Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1413: A bit big

Of course it is impossible to die together.

   Ling Taixi shot.

   This was the first time Lin Beichen met an alchemist.

   Ling Taixi threw out a silver metal Rubik's cube-like object, which quickly changed and expanded in the air, and finally turned into a square metal box with a diameter of three meters, which actually sealed the crazy Huo Zhen directly inside.

   Boom boom boom.

   The bombardment sounded from inside the metal box.

   Murderous intent surged in Ling Taixi's eyes, prompting the metal box to spin and shrink quickly.

   In the end, the crazy Huo Zhen was directly squeezed into fleshy blood. The lid was opened and dumped into the void. The death was so miserable that there was no corpse left.

   Lin Beichen took advantage of this effort to ‘swallow’ the dead 16th-level lord [infatuated elder] Fen Rumeng’s corpse, and obtained the purest level 16 lord void devil energy in his body.

   This is the strongest power he has got so far.

Unsurprisingly, his left hand swelled again, almost as thick as Ling Lingling's waist, and the purple of his hair increased by a shade... Fortunately, he was still under the disguise of a'magic camera' at this time, so others can not tell.

"In the previous crazy output, I basically consumed the 13th-order element qi of the'Huyan Yulong' stored in my left hand. [Infatuated Elder] The 16th-order magic energy of Fan Rumeng was refilled in time, and my combat power increased again. Doubled... I suspect that the 69-type formed by the infusion of the 16th-order devil energy can threaten the 18th-nineth-order high-lord-level powerhouses."

   Lin Beichen expressed satisfaction with this result.

   You may not lose, but I will always earn blood.

   He didn't absorb the pure qi from Huo Jianbo anymore, because his left hand and left arm could no longer be stored, and he didn't want to use other parts of his body as a ‘container’ for storing foreign energy.

   Lin Beichen has an instinct.

   If you store too much foreign energy in your body, you may cause some uncontrollable dangers to yourself.

   After all, he hasn't fully mastered this magical power of ‘Eat’.

   He calmly filled the [Snow Eagle], UZI Micro Chong, AK47 and 69 with the sixteenth-order magic energy, and immediately improved his combat power.

   At the same time, quickly finish touching the corpse and licking the bag.


  [Dawn] The hull trembled, spewing a beam of energy.

   began to hunt down the surrounding starships.

   The starships of the Huo Family and the Demon Race were far inferior to the [Dawn], and at this time, they had been killed by Lin Beichen, and their mentality had been lost. Dozens of starships fled like dogs in the family.

   "Remember, my name is Yu Wen Xiuxian, and I am destined to be a peerless arrogant who wants to step on some star road ten sons. If you want revenge, come to me at any time."

   Lin Beichen stood on the deck and shouted.

   a posture of ‘I want to be famous, you must remember my name and spread it’.

   Actually, vacuum cannot transmit sound, and others may not be able to hear it.

   "Master Yuwen."

  Ling Taixi walked over quickly, bowed deeply, and said with great gratitude: "Today's grace, my Ling family will not dare to forget...Ling Taixi, the young man of Ling Tianfu, thank you son for saving his life today."

   Lin Beichen glanced at him, but did not speak.

   This person is not on the road.

   You are not your sister, can you thank you with just one mouth?

   Other people also came over, thanking Lin Beichen for his life-saving grace.

   I really walked on the edge of a cliff today and almost died without a burial place.

   "Brother Yuwen’s kindness, I really don’t know and I thought it would be reported..."

  Ling Taixi thank you again and again.

"Not so polite."

Lin Beichen euphemistically said: "If you are feeling bad, just pay a small fee. My usual price is 100,000 yuan for a single shot. But if you have a lot of wealth and wealth, you will give you a call. Twelve percent off, just give me 120,000 huanghuang silver."

   Ling Taixi: "..."

   I don’t want this discount?

   He could see that there seems to be something wrong with the savior’s brain.

"I am serious."

   Lin Beichen said: "Go and prepare the money."

   Ling Taixi reacted, but didn't care, and said: "Haha, no problem, come here, immediately prepare 120,000 taels of great silver... I never treat my friends badly."

   Lin Beichen also laughed: "No wonder I saw you at the first time, I felt that your Yuxuanang Jinguangshining was full of copper smell all over your body, and you are indeed a rich man, you brother, I have settled it."

   Ling Taixi: "..."

Although    is a compliment, it seems that something is wrong, and a bad word is mixed in.

While    spoke, several people came to the VIP cabin of the starship.

  A variety of fresh fruit wines are presented.

   The atmosphere is very warm.

   Ling Lingling also put on a new white palace dress to accompany her.

She looks youthful and beautiful, with a plump breast, a slender waist, a pair of big long legs looming under the skirt, jade bones and ice muscles, full red lips, big and pure eyes, watery as if she can speak. It's really beautiful and amazing.

   "Young Master Yuwen's life-saving grace is nothing in return, and I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay you in the next life."

   Ling Lingling is shy and authentic.

Ling Taixi raised his glass to toast, and said: "Brother Yuwen's disfigurement technique is really subtle, and even the [Infatuated Elder] demon giants have deceived... But is it possible to see Young Master Yuwen's true face? "

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, and removed the pretense of [Magic Camera].

   After all, it costs money to maintain this stuff.

   A handsome face appeared in the VIP cabin.

   Ling Taixi was dumbfounded.

   In the entire VIP cabin, there seemed to be an extra light all at once.

   It turns out that the word ‘Peng Xun brilliance’ is a realism, not a metaphor.

Ling Lingling's beautiful little face showed a reddish color, as if thinking of something, he brought the wine, and said diligently: "Young Master Yuwen's kindness to save lives is nothing in return. The little girl would like to follow the son in this life. …"

   "There is one thing, I still have to ask Brother Ling."

   Lin Beichen recovered his original mask, a handsome and tragic face, suddenly burst into the protagonist's aura, and asked: "Liuyuan Star Road Ling Mansion, is there a girl named Ling Chen?"

   Ling Taixi was startled: "You also know Princess Chen?"

   Lin Beichen stayed in a daze: "Princess...Princess?"

   The eldest wife is a princess?

what's the situation.

Ling Taixi looked emotional, and said, "Brother Yuwen is also here for Princess Chen? This...I'm really not attacking you. Princess Chen is the proud daughter of Jinzhiyuyetian. Her status is too noble and not owned by us men on Liuyuan Star Road. Can"


   Lin Beichen caught some information.

   The identity of the early morning has a lot of background.

   Wait, are we two talking about the same person?

   Lin Beichen asked for some more detailed information, and took out a portrait of early morning, let Ling Taixi recognize it, and finally determined that Princess Chen was the eldest wife who had been replaced by a fake, early morning.

   "Unexpectedly, Brother Yuwen would actually cherish the portrait of Princess Chen personally. He is also an infatuated person. It is a pity... that high emperor is definitely not coveted by ordinary people... Brother Yuwen, I advise you to give up."

   Ling Taixi sighed.


Fourth, good night everyone.

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