Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1399: Lin Beichen lifted the table

This discovery surprised Lin Beichen.

  Hair turns purple, isn't this one of the signs of the demons?

   Wait, my eyes will not...

   He quickly summoned his cell phone, turned on the face camera, and looked at the handsome and suffocating face in the camera. His eyes were absolutely normal human colors, and he was relieved.

   It seems that I have to dye my hair back.

   He took back the phone.

   At this time, the cheers in the direction of the Shenbi Broken Peak became more violent.

   This battle is really too cool.

   is completely rolling.

   A surprise kill.

   It's so cool.

Many elders of the older generation, even the heads of major sects, laughed like children of hundreds of years old, cheering, crying with joy, and roaring with their arms, not knowing what they were yelling at. I can’t hear you very much...

  The younger generation of Terran warriors looked at Lin Beichen with beaming eyes.

   They knew that at this moment, the new martial art idol of the Azure Rain World Human Race appeared.

   Amidst the deafening cheers, the human sword sage Liu was speechless and thin as a withered body. He had already cultivated his whole body and paid thorough attention to Xiao Binggan's body.

   He has become skinny palms like bird's claws, slowly withdrawing from Xiao Binggan's forehead.

   turned his head hard.

   The skin on the neck is cracked like dry stone skin.

   He still stubbornly used his last strength to forcibly twist his neck and looked in the direction of the Broken Peak battlefield.

   finally saw Lin Beichen's winning scene with his own eyes, and his muddy and dry eyes revealed the last smile of relief in his life.

   There are successors.

   There is hope in the blue rain world.

so good.

   Fortunately, I went to Yunmeng Daze that day and met such a boy.

   Click, click, click.

   The muscles of the neck are torn, like dry earth and rocks.

   The smile has not dissipated, Liu Wuyan, who has consumed the last energy of his life, withered his body and turned into sand. After the cracks spread, he banged, and finally turned into a grain of sand and collapsed...

   Leave a pile of sand on the spot.



at the same time.

   In the various human cities of the Blue Rain World, the people who were trembling and crying in despair, all raised their heads in unison, looking at the projection screen.

   In the picture, the young man in white robe and armor is as handsome as a demon, but stalwart as a sacred mountain.

   His body is not particularly tall, nor burly.

   But at this moment, in the hearts of thousands of people of the human race, he stands tall and burly like a pillar supporting the sky, piercing the overwhelming darkness, and retaining the last ray of light in the world.

   "Remember, boy, he is our new king."

   "Mother, are we saved?"

   "Mother doesn't know, but someone is still fighting for us..."

   "If we still have the hope of living, it is what he won for us. You must remember his face..."

   "I remember, he looks so good."



   Yunjuan Mountains.

   [Orca King]'s voice echoed in the sky above Yunjuan Mountain.

   "In the fourth battle, the Terran tribe wins...Lin Beichen the Terran race is invited to leave the battlefield, and in accordance with the rules, the Terran race should send the first candidate..."

  【Orca King】Conscientiously acted as the master of ceremonies.

   He has such qualifications and strength.

   But Lin Beichen did not leave from the Broken Peak battlefield.

   He slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of the magic palace.


   Lin Beichen suddenly laughed.

He grabbed a handful of the blood of the demon messenger, wiped a handful of his own hair, and directly wiped out a **** purple head, which looked crazy and abnormal. In the film and television works, it is definitely the kind of villain killing crazy monster. .

"everything is over."

   Lin Beichen laughed and said, "I declare that the battle for the sky is over."

  The human experts who were cheering looked startled, and instantly looked at him silently.

   The surrounding demons also showed their doubts.

  The battle for the sky is over?


   Even the grand emcee [Orca King] did not respond: "Lin Beichen, what do you mean?"

   Just listen to Lin Beichen uplifting and laughing wildly.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I announced that I am not playing anymore, I am going to raise the table, ha ha ha, from now on, the time limit is also three days, if you don’t want to exterminate the clan, the demons will get out of the blue rain world, otherwise, don’t Blame me for killing."

   His tone is just astonishing.

There was an uproar around   .


   "Damn this human race."

"kill him."

   "Destroy the heaven-removing battle, the crime is unforgivable, kill it with a magic weapon."

   The demon men who had already been overly excited by the death of the demon messenger suddenly became furious, staring at Lin Beichen as if he had seen the murder of his father and the enemy, feeling pitiful and angry like a volcanic eruption.

   The heaven-sweeping battle was the chance they gave to the human race to survive.

   This little human race is afraid that he is dizzy.

   You think you have won a game and want to go against the sky?

   looking for death.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian's figure also appeared on the Chaotian Broken Peak.

He stood on the edge of the cliff, with purple hair flying, his handsome and evil face, overlooking the Broken Peak battlefield, faintly said: "Brother Lin, I just take the words just now, you are talking nonsense, don't care about you, and quickly retreat. , Otherwise, the Azure Rain Realm Human Race will be destroyed."

   The demon guards Qing'e and Ziyan, who were standing beside him, also sneered, staring at Lin Beichen murderously.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Lin Beichen sneered from the villain and said: "For the sake of the [Icebreaking Breathing Technique], I don’t care about you just now. I will bring your people out of the blue rain world...otherwise, you guys. This line of demons is afraid that it will be cut off."

   "Arrogant, you..."

   Demon Qing'e shouted angrily.

   However, the voice did not fall.


   His head exploded directly.

   is like a watermelon crushed by flying rocks.

   Purple blood mist sputtered.

   The thin and tall body stood upright in place.

   The'Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi' that broke the sound barrier was simply not what his cultivation level could capture and resist.

   "This is the price of interrupting."

   Lin Beichen is indifferent.

   Of course, it can be regarded as revenge for the head of Bai Luzi.

   The madness on his face was condensed, his face became as cold as a knife, and he said word by word: "Xiu'er, chance, I will only give you one time, take your person, get out."

   Yubun Soo Hyun's pupils shrank suddenly.

   Just now there was a "Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi", but he didn't even react.

  If it was shot on his head...

   Yu Wen Soo Hyun clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white, and his face was extremely angry.

   "You will pay for your actions."

He held Qing'e's body with one hand, and said: "I have given you a fair chance to fight, but it seems that you don't want it. From now on, my saint ancestor will die, and your human race will destroy a city. Qing'e's death begins..."

   The voice did not fall.


   is another ‘Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi’.

   The blood mist shoots out.

   Yu Wen Xiuxian was already alert for the first time, but was unable to intercept the ‘sword aura’, the head of the Demon Purple Nightmare, turned into a blood mist and exploded, and suddenly disappeared from his neck.

   "Is it tougher?"

Lin Beichen blew his fingers, his blood-stained hair stiffened, and said faintly: "If you destroy the human race, I will slaughter the demons. You can try it. In the end, whose sword will be broken first, and whose sword will be blunt first. Whoever will die first."

   Yubun Soo Hyun's expression is extremely angry.

   In a blink of an eye, the two subordinates he valued most were beheaded face to face.

   He could no longer control his emotions, and raised his right hand high.

   As long as it falls, it is the order to slaughter the city.


The second change, there is another second change.

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