxia, ​​the opportunity is here, don't persuade, go, **** him."

   Jianxue Wuming did not pull across this time.

She pulled off the black **** robes that covered her path, walked forward quickly, took out a long black stick from her waist, patted the palm of her left hand lightly, and said with a grandiose grin: "hia~hia~hai~ Hia...You’re called Tian Gongzi, and honestly hand over all the treasures on your body, and then lie on the ground with your head in your hands, otherwise, your dog’s head will be blown up."

   Tian Gongzi's expression is slightly frozen.

   Where does this crazy woman come from?

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