Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1377: Moshou Yanshan

Everyone was shocked and stopped.

   Lin Beichen looked up.

I saw the Feijian Sect Mountain Gate in front of it, quiet and harmonious, and picturesque. I didn’t feel the slightest murderous intent, nor did it have any fighting aura. Occasionally, a sword light pierced the sky. It was a low-level disciple of Feijian Sect who was practicing the element Yu Jian, because it is evening, you can even see wisps of cooking smoke from a distance. It's normal...

   All this is normal.

   Other people's eyes also showed doubts, and looked at their head.

   Liu wordlessly frowned, and said, "I always feel that something is not right..."

  The closer he gets to the gate, the more uneasy he feels.

   The quiet and peaceful mountain gate gave him a sense of horror and palpitations.

   He backhand drew the long sword from the waist of the disciple next to him, and slashed it out with a backhand.

   One hundred meters of sword light, like a galaxy, tearing through the void.

This sword cut down, cutting the surrounding world into a completely different appearance. I saw the peaceful and quiet Feijian Zongshan gate, like a torn landscape painting, but it was broken, the beauty quickly faded away, and the whole world It all seems to be fading.

   At the same time, a pungent **** smell permeated.

   In front, there are broken mountains, collapsed peaks, truncated mountains, and burning forests...

   The smell of death is in the air.

   The flames and ashes are flying in the wind!

The plaque of the mountain gate of the Feijian Sect was chopped up, the Huabiao stone pillars collapsed, and the continuous mountain roads resembled cut-off white snakes, and the row upon row of pavilions in the past have been turned into ruins.

  In front of the broken mountain gate, piled up like a mountain are the bodies of the warriors of the Feijian clan.

   Soon after they died, the corpses were still dripping with blood, gathering below them into large swaths of blood, like a blood-colored lake.

   This scene stunned Lin Beichen and others.

  Although before that, they had also thought that the demons and the orcs were so painstakingly arranged to kill the game, hunting the strong human race, there may be no follow-up methods, and it may not be that they will not carry out raids on the mountain gates of the various human race sects...

   But in everyone's hearts, after all, there is still a glimmer of hope.

   Maybe the demons and the orcs don’t have so many manpower, and they target the eleven sects at the same time?

   But now, the last trace of luck is also shattered.

   Flying Sword Sect is over.

   The mountain gate was destroyed.

  The whole army of disciples under the door was wiped out.


   An exaggerated sound like a rolling thunderstorm came down from Shishan, saying: "Liu Wuyan, you are too slow, this Yanshan mountain, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

   Lin Beichen followed the sound source and looked up.

   only then discovered that at the highest point of Shishan, there was a huge luxurious golden chair.

   The golden chair is sinking deep in the flesh and blood of Shishan, standing steadily.

  There is a giant four meters tall sitting on it.

This person has a pale purple complexion, his facial features are the same as those of a human race, and he has no other orc characteristics on his body. He has a purple gem-like armor with gleaming light. The joints of the armor are covered with dense barbs, giving a feeling of Just look at it, and you will feel pressure like a stabbing eyeball.

   is not an orc.

   is the demons.


   The name of this powerful demon is called Yanshan.

   Lin Beichen suddenly sounded. When he fleeed before, the four powerful demons he killed had mentioned the name ‘Yanshan’.

   Is it the lord-level powerhouse of the demons?

   Lin Beichen glanced a few times, then immediately lowered his head.

  Because this person's aura and coercion were too terrifying, with Lin Beichen's current strength, he just took a few more glances, and his eyeballs were as painful as being stabbed by a sharp sword.

   The Guiyuan Chaos Qi in his body also had a stress response, and it was almost irresistible to riot out of control.

too frightening.

   And the other few elite disciples of the Feijian Sect, who are at the third rank, trembled all over, if it wasn't for the last strong willpower in the body, I'm afraid they had fallen to the ground or passed out.

   "Yanshan, the demon of the blue rain world?"

   Liu mutely let out a heavy low growl, angry like a wounded beast.

   The people on Shishan Mountain are Yanshan, the head of the Demon Race of the Blue Rain Realm.

   Over the years, the Demon Race of the Azure Rain Realm has been suppressed by the Human Race and the Orc Race, and has almost disappeared. Only this Demon Head Yanshan, powerful, cunning and suspicious, has never been captured.

   "Yes, it's me."

The lavender-skinned giant sat on the golden seat and said: "Wu Wuyan, I have never dared to forget the gift of a sword sixty years ago. Today, I will ask for the benefits together. ."

   A strong murderous intent like substance, suddenly burst out, and even the air around his body was distorted.

   Liu wordlessly held the sword in one hand, his expression extremely angry.

   The invisible sword aura burst out, and the air around his body began to boil and twist, and the frenzied coercion spread, resisting the pressure released by the Demon Head Yanshan.

   "Flying Sword Sect is over, next will be the most anticipated part of this seat...Kill you."

Yanshan's figure moved, and the next moment it turned into a series of afterimages, swooping down from above the corpse mountain, punching out in midair, and the purple devilish fist made a harsh roar, and the beam of light that broke the sound barrier was biting like a magic dragon. Come.

   Liu raised his sword speechlessly and cut out.


   In the soft sound like tearing the cloth, the hundred-meter-long sword qi is like a Tianhe hanging upside down, slashing out in the air, and the air waves on both sides separate like a tsunami.


   The indescribable terrifying energy bursts and explodes in the impact of fist strength and sword energy.

   Liu yelled speechlessly, accepting the rebounding energy head-on, blood spurted in his mouth, but he was nailed to the spot, and he refused to take a step back.

   Yanshan's huge figure flew back and sat on the golden chair again.

   "Hehehe, I didn't expect that if you broke a hand, you would still be able to retain such strength. You deserve to be the second strongest of the Azure Rain Realm Human Race."

   Demon Head Yanshan laughed wildly.

   Liu speechlessly dragged his sword backwards, step by step, and walked forward firmly.

  "Today, cut your evil hen, to pay tribute to my dead disciple of Flying Sword Sect."

   His sword intent burst out all over his body, and his sword aura lingered around his mutilated body, like the **** of war.

   Even Yu Wuque and others were surprised.

   This level of strength has never been revealed by the head.

   Maybe it can come back today?

   But also at this time, Yu Wuque, Lin Beichen and the others heard Liu Wuyan's voice transmission, saying: "The situation is over, you can run away quickly."

   Ah, this...

   Lin Beichen's heart trembled.

   It seems that Lao Liu still can't stand it.

at the same time--

   swish swish.

   The sound of breaking through the air came from all sides.

   Hundreds of masters of the Demon Race rushed out from the broken Feijian Zongshan gate, and some powerful Demon Race came from the surroundings, surrounding Lin Beichen and others.

   "Don't leave soon?"

   Willow screamed silently.

   Before the words fell, his figure melted into a sword light, and the man and the sword merged into one, directly slashing to the Demon Head Yanshan on the top of the corpse mountain.


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