Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1423: Civilized city

Lin Beichen was arranged in the "Dafeng Building", the hospitality restaurant of the "Dafeng Military Department". He received a warm welcome as soon as he walked in. At the entrance of the 30-storey restaurant lobby, there was a ‘Welcome Human Race Hero Lin Beichen’ hanging. The words "Dafenglou" in the banner.

  Rao is Lin Beichen, who is cheeky, and he can't help it.

   What is this?

   It feels too thick.

   "Three days later, there will be a military awards ceremony. In the previous outer guard battle, the generals and martial arts powerhouses who have made meritorious services have all stayed in the Dafeng Building. Similar soberness has been staged more than once."

   Female staff officer Yi Shunan smiled and said authentically.

   Sure enough, when Lin Beichen turned around, he saw the banner hanging at the entrance of the restaurant, which had been replaced with the words'Warmly Welcome Human Hero Huo Hantian to Stay in Dafenglou'.

   Feelings are just a normal process.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   His room was arranged on the 33rd floor on the top floor. It was transmitted through the ‘array room’, which was much faster than the elevator. It went from the first floor to the 33rd floor in a second.

There are three large suites on the top floor.

   Each suite is not a separate room. Apart from the wide view, there are exercise rooms, soup pools, martial arts halls, meeting rooms, master and secondary bedrooms, confidential rooms and other different areas, which can be described as fully functional.

   The most amazing thing is that each suite is also equipped with all-day confidential staff to meet all needs at any time.

  On the 33rd floor, only the most distinguished guests can enter.

   "My lord, Lu Chao and I are the confidential secretaries specially equipped for you by the Dafeng Military Department. They will be on duty in the confidential room in turn. If you have any needs, you can use "Yingui" to notify us at any time."

  The beautiful female staff member Yi Shunan is respectful and authentic.

   Through her demonstration, Lin Beichen understood that the so-called "Yingui" is a kind of alchemy item of formation, and its function is similar to that of a telephone.

   This is the first time he has enjoyed such a high standard treatment.

Lin Beichen wants to say that he is also a person who has seen the world, whether he is in the host Zhenzhou or in the gods, he has been specially treated by major forces from all sides, but the reception at the level of Blue Pole Star Liuyuan City is still the first. Times.

   Compared with Dafenglou, the former small Meilou in the capital of the Beihai Empire and the God Realm was like a small hotel in the country.

While    was talking, there was a knock on the door.

   There were soldiers from the army, and they sent ten large boxes of silver phoenix wood.

   The box opens.

There are rare and exotic resources such as the prehistoric gold, prehistoric silver, thunder wind dragon gold, extreme cold sand, daffodil gods, red moon true core, flying dragon mask and flying wings, mysterious true pill, bone strengthening pill, water and fire armor, etc., in an instant Let the whole living room be jeweled, like a dream.

   "This is a training resource for you."

   Yi Shunan introduced one by one.

   Lin Beichen opened his mouth.

very good, very powerful.

   Although he didn't want to admit it, this time, he was really a little bit as shocked as Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

   Is the Gale Army so generous?

   The meeting ceremony is a bit scary.

   He accepted without hesitation.

   "A few of your other friends are all placed in several Tianzi-size rooms on the 29th floor. If you want to see them, you can dial directly through the "Inkyu" in the room."

   Yi Shunan is very dedicated and introduces everything in detail.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but sigh again.

   This is the real level that the martial arts civilization should have for tens of thousands of years. It is not comparable to the host Zhenzhou and the gods, or even the poor places like the Qingyu world.

   Thirty-three-story pavilion, military vehicles, roads, starships, elevator-like ‘Jinfang’, telephone like ‘Inkyu’...

   Everything makes the life of the monks extremely convenient.

  The fruits of martial arts civilization have penetrated into all aspects of life.

   "My lord has returned from a **** battle, but you can take a bath and rest first, we will retreat first."

   Two confidential staff salutes and exits the room.

   Lin Beichen stood in front of the huge glazed window in the living room and looked outside.

   The huge Liuyuan city is full of dreamlike colors.

   Whether it is scale or planning, whether it is architecture or art, it is not inferior to those super-mega cities on the earth in the past.

   The lights are on.

   The glazed floor-to-ceiling windows reflect the brightly lit city.

   Lin Beichen was in a trance again.

   is like returning to the earth as time and space flow.

   "We have arrived at Blue Pole Star in the early morning, and she should be in this city at this time. It won't take long to see her and fulfill her old promise."

   He was looking forward to it.

   After bathing and changing clothes, the first thing Lin Beichen did was to adjust various training apps, open them as scientifically and reasonably as possible, and increase his strength crazily.

Three days ago, on the [Morning], due to the pressure of the Lord of the Burning Sky, his body's qi rebounded, and he took advantage of the opportunity to refine the power of the magical medicine that he took before, such as the magical medicine of the spirit grass. Coincidentally, he madly absorbed the power of the galaxy's tides, rose to four levels in one fell swoop, and advanced to the realm of the ninth-level master.

   This is a miraculous breakthrough.

   But now it seems that it is far from enough.

   The combat power displayed by the two major domain masters of Burning Heaven and Fengxiangbei created a sense of urgency in Lin Beichen's heart.

   These two people are just the top beings on Luyuan Star Road.

  Star Road is the lowest level territorial unit in the prehistoric sky.

  There are star fields, spiral arms, galaxies, star regions...

   Domination Star Road is nothing but a country bully.

Ambition began to grow in his heart, he wanted to go out of the'country' and shocked the'world'—especially the experience of almost dying under the hands of the Lord of Burning Heaven, which made him realize that he wanted to truly control his own destiny, except for opening up. In addition, it has to be strong.

   So, keep getting stronger.

   First set a small goal.

   Enter the lord level, open the host real continent, and find a way to treat Qianqianqianqian, Chuhen, Gong Gong and others.

   After adjusting various training apps, Lin Beichen opened [Happy Farm].

   Search a little.

Sure enough, I saw dozens of different sizes, such as the'Farm of the Gale Army','The Farm of the Qingyan Army','The Farm of the Sundering Army','The Farm of the Deep Blue Army', and the'Huojia Farm'. Farms.

  The area of ​​each farm is larger than that of Lin Beichen's farm. The vegetation planted is more diverse and dense and prosperous. You can see that it is a rare spiritual tree on the Star Road.

   The only pity is that most farms have dogs.

  Lin Beichen finally chose ‘Huo’s Farm’ and stole a wave. With good luck, he was not found, and got a basket of about twelve treasures named [Han Xing Guo].

   That night, Lin Beichen drove in a beautiful bath.



   Otokei vibrated.

   Lin Beichen picked it up casually, and after inputting true Qi to connect, the voice of Master Qin came from inside.

   "I'm at the door, open the door."

  The voice of the priest Qin at night was cold and crisp, and a bit lazy, making Lin Beichen's heart stunned.

   Is Teacher Qin finally going to do it on me?

   Lin Beichen immediately went to open the door without hesitation.


Fourth, good night everyone.

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