Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1362: Died on a double surname

Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   This voice is very cordial. It is where the bully came from when I heard it. It is very close to the person I had originally set, and it is very grounded.

If I want to rise in Yunmeng City, I am tired of being'famous.' I occasionally get sick and become a brain-disabled and enjoyable. As for the dream of being an evil young man with a wicked servant who flirts around with a bulging chest and a good family woman in a flowered skirt, It is really difficult to achieve.

   Hearing this kind of bully's accent at this time, he suddenly felt as if he had met his relatives.

   "Walk around, go over and see the excitement."

   He pulled Yu Wuqian and hurried over excitedly.

   "Hey? You..."

   Yu Wuqian is no longer stunned, you are a person of this doppelganger status, why do you still like to join in the fun so much.

   The two walked more than 30 meters forward, seeing the crowd in front of them, quite a few people were watching the excitement, and they squeezed in without hesitation.

   saw that it was a small black cloth vendor. The stall owner was sitting blankly. Several disciples in Shenshui Palace leather robes surrounded a pair of ordinary-dressed brothers and sisters, aggressively scolding and scolding.

   The siblings are young, shivering like little quail trapped by a group of hungry wolves...

   "We picked this grass first, it's ours..."

   My younger brother is at most ten years old. He has clear eyebrows. His skin is white and tender, and he looks like he was born from a wealthy man’s nails. His face is flushed and he is dissatisfied. There is a palm print on his face and a smear of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

   was obviously beaten just now.

The elder sister is about 13 or 14 years old. She is wearing an uncertain white skirt. She is not tall, but her hair is thick and shiny, and her face is a bit more sparkling than the best white jade, and her eyebrows are exquisite and picturesque. Exquisite as engraved.

   Especially a pair of beautiful eyes are big and round, the tails of the eyes are upturned, the eyes are clear, like a galaxy hidden, there is an indescribable agility...

   Lin Beichen was surprised.

   I didn't expect to encounter such a beautiful girl in this black market, just like a stunning two-dimensional little Lolita coming out of a comic.

The girl stood in front of her younger brother, begging bitterly, and said: "My young heroes, behave well, this grass is very important to us. Our two brothers and sisters have been searching in this market for more than a month. This time, We found it first. The stall owner has agreed to sell it to us. Please raise your hands high..."

   "Hehe, I won't raise my hand high, what can you do with me?"

The disciple of the Shenshui Palace headed by   , named Nangong Angzhi, had a pair of slanted eyes slightly narrowed, and sneered: "A pair of low-blooded untouchables, **** me? I'm looking for death."

   Character Loli sister knelt on the ground with a thud, banged her head, begged, and said: "Heroes, please, please."

   "The more you beg me, the less I will give it to you."

Nangong Angzhi put his arms around his chest and sneered: "Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, this broken grass is of no use to me. I don't even know its name, but I just like the way you are begging but you can't help me. , Hahaha."

   The seven disciples of the Shenshui Palace around also all laughed.

   Shenshui Palace is a large sect of human race and has a great influence. Therefore, people watching the excitement around, even if they think this pair of sisters and brothers are pitiful, they dare not ask for help, let alone make a move.

   "Hehe, our brother Nangong is in a bad mood today, you are unlucky..."

   "The little girl has a nice skin. Would you like to ask Brother Nangong in another way?"

   "Tsk tsk, Brother Nangong made a ruthless move. I'm afraid that this little girl won't be able to stand it. It's only halfway through, and she will die."

   Several other disciples of the Shenshui Palace also gloated a few words while joking and intimidating the siblings.

   "Ours, this grass is ours..."

   My younger brother had red eyes and didn't know where the courage came from. He rushed to the black cloth stand next to him, grabbed a dark-black triangular leaf grass in his hand, dropped a dozen of the wild silver, and was about to run away.


   He was kicked back and landed on the ground.

The dark green grass in   's hand also fell on the black cloth booth again.

   A teenager who was about ten years old, was kicked badly, spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and covered his stomach. He couldn't say a word that hurt on the spot. His body was arched like dried shrimps, rolling back and forth and twitching.

   It was Nangong Angzhi who shot.

   "Low-blooded untouchables, dare to **** my things...find death."

   His slanted eyes flashed with cruel colors, and he felt uncomfortable, so he drew his sword and pierced the boy.


   The stunning loli girl was frightened, and she stood in front of her brother in a panic, saying: "No, we don't want the soul grass this time, sir, let us go..."

   Nangong Angzhi sneered, what he was about to say...

   A slightly surprised voice came from the side: "Huihuncao? Is this thing called Huihuncao?"

   is Lin Beichen.

He rushed to the black cloth stand, picked up the ink-colored three-sided grass industry, carefully observed, looked at the stunning girl Lori, and said: "You said it is a soul-recovering grass, does it mean that it can bring people back to their souls? ?"

   The character Lolita girl was in a daze, looking at Lin Beichen, she didn't know how to answer.

   "Where did the wild species come from?"

   A disciple from the Shenshui Palace shouted angrily, saying: "Dare my dirty hands touch the **** grass chosen by my brother Nangong..."

   Lin Beichen didn't even look at it, just a shot when he raised his hand.


   There was a clear burst of air.

   A blood hole appeared in the eyebrows of this disciple of the Shenshui Palace, his figure shook, and he fell to the sky.

   "Damn, let you interrupt."

   Lin Beichen blew the barrel murderously.

   An exclamation sounded uncontrollably.

   The crowd watching the excitement around them all looked shocked. They were secretly pitying the brothers and sisters, but unexpectedly, a young man appeared suddenly and killed the disciple of the Shenshui Palace directly when he didn't agree with him.

   Is he crazy?

   Nangong Angzhi and other disciples of Shenshui Palace were also stunned.

   immediately became angry.


   Even if you are the disciple of Chaotianque with the highest status, you can't kill the disciple of my Shenshui Palace at will, right?

   "In Xia Nangong Angzhi, the fourth-generation master of Shenshui Palace, your excellency, who dare to kill the disciples of my Shenshui Palace, you know the consequences of doing so, my sect master is now nearby..."

   Nangong Angzhi keenly felt that Lin Beichen was not easy to deal with, and directly revealed his identity and background.

  "Fuck Nima, do you think you are the protagonist when you have a surname?

   Lin Beichen cursed, and raised his hand with another shot: "I'm still named Xuanyuan Iron Hammer, so I ask if you are afraid?"


   Gunshots sounded.

   Nangong Angzhi's head exploded and he died on the spot.

   "Damn, return Nangong Angzhi...I'm."

   Lin Beichen cursed and put away his gun, holding the dark green [Returning Soul Grass] that looked like a black jade and carefully observed it.

   "Brother, why bother..."

   Yu Wuqian in the crowd came back to his senses. He was too late and didn't know what to say. It was too sturdy, and he went crazy and murdered if he didn't agree with him.

   He could see that Lin Beichen was clearly drew his sword to help when the road saw injustice.

   "Ouyang Cuihua, you come to judge, the dog thing just now, thinking that it has a surname is very awesome, to put on airs in front of me, I will blow his dog head, is it cheaper for him?"

   Young Master Lin looked angry.

   Why did I become Ouyang Cuihua?

Yu Wuque stayed for a while, barely keeping up with Lin Beichen's rhythm, and didn't know what to say. He could see it. Lin Beichen clearly wanted this [Returning Soul Grass], but he just wanted so many excuses. Poor Nangong Angzhi, even if he is not his surname, he will probably be beaten to death because of squinting, right?

   "You are dead, don't leave if you have a kind."

   A disciple of the Shenshui Palace screamed and said: "I'll ask my palace lord to come over... Don't go."

   said, turning around and fleeing.


There is more.

When the holiday comes, things are always a little too much. I queue up for the vaccine in the morning and accompany the leader in the afternoon.

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