Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1455: Huojia Dang Daxing

Lord Burning Heaven's face was ugly.

   Even more ugly is Lin Beichen's face.

  The messenger brought back from Huo's house were two cold corpses.

   Lu Chao and Yi Shunan are both dead.

   Lu Chao's death is horrible.

   This young and handsome staff officer of the Gale Army has all the flesh and blood removed from his body, leaving a dense and white bone, and only one head remains intact. His facial expression has been deformed because of the severe pain of the torture before his death.

  'S eyes wide open, already dim and dry due to loss of water and blood.

   Lin Beichen still seemed to be able to feel the huge anger remaining in it.

   As for Yi Shunan...

   Lin Beichen tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, took out a piece of white silk cloth, and slowly covered the naked girl's corpse.

   She experienced brutal torture and humiliation before she died.

   Some of the female organs have been destroyed and cut off.

   The time of death was probably one day before.

   "I don't know, something like this will happen..."

   Fentian domain master sighed.

   Lin Beichen said nothing.

   His expression is calm and terrible.

   is like the weird silence between heaven and earth before the storm.

   Lin Beichen's movements are very slow.

   He was washing the bodies of two dead'friends', and then put on clean clothes for them to make their faces look quiet and peaceful.

   Then, he slowly got up.

"let's go."

   Lin Beichen said calmly: "Bring them."

   Guangjiang felt the master's anger, and hurriedly stepped forward, carefully placing the bodies of the two on the back of Xiao Zhahu.

   In the depths of the beautiful eyes of the priest Qin, there was a trace of worry.

   But she did not stop.

   Lin Beichen took a few steps, then looked back at the domain master of Burning Heaven, and said, "You are always welcome to try to stop me."

   After finishing speaking, he took Wang Zhong, the priest Qin, Guangjiang, Zhahu and Jin Chan, and left the Fentian Temple.

   The domain master of Burning Heaven did not stop it.

   This beauty who is more than four meters tall, looked at the back of Lin Beichen and others leaving, thoughtfully, her eyes flashed with dangerous light, constantly weighing...

on the street.

   Lin Beichen took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message.

   "I want to destroy the Huo family."

   The five simple words were sent to Jian Xue Wuming.

After    posted, he closed WeChat without waiting for a reply.

   "Red Two, go to shake people, let Red Three and seven of them, give me the fastest speed to enter the city."

   Lin Beichen issued instructions to Red Er.


   This giant ‘Optimus Prime’ ejected, turned into a light, and flew towards the outside of the city.



  Deshengtan station.

   The banquet is still in progress.

   Huo Xuanzhen didn't care about the small storm that happened before.

One is that he is now in'blessed favor' and is trusted by the [Void Prophet]. It is precisely when the sun is in the sky, he cannot bow to the Fentian domain master, otherwise, at such a time, he will lose his momentum. A foothold in the Snow God Sect?

Second, he is very clear about his position. All power and position come from the appreciation and reuse of [Void Prophet], so there is no need to improve the relationship with other demon elders. Instead, he has to stay away and show that it’s not the same. The'attitude' cannot form a party, so that it can be more reused by [Void Prophet].

   Everyone thought he was overwhelmed.

   In fact, he is very clear-headed.

   As long as the forces of the Luyuan Star passersby are integrated, placed under their own command, and wholeheartedly serving for the [Void Prophet], then their position will be absolutely stable.


   Huo Xuan was really energetic, held up the wild gold wine bottle, waved his hand, motioned to stop singing and dancing, slowly walked to the center of the ceremony platform, smiled, and said: "There is good news to share with you."

   The hall is quiet.

   Kong Zhiyu smiled and said, "Brother Huo, please speak."

   Shen Zichen's heart moved and said, "Could it be related to the formation of a new military headquarters in Deshengtan?"

Huo Xuanzhen nodded and said: "Yes, there is an order under the leader of the leader. From tomorrow, we want to start the formation of the'Hoarfrost' military headquarters in Deshengtan. Within 30 days, complete the conscription, establishment, equipment and primary drills. , Will be of great use in the future."

   There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

   The formation of a new army means that there will be a large number of positions.

   This is a big cake. Huo's family eats meat, and they can all have a mouthful of soup along with it.

   Kong Zhiyue and Shen Zichen both moved in their hearts, and their hearts ignited with enthusiasm.

   Huo Xuanzhen is already the elder of the gods and the altar master of the Desheng Altar. He holds great power. The two deputy altar masters can fight for the position of the general marshal of the ‘Baarfrost Army’.

   But I listened to Huo Xuanzhen to continue: "The old man has already written to the leader, and asked his second son Huo Jianlin to take up the post of Marshal of the "Hoarfrost Army"..."

   Kong Zhi's desire and Shen Zichen's heart were suddenly startled, and then immediately raged.

At exactly this time, Huo Xuanzhen looked at the two of them, smiled slightly, and said: "I forgot to tell the two that Huo Jianlin, the dog, has accepted the'seed demon' yesterday, and has inspired a top demon named'Purple Extreme Real Flowing Water'. Kind, was personally evaluated by Elder Sikong of the kind of magical altar as a genius who has the hope of reaching the star king realm within ten years... Ha ha, Lin Er, you come on stage and meet with you. Many of them will be in the future. It will be your deployment, and it is good to know it in advance."


   The sound of discussion in the hall suddenly felt like a pan of boiling oil.

   "Purple Extremely Flowing Water"?

Regarding the matter of "seed demon", everyone in the sitting area understood very clearly-in their respective families, they selected disciples to accept the "seed demon", and many mediocre people with ordinary aptitudes in the cultivation of human blood and true energy martial arts accepted. After planting the demon, he showed a strong talent for polishing.

   The four top talents of'Purple Extremely Real Flowing Water','Yellow Grade Void Xufeng','Dark Destruction Xuan Dao Jade' and'Bitian Dim Light' are the highest aptitudes that can be achieved theoretically after the Human Race Demon Seed.

   During this period of time, none of these four top-level magic cultivation aptitudes have appeared in Liuyuan City.

   Didn't expect Huo Xuanzhen's second son, Huo Jianlin, to have this talent?

   Under the gaze of countless eyes, Huo Jianlin slowly stepped onto the stage and stood beside Huo Xuanzhen.

   Looks like he is in his early twenties, with a slender figure, a shoulder-shouldered waist, straight and tall, long dark purple hair, and dark purple pupils, as if two purple stars are twinkling.

  Purple hair and purple eyes are a symptom of the fire of the Human Race’s ‘seeding demon’.

   But the purple of Huo Jianlin's hair and eyes are too dazzling, as if it exudes a faint purple glow, shining with light, and there is an illusion that people dare not look at.

   This is a symptom of the aptitude of'Purple Extreme Flowing Water'.

   Kong Zhiyu and Shen Zichen saw this, their hearts sank into the abyss, and they couldn't help but smile faintly.

   The Huo family is really interesting.

   unexpectedly out of this evildoer.

   Fortunately, Huo Xuanzhen’s eldest son, Huo Jianbo, was beheaded by Lin Beichen.

   Otherwise, there is such a younger brother, Huo Jianbo, who is a compatriot, and he is absolutely not bad in cultivating magic. If there is another four top aptitude, then others will really have no future.

   But even so, what can the two of them compete with others?

   Since then, the Shen family and the Kong family are destined to become vassals.

   In the hall, there is a compliment.

   "Master Huo is really a genius."

   "What Lord Huo? Obviously Marshal Huo."

   "Yes, yes, the first marshal of the Hoarfrost Army must be Jianlin Xiannephew, haha."

   "Huo Jia Dang Xing Yeah."

   "That's right, this is the blessing of God, the Huo family is going to be happy."

   "Huo Jia Daxing."

   The atmosphere in the hall was warm and cheerful.

   Everyone rushed to congratulate Huo Xuanzhen and his son, expressing their loyalty.

   Huo Xuanzhen's face showed a triumphant smile.

   It's really not easy to get to this point.

   Thanks to his courage, he cooperated with Mozu early in the morning.

   And the Huo family has also paid the lives of Huo Jianbo, Huo Zhenxie and others, and it is considered to have won everything today.

   From now on, the Huo family is destined to rise and prosper and become the first family on the Luyuan Star Road.

   "Haha, my son, Jianlin, looks like a star king."

   Huo Xuanzhen held up the wild gold wine bottle, and laughed: "Yes, my Huo family is upright, haha, it will be great..."

   The voice did not fall.


   The door of the main hall blasted open from the outside.

  The broken rock is like a falling star, whizzing through the air, smashing towards the guests in the hall.


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