Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1327: The organs are exhausted

It is the Lord God.

   Lan, Guo and others are really dumbfounded.

   They never dreamed that the person who appeared in front of them and was called the "mother of the gods" by Wei Mingchen turned out to be the **** of the gods.

   Among the five great gods of the Great Desolate God Race, this one blatantly helped the Sword God Temple and betrayed the father of the gods.

   "Everyone, we meet again."

  杳The Lord God gently held Wei Mingchen's hand, the joy and joy on his face was definitely not a fake.

   Her expression is like that of a little married woman.

   The brilliance of happiness cannot be concealed at all.

  Land Lord God and others are still trying to relieve themselves from the shock in their hearts.

   As everyone knows, the Lord God is, a woman who likes women. For countless years, she has never regarded men in the realm of God.

   Besides, she is the adopted daughter of the father of the gods.

   has now become the "mother of the gods"?

   This sudden change, like a level ten nuclear bomb blasted in their hearts, the shock wave almost overwhelmed their souls.

  杳The Lord God did not explain too much.

   Her wish for many years is finally fulfilled.

   A long, long time ago, she fell in love with the father of the gods. She was unable to extricate herself from her love, fell deep, and almost completely lost herself.

   It's a pity that she is an adopted daughter.

  The seniority is inappropriate.

   So this matter has never been made public.

   In the realm of the gods, no one knows this secret except the father of the gods.

   The reason why the rumor that I only like women, and that I only get close to women during the long years, is because I am worried that the father of the gods is unhappy.

   And now, she finally waited for this day.

  Everything can be made public.

   The father of the gods is already a reincarnated body, which is tantamount to giving up everything in the past for her, living again, cutting off all the past, and it can be regarded as a brand new life body.

   Her long years of hard waiting and unswerving love finally paid off.

   The moment Wei Mingchen publicly announced that she was the ‘mother of the gods’, she almost stunned happily—not because of this vacancy, but because she finally waited for his personal confession.

   The hall is quiet.

   After a while, Wei Mingchen said, "Yao'er has already dominated everything, the refining formation has been completed, and the spiritual accumulation of the mainland is now in Mu Xinyue's body, hehe..."

After a pause, he looked at the Lord God Yao with affection on his face, with a smile on his face, and continued: "Lin Beichen, incarnate as a sword, is violating the God Realm, and also colluded with the robbing mad woman. I thought it could turn the sky, but in fact it was just a stupid dog. It was in my grasp from beginning to end. Right now is our best opportunity. As long as I grasp it, I can take you out of here and go to the outer world. From now on The leaps and bounds of the fish, the sky is high and the birds fly..."



  In the energy field.

   "Hahaha, idiot."

Tian Gongzi stretched out his hand to pinch Mu Xinyue’s head, looked back at Lin Beichen, and said, "The little bug that has been used without knowing it, what are you fighting against Wei Mingchen? The formation you got, what do you call it? [Eight Wilderness Dragon Swallowing Birds Absolute Formation] The arrangement is just a bait thrown out to disperse your energy and time... The real devouring formation has now been completely completed, and the spiritual accumulation of the entire continent is in this woman's body …"

   He squeezed Mu Xinyue's head and held her in his hands.

   "My lord, do you really only take the spiritual accumulation without hurting me?"

   Mu Xinyue's body trembled because of fear, as if she wanted to resist but didn't dare, her bright eyes were filled with tears, and her clear eyes were pleading.

   This is a scene where I see pity.

   But Lin Beichen didn't see it at all.

   There was a thud in his head, as if his head exploded completely.

  杳Lord God?

   The problem lies with the Lord God.

   If what Tian Gongzi said was true, wouldn't it be... the entire continent, before a stick of incense, had been completely refined?


   Qianqian, Wang Zhong, Xiao Xiangxiang, Big Brother Dai, Chu Hen... They are all dead?

   Just like in the square outside, those two thousand clergymen who were completely swallowed and absorbed?

Do not.


   Lin Beichen didn't believe it.

   An unprecedented fear that drowned him like a vast ocean.

   is not afraid because of fear.

   but because of the loss to face.

   That was an absolutely unbearable parting in his life.

   "Don't be afraid, maybe he lied to you..." Jian Xue Wuming on one side finally felt keen once. Seeing that Lin Beichen's expression was wrong, he comforted him jerkily.

   Lin Beichen's divine power rolled and circulated turbulently, trying to break free from the shackles of this light...


The triumphant laughter of Tian Gongzizhi echoed in the entire force field. He held Mu Xinyue in his hand and said, "Grab the spiritual accumulation in your body, how can it not hurt you? You are a container, of course you have to break it. Only the container can take out the things stored in it..."

   His five fingers gradually exerted force, and he was about to squeeze Mu Xinyue's head.

   At this moment, deep in Mu Xinyue's eyes, a faintly hidden and ruthless color flashed away.

   Tian Gongzi's expression was suddenly startled.

   He found that something seemed to be wrong, the power in his body was out of control, and he followed the five fingers towards Mu Xinyue’s eyebrows...

what happened?

   He was shocked, doing his best, trying to block this suction.

   But the energy in the body is like a river bursting its bank, and it cannot be controlled at all, and it is pouring wildly into Mu Xinyue's body.


   The excitement in his heart was suddenly shattered, and he suddenly realized that there was a problem in one of the links, and the situation seemed to be beyond his control.

   Is this woman deliberately plotting against me?

  Sword Master's face, a trace of evil spirit surged.

"what happened?"

   Mu Xinyue’s face also showed a look of shock, and Chuchu pitifully explained: "My lord, you...I can't control it, is there a problem with this formation? You...don't kill me, okay?"

   Isn't it her problem?

   Young Master Sword hesitated in his heart.

   At this time, the devouring power from Mu Xinyue's body became more terrifying, and Tian Gongzi began to twitch slightly, and the loss of power in his body was faster.

   He started to be unable to move.

   Panic suddenly magnified in his mung bean eyes.

   After hesitating just now, he has lost control of his body.

   "My lord, are you okay?"

   "My lord, take your hand away, I can't control myself, I seem to be devouring your power?"

"grown ups?"

   Mu Xinyue burst into tears, her big eyes were full of innocence, and she seemed to be frightened.

   Jian Xue Wuming, who was bundled into rice dumplings, saw this scene and hurriedly whispered: "Something is wrong, your ex-girlfriend is slapped, it seems that we can save us..."

"Lucky hit?"

   Lin Beichen's expression was even more solemn: "That's because you don't know this woman."

"grown ups?"

   "My lord, you don't seem to be able to move anymore."

   "My lord, are you all right."

   "Sir, did you move?"

   "Hehehehe, sir, you seem to be dying. You want to break the container? I never thought about it. The container might count you and swallow you too."

   The panicked voice gradually became cold, and the expression on Mu Xinyue's face was no longer the pitiful before, but turned into a sinister sneer after a successful calculation.

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