Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1462: Silver Dust Star Road

I want to tell a story, the name is ‘I built a house in another world and became the supreme martial artist’...

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Every time he connects with the host Zhenzhou, it will result in a certain amount of true energy and mental power. The next time Lin Beichen returns to the host Zhenzhou, it may take at least one day.


   There was a knock on the door.

   "Master, there is the last jumping anchor on the Liuyuan Star Road ahead. After passing it, you will leave the boundary of the Liuyuan Star Road and enter another star road in the Ziwei star area, within the range of the Silver Dust Star Road..."

   Mingxuefeng's extremely respectful voice came through Otoki.

So fast?

   Lin Beichen and Master Qin walked out of the retreat and came to the outside deck.

  The destination of Lin Beichen’s trip was Sirius Road in the Ziwei star area.

   There are twelve star roads within the boundaries of the Ziwei Star District.

   Liuyuan Star Road is just one of them.

   and Sirius Road is the core road of the Ziwei Star District.

   The priest Qin found some useful information.

   On Sirius Road, the capital of the Ziwei star area, a kind of fairy grass named'Three Lives III Longevity Bamboo' is produced, which has a spiritual effect and is a symptomatic treatment for Chu Hen and others.

In addition, it is rumored that the royal family of the Sirius Dynasty, who walked the first bloodline of the "Holy Body Dao", has a medical institution named "Three Caotang", and one of the strange people named "Chen Piyang" is the third bloodline. The domain master-level master of Dan Cao Dao is best at blending herbs for healing soul wounds.

   After finding the "Three Lives III Longevity Bamboo", and then find Chen Piyang, it may be possible to completely solve the "resurrection" of the host Zhenzhou people.

   So after leaving the Blue Pole Star, the Yangwei ship kept running without stopping, and finally reached the edge of Liuyuan Star Road.

   kilometers away, there is a large asteroid belt. Broken meteorites are suspended in the void, rolling and colliding irregularly, forming a belt-like shape, which is blocked in the starry sky.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but sigh, the magic of the universe.

   "This kind of area is generally called the'Reaper Belt'."

   Mingxuefeng stepped forward and explained.

   The Qin priest said curiously: "What's the solution?"

   determined to follow the 21st bloodline "Doctor's Way", she was full of desire for all the knowledge around her.

Ming Xuefeng hurriedly replied: "These broken asteroids and meteorites are in a state of temporary equilibrium, and they contain dead energy. Once a foreign object breaks in, it will cause an imbalance. Asteroids and large meteorites will lose order and collide with each other. Therefore, if a starship enters it, it will be crashed, and the domain master-class powerhouse will also get lost in it. In the prehistoric world, there are many such areas, which are called the "reaper belt", even the star king and the star Majesty, entering into it is also a life of nine deaths, very dangerous..."

   Lin Beichen's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly stood farther away.

very scary.

   In the vast universe, there are all kinds of unknowable dangers everywhere.

  At this time, I have to feel once again that the twenty-four bloodlines created by His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the Human Race have the wise and wise of the ‘Doctor’s Path’.

   Twenty-four bloodlines can be said to be comprehensive.

   is the biggest core motivation for the human race to become the overlord of the Galaxy in the era of the Great Expedition.

"This'Belt of the Death God' is the boundary mark of Liuyuan Star Road and Silver Dust Star Road. You can pass through the'Belt of Death God' and enter the Silver Dust Star Road through anchor point No. 257. The anchor point No. 258 on the opposite side has silver Guarded by the garrison of the dust country, we will have to pay a tariff at that time, and after identification, we can successfully enter the Silver Dust Star Road."

"Silver Dust Nation is a subsidiary of the Ziwei Star District overlord, the Sirius Dynasty, and rules the entire Silver Dust Star Road. Its lord Jian Lianchen is the cohort of the Sirius Dynasty, the 31st-level Galaxy-level powerhouse, and also the Silver Dust Star Road. The strongest human being, extremely powerful..."

"His wife, Lanyan Zhenhuang, Dao Lanfeng, is the 73rd daughter of the "Dao My Name", the king of the Sirius Dynasty. She was once known as the number one beauty in the Ziwei Star District, and her cultivation was also very good. I was promoted to the domain master level..."

   "The area of ​​the Silver Dust Star Road far exceeds that of the Liuyuan Star Road. The Silver Dust Kingdom relies on the Heavenly Wolf Divine Dynasty, and its national power is strong and its actions are quite domineering, so don't be careless."

   "After the jump, if the garrison does not speak well, the master must not get angry, just leave it to the villain."

   Ming Xuefeng explained in detail.

   "Why, am I particularly easy to get angry?" Lin Beichen said: "Xiao Ming, you have no understanding of me. I am a famously big belly capable of tolerance. The motto is that I can't bear it, I must bear it again."

  Ming Xuefeng: "..."

   Master, can you be careful if you are joking?

   If you can bear it, the beautiful Huo family won't be cut off from their children and grandchildren.

   Lin Beichen sighed and said: "Oh, you still don't believe me. The prejudice in people's hearts is a big mountain... well, when I reach the Silver Dust Star Road, I will pretend to be dumb... and prepare to jump."

   Ming Xuefeng is relieved.


   After a stick of incense time.

   Silver Dust Star Road.

   Lin Beichen stood on the deck, with Ming Xuefeng two people, staring with big eyes.

   Wang Zhong, Qin Master Ji and others were also at a loss.

"This is the Silver Dust Garrison you are talking about?"    Lin Beichen pointed to the wreckage of thirty or forty starships in front of him, as well as the dense corpses tumbling in a vacuum, and said: "They are not good to talk? I think they are not. It's hard to speak, because I can't speak at all."

  【Yangweihao】The jump is completed.

What    appeared in front of him was not the customs station of the Silver Dust Country.

   is a messy battlefield.

  The broken starship wreckage, like a garbage dump.

   The corpses of countless dead soldiers of the Silver Dust Kingdom are like rolling logs floating on the ocean, rolling up and down in the void, with terrifying faces, accompanied by frozen blood...

   There is a breath of death everywhere.

   The screen is too scary.

   "Silver Dust Country's Star Road Customs was attacked?"

   Ming Xuefeng was extremely shocked.

   Who would dare to oppose the silver dust country?

   This is a large human kingdom that straddles the star road. It is not a loose organization like the Liuyuan Star Road Council, but a true state machine. When it operates, it will definitely burst out terrifying energy.

   Destroying the Star Road Customs in the Silver Dust Country is equivalent to a direct war?

   "Is it the power of the demon clan that has spread here?"

   Lin Beichen also had a bad feeling in his heart.

   But it's not right.

   Jianxue Wuming has just occupied Liuyuan Star Road, and he hasn't completely digested the more than seventy world stars, it is impossible to expand so fast.

   Mingxuefeng carefully dispatched interstellar sailors to observe the battlefield.

   finally came to a conclusion—

   "Those who attacked the Silver Dust Garrison seemed to be the own army of the Silver Dust Kingdom."

With a ghostly expression, he said: "On the entire battlefield, there are only the bodies of the soldiers and generals of the Silver Dust nation. Many lord-level generals killed each other... It seems that a rebellion occurred within the Silver Dust nation. ."

   The Luyuan Star Road Human Race Council has just been destroyed, and a rebellion has also occurred on the Silver Dust Star Road...

   During this time, is the human race reciting words?

  Yangwei slowly drove away from this area.


   Suddenly, an abnormality appeared.

   In the distant starry sky, the fire of an energy cannon flashed.

   Tens of thousands of meters away, I saw a blood-red starship with a silver sail, which became broken in the battle. The hull was already burning with raging flames, and it was escaping quickly.

   Right behind, dozens of black starships continuously attacked and pursued them.

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