Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1404: A hero who is greedy for money?

The starship that descended on the Blue Rain Realm was named "Yangwei".

   The leader of the ‘Yangwei’ who led a team to support the Qingyu Realm’s human race was a member of Liuyuan Xinglu named Huyan Yulong.

   The glorious era of human race was initiated and established by the great divine emperor.

  The empire spans countless galaxies, galaxies, spiral arms, star fields, and star roads. It has a vast territory. According to the will of the Holy Emperor, the government is a parliamentary system.

  Different levels of parliamentary rulers The vast empire territory of the Terran race.

  The assembly on Luyuan Star Road belongs to the most basic assembly of the empire.

   Even so, a star-level councillor is already a great figure in the Azure Rain Realm Human Race.

   Not every cat or dog can become a parliamentarian.

  The minimum requirement for a Senator is to advance to the tenth rank or above, and possess the strength of a lord.

   But it does not mean that as long as you are a lord, you can become a councillor.

  Like the human lord of the blue rain world, Wang Sichao, although he is at the lord level, he is not yet qualified to become a lord. He has applied for several times and participated in several assessments, all of which ended in failure.

   The arrival of Representative Huyan Yulong shocked the people of the Qingyu world human race.

The heads, generation heads, and elders of the eleven major sects, as well as some sub-power city owners, clan heads and other figures, all gathered at the mountain gate of Feijian Sect for the first time, waiting for this councillor. Summoned.

   As for why is Feijianzong Shanmen?

Because the Yunjuan Mountain Range where Chaotianque, the number one Dazongmen in the Blue Rain World, was located has been devastated by the devil, the original towering peaks have cut their heads like the poles of the valleys and become barren. Rundown.

   Mr. Senator certainly would not choose such a bad place.

   So he gave an order and requisitioned Feijianzong Mountain Gate Sword Laifeng as a temporary residence.

   The starship "Yangwei", which is 100 meters long and about 20 meters wide, is parked above Jianlai Peak, like a giant beast cruising across the ocean, casting a shadow on the ground.

   For three consecutive days, Jianlai Peak was very lively.

   The heads of human races from all over the Qingyu realm gathered on the mountain and under the mountain, lined up to meet the councillors, and they were proud of being received by this big man from the star road.

   The leaders of the various sects who first met the councillors, reported in detail everything that had happened in the blue rain world.

  People think that the human hero Lin Beichen, who has turned the tide, will be received, and will be honored and rewarded.

but it is not the truth.

   In the next ten days, Representative Hu Yan did not show the slightest intention of seeing Lin Beichen.

   Of course, Lin Beichen did not take the initiative to visit.

   He returned to the Weed Peak, seizing the time to cultivate zhenqi, preparing for entering the star road.

   Today's Liuyuan Star Road is full of war and chaos. Without sufficient preparation, he rushes in, just like a river fish enters the ocean, and even the bones that are accidentally eaten by the big sharks can't be left.

   As for the so-called Representative Hoshiro?

   Laozi cock, you, Gan.

   Lin Beichen didn't care at all.

   I don’t know why. From the very beginning, he had no good impressions of this so-called congressman.

time flies.

   The atmosphere of the Qingyu world human race is undergoing subtle changes.

   On the eleventh day, Representative Hu Yan Yulong finally appeared in public after meeting all the big and small people in the Qingyu world.

   "You cannot treat the heroes of the human race."

   He said so.

   Under the attention of all the people, he personally ascended to the Weed Peak as a member of Parliament, and ‘visited’ Lin Beichen, the hero of the human race of the Qingyu realm.

   This is a great event.

Many people are looking forward to the big figures from the Star Road, chatting and laughing with the native heroes of the Azure Rain Realm, creating a good story, and finally helping each other and working together, so that the Azure Rain Realm, which has been devastated by the demons, can quickly recover. vitality.

   Lin Beichen did not go out to greet him.

Wang Zhong, who had resigned as the lord of the Shenshui Palace and returned to the role of steward, greeted him with great enthusiasm and invited Mr. Hu Yanyulong, along with dozens of guards and assistants who accompanied him. Small yard.

   And many big sects and leaders of big forces in the Azure Rain Realm don't have this kind of treatment.

   The small courtyard cannot accommodate so many people.

   So the city masters, all standing and waiting outside the hut on the Weed Peak.

   What people did not expect was that this ‘historical meeting’ did not last too long.

   About less than a stick of incense, Mr. Huyan Yulong walked out of the yard angrily, his face was ugly, and he walked away, looking extremely angry and unhappy.

   The entourage was also angry and left in a hurry.


  The leaders and city owners standing outside the courtyard looked at each other inexplicably.

what's the situation?

   Talk about collapse?

   What did they talk about that would cause the two parties to break up unhappy?

   Someone wanted to go in and ask, but Lin Beichen turned him away.

The small courtyard wall and the rough courtyard gate now seem to be the most insurmountable moat in the Qingyu world. Without the invitation of the housekeeper Wang Zhong, even the head of the eleven major sects would not be able to enter at all—unless I don't want to live hard.

   The news came out, and the parties shook.

   No one thought that this should have happened to everyone.

   What did the two great men talk about in the thatched courtyard?

   Everyone is extremely curious.

   Later, there were gossips spreading through hidden channels.

"Congressman Hu Yan invited Lin Beichen to launch a joint initiative with him, calling on the human forces of the Qingyu world, and all the people of the human race, to raise donations for the Liuyuan Star Road to support the human warriors who fought against the demons on the Star Road... But it was rejected by Lin Beichen."

   "The two sides did not talk speculatively, and there was a quarrel."

   "Lin Beichen also said some strange things, such as ridicule, ‘Congressman Huyan is cheating people, the money of the gentry is refunded, and the people’s money is divided between three and seven,’ which made Congressman Huyan mad..."

   "It is said that the main reason is that Lin Beichen's lion opened his mouth and raised the fundraising proceeds. He had to put out 50% of the fundraising proceeds for his own use, and then he endured the anger of Congressman Huyan... This Lin Beichen really has a face to say it."

   turns out to be such a thing.

   It does not seem to be unacceptable to raise resources for the human race powerhouses who are bleeding and sweating on the star road, but Lin Beichen, who is a hero of the Azure Rain Realm, actually offered such a condition?

   This is too frantic.

   Do you still have a face?

   Many people didn't believe it at first.

   But then it occurred to him that Lin Beichen seemed to have always been greedy for money. Before the Battle of the Heavens, the lion had opened his mouth to blackmail the eleven major sects... Now it seemed logical that he wanted to share the fundraising proceeds.


   A hero who saves the world, why is he greedy for money?

   Many people who don't know the truth begin to feel disappointed.

   The halo covering Lin Beichen's body seemed to start to dim.

   The atmosphere of the blue rain world became more subtle.

   And a small incident that happened immediately ignited such a delicate atmosphere.

   "Hehe, do you really think that the Mozu is afraid of Lin Beichen?"

"Actually, the reason why the demons evacuated was because their peripheral forces had detected the arrival of the'Yangwei' in advance, and were deterred by Congressman Huyan's name, so they took advantage of the so-called battle to evade the sky. Otherwise, How can they be defeated so easily?"

   Yun Hong, the captain of the bodyguard of Representative Huyan Yulong, said this at an invitation banquet.

   This makes a lot of people ‘suddenly realize’.

   Some strange words began to spread among the crowd with wings.

   "Someone could have saved many powerful seniors, but they have been unwilling to take action, leading to the death of Lord Wang Sichao, Liu Wuyan Sword Saint and others..."

   "Yes, at the beginning, he also asked for a shot fee."

   "It's not just the beginning, but then I really increased the money, and the rats were murderous."

   "I have a friend who knows the inside story. It is said that Lin Beichen and the demon envoy knew each other..."

   "Really? I also have a friend who said that Lin Beichen's practice is magic power."

   didn't know where the news came from, similar rumors began to spread wildly in the blue rain world, and the speed of spread was very fast, and in the end, many ordinary people had also heard of it.

The news of    finally reached Lin Beichen's ears.


Third more.

There is one more.

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