Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1360: Changes in the God Realm

Lin Beichen was surprised by everything that happened in the gods.

   Now in the entire God Realm, it seems that only he and Lord Qin are the ones who can walk with the power of the seal.

   The seal of [The Wheel of Eternity] is terrible.

   I am afraid that it is an ordinary main **** level existence, and he can't burn his divine power to walk, and he is firmly suppressed in place.

   After many years, he returned to the God Realm again, and the priest Qin was full of emotion.

   Back then, she resented and mad, spurned the gods, cut the blood and cut the bones to cut off the nurturing grace of the father of the gods, and came to the host Zhenzhou as a mortal, and never returned to the realm of the gods.

   But the God Realm is the place where she once lived, leaving behind many unforgettable memories, so she can't help but see things and think about people, open the door of memory, and think of countless dusty past events.

   "This is what Bai Xiaoxiao asked me to give you."

   The priest Qin took out a bone spear and said: "The little girl has repeatedly told me to give you this spear when I am alone with you, so that you can save it."

   Bone spear is as white as jade, about two meters long, with traces of artificial polishing on it, and has a delicate texture. It is the weapon that Bai Xiaoxiao carries with him. It used to accompany her to kill enemies and survive countless dangerous times.

Lin Beichen knew that Bai Xiaoxiao was interested in him. He thought it was a little thought she left behind, so that he could save it. He couldn't help thinking of the quirky and strange girl of the Baiyue clan, a hot-blooded ghost who dared to love and hate. A sigh.

   Yiren has passed away.

   He owes a favor to the family of the ruins world.

   "I want to go to the God Realm by myself."

   The priest Qin had a calm face, and his silver hair glowed like a heavenly river. He slowly walked towards the gate of the Xiaofushan mansion, and said, "Don't follow, just wait for me here."

   After speaking, he walked out of the door and disappeared.

   Lin Beichen can understand very well.

   If you let him return to Earth now, and find that the old relatives and friends of the past have disappeared in the long river of time and cannot be restored, I guess I want to find a place where no one wants to be quiet.

  Lin Beichen looked at Qing Lei who was sitting in the courtyard, with many questions in his heart.

  【Wheel of Eternity】Why is this supreme weapon in her hands?

   mostly has something to do with the old master Wugui.

   It's a pity that Wugui is now lying under the tombstone, and he doesn't know that his body is peaceful and uneasy.

   He had an urge to dig the grave to see if the old master was really lying in it?

   After all, this guy is the person of the Lord God, if he is here with the help of the Qinglei family to make a suspicion, and he is lurking elsewhere to do some shameful things, then he will be in big trouble.

   After experiencing the reversal and reversal after the battle with Wei Mingchen, Lin Beichen has become a bit of a senior conspiracy theorist, leaving some psychological shadows, and everyone is like a conspiracy.

  He is standing in front of the grave of the old master Wugui, and is about to dig the grave...


   A soft and sweet voice rang in the yard.

   Lin Beichen shuddered in shock, looked around, and said: "Who?" After asking, he suddenly felt that the voice was a bit familiar, isn't it the voice of the little lover Qing Lei?

   He looked at the stunning beauty floating cross-legged in the air in surprise.

   "It's me, Tatsuro."

   Qinglei's expression hasn't changed in any way, but it reveals a trace of familiar mental power, showing kindness.

   Can she release a trace of consciousness in the seal?

   Lin Beichen is overjoyed.

   can communicate, does it mean that you can know everything that is happening in the gods?

   But he still feels a little worried.

   then asked a few more private questions.

   "Is it really you? Xiaoqing? I've been calculated a bit cruel recently, so be careful, I want to test you..."

   "Let me ask you, what is my favorite posture? What is your favorite posture? Where are the three moles on your hips? How long have we been together for the longest time? Our first time..."

   Lin Beichen asked a lot of very private but irrelevant questions in one breath.

   Then he saw the little lover Qing Lei who was in the seal, her pretty face as white as jade was gradually dyed with a hint of blush, as bright as a burning cloud in the sky in the evening.

   Her voice remembered again.

   answered the previous question carefully.

   is not wrong at all.

   There are some details that he didn't even remember clearly.

   Lin Beichen finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening.

   It is certain that it is not someone pretending to Qinglei, or seizing the house to control Qinglei, because those memories are clear, but they are not important and will not be deliberately peeped.

   "What happened in the God Realm? And, Xiao Qingqing, why did you get the [Wheel of Eternity]?"

   Lin Beichen asked the most concerned question.

   Qinglei answered in detail.

   Lin Beichen was dumbfounded.

   Unexpectedly, the old **** master Wugui is so urinary, he can suppress the **** of the gods with one hand, and there is a wheel hidden in his body. So, the old **** master in the peak period, isn't the existence of almost invincible?

   And his identity is just a steward next to Xiaohuangshen.

   Lin Beichen suddenly felt that he had to re-evaluate Xiaohuangshen. Although this hapless man has always been the background board of the whole story, it is undeniable that many changes in the gods seem to be caused by him.

   I think of the little movie I downloaded in the [Xunlei] APP. Xiao Huang Shen was hunted down when he was a baby. Then his parents, I am afraid that they have a lot of background in the world.

From Qing Lei’s description, Lin Beichen learned that the “undercover” behavior of the Lord God almost caused An An and other little girls to fall into a catastrophe, but it seemed that there was a trace of induction in the dark. The Lord God might have a feeling for himself. There is a sense of destiny, leaving a thread behind. Just before heading to the host Zhenzhou, An An and others are handed over to the apprentice and lover Sora Aoi. Sora Aoi is deeply infatuated with Lin Beichen’s face, so he finally chose to take the little girls. I found Qinglei...

   If it wasn't for Sora Aoi's benevolence, the little girls such as An An and Qin Qianxuan would have been killed.

   I am not in the God Realm, but relying on this face, I still saved An An.

Qing Lei told Lin Beichen that after she merged with the [Wheel of Eternity], she knew everything that happened in the lower realm, so she forced to urge this mysterious supreme weapon to seal time and space, and to ensure that the stone statues that were broken by Wei Mingchen, Can leave the last trace of life.

   This kind of vitality is very slim, only theoretically possible.

   If you want to redeem all of this, the best way is to go to the faraway world and find a way.

   Qing Lei will do his best to persist before Lin Beichen returns.

   She did all this for Lin Beichen.

"The great changes you brought to my life made me feel the most beautiful things in this world, and pulled me out of that dark swamp-like life. I have always wanted to do something for you to help you. Now I finally got my wish."

   Qinglei was very happy, and her tone revealed satisfaction.

   But Lin Beichen realized another thing.

   A cruel thing for Qing Lei.

For those people who are sealed, maybe after the seal is lifted, everything will be an instant matter for them, and will not have the slightest feeling, but for Qing Lei, when she is in the state of maintaining the seal of [Eternal Wheel], she You can clearly feel the passage of time outside.

  In other words, waiting for her will be a long and lonely and difficult time.

   This is not inferior to Bai Rongyun's sacrifice.

   "I owe too much to these women..."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

   However, if others want to owe it, they are not qualified to owe it.

   He secretly swears in his heart that no matter what, even if he travels all over the world, he must save everything.

   Soon, Qing Lei stopped talking.

  While maintaining the [Wheel of Eternity], it is a very difficult thing for her to speak distracted at the same time. She has to enter a state of emptiness and isolate her from the outside world...

   Lin Beichen did not leave.

   He sat quietly beside Qing Lei, silently accompanying her.

   At the same time, he felt that the power in his body had reached a critical point and needed further gathering and refining. There was already a faint repulsive force between heaven and earth. It seemed that this world had begun to not welcome him much...

   He knew that the time to leave was getting closer and closer.

   There are some hidden dangers that may exist in the God Realm and the host Zhenzhou, and we must quickly eliminate them.

   He was about to lift the sword, and he was bloodied again.


This volume is about to end.

What follows will be a new and more exciting start.

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