Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1366: Found the way


  The herbs, seeds, plants and the like obtained by oneself need to be ‘identified’ and identified by the mobile phone before they can be detected and used by apps like [Happy Farm].

   And the current identification method is [Scan].

   This mobile phone function is equivalent to recognizing things.

  For example, [Black Haze Demon Lotus] was recognized by [Happy Farm] after being mistyped and mistakenly used [Sweep] to be recognized by [Happy Farm] and can be planted in acres.

   If you say so...

   Lin Beichen took out the last [Yuhuaxianguo].

   "Dip, the fifth-order spiritual fruit [Ecrow Fruit], has the effect of healing, cultivating source, consolidating the foundation, increasing zhenqi, strengthening organs, and prolonging life. The effect depends on the individual..."

   Ok... so detailed.

   Lin Beichen knelt down on the spot.

   Unsurprisingly, [Happy Farm] quickly detected the existence of [Yuhua Xianguo] and stated that it could be planted in the farm’s acres.

   I seem to be getting rich.

   Only at this time Lin Beichen fully realized that the value of [Happy Farm] far exceeded my imagination.

   He took out the seeds of the [Feathering Fairy Fruit] and planted them in the farmland together with the [Returning Soul Grass].

   There was no response at first.

   Lin Beichen is not in a hurry.

   Withdrew from the Happy Farm, he picked up the gold leaf booklet named [Huaqi Jue] bought by Wang Zhong and recorded it with his mobile phone to generate the [Huaqi Jue] APP.

   "Huh? No BUG?"

   He was very surprised. He didn't expect that something that looked like a fake actually generated a training program that downloaded and ran smoothly.

   He became interested and immediately launched the [Huaqi Jue] APP.

  The advantage of using a mobile phone to practice is that it can be used for multiple purposes, even if it is running [Haina One Qi Mind Method], it will not hinder the practice of [Hua Qi Jue].

  Lin Beichen could clearly feel that the true qi in his body, under the action of the [Huaqi Jue], was constantly dissipating flesh and blood in the skin, and there was a way that was difficult to explain in detail to strengthen his skin.

   This feeling is subtle, but clear enough.

   "The practice on this fake gold leaf turned out to be true?"

  He was surprised.

  Wang Zhong this dog thing, luck is really good.

   This can be considered a crooked hit.

   Lin Beichen picked up the fake gold leaf and watched it seriously.

   There are some handwritings on the gold leaf, which introduces the cultivation method, effect and difficulty of this [Huaqi Jue].

   Its greatest effect is to continuously transform the zhenqi in the martial artist's body to increase the strength of the physical body. The final cultivation effect is proportional to the amount of zhenqi dissipated.

  In other words, it is to increase the strength of the physical body at the price of sacrificing true qi.

   For ordinary warriors, this is a tasteless exercise.

  Because the martial artist mainly cultivates true qi, true qi is the source of all power and the foundation of all secret techniques and secret skills. The stronger the true qi, the higher the realm, and the sharper the combat power.

   Dissolving zhen qi is equivalent to slow self-dissipation.

  The true energy of the last cultivation has all turned into physical strength, what can it be? The shell of a tortoise is very hard, but few people like to be a tortoise.

   Zhenqi is too precious for a warrior.

   But for Lin Beichen, this is not the case.

He is the blood of the sacred emperor, the path of cultivation is unknown, the inheritance is severed, the bloodline secret skills have been lost, and are not spread in the cultivation world, no matter how huge, it is difficult to cross the fifth-order "from the virtual to the real". step.

   At least until the cultivation path of the blood of the holy emperor is found, this status quo will be maintained.

   But he has such a heaven-defending cheater [Happy Farm], which can steal vegetables without a trace, as long as he wants to, he can eat the Lingguo Lingcao every day without any heavy samples.

   With so many babies, don’t [Heiner One Qi Mind Method] transforming into true qi, which is endless.

   He lacks money and skills and inheritance, but he doesn't lack true energy.

   Even if you don’t control it, you may be blown up by the true energy in the end.

   Before he found the real way, he used the [Huaqi Jue] to convert the excess true qi into physical defense. For him, it was a waste of use.

   Maybe one day, he hasn't found the way to inherit the cultivation of the blood of the sacred emperor, his physical strength is already so strong that even the twenty-four blood ancestors can't touch the hair of Lin Beichen.

   Thinking of this, Lin Beichen became excited.

As long as the true energy is enough, you can pile up defenses to the point where your opponents are desperate, which means that all attribute points have been defensive. First of all, it is beneficial to the invincible, and pistols, rifles, sniper guns and other weapons are added to make up for the attack power. Don't the weakness of weakness make the world invincible?

   Road, seems to have been found.

   This is a road that no one else can find.

   Thinking of this, Lin Beichen jumped up happily.

He immediately swallowed the flesh of the [Yuhuaxianguo], ate it wildly, and then used the [Haina Yiqi Mind Method] to cultivate and accumulate the Primal Chaos True Qi, and then used the [Huaqi Jue] to transform the true qi into Physical defense.

   Time is fast.

   Lin Beichen lay on the ground unknowingly and fell asleep.

   Layers of faint fluorescence hovered around his body, as if it was constantly emitting true aura from every pore, and the body was strengthening rapidly.



   Chaotian Que.

   Flying Dragon Palace.

   The heads of the eleven major sects of the Human Race and the powerful elders gathered together. After a fierce argument, the face of Liu, the head of Feijian Sect, was silent and not very attractive.

"The eleventh human clan of the Blue Rain Realm is indeed good, but after all, it is a different inheritance. The proposal of forcibly merged together to form a new force is still unrealistic, regardless of other sects. , Our Flying Sword Sect will never participate in this kind of plan."

   Liu's speechless voice was filled with anger.

   He didn't expect that Chaotianque's ambition was so great that he was about to annex all the human sects in the Azure Rain Realm... it was really deceiving.

   The heads of the other major sects are not pretty.

   But the tyrannical strength of Xue Jiedan, the master of Chaotianque, and the power of the master of Chaotianque, such as clouds, for a time did not dare to directly oppose it like Liu Wuyan.

   "Hehe, it's just a proposal. I didn't expect the head of Liu to be so repulsive...then discuss it again, then discuss it again."

Xue Jiedan is two hundred and thirty-one years old this year, but on the surface he looks like he was just in his early thirties. He has wide ears, sword eyebrows and star eyes. He wears a blue robe that is slender and dusty. When he talks about it, he always With a slight smile.

   When everyone heard him say this, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the great leaders, Wang Zhong was the only one who was not here at all, yawning again and again, with an absent-minded appearance, but the former palace lord Dongfang Cauldron standing behind him, with a worried expression on his face, he wanted to talk several times, but in the end he still Choose to shut up.

Next, I recalled and discussed the content of the Wushu contest of the new generation geniuses of the major sects. This is not the first time. There are already existing regulations and rules, and there is no special place to fight for it, so it is very smooth. .

   After a while, the meeting is over.

   The chiefs left one after another.

   Chaotian Queque Master Xue Jiedan sat on the spot, did not get up and leave.

   After a while, the figure of Feijianzong elder Qiu Tianjing returned to the main hall, discussed secretly with Xue Jiedan for a long time, and then slowly left.

   The next day.

   The martial arts convention of the new generation of talents finally officially opened.

   After many necessary and tedious etiquette and ceremonies, the feature film begins.

  The so-called martial arts is to gather representatives of elite disciples from various major sects and fight one after another in the ring. There is no other bells and whistles, it is very rude and direct.

  This kind of martial arts competition is limited to the point where it cannot seriously injure the opponent, let alone kill.

   Lin Beichen and Yu Wuwei watched the first day of the game in the audience.

   Xiao Binggan made an appearance, defeated a disciple from Chaotianque, and won the first victory.

   In addition, among the participating disciples, Lin Beichen saw Bao Zhenlong's first sword and dragon tattoo girl Long Na, respectively representing Lian Tian Shui Temple and Sheng Shui Zong, and each won.

  The so-called "Senior Citizens" should be respected for three days.

   The strength of the two has made an exaggerated improvement, and both have entered the third-order realm. They have also practiced secret skills and performed very wonderfully in the competition.

   Especially Long Na has faintly revealed an invincible posture, very strong.

   It was Lin Beichen's longing Qin priest who did not appear.

   Toolman Yu Wuqian returned to inquire about the news, and Lin Beichen learned that there was no Qin priest among the representative disciples of Moon Bay this time.

   At the end of the game that day, True Dragon First Sword took the initiative to contact Lin Beichen, wanting everyone to gather together, Lin Beichen did not refuse.

   "Brother Lin, my treat, the best restaurant in the Yunjuan Mountains..." The first sword of the true dragon was very energetic, and said: "I must thank you tonight."


Third, good night everyone

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