Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1448: Who gave you the courage

There was no word in the early morning.

  【Void Prophet】The state is a bit weird.

   was killed and almost died, how could he suddenly reorganize his body?

   That is the injury caused by the level 70 alchemy equipment [Xie Yue Hammer].

   Finally, I noticed some clues early in the morning.

   In the [Fear Skeleton] in the back bone chamber, wisps of purple demon energy particles that are barely visible to the naked eye are quietly separated, and they are continuously pouring into [Void Prophet].

  Magic Source Empowerment?

   reacted all of a sudden in the early morning.

   It seems that the emperor uncle just now got overwhelmed, talked so much nonsense, and didn't hurt the killer, causing [Void Prophet] to regenerate in desperation and restore combat power.

   Things shouldn't be too late.

   A thought in the early morning triggered [Silver Heart].

   She raised her hand.

   The silver armor on her right arm surging like flowing water, transforming into a silver crossbow in her palm, and transforming into a silver small sword.


   The sound of bowstring tremor sounded.


  【Void Prophet】Not moving, his head instantly evaporates.

   The small silver arrow passed through the center of the eyebrows of the virtual head without causing any injuries.

   "Little girl, you..."

  【Void Prophet】With a faint smile, his complexion suddenly changed.

   saw the silver arrow make a sudden turn, double the speed, and shoot towards the [Fear Skeleton] in the bone chamber behind her.

   From the beginning, in the early morning, the drunken man didn’t care about drinking.

   Her goal is not to kill [Void Prophet].

   It is to destroy [Fear Skeleton].

   [Void Prophet] reacted, a flash of surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes.

   She turned around abruptly, raised her right hand and grabbed it backward.

  The wisps of purple void demon energy shot out like lightning, and the second shot came first. It actually entangled the fast-shot silver arrow directly, and slowly dragged it backwards.

   "Uncle Emperor."

   A clear drink in the early morning.

  Prince Qi reacted, his true energy surged, and the [Evil Moon Hammer] in his hand was driven, turned into a stream of light, and shot out.

  【Void Prophet】Look sideways, grabbing with his left hand.

  【Xie Yue Hammer】 was caught between her palms.

  Prince Qi gave a sneer.

When    thought, Zhen Qi painted an ancient alchemy ancestor symbol in front of him.

There are twelve alchemy ancestors in the    alchemy school. Prince Qi is the galaxy great alchemist. He has mastered two of them and possesses unpredictable powers.

   He raised his hand and pushed.


  Alchemy Ancestral Talisman, turned into a streamer, instantly submerged in [Xie Yue Hammer].

   In the next moment, [Xie Yue Hammer] Shenhua masterpiece.

  In the dangling hammer body, the first quarter moon pattern of the masculine seal on one side suddenly became magnificent and vibrated, bursting out with endless high-frequency vibration power.


  【Void Prophet】's left hand instantly exploded into powdery blood mist.

   This caused the Void Demon Qi screen that involved the silver arrow to shatter a little, but it still couldn't break free.


   The arrow of the small silver arrow suddenly separated directly from the arrow body and shot out.

   This change is beyond [Void Prophet]'s expectations.


   The arrow shot directly into the center of the eyebrows of [Fear Skeleton].


   There was a cracking sound like broken glass.

   Several small hair-like cracks appeared between the eyebrows of [Fear Skeleton].

   then spread slowly.

   then quickly expanded.

   White cracks spread all over the skull.

  At this moment, time seemed to stop flowing suddenly.

  【Void Prophet】The shock on his face...

   A trace of relaxation in the early morning eyes...

  The ecstasy of the wind to the north and others...

   All the pictures suddenly seemed to have been pressed by the pause button.

   After a long but short time—


   Centered on [Fear Skeleton], a terrifying energy explosion was triggered.

   The bone chamber was instantly destroyed.

   The bone rock collapsed.

   The large bone rock that collapsed caused a chain reaction of the entire bone valley, which collapsed like an earthquake.

  The white ‘ashes’ rose into the sky.

   The whole turtle shell island seems to be silent.

   The sea of ​​bones around it also boiled frantically.

   "Go back."

  Prince Qi drank.

   The wind went north and waited for the injured to retreat quickly.

   After getting acquainted.

   the ashes and smoke scattered.

   The original bone valley has completely turned into ruins.

  【Void Prophet】Shaped like electricity, he shot out, and pressed his palm towards the early morning.

   With long hair flying in the early hours of the morning, the crossbow arrows in his hand had long been turned into armor, protecting the whole body, and did not confront directly, stepped back two steps, and got behind Prince Qi.

   "Good job."

Prince Qi laughed, beckoned to take the [Xie Yue Hammer] into his hand, and shook in the wind, the small hammer instantly turned into a three-meter siege hammer with a stalk of the hammer, and the silver pattern on it flashed, and it instantly merged with Prince Qi. The feeling of oneness.


   smashed out with a hammer.

  【Void Prophet】 was smashed and flew out.

   Half of her body was directly smashed and turned into a powdery blood mist.

   The 70-level alchemy tool [Evil Moon Hammer], although it has not fully recovered, but in the hands of a galaxy-level alchemist like Prince Qi, the power it exerts is terrifying.

   Lost the [Void Prophet] supported by [Fear Skeleton], obviously not an opponent.

   "The time of death has come."

  Prince Qi was covered with a set of bronze armor.

   This is a set of 31-level alchemy armor, condensed into a [Surge Shell], which can greatly enhance the power and defense of the alchemist. It is the alchemy assessment work that Prince Qi was promoted to the Galaxy.

   Although it is not as good as the early morning king's weapon [Silver Heart], it is also a fine alchemy equipment in the Galaxy class.

  The armor is on the body, making Prince Qi's original burly body appear taller.

   An air current, like steam, sprayed out from the gaps in the armor.

   Holding the [Xie Yue Hammer] with both hands, Prince Qi, like a warrior, launched a charge.


  【Void Prophet】is smashed into the air again.

   The blood flies.

   She staggered to the ground, and quickly recovered her physical body with the help of the Void Demon Qi. She was surging with purple demon energy. She imagined dozens of purple dragons, rising to the sky, and entwined towards Prince Qi.


  Prince Qi is like a **** of war, leaping up in the air and hitting it with a hammer.

  【Xie Yue Hammer】A brilliant masterpiece in the middle and half of the moon, the divine power was released, and layers of divine light surged, instantly dissolving the purple dragon.

   The giant hammer falls like a star.

  【Void Prophet】His complexion changed, his whole body was surging with purple energy, and his energy spurred to the peak. His figure squatted slightly, then roared and raised his hands.

   hard-wired this hammer.


   The earth quaked.

   This hammer was actually borrowed by her bare hands.


  【Evil Moon Hammer】The full moon blooms with divine splendor.

   [Void Prophet]'s hands, seem to be licked by the flames, making a scorching sound, and the flesh and blood instantly turned into coke, continuously falling apart...

   Her palm was wiped out little by little.

   then arms.


At the joint of Prince Qi's armor joints, a large amount of hot steam gushes out, violently exerting force.

  【Void Prophet】's forearm has been carbonized and wiped out.

   [Xie Yue Hammer] is about to fall on her stunning and beautiful face.


Murderous intent surged in Prince Qi's eyes.

   Even though he relied on the power of [Xie Yue Hammer], but slaying a demon **** of the demon race, such combat skills passed to the Gengjin dynasty, which undoubtedly improved his reputation.


   The giant hammer pressed down little by little.

   [Void Prophet]’s body, the bones kept breaking and wailing, the flesh was overwhelmed and was about to collapse at any time, and the purple blood mist volatilized from the body's pores like mist.

   Her pair of naked and slender snow feet have been pressed deeply into the bone rock under her feet, and the skin of her bare feet and calves was pierced by bone spurs, and blood overflowed.


   She burned the Void Demon Qi, and she shook herself with her broken arm.

  【Xie Yue Hammer】 was shaken three feet up.

   Then he immediately pulled away and turned back.

   But Prince Qi also reacted very quickly and stepped on her chest.


  【Void Prophet】 was kicked and hit the bone rock in the distance.

   aroused ‘ashes and dust’ all over the sky.

  Prince Qi paused, and steam spewed from the joints of the armor again, turning into a hurricane, rushing towards the smoke and dust.

   He wants to end this battle completely.

   Feng Xiangbei and other strong human races finally let out a long sigh of relief.


   The nightmare of the Luyuan Star passersby is finally over.


   A deafening roar erupted in the smoke and dust of Silicon Valley.

  [Void Prophet] Has it fallen completely?

   Everyone was overjoyed.

   But the next moment—


   A figure flew out of the smoke.


   The figure fell to the ground rather embarrassingly.

   is Prince Qi.

   He landed heavily on the ground and staggered back ten meters to stabilize his figure.

what happened?

   Everyone was shocked and looked into the ashes and smoke subconsciously.

  The purple flame flickered.

   A skeleton monster burning with bright purple flames, holding a semi-conscious [Void Prophet] in his arms, slowly appeared.

   He is a human-shaped skeleton, with bones all over his body, as white as jade.

   Every bone looks like an exquisite work of art.

   This monster stood in a strange riding posture, in its jade-white skull eyes, gleaming with deep purple flames, as if it were two pupils, staring at everyone, mysterious and evil.

   "Who gave you humble ants the courage to hurt my beloved woman Nicholas Cage?"

   His skull mouth opened and closed, and he even started to make a sound, saying: "Liang Jingru?"

   Click, click, click.

   The sound of bones and joints rubbing.

I saw nine four-meter-high multicolored giant skeletons coming out of the boiling smoke. Their bodies seemed to be flattened with different bones, barely keeping their human shape, but the stock price structure was obviously illogical, and they were holding them in their hands. Bone rods, bone shields, fully armed.

   They are mysterious and powerful, and they exude a terrifying demonic coercion, like loyal guards, standing behind this purple skeleton, like the guards of the most loyal ministers.

   This appearance is bullying.

   This appearance is like a god.

   This line is completely incomprehensible.

   Who is Liang Jingru?

   For a while, everyone, including Prince Qi, was suppressed.

   Is this the lord of the demon undead from the depths of the battlefield?


The first one, the first one.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

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