Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1427: The death of Huo Hanshan

Yi Shunan suddenly admired the Qin priest.

  If there is such a handsome and gentle man in this world who can draw his sword in anger for himself, and hesitate to fight against the military and the big family, what will happen to him?

   will cry for him, laugh for him, and be obsessed with him for a lifetime.

   will find it difficult to escape his palm.

   Lin Beichen turned around and entered the suite, took out two large chairs, a table, and placed them in the corridor, sitting on one by himself, Qin priest sitting on one, and Da Ma sitting on the chair with a golden sword.

   Then, on the table, light a stick of incense.

   Say one stick of incense, one stick of incense.

  He will wait patiently.

   is waiting for the arrival of the ‘murloc’.


   The blood from Huo Hanshan's severed limb wound, like the bottom of the water, fell into the blood puddle under the door panel, rippling layers after layers.

   The originally chaotic corridor suddenly became extremely quiet.

   Huang Haiwei, who was seriously injured, stood beside him, not daring to say a word.


   The sound of footsteps came.

   The first thing that reacted was the security guards of Dafenglou.

   Yin Sanbiao, the shopkeeper on the floor, rushed to the corridor with people in a panic, almost asphyxiated when he saw this scene.

  Huo Hanshan, the human hero, Zhen Ruyi, the third-level staff officer of the military, was nailed to the wall and could not move. Another third-level staff officer, Huang Haiwei, was standing against the wall with a pale face...

   This is a big deal.


   Yin Sanbiao smiled bitterly, looked at Lin Beichen, and said, "Master Lin, why are you so angry, it's better to calm down first, what's the matter, let's talk about it... come here, pull Master Huo quickly."

   The security guard of Dafenglou behind him immediately stepped forward.


   A sword light burst out of the sky.

   A security guard's hand, as soon as he reached out to Huo Hanshan, was cut with a **** wound, and he backed away in fright.

   "Who moves, who dies."

   Lin Beichen's complexion was cold.

   Yin Sanbiao's heart trembled, he quickly lost a smile, and said, "Master Lin, what the **** is going on, can we..."


   Lin Beichen refused directly and said: "Do you know me?"

"Yes, yes, the villain has heard of the achievements of the adults. In the starry sky, he once killed three elders, eleven altar masters, and more than 30 guardians of the Demon Race, including the [Infatuated Elder]. Kill Shuofeng World Star [Golden Lion] Jin Wushu and the four chiefs under his command..."

   Yin Sanbiao tried his best to speak compliments, trying to resolve the situation.

   "Since you know my combat skills, then do your own calculations, do you want to go against my will."

   Lin Beichen supported his knee with one hand and said indifferently: "Whoever dares to save him is my life and death enemy. I never show mercy to the enemy..."

   Yin Sanbiao's expression freezes.

Lin Beichen stared at him and said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it. Don't say it is unexpected." Yin Sanbiao only felt a chill coming out of his tail vertebrae, and went straight down his spine to the sky. The skull flew away.

  , especially when he was stared at by Lin Beichen's gaze, it seemed that a sharp blade was against his heart, giving him a suffocating feeling of oppression.

   "Go back, all go back."

   He was scared, and waved his hands again and again, motioning his subordinates to step back.

At this moment, the confidential secretary Yi Shunan couldn't help but quietly approached the priest Qin's side and said: "Sister Qin, can you persuade Master Lin, if this matter goes on, it won’t end. Very unfavorable."

   The priest Qin looked at the anxious eyes of the female secretary Miaoling in front of him, and asked calmly: "Do you have a man you like?"

   Yi Shunan was startled, and the childhood sweetheart appeared in his mind subconsciously. A shyness flashed across the pretty goose egg's face and said, "Yes."

   She didn't know why the priest Qin asked such a question.

   Seeing a smile on the beautiful suffocating face of the chief priest Qin, he said softly: "The sister tells you two things."

   "The first thing, since you choose, then save the man who believes in you forever."

She paused slightly, looked at Yi Shunan’s eyes, and said, “The second thing is that when the person you like draws a sword in anger to protect you, you must support him instead of thinking that you can block the overall situation. Because that is the greatest pride and dignity of a man."

   At this moment, Yi Shunan was stunned.

   I only felt that even as a woman, I was about to fall into the eyes of this beautiful and unparalleled silver-haired woman.


   At the end of the corridor, the glazed windows with blessed formations were directly shattered.

   A figure carrying a wind and thunder fell on the ground.

   Huo Hanshan, who was nailed to the door panel and was extremely weak, suddenly raised his head, seeing this person, his eyes lit up, and his face showed ecstasy.

   is his brother Huo Hanquan.

   "Han Shan..."

   Huo Hanquan wears a crimson blazing light armor with a blood-red flying beast cloak behind his back. The long fiery red hair is like blood stained, and his body is full of chaotic and chaotic elemental powers, showing the powerful aura of the 16th-order lord.

   Fury and coercion permeated at the same time.

   Huang Haiwei, Yi Shunan and others only felt short of breath, and their heart seemed to be suddenly pressed against a huge boulder.

  The moment he landed, Huo Hanquan saw Huo Hanshan nailed to the opposite door, roared, and roared: "Lin Beichen, you dare to hurt my brother seriously, I want you..."

   The voice did not fall.


   Strange metal knocking sound.

   Huo Hanquan's head exploded directly.

   The blood exploded like a group of blood fireworks blooming in the night.

   The chaotic and powerful elemental aura surrounding his body quickly dissipated like a gust of wind that had lost its source.


   The body fell heavily to the ground.

   "Dish. Force, dare to add drama to myself."

   Lin Beichen blew the barrel of AWM, a bit hot. After fighting with the Lord of Burning Heaven, the seventeenth-order golden vindictive energy he had stored in his left arm has been exhausted, but fortunately, a magazine was injected before, so in AWM, there are now six rounds that can kill the lord. bullet.

  All of his weapons are left with the last bullet.

   But, definitely enough.

   Huo Hanshan's pupils suddenly shrank like needles.

   An indescribable shock and fear swept his heart instantly.

   Brother is dead.

The twentieth bloodline Dao'Elements' cultivation level sixteen high lord, the first-level warlord of the Qingyan army, Huo Hanquan, who is in the military position, was just a face-to-face, and he was cut off without finishing the words. Just like grass, it blasted his head directly.

   How dare he?

   Lin Beichen how dare he?

   Is he a brain-dead, is he a lunatic?

   Huo Hanshan's pinned body trembled involuntarily.

   He thought he was tough and sturdy enough, but the madness that Lin Beichen showed now made his soul tremble involuntarily.

   swish swish.

   The figure flickers.

   The light and shadow of the formation flickered.

   The people from the Dafeng Military Headquarters and the Huo family finally arrived.

   A super warrior came from the military headquarters, and the Huo family appeared as the chief elder ‘Huo Yongnian’ with the highest status in Liuyuan City.

   The scene in front of them shocked them and was unbelievable.

   "A fanatic, a demon..."

   Huo Yongnian burst out, his eyes stab Lin Beichen like a sword.

   At this time, the incense that was lit on the table finally burned to the end.

"Time is up."

  Lin Beichen looked at Huo Yongnian, who was angry on the opposite side, and stood up slowly, with a smile on his face, and said faintly: "You are here in time, just in time to collect the body for Huo Hanshan."

"Do not!"

Seeing the sword seal that Lin Beichen slowly raised his hand to squeeze out, Huo Hanshan, who had been holding on hard, finally collapsed, and screamed: "No, I apologize, I am willing to apologize, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Huo Home is wrong, our Huo family is wrong."


   Lin Beichen pulled the trigger: "I don't accept... Go to Huangquan Road and confess."

   The energy bullets that broke the sound barrier, the line of sight cannot be captured, and no one can stop it.


   The blood was diffused, and the bones shot.

   Huo Hanshan's head was directly blown to pieces.

"Do not…"

Huo Yongnian could not stop the future, his eyes were splitting, and he stumbled over and hugged Huo Hanshan's body, and wailed: "My son...Lin Beichen, you kill my two sons. I want you to survive and die. The Huo family absolutely I won’t let you go. No one can keep you. I want you to regret coming to this world."


Fourth more.

Say something: tomorrow Saturday.

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