Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1415: Special reinforcement

The most shocked were the sailors such as Ming Xuefeng.

  They did not expect that the new owner not only was not killed by the Demon Galaxy pirates, but really relied on his own strength to save the [Dawn] and became the guest of Ling Tianfu's young master.

   This is really a pole reversal.

   It seems that chasing with the new owner is no worse than chasing congressman Hu Yan Yulong.

   "You guys have worked hard, a little gift is not a respect, please accept it."

Ling Taixi is very good at being a human being. He directly ordered a huge reward and thanked him again and again. He believed that Ming Xuefeng and others had also contributed in the previous battle. At the same time, he gave Ling Tianfu's shopping discount card to buy various lords. Class-level alchemy equipment can be 10% off.

  Mingxuefeng and others were excited and couldn't close their legs together.

   This is a great gift.

   Ling Tian Mansion is the biggest alchemy power on Liuyuan Star Road. What does a 10% discount shopping card mean?

   Huge wealth.

   It seems that following the new owner has a future. It is much better than following Huyan Yulong. Why didn't Huyan Yulong die sooner?

   And the priest Qin, Wang Zhong, Guangjiang and others were all invited to the [Dawn of the Morning] and gave them a warm reception.

   The corpses of the warriors and warriors who died heroically before are carefully converged, and after returning to the voyage, they will be sent to the ground for burial.

   This is the tradition of the human race.

The atmosphere on   【Morning】 is a bit solemn and solemn.

   However, the warriors of Ling Tianfu showed a super professional attitude, and soon returned to their respective positions, [Dawn] speeded up and drove away from the battlefield.

   In the VIP cabin, a small reception banquet continued.

   dishes are rare elixir in galaxy. One sip can increase blood and true qi. The wine syrup is brewed with galaxy rice. Drinking a sip is refreshing and beneficial to spiritual cultivation.

   Guangjiang suddenly ate and drank wildly, unceremoniously.

   The scum tiger also followed.

   This pair of beast father and son are really good partners.

   The priest Qin had an elegant demeanor, noble temperament, natural conversation, and quite insightful. The Ling family were very surprised. They thought she was a big power's escaped daughter, so they all took a high look.

   Ling Lingling talked happily with the priest Qin.

  Beauty is really able to find a common topic very quickly.

   "Where is Brother Yuwen going next?"

   Ling Taixi sent an invitation directly, hoping that Lin Beichen could accompany him to the Blue Pole Star.

   He values ​​Lin Beichen's strength very much.

   "The starship is carrying a batch of important military alchemical equipment and materials, which must be safely delivered to the frontline battlefield as soon as possible."

  Although he was attacked and almost destroyed his army, Ling Taixi still showed his determination and bravery. He did not intend to retreat, and continued to sail forward to complete this mission.

   "I have used the secret technique to contact the family, and soon there will be a high-lord-level powerhouse from the council to help, but before it meets, I ask Brother Yuwen to help me."

   Ling Taixi sent out for help.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   He came into the star road, but he didn't actually have a clear destination.

The main purpose of    is to feel the power of the law in the galaxy in the starry sky, increase the strength as soon as possible, and advance to the lord level, and strive to open the host Zhenzhou continent as soon as possible.

   "I can travel together."

   Lin Beichen finally agreed, saying: "However, you have to pay."

"no problem."

   Ling Taixi is overjoyed.

   In fact, he could vaguely see that Lin Beichen is now a scattered powerhouse and does not belong to the nine big families, so he has the intention to win.

   A powerhouse of this level is also proficient in the magical disguise technique, even if he can't let Lin Beichen work for him, as long as he can become a friend, he will definitely be useful in the future.

   Finally, the two reached an agreement.

  [Dawn] in front, followed by [Yangwei], forming a small formation and marching towards the Blue Pole Star.

   After the banquet, Lin Beichen and others were all arranged in the "Starry Sky View Room" of different VIPs on [Dawning] for a temporary rest.

   "A whole new world."

   Lin Beichen looked at the dark and deep starry sky outside the window and expressed such emotion.

  The martial arts civilization has developed to such a degree, it can almost be compared with the gods in the earth legend-no, in some aspects, it has surpassed the gods, such as the parliamentary system, such as the existence of starships, anchors, and so on.

   did things that scientific and technological civilization could not do.

   He was lying on the bed, hanging on the machine to practice.

In the previous battle, the Huyan Yulong’s 13th-order True Qi power stored in his left arm has been consumed a lot, and the rest has been continuously refined by [Huaqi Jue] and transferred to the body’s skin defense. .

Lin Beichen had a feeling that as his cultivation level improved, especially when he reached the peak of Tier 5, the Guiyuan Primal Chaos True Qi in his body had completed the step of'from the virtual to the real', the 【Huaqi Jue】refined the true qi. The speed is accelerating.

The magic is that, according to the description of the realm in the [Huaqi Jue] cheat book, even if Lin Beichen has already trained the Zijin skin film real body, the defense is amazing, but he still has not reached the first layer of [Huaqi Jue] Consummation. Degree.

   "I got the real body of the Zijin skin film because of the improvement of the great realm. The combination of the void demon energy and the elemental energy is condensed. This may be an idea..."

   Lin Beichen tried to guide the two different kinds of energies in his left hand, actively following the 【Huaqi Jue】, and transforming them into permanent defense of the flesh.

   This method worked.

   He felt that his membrane was being further strengthened.

   "The skin is getting thicker and thicker. If this goes on, one eyelash can stab a lord to death sooner or later."

   Lin Beichen felt that he had embarked on a perverted road.

   An open life is often so unpretentious and boring.

   Before he knew it, he fell asleep.

   Navigating between stars is much boring than flying.

   The scenery outside the window is rare. The stars are shining in the dark and deep sky. It is very far away, as small as sand and soot, but after watching it for a long time, it will feel lonely and boring.

  【Dawn】Does a dozen consecutive anchor jumps.

   across the endless galaxy.

  This made Lin Beichen couldn't help but start to imagine that it would take a lot of time for a starship to travel in the galaxy. How terrifying is a domain master-level powerhouse who can physically cross the galaxy?

   In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

   Encountered interceptions and ambushes on the road, but they were all wandering demons and interstellar pirates. They didn't need Lin Beichen to take action. Ling Taixi could end by himself.


   A strange system APP message prompt sounded.

   Lin Beichen summoned his cell phone.

   is the news push of [Huaqi Jue] APP.

   He opened it curiously and entered the program.

   "[Huaqi Jue] The first layer of Dzogchen, you have a special opportunity to strengthen, may I use it immediately?"

  Special enhancement?

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up.

   [Huaqi Jue] It was originally a technique for strengthening the physical body, which is already extremely peculiar. That can be called the strengthening of the word ‘special’, and it must be very abnormal.

   Lin Beichen chose to strengthen immediately.

   "The options that can be specially strengthened: membrane, muscle, blood vessel, organ, bone, please select one specifically, and click [Next] for special strengthening."

   The second prompt message appears.

   Lin Beichen hesitated a little, but chose ‘film’.

   After all, the skin is on the outermost layer of the body. Once the skin is thickened to a certain level, it can protect everything in the body and strengthen it most.

   At the moment of making a decision, Lin Beichen only felt that a special feeling came, and a mysterious power instantly evacuated all the foreign energy stored in his left hand, turned it into a hot current, and covered all the skins of his body.

  Special enhancement has arrived.


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