Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1356: Terrible seals and weird cicada sounds

The energy stance slowly dissipated behind the three of them, as if a cloud of mist dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

   Then the three of them felt the power of a kind of seal at the same time, all over this piece of heaven and earth.

   The dust floating in front of my eyes is like a still picture, motionless in the air, and there are some gravel shots from previous battles, floating in the air like time is still.

   On the Sacred Mountain Square, the robes of the more than 2,000 priests who died were also completely still and motionless.

   There is not even a little wind around.

   Lin Beichen slowly raised his hand.

   The air is sticky, like semi-solidified glue.

   The priest Qin and Jian Xue Wuming must burn their supernatural powers before they can move around.

   "Who is so boring and sealed the entire holy mountain?"

   Jianxue Wuming carried the black stick, looked around, looked at the priest Qin, and said, "You did it?"

   The priest Qin slowly shook his head.

   Soon they discovered that it is not just the holy mountain, all the spaces within tens of thousands of miles are covered by this strange and terrifying sealing power.

   "Will the entire continent be sealed, right?"

Jian Xue Wuming was surprised: "This is not something that ordinary gods can do... By the way, brother smelly, haven't you refined the mainland's spiritual accumulation? Logically speaking, you should be able to clearly see the dynamics of the entire continent today. It will be."

   Lin Beichen has not yet fully learned to use the power of the mainland's spiritual accumulation to observe the host real continent.

   He closed his eyes and felt carefully.

  'S face is getting more and more surprised.

"You are really a crow's mouth. What you said is correct. It is true that everything has been sealed." He was shocked and said: "This kind of power is too terrifying, even if I get the mainland spirits now, I can do it. No more."

   The entire host land, Zhenzhou, has now entered a state of ‘stagnation’, as if the entire continent was suddenly pressed by the pause button.

   What kind of power is this capable of doing such an incredible thing.

   "My dear..."

   Jianxue Wuming was also taken aback: "Is this not the old dog Wei Mingchen's successor?"

   Even if it is like Tiangongzi, it may not be able to do such a thing.

   The strength of individual combat power and the sealing of the entire continent are two different things.

   Lin Beichen shook his head: "Wei Mingchen has disappeared, and his energy position has also disappeared. It is impossible for him to be his back hand...not to such an extent."

   The three looked at each other.

   The priest Qin thought a little bit, then suddenly said, "Maybe this is a good thing."

   Lin Beichen and Jian Xue Wuming both looked at her. Lord Qin resisted the power of the surrounding seals, saying: "The host Zhenzhou was refined by Wei Mingchen with a matrix of formations and swallowed all things. It is now in a barren and broken state, even if the matrix of formations has ceased to operate, but this The deterioration will continue for a period of time, until it completely collapses... But now it is suddenly sealed, leaving some remaining spiritual accumulation, but it gives us room for manipulation. Maybe we can find a way to reshape the host Zhenzhou."

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   is right.

   He immediately thought of those petrified fossil statues that were broken by Wei Mingchen through the projection screen.

  If the seal happened at that moment, maybe the stone statue hasn't completely shattered. In other words, I still have a chance to save these relatives and friends?

   As soon as he thought of this, Lin Beichen trembled with excitement.

   At this time, he had grasped the correct method of using the mainland's spiritual accumulation. With a thought, a strange force enveloped the three of them and disappeared directly in place.

   The next moment, they appeared above the gate of Chaohui Great City.

   Idea transmission.

   Lin Beichen, who has obtained the spirit of the mainland, can now accurately teleport to any place he is familiar with within a single thought.

   This kind of transmission can also bring people.

   On the wall of the city, the stone statues of Gao Shenghan, Ling Wu, Cui Hao, Cui Minggui and others stood quietly. There were indeed cracks on their bodies, but at the moment they were about to collapse and collapse, they were suppressed by the power of the seal.

   The last trace of life remaining in their bodies is thus preserved.

   Lin Beichen was ecstatic.

   is indeed the same as guessed.

   The seal happened in the next moment when Wei Mingchen was under the killer.

He took Jian Xue Wuming and the Lord Qin to send continuously, and inspected the stone statues of Chu Hen, Qianqian, Qianqian, Dai Zichun, Wang Xinyu, Mi Ruyan, Ye Weiyang, Ling Taixu and others in different places on the mainland. So it is.

   Every stone sculpture of a killer who was killed by a Wei Mingchen was completely collapsed in the instant that the money collapsed, and it was frozen and sealed.

   was able to save the last ray of life.

   "It seems that someone is helping you secretly."

   Jianxue Wuming came to the conclusion with great certainty.

   The priest Qin also agreed with this conclusion.

   But there are too few people who can do this.

Do not.

   It can't be said too little, it should be said that there is no at all-at least all the top powerhouses in the God Realm and the host Zhenzhou are not capable of doing this.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved, could it be that mysterious person?

  If it were him, maybe it could really seal the entire continent—after all, he could even enter the space of [Reincarnation Despair], and beating the deity was as easy as a father beating his son.  In the end, Lin Beichen did not move these stone statues that were about to be broken.

   He worried that any touch would destroy the power of the seal and cause these stone statues to collapse completely. There is really no way to recover.

   Lin Beichen's mood suddenly became brighter than ever before.

   This is undoubtedly the best ending.

  There is still a possibility of redemption.

   also retained the seeds of hope.

   He returned to Yunmeng City again and found that the civilians who were desperately guarded by Ye Weiyang were not petrified, but were still alive, but they were also under the seal, standing still, keeping their last posture...

   Different from the stone statues, the vitality in their bodies is vigorous, as long as the seal is over, they can instantly come back to life, just like pressing the ‘continue to play’ button on a TV screen.

that's nice.

   Ye Weiyang's dedication and protection have resulted in the best results.

   Lin Beichen teleported to several other big cities and the land camp of the sea clan.

   But in all cities where gods, strong men, and formations are trying their best to protect them, there are even a varying number of intelligent creatures that have survived.

  Lin Beichen's face gradually showed a smile.

   He was very excited, very pleased.

   Because his friends and relatives did not hesitate to pay for themselves, they were rewarded.

   This is the best medal for them.

   And then, it was his turn to take over their responsibilities and finish the rest of the road.

   Lin Beichen returned to Yunmeng City again.

   because he found something strange.

   "Got it-know it-know it..."

   The sound of cicadas suddenly came from the city. It was very clear, crisp and rhythmic.

   Jianxue Wuming and Master Qin's faces appeared shocked.

   Under the power of such a seal, the time of the entire continent has stalled, why can there be cicadas?

What kind of Zen is   , the cry can break the seal?

   The three followed the sound source to find.

   Finally, he came to the outside of a deep house compound.

   Lin Beichen was stunned.

   "This is Lin's House...Is it my home?"

   The strange and weird cicada sound came from the former Lin family compound, the sound was clear, and even a little musically beautiful.


Fourth, everyone rest early.

Tomorrow is the weekend, maybe four more, but I still want to ask for a monthly pass, thank you brothers and sisters

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