Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1349: Holy Emperor Bloodline

Yu Wuqian manipulated the distillation device and made a second attempt.

   The strange change appeared again.

   The red flame appeared, just like the golden light before, instantly filling the entire large tent space. The red and gorgeous color seemed to be flowing blood, full of mystery.

   "This...what's going on?"

   "It seems to be a sign of the bloodline breaking the limit."

   "It doesn't seem to be the same as before..."

   The expression on the face of the head of the Six Martial Arts School is uncertain. This is the first time this situation has occurred.

   But to their surprise, an abnormal condition similar to before appeared again.

   The bright red flame quickly disappeared again.

   doesn't seem to show up at all.


   Yu Wuqian's expression, a little dazed.

   He doesn't know how to judge.

   looks like a bloodline sign of breaking the limit, but the duration is too short, and the light and color signs of the two times are completely different, and it does not meet the standard of ‘breaking the limit’.

   He thought for a while, and the decision is still deciding once.

   However, the result of this time made Yu Wuqian even more at a loss.

  Because of the third test result, the emerald green flame rising from the distillation device turned out to be extremely bright, brilliant, but it disappeared quickly and quickly.

   "Continue to test."

   Liu said silently.

   He seemed to realize something, and his expression was very strange.

   Hearing what the headmaster said, Yu Wuque operated the rectifying device for the fourth time. This time, the orange flame he got was equally dazzling, dazzling, short and fleeting.

   Then it was the fifth time.

   This time, the azure luster and dreamlike color that erupted from the distillation device made the entire big tent seem like an underwater world.

   five times, different times.

   Then for the sixth time, I got a bright red as thick as blood, making everyone in the big tent seem to be in a pool of blood...

   The seventh time, it was dark as thick as thick ink. In the big tent, it instantly entered the ultimate dark night mode. Without the slightest light source, it was like a dark abyss that swallowed this small space...

"how so?"

   "Bright and short-lived?"

   "It's different every time, this...will the blood pulse tester be broken?"

   The expressions of the heads are so wonderful and wonderful, and even a little at a loss. This phenomenon seems to have exceeded their understanding.

   After the seventh test was completed, something even stranger happened in the distillation device.

   The flames flickered.   gold, red, orange, green, blue, red, ink!

   Seven colors, flashing alternately and constantly.

  The residual blood in the distillation device began to flash the seven colors frantically, constantly changing, very fast, somewhat dazzling, and not under the control of Yu Wuqian.

   Lin Beichen himself also looked inexplicable.

What is rhythm?

   Two means that they are like two sky-crossing monkeys, pointing to the shining lamp ball?

   Young Master Lin's brain twitched, and he almost hummed "Wolf Disco" on the spot, followed by the flashing light and jumped straight into the field.

   The lights change, there are many people in a closed space, there are men and women, and the venue is very large...

   These elements are combined together, it is like a prehistoric disco.

   After more than twenty full breaths, with a bang, the distillation device exploded and shattered directly. This kind of flashing ‘lighting special effect’ ended slowly.

   Everyone just woke up like a dream.

   The palms looked at each other, with a dazed expression of speculation, and they kept patrolling the broken blood tester and Lin Beichen.

   "Uncle Yu, what's the situation?"

   Lin Beichen looked at Yu Wuqian, and said, "What kind of blood is this?"

   Yu Wuque showed a look of thinking **** his face, and said: "This...I didn't see it either, hiss, it seems to be over the limit, but it's not exactly...let me think about it."

   "Don't think about it, I can already see it."

The head of Feijian Sect, Liu said without words, looked at Lin Beichen with a complex expression, sighed, and said: "Your bloodline level is not among the conventional levels, but it is beyond the bloodline of all ranks...It is the sacred emperor. Bloodline."


   "It turned out to be..."

   "Yes, yes, yes, yes, I remember it, it is true, I even forgot."

   Several heads exclaimed, and immediately reacted.

After Yu Wuque stayed for a while, he slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Yes, this kind of performance is definitely the blood of the **** emperor... I had never thought of it before, because of this blood, Already... it's just a legendary bloodline, it hasn't appeared in too many years."

"do not get excited."

Lin Beichen looked calm and breezy, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Yu, I am a very approachable and beautiful man. Even with such a bloodline, I am calm and will not look down upon him. You will not be proud of it."

   Yu Wuqian looked at Lin Beichen with a strange expression.

   "Unexpectedly, even the [Holy Emperor Bloodline] can be seen today. This is really... I've seen it in a long time."

   The head of the Holy Water Sect, Bai Luzi, sighed again and again.

   "You don't need to be too surprised. I have always been so good. After getting along for a long time, you will know that I still have many advantages..."

   Lin Beichen looked very calm, repeatedly saying that he would not float.

   The head of the Six Martial Arts Group looked at him with a strange expression in shock.

   "Hehe, kid, you're overjoyed."

Dongfang Ding, the lord of the Shenshui Palace, sneered and said: "The blood of the sacred emperor is indeed the highest blood. There may not be one in hundreds of millions of people, but it is also the saddest blood, even the'defect level'. Not as good."


   Lin Beichen looked at him and said, "You bluff me?"

   Dongfang Ding sneered.

"This...actually, what the head of the East said is not completely wrong." Yu Wuque said in an extremely regretful tone: "The blood of the sacred emperor can be said to be the highest and noble bloodline level, which claims to be compatible with 24 bloodlines. All of the abilities, but it has another biggest characteristic, and it is this characteristic that has caused this embarrassing situation of blood."

   "What are the characteristics?"

   Lin Beichen frowned and asked.

   Things seem different from what I imagined.

Liu Wuyan looked at Lin Beichen with sympathy in his eyes, and said: "The so-called emperor is always unique. Once the emperor’s bloodline is successful in cultivation, it must be the 95th Supreme Existence, the so-called'Tian Wu Du Japan, World Unparalleled Emperor', there can always be only one emperor in this world."

"This also means another very cruel thing." Yu Wuqian added: "As long as there is a person of the emperor bloodline in the world, the other persons of the emperor bloodline will no longer have the possibility of enlightenment and will live forever. Under its shadow, you can’t get rid of it.”

   Lin Beichen subconsciously raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He understands somewhat.

   is like ancient China, once someone succeeds in ascending the throne and becomes the emperor, others can only be courtiers.

   "In other words, the blood of the Holy Emperor was originally the blood of the highest level, but the problem is that no matter how many people of this blood exist in this world, there will always be only one person who has the opportunity to become enlightened?"

   He questioned.


Yue Wuxie, the head teacher of Moon Bay, nodded and said: "A thousand years ago, the most holy emperor of the human race was born, leading 24 disciples, uniting the human race, sweeping all enemies in the prehistoric starry sky, and Megatron is now in the world. , Created the territory of the vast empire of the human race today... his old man, who is of the blood of the holy emperor, still sits in the eternal galaxy.

   I have a... Gan.

   Lin Beichen said a dirty word in his heart.

   "It doesn't matter whether I can enlighten or not, as long as I become stronger through cultivation..." He quickly adjusted his mentality.

   But the expression on Yu Wuque's face is even more strange, as if he can't bear it, but also very helpless.

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