Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1357: Died on the spot

The surprise on Liu Wuyan's face seemed to be the black ink falling into a basin of clear water, blurring out bit by bit clearly and irreversibly.

   And the first move of the elder Chuan Gong Qiu Heng was to rub his eyes to make sure that he was not dim-eyed and misunderstood.

   Because at that moment, neither of them could see clearly how Lin Beichen won.

[Snow Eagle] No one can see the plug-in from this kind of mobile phone except Lin Beichen, so in the eyes of many people, Lin Beichen just raised his hand and clicked with his index finger, which instantly broke the sound barrier. The sword aura, everything is over...

   What sword skill is this?

   is too scary.

   Yu Wuqian was the first to react.

   He realized that something big had happened, and when he moved his body, he flew into the court in an instant, and looked down at Qiu Luoyao who was lying on the ground.

   It's cold.

   is dead.


   A touch of chill came from the bottom of Yu Wuque's heart, but he chose to protect Lin Beichen for the first time.

   And at this moment—

   "Luo Yao..."

   Chuan Gong elder Qiu Heng finally reacted.

   a cry of sorrow.

   The burly tall figure rushed into the martial arts arena like electricity, possessed and hugged Qiu Luoyao. After confirming that he was unable to return to the sky, two lines of turbid tears rolled down and lost his attitude on the spot.

   Qiu Luoyao is the most outstanding descendant in his line, and he is also the seedling that he focused on training, intending to compete for the position of the head of the Flying Sword Sect in the future, but...

   is too sudden.

   There is no time to react, and the people are gone.

   "Assassin, I want your life."

   handing Qiu Luoyao's body to the people around him, the elder Qiu Heng roared sharply, surging with the powerful cyan element power, killing intent exploded, and rushed towards Lin Beichen.

   "Elder Qiu, his men are merciful."

   Liu shouted silently.

   Yu Wuqian did not say a word, guarding in front of Lin Beichen, agitated all over his body, and also triggered the elemental power between heaven and earth, which was like a flame of red clouds, and it confronted Qiu Heng.


  The aftermath of horrible elements surged.

   The disciples of Flying Sword Sect around them couldn't help but retreat one after another, and the terrifying vigor that rushed toward their faces made them almost unable to open their eyes, and there was a burst of heart palpitations.

   "Yu Wuqian, do you dare to stop me?"

   Qiu Heng's beard grew ill, his tall and burly figure resembled an angry lion, roaring: "Believe it or not, I killed you too? Get out of here."

   Yu Wuqian's sleeves flew and burst, his arms trembled slightly, his face flushed, and he was obviously injured in the previous matchup.

   But he still guarded Lin Beichen with loyalty, gritted his teeth and said: "Elder Qiu, if you have something to say, Lin Beichen is definitely not intentional, he is still a child..."

   Qiu Heng almost spewed out old blood.

   He is still a child.

   This is what he said in defense of Qiu Luoyao before, when he said it from Yu Wuque's mouth at this time, it was so ironic that he wanted to vomit blood.

   "You are a useless waste elder, and you still want to protect this waste body? Since you want to die, the old man will fulfill you."

  The elder Qiu Heng was inspired by his true essence and decided to kill him. Today, no one wants to stop him, and he must let Lin Beichen bury his granddaughter.

   Jade smoothed out his breath, just about to speak.

   Lin Beichen raised his hand and pulled him, and said: "Lao Yu, your cultivation is too bad, you can't beat this old thing, let me come."

   Yu Wuqian: "???"

   He suddenly wanted to see Lin Beichen be killed by Qiu Heng.

   Lin Beichen slowly walked forward.

   "Old Bangzi, I'm looking for you to settle the account. You take the initiative to send it to the door..." He beckoned and said, "Come on, I'll send you on the road."

   "Junior, the old man will kill you today."

Qiu Heng's beard became ill, and his great anger made him lose his proper vigilance. He sneered and let out his bold words, and said: "Send me on the road? The tone is not small. If you can hurt me, you will leave Feijian Sect alive today. ."

   The voice fell.

   The elder of the passer-on came like lightning.

   He is full of cyan elemental power surging, like a lake and sea, forming a great pressure, firmly locking Lin Beichen.

   bang bang bang.

   Lin Beichen pulled the trigger without hesitation.

   Seven steps away, the gun is the fastest.

   Within seven steps, the gun was fast and accurate.

   Qiu Heng only felt that a kind of scary danger warning surged in his heart, and the eyebrows, throat and heart position were instantly stinged by a sharp blade.

   Is that mysterious sword skill so powerful?

   was shocked, at a critical moment, he condensed an inch-thick cyan elemental shield in front of him, and then dodged.


   Elemental shield shattered.

   Qiu Heng's figure was shocked, his left arm exploded directly.

   A cluster of blood blossoms also burst out on the right shoulder.

   During one meeting, the elder of the Flying Sword Sect's power transmission was directly injured.

   "Little bastard..."

   Qiu Heng yelled, moving at high speed.

  His combat experience is extremely rich. This is to finally discover the shortcomings of Lin Beichen's powerful combat skill-there is at least a half breath interval when it is cast, and it attacks in a straight line.

   Qiu Heng took the advantage of realm cultivation, fully agitated his true energy, accelerated continuously, and his body was erratic, leaving a series of afterimages in place, which was hard to distinguish with the naked eye.

   bang bang bang.

   Lin Beichen shot continuously.

   all fell through.

   The stone pillars and pedestals in the distance were broken and burst into pieces.

   "It's a pity, if only there was a self-sight hook."

   Lin Beichen sighed.

  [Snow Eagle] is powerful, but the rate of fire is average, even if the trigger is pulled at the fastest speed, there will be gaps in between.


   Lin Beichen thought of this and took out UZI with his left hand.

   This thing is fired continuously, and the rate of fire is fast.

"not good."

   Yu Wuqian also perceives Lin Beichen's crisis at this moment.

   He was about to help, but in the next moment, he suddenly couldn't help it.

   Because he saw Lin Beichen's face, a smile appeared.

   Then gently pinched a strange gesture—maybe it was a sword print, and then moved his index finger.


   A series of bizarre, slight sound-barrier air explosions sounded.

   The elder Qiu Heng, who was still moving flexibly and at a high speed, suddenly burst into clusters of blood, and then, like a naughty rabbit hit by an arrow, he twitched and threw it out.

   The winner is divided.

   Qiu Heng never dreamed that Lin Beichen had another instant rapid sword skill and was seriously injured on the spot.


   His huge and burly body fell on the stone slab on the ground, blood gurgling out from dozens of wounds on his body like spring water...

   Lin Beichen quickly stepped forward.

   His black hair was dancing wildly in the wind, his handsome face was as cold as ice, and his eyes were dazzling. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger of [Snow Eagle] in his right hand again.

   bang bang bang.

   Three roars echoed between heaven and earth.

   The invisible bullet hit Qiu Heng's body, splashing with clusters of blood, the limbs that were hit shattered, and his head exploded.

   died on the spot.

   Lin Beichen used UZI to make up another shuttle, and then he blew the blue smoke from the muzzle with satisfaction.

  , of course, fell in the eyes of others. After killing someone, he used his signature action to pretend to be forced and blow his own fingers.

   "I said it, I'll send you on the road, you still don't believe it."

  He said faintly: "The whole family is going to be reunited and tidy. Let's go to Po Meng to have reunion soup with your vicious and despicable granddaughter."

   From the very beginning, Lin Beichen had a slaying heart.

   He can bear the embarrassment by himself, but if he wants to count my brother, I will send you on the road.

   Otherwise, how will my brother gain a foothold in Flying Sword Sect in the future?

   People are not ruthless and can't stand steady.

   I will cut the grass and roots directly today.

   Quiet everywhere.

  The huge Jianlaifeng Martial Arts Field was originally noisy and lively, but at the moment it seems to have suddenly become a midnight graveyard, quietly dropping needles can be heard.

   No one thought that Qiu Heng, the dignified elder of the fourth-order peak cultivation base, would personally end the game. Not only did he fail to avenge, he also supported three breaths more than Qiu Luoyao.

   Liu's speechless face showed an expression of extreme shock.

   He miscalculated.


Explain the question of a reader: why in the God Realm, those gods can continue to resurrect, and it is not so easy to die easily, but in the great world outside the sky, Qiu Luoyao was shot to death and could not be resurrected. The setting is like this: the material in the wild world is more advanced, such as Lin Beichen’s gun, after the hardware upgrade of the mobile phone magic change, the material level has surpassed the previous, and the bullets fired are also the same, so it can be on the spot. Kill. I had foreshadowed before: Bao Zhenlong’s first sword was pierced by a bone, and Xiao Binggan’s arm was pierced by a stone... I was afraid of delaying the rhythm and the number of water words, so I didn’t give a detailed explanation. If you use the current gun to hit the gods, you can die on the spot.

Four changes today, ask for a monthly pass.

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