Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1425: Killing intent cannot be stopped

The priest Qin did not have the shyness and pretentious reservedness of a girl.

   When Lin Beichen came over, she slowly greeted her, presenting her delicate and rosy lips.

   Someone once said that when a man kisses, he always subconsciously wants to pinch something.

   Lin Beichen thinks so.

   So his hand splits the soldiers in two ways.

   Both roads are climbing mountains.

  The front mountain and the back mountain.

   When Lin Beichen is ready to go further.

   The priest Qin wrapped his arms around Lin Beichen's waist, his head leaned back slightly, and his white hair poured out like a waterfall.

   "Not yet."

   She shook her head slightly.

   Lin Beichen's request did not stop, and said: "Why?"

   Qin said: "You have forgotten the number of my fate?"

   Lin Beichen was startled, and immediately realized something, shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid."

   "The brave little man is really brave."

The priest Qin separated his hands, shook his head slightly, and slowly grasped Lin Beichen's wrist, and said softly: "The number of fate is not vain. It is like twenty bloodline cultivation roads. There are some things you have never experienced before. I think you can conquer the sky, maybe you have a chance, but at least you can’t do it now. After the last step, the curse of the number of fate will come to you. You may not care about it, but if it comes, it will endanger Kindness to the people around you?"

   Lin Beichen was startled.

  Tiansha Lone Star's fate, can it be infected through sex?

   He is not afraid of being defeated, but if he defeats others...

   The priest Qin clasped his hands on his chest, gently stroked, and said, "I will find a solution, give me some time... Otherwise, why should I choose the 21st bloodline "Doctor"?"

   Lin Beichen did not insist anymore.

   Although his heart is hot, his body is hot, and the breath he exhales is as hot as lava, he still controls his movements and body.

   "Then I will wait for Teacher Qin."

   He gently kissed the jade-like forehead of Lord Qin.

   is not easy.

   Since shortly after crossing, he has started the strategy.

  From Yunmeng City all the way to Chaohui City, then to the capital, then to the God Realm, and then to Honghuang... Teacher Qin finally opened his heart to himself.

   This is also good.


   The priest Qin suddenly lowered his head and smiled, and his hands slowly followed Lin Beichen's chest down, and said: "If you want it especially, it's not impossible..."

   She looked at Lin Beichen's eyes, then slowly squatted down, lowering her head again.

   Lin Beichen was startled, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

   Immediately, his breathing became sharp.

   Teacher Qin...

   will also go to the high speed.



for a long time.

   The door of Suite One opened.

   The priest Qin, who was put on a men's swordsman uniform, looked beautiful and refined, and was brave and brave. With a high ponytail, he walked out of the room.

   followed by a refreshing Lin Beichen.

   refused Lin Beichen's request to stay overnight.

   Everything that was charming just now was the special reward she gave to this little man in the starry sky, but she couldn't keep the little man immersed in the gentle country all the time.

   Wenrou Township has been a hero's grave since ancient times.

   Do not drown here for a long time.

   The relationship between the two people, in the heart of the Master Qin, was actually completely determined when the heaven and the earth were facing each other naked, although it was only because of cultivation at that time, there was no exploration in the sense of men and women.

   "This girl, please stay."

  I've been waiting for Zhen Ruyi outside to take a few steps, and stopped in front of the priest Qin, smiling and polite, and said: "The adults in the second suite, want to see you."

   The priest Qin frowned slightly.

  Lin Beichen's mind came up with the tall and young man in the opposite suite he had seen before. There were some unpleasant guesses, and he suddenly snorted and said: "No, let him die."

What the hell.


   Zhen Ruyi glanced at Lin Beichen, thought that this person was so rude, smiled faintly, and said: "My lord, what choice does this girl make, it has nothing to do with you now, right?"

   Lin Beichen was startled.

What does    mean?

   At this time, just listen to the door of the opposite suite opening.

   The tall Huo Hanshan walked out from inside.

   His eyes fell on the main priest Qin, and his eyes lit up again.

   The last time I saw this woman, I only felt very **** and seductive, especially the long silver hair that was crystal clear as ice and snow, which was extremely rare. Just a back figure made his heart burn.

After the change now, although the male swordsman uniform looks a little loose, it does not hinder the outline of her tall figure. The high-tie ponytail looks even more beautiful and reveals a sassy and heroic look, which makes people involuntarily full of conquest .

   This is a stunner in the world.

   Huo Hanshan came over.

He looked away from the main priest Qin with difficulty, looked at Lin Beichen, and said indifferently: "I know you, your record is indeed very outstanding, but... to me, those are meaningless, because I am also a military officer. Human hero recognized by the Ministry."

   "If you are not a human hero, just by the way you looked at my friend, you are already a corpse now."

   Lin Beichen is cold and authentic.

"your friend?"

   Huo Hanshan sneered, and said in a mocking manner: "A prostitute who has been called, you call her a friend? I have a few glances at her, what can you do to me?"

   The atmosphere in the corridor changed drastically as soon as he said this.

   The priest Qin's eyes were sharp as a sword, and he suddenly raised his head, his silver hair danced without wind, staring at Huo Hanshan.


   Huo Hanshan did not conceal his provocation and contempt, and said frivolously: "Isn't what I said wrong? I've seen a woman like you a lot, hehe, it looks holy on the surface..."

   The next moment, his voice was interrupted directly.

"you wanna die!!"

   Lin Beichen’s furious voice seemed to pop out word by word from his teeth. His brain was congested instantly, and his anger erupted like a **** volcano.

   The right hand grabbed in the void, and the light flashed, [Snow Eagle] grabbed it in the hand.

   Lin Beichen did not hesitate at all, just raising his hand directly.


   Huo Hanshan's arm was directly blown.

   Blood and bones are mixed and splashed.

   The white wall of the corridor was sprayed into a red and white watercolor painting in an instant, and the blood was dripping down the wall...


   Huo Hanshan screamed: "[Broken Invisible Sword Qi]? How dare you shoot here, you...ah."

   He never dreamed that in this big wind building, Lin Beichen would dare to hurt people if he didn't agree with him.

   I didn't even expect that compared with the information on intelligence, in reality, Lin Beichen's [Broken Invisible Sword Qi] would be stronger, faster, and suddenly more powerful.

   Judging from the texts and pictures of the intelligence, it is completely two concepts to face the [Broken Invisible Sword Qi].

"stop it now."

   The confidential secretary Zhen Ruyi was equally surprised.

   But after all, she was an elite young officer trained by the military. She reacted extremely quickly, her figure fluttered, her shadow flickered, and she stood in front of Huo Hanshan for the first time.

   At the same time, the others were also alarmed.

   Yi Shunan and Lu Chao, the two confidential secretaries in Suite One, and another male confidential secretary in Suite Two opposite, also rushed out of the confidential room for the first time.

   "My lord, don't be impulsive."

   Yi Shunan glanced, and quickly stopped.

  Lu Chao quickly stepped forward.


   The male confidential secretary Huang Haiwei in Room Two was furious when he saw this, and the reaction was equally fast. He immediately drew his sword out of his shield and rushed up.

   Killing human heroes in the Dafeng Building of the Dafeng Military Headquarters?

   This matter is going to pierce the sky.

   But how could Lin Beichen give them a chance?

   consecutive shots.

   bang bang bang.

   [Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi] wiping Zhen Ruyi's coat and passing by, directly interrupted Huo Hanshan's remaining three limbs.

   "Today, you must die."

  The dragon has inverse scales, and if you touch it, you will get angry.

   Lin Beichen's killing intent could not be stopped.


The second is more.

Remark 1: At the beginning of the world, the two were only practicing and did not have a relationship. If you don't believe it, you can go back and take a closer look.

Remark 2: Ask for monthly pass.

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