Yunwushan He Zhengqing looked gloomy and was silent.

  Shuiyunjian Zhou Meiyu slowly said: "If the news is true, Shuiyunjian will reconsider its previous position."

   This is a veiled concession.

   Dayan Haiyan said badly: "What Brother Yuwen meant, we know...I can't guarantee anything, but I will try to convince my master."

   Duan Longdao Peng Jianfei said: "I need to discuss this matter carefully with my father." Duan Longdao is a family sect, and Peng Jianfei's father Peng Shaojie is the owner of Duanlong Island.

   Everyone else was silent.

   Long Na, Xiao Binggan, and the prince Bao Bao Li Yu are all'newcomers' in their respective schools, and they cannot make effective statements.

  Only Chu Liusu, the descendant of Taoism in Moon Bay, gave a definite answer on the spot, saying: "I will definitely try my best to persuade my master and agree to the merger of the sects."

  Chu Liusu is young and beautiful, dressed in purple, with a dusty temperament, only Yu Wen Xiuxian in his eyes. In the blue rain world, the first day in the world of the Moon Bay Taoist descendant Chu Liusu, Yu Wen Xiuxian, is a well-known secret.

   Yubun Soo Hyun gave his thanks.

At this time of the    ascension banquet, in terms of time, it should have entered a climax, but because of the shadow of the war, the atmosphere quickly cooled down.

   Soon someone couldn't bear it and got up to say goodbye.

   When the banquet was over, there were not many people left in the hall.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian has always patiently accompanied everyone present.

   After the banquet was over, he personally sent Lin Beichen a few people away.

   On the way to the Flying Beast Platform, the two walked side by side.

   "What do you want to say, say it now."

   Lin Beichen took the initiative.

   He could see that the first arrogant of the Azure Rain Realm came to send him off, and he must have something to say.

   It's like he was at the banquet today, and he didn't stop Yushu's death-seeking behavior by the side of Shui Jing Road. This excellent and powerful man has his most precise but impenetrable purpose in his heart for everything he does.

   Yuwen Xiuxian smiled with emotion, and asked: "Junior Brother Lin, according to your opinion, is it right or wrong to merge the sects?"

   Lin Beichen paused, turned to look at him, and said, "Is my opinion important?"

   "It depends on whom."

   Yu Wen Xiuxian said: "It may not be important to others, but it is important to me."

   "I'm so optimistic about me?"

   Lin Beichen also stopped circling the bend, saying: "To be honest...If I were the head of the other ten sects, I would definitely agree to Wang Que's proposal, and I would urge cooperation to complete this merger in the shortest time."

   The Eleventh Great Human Race Clan Alliance, in fact, each has their own thoughts, and it is a mess.

  If a war breaks out and a powerful enemy arrives, it is easy to be defeated by each.

   Lin Beichen very much agrees with the proposal of Wang Sichao, the leader of Chaotianque, which is indeed a good solution to the problem.

   But whether it can succeed is another matter.

   Because it touched too many interests.

   "The hero sees the same thing."

   Yubun Soo Hyun laughed, the sunshine and hearty flowing through the laughter.

   After laughing, Yu Wen Xiuxian directly invited him, saying: "Junior Brother Lin is a smart person, why don't you stay in my head?"

   "Are you inviting me to join Chaotianque?"

   Lin Beichen asked back.

   "If Junior Brother Lin is willing, I will be waiting in the sky." Yuwen Xiuxian promised on the spot.

Then he struck the iron tunnel while it was hot: "Junior Brother Lin himself has walked out of the road of cultivation below the fifth level, and is invincible below the fifth level. If you are willing to contribute to the Qingyu realm human race, staying in Chaotianque is the best choice, and... once the war comes, Chaotianque is the safest place in the entire Qingyu world."

   Lin Beichen thought for a while and said, "I will seriously consider it."

   Yuwen Xiuxian nodded, and said: "If there are clues to the cultivation path of the sacred emperor's bloodline in the Azure Rain Realm, then it must also be in my heaven."

  He is very confident.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

Just listen to Yuwen Xiuxian sighed slightly, and said: "Actually, the situation is more cruel than we thought. On the planets occupied by the demons on the Liuyuan Star Road, the human race suffered a catastrophe, was slaughtered, and the demons burned. Heavenly Domain Lord, is attacking Blue Pole Star, once the capital star of Liuyuan Star Road is captured, Qingyu Realm will surely perish."

   Lin Beichen condensed his curiosity, and asked, "What kind of race is the demons? Doesn't it mean that my human race is the strongest race in the prehistoric world? Why do you look like a big enemy?"

   He needs to be popularized by science.

Yuwen Xiuxian walked side by side with him, saying: "The history of the rise of the human race, you should know that His Majesty the Holy Emperor has illuminated for thousands of years, and the human race has risen difficultly in the chaos. After mastering the cultivation of blood, the power of my human race has advanced by leaps and bounds. To grow and become a big clan in the current world, but it is not without enemies. This demon clan is one of my human race’s big enemies and the most difficult enemy to deal with. They are the descendants of the void monsters, the creatures polluted by the void, and their hearts are full of killing. And destroying species... The demon cultivator has mastered the power of the void, which is comparable to the blood martial arts of my human race."

   According to Yu Wen Xiuxian's description, the demons are not a race in the sense of a unified species, but a race of intelligent creatures who are polluted by the void or accept the power of the void.

   The former demons were as weak as the human races.

   There is a holy emperor from the human race.

   And the Demon Race has produced a ‘Devil Emperor’.

   Both of these are amazing figures in their respective camps who have shined through the ages, and each saved their own race.

The Demon Emperor’s greatest contribution to the Demon Race is to improve the cultivation path that enhances the power of the void, making it into a system and attenuating the secondary leases, just like the Holy Emperor of the Human Race pioneered the bloodline cultivation road. This road gave the Demon Race’s population base. And the number of masters has increased rapidly.

   But this tribe is born with an unchangeable shortcoming, that is, it likes to kill and destroy.

   Because of their power, it comes from the void.

   The void is always the enemy of creatures in the prehistoric world.

   is a violent energy.

  In the distant history, Honghuang was almost wiped out by the void several times.

   The powerhouse of the demon clan, as the strength increases, the void infection becomes more intense. The greater the void power borrowed, the easier it is to become enchanted and fall into madness.

  In any era in the prehistoric history, once a demonic force takes over, it will burn, kill and loot everywhere on the major star roads, just like locusts in the universe.

   They dare to attack any race.

   has also become a thorn in the eye of the big forces in the galaxy.

In the past thousands of years, the war between the demons and the human race has never stopped. This situation has continued until the demon hunting battle five thousand years ago. The anti-demon tribe, victory in the battle of hunting the demon, caused heavy losses to the demon tribe and had to linger for thousands of years.

   Unexpectedly, after a long time, the Demon Race suddenly appeared again, already possessing considerable strength again.

  This war in the Liuyuan Star Territory, the incident happened suddenly, and it has already caused a big crisis.

"In addition to the Human Race and the Demon Race, there are thousands of intelligent races, large and small, in this prehistoric world. It is not excessive at all to describe it as a plethora of races. The strongest are the orcs and the predecessors. The former has the ability to multiply. It even surpassed the human race, created its own civilization, and also mastered a powerful force. The latter was not many but inherited a powerful force. The two races had allied with the human race in the past to fight the demons together."

Yuwen Xiuxian said: "Chaotianque has asked for help from the orcs in the Azure Rain Realm. This time the new generation of sects will martial arts, the real purpose is to facilitate the merger of the eleven major sects and the alliance with the orcs... so really The highlight of the event will not begin until tomorrow."


Fourth, good night

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