Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1470: Why is he so strong?

"You mean, the entire port of the dock is under the protection of this Master Zou, and this place only accommodates ordinary people who have no power and no power to live without any support?"

   Lin Beichen confirmed curiously.

   Ye Tianling had a normal attitude, and asked, "Didn’t you have walked through the entire dock port? Didn’t you see it?"


   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows.

   Thinking carefully, it seems that it is indeed the case.

   From the highest point of the dock, along the bridges and steps, I saw ordinary people in ragged clothes, mostly elderly, children, and women, with only a small number of young adults, and their strength was not high.

If we say that the most normal, it is the hundreds of people like Ye Tianling who guards the stone wall and the stone gate. They are all martial artists. Most of their strength is in the realm of grandmasters. On the contrary, Ye Tianling of the 14th lord realm is a strength that can not be seen at present The strongest.

  In the chaotic world of separatism, the heroes who occupy one side are often desperately recruiting powerful subordinates and recruiting various talents. Only valuable talents will be sheltered.

   Like Zou Tianyun, it occupies the great treasure of the dock and port, but only accommodates the ordinary and weak. It can be said that it is unique.

   Lin Beichen and the priest Qin looked at each other.

   all understood each other's thoughts.

   This Zou Tianyun must be a powerful man with superb strength, so he doesn't care whether there is anyone under his hand, and he is confident that he can control all foreign enemies by himself.

   This person is not a great traitor, or a great good.

   "It's just asylum, didn't you make any other requests?"

   the priest Qin asked.

   Ye Tianling said, "Master Zou likes beautiful women and plays games with him."


   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   Multiplayer sports?

   A good SP.

   Ye Tianling glared at him, and said, "It's just simple and normal games such as word-guessing, sandbag throwing, rope skipping, etc. later, it's not what you think."

   Lin Beichen curled his lips.

   I didn't think about anything.

   However, when said by Ye Tianling, Zou Tianyun suddenly became cordial and down-to-earth in Lin Beichen's heart.

   suddenly wanted to be friends with him, what's the matter?

   "Those outsiders you said did such an angry and grieving thing, killed Councillor Xinglu, and destroyed the entire ‘North Falling Master’s Gate’ boundary star. Could it be that the Human Race Council in the Ziwei Star District is indifferent?"

   The priest Qin asked again.

  The huge empire established by the holy emperor of the human race has distinct strata. The empire organization at each level is in order. In theory, it can cope with any emergencies and deal with any man-made disasters.

   And the boundary star of "North Fall Division Gate" is also the northern gate of Sirius Road. It is the transportation hub and trade hub of the entire Ziwei Star District, and its importance is self-evident. Being ruined in this way, the upper-level council has no response at all?

   Even if the Heavenly Wolf Divine Dynasty collapsed, it wouldn't collapse to such an extent.

"In the beginning, the news was blocked, and then the entire world star was destroyed and lost its value. Naturally, no one cared about it. What's more, the hands-on outsiders have a huge background in the Ziwei Star area and their status is lofty. Therefore, all parties are secretive and dare not go into it..."

   Ye Tianling resentfully and authentically.

   "Who is this outsider?"

   The priest Qin asked.

   Lin Beichen glanced at his big wife in surprise.

   Anyone who is familiar with the priest Qin knows that when she asks this, she is definitely not aiming for nothing, but is ready to do something.

   "It's useless to say it."

   Ye Tianling shook his head.

   The opposing party's power is so suffocating. Even a big man like Wang Ba Dan was easily killed. If he said that he would destroy a planet, he would just destroy it without caring. Now, what is the use of saying this?

   "It's Lin Xincheng, the second-level speaker."

The shy young man Xie Tingyu on the side of    suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth and said: "Every one of us who is still alive in the'Beiluo Shimen' knows that he is the culprit."

   His parents, as well as his elder sister and sister, all died in this disaster, and they hated the triggers of this turmoil in their hearts.

   Lin Beichen's heart moved.

   seems to have heard this name somewhere.

Oh yes.

   Among the three major military groups on the Silver Dust Star Road, the backing of the "Fenglong Army Headquarters" seems to be the second-level speaker named Lin Xincheng.


   The priest Qin looked at Xie Tingyu.

The shy young man didn’t avoid Qin’s gaze this time. With tears in his eyes, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: “It’s him, it’s definitely him. Everyone knows... Back then, those servants and butchers were in the North Luo Shimen's Boundary Stars are arrogant and domineering, without any scruples, they have never concealed their origin and background..."

   "It's really him."

   "That guy."

   "The second-level speaker, monstrous big man, we ordinary people like ants and insects, how dare we arbitrarily frame him?"

   "It's this demon. The army sent to kill the daring king and the whole family, and transported a ‘Star Devourer’, destroying the evidence and destroying our homeland!"

   The rough and dirty guys around were ignited, and they snarled out of righteous indignation.

   It seems that as long as you say it, you can vent some of the hatred and despair in your heart.

   In the darkness, the priest Qin's expression was serious and serious.

   She looked at each other with the men around her, using an extremely affirmative tone, and said one by one: "Don't worry, one day, this culprit will definitely get the punishment he deserves."

   At this time, Ye Tianling and others still don't know what weight this sentence is almost a promise.

   Xie Tingyu lowered her head and sobbed.

   Ye Tianling sighed with a wry smile, and said, "I hope so... By the way, the two are from the Silver Dust Star Road. Have you ever heard of the ‘Sword Fairy Army’?"

   Lin Beichen suddenly sat up.

   If you want to say this, then I won’t be sleepy anymore.

   "I have heard of it, and I have seen it."

   he said.

   Under the bright and dark fire of the bonfire, Ye Tianling’s eyes flashed with hope.

He couldn't wait to ask: "I heard that the'Sword Fairy Army' is different from those corrupt and cruel ones. They fight brutality, behead the villains, and fight the orcs. They are the rare teachers of justice in the galaxy. They are under their rule. Boundary Star, ordinary people can live with dignity, is it true?"

   He looked at Lin Beichen with extremely expectant eyes, his eyes seemed to burn with hope.

   Xie Tingyu and the other guys also looked at Lin Beichen eagerly at this time.

   Their expressions are as if they are drowning people who are about to be drowned by the flood. They know that there is little hope, but they are still waiting for a wooden stick floating in the distance to save themselves with their last strength.

  Lin Beichen originally wanted to be modest or two, saying that the Sword Immortal Army Ministry is nothing more than this, and Sword Immortal Lin Beichen is just a small name...

   But feeling the faint flame-like expectation in these people's eyes, he changed his mind.

Nodding heavily, Lin Beichen gave an affirmative answer, saying: "Yes, the Sword Immortal Army is a true justice division. They use the silver long sword that symbolizes light and bravery as their banner. All of them belong to my human race. Brave warriors, the sails of the silver fencing totem, wherever they pass, the evil spirits recede, and the light of fairness and justice shines on the galaxy."

   There was a cheer in the crowd.

   The dirty faces of the men glowed with exciting brilliance, as if they had found the hope and meaning of living all at once.

   "Lin Beichen, the commander of the Sword Fairy Army, is really a Galaxy-class powerhouse?"

   "I heard that the crazy handsome Wang Zhong is a beautiful man who is rare in thousands of years... and he is also the father of Sword Immortal Lin Beichen, is it true?"

   "Zhang Sandao, you are so **** stupid, how could the crazy handsome Wang Zhong be the father of Lord Jian Xianlin? The surnames are different, he is a foster father who is closer to his father."

   "This prince, will the'Sword Fairy Army' march on Sirius Road? Will they... will come to rescue us?"

   The atmosphere became active.

   The rough guys resumed their joking.

   Lin Beichen couldn't help but scold his mother when he heard such comments.

  Who is this kind of news?

  Wang Zhong, this dog thing, the publicity turned out to be like this, and it took advantage of me surreptitiously.

   "Maybe I will come."

   Lin Beichen gave an ambiguous answer.

   Sword Immortal Army Headquarters can dominate the Silver Dust Star Road, but if it is said to enter the Sirius Star Road, the strength is not enough.

  'S biggest reliance is [UU errands].

   But even if you don't care about your financial gains and losses, you can only place an order to invite two Galaxy-class powerhouses at most once, and the duration will not be too long, and it will be difficult to completely crush all the forces on Sirius Road.

   Besides, the ‘errands fee’ is really expensive to vomit blood.

   Hearing Lin Beichen's answer, Ye Tianling and others were still very excited.

   The so-called hope is such a magical thing.

   Even if its existence is illusory, but as long as you can see it from a distance, even if its existence is only a theoretical possibility, it can bring you endless power.

   The priest Qin did not ask any more questions.

   She seems to be digesting the various information she has just obtained, sorting and integrating in her heart.

   Lin Beichen will never underestimate the priest Qin.

  Because this is a strange woman who is a mortal but can slaughter the gods. She has a combination of beauty and talent, and has created an unimaginable miracle.

After entering the prehistoric world, Lord Qin seemed to be very low-key, but Lin Beichen could feel that she was understanding and observing the world at a terrifying speed that was difficult for others to detect, preparing and accumulating silently. Perhaps at a certain moment, the Dao Fa was suddenly accomplished, and it was a blockbuster.

   grows silently, and then suddenly amazes the world.

   is talking about her.



   The harsh metal percussion cut through the quiet night sky.

   There was a rapid warning bell ringing from the stone bridge.

   "Warcraft, there are a lot of monsters approaching in the distance..."

   "It's [Black Saprosy Lizard], oh my god, there are too many, there are thousands of them... be on the alert, the archer will be in place soon."

   "Big Brother Ye, things are not right."

   The guards on the stone wall exclaimed, and Dangdang Dangdang's metal percussions came from all over the section, screaming sharply.

   Ye Tianling's complexion changed, she jumped up suddenly, and said, "Everyone, get those equipment and get on the wall and prepare for battle... Quickly."

   Everyone put on all the equipment that Lin Beichen presented for the first time, and rushed directly onto the city wall...

   under the stone wall.

   There are countless black shadows crawling like lizards at extremely fast speeds. They are madly rushing in from a kilometer away, opening their mouths with a sharp neighing sound, and their white blade-like teeth gleaming with a grin of death in the night.

   These monsters, like a large black tide rushing towards the stone wall...

   The picture is enough to murder the intensive phobia.

   Ye Tianling couldn't help but his face changed wildly when he saw such a scene.

  【Black Saprosy Lizard】is one of the most difficult to deal with in the surrounding monsters. It has thick skin and thick flesh and is extremely difficult to kill. Now there are so many...

   The stone wall cannot be held.

   This thought popped up in Ye Tianling's mind, making him tremble all over.

Once these **** "black sapros" rushed into the docks and harbors, the old and weak women, children, and children who lived and hid in various roads and bridges and the docks, they would instantly become their food, and there was no resistance at all. Ability.

Ye Tianling squeezed the alchemy sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, we have no choice but to retreat. The time has come to repay Master Zou Tianyun. Behind us is our relatives and friends. Even if they die, they can’t retreat. Come with me. , Fight to the stone wall, don’t let a [Black Saprolite] rush into the dock port..."

   A group of men with tragic eyes and roaring noises stood on the stone wall, watching the monsters coming down like a wave of black death, waiting for the final battle to come.

   "This thing is called [Black Saprosy Lizard]?"

   A slightly frivolous curious voice sounded on the stone wall.

   Ye Tianling turned his head to look.

   But I don’t know when, that little white face also went up to the stone wall and stood beside him, carefully observing the black tide of death below with a curious and slow look.

   "Why did you come up?"

   Ye Tian Ling was startled, and his complexion immediately sank, and he said loudly, "It's very dangerous here, you go quickly... it's best to leave the ‘North Fall Division Gate’ boundary star as soon as possible."

   "Yeah, sister, go away."

   Xie Tingyu also spoke, persuading the priest Qin who also appeared on the stone wall.

   This shy boy trembled slightly because of fear, but he stood firmly on the stone wall, holding the weapon in his hand tightly, without any intention of retreating.


   But still have to fight.

   Because he has a reason for not retreating.

   The priest Qin whispered, "Don't be afraid."

   then looked at Lin Beichen.

   Lin Beichen walked slowly to the edge of the stone wall.

Under the gaze of everyone, he slowly turned around and looked at everyone, his back to the darkness outside the wall, showing a standard handsome smile, then his hands were forked, and he inserted his long hair along his forehead and stroked it out. A big-backed head, and then spread his arms, his body leaned toward the outside of the wall, and fell like a free fall under the stone wall...


   "You are crazy..."

   Ye Tianling was taken aback, it was too late to stop.

   I saw Lin Beichen turning one hundred and eighty degrees in the air plus a backflip 720 degrees, landing gracefully on the ground.

   The body is very beautiful.


   There was a harsh roar.

A black lizard shadow shot out like a sharp sword from the distant dark tide, piercing the void like lightning, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. It instantly crossed a distance of three hundred meters and struck Lin Beichen with its teeth and claws. Come.

   "The 15th level [Black Saprolite] leader."

   Ye Tianling lost her voice and exclaimed, "Quickly, you are not losing your hand, come back quickly..."

   The voice did not fall.


   The fierce roar turned into a wailing of pain.

   I saw the [Black Saprosy Lizard] head, suddenly pinched his neck by a white and delicate palm like jade, and suddenly stopped.

The master of   shou, of course, is Lin Beichen.

   The monster was caught in his hands casually, struggling frantically, but it didn't make the slightest sense. It could neither hurt Lin Beichen nor break free.

   "A lot of strength."

   Ye Tian Ling was stunned when he saw this scene.

   He didn't expect that, on the surface, it looked like a little white face with a low-level lord-level cultivation base. With so much strength, he just grabbed a [black saprosy lizard] leader.

   under the stone wall.

   Lin Beichen tilted his head and looked at the monster like a cute.

It looks like a lizard, but it has no **** scales. Its body is as smooth as blue-black fish skin with a thin layer of mucus. Its limbs are strong and powerful, its claws are sharp and sharp, its mouth is like a crocodile, and its mouthparts are densely packed with teeth. The ground is arranged like white daggers. The black tongue is covered with dense and sharp barbs. It is a natural weapon. There is a meteor-like bone tumor at the end of the half-meter-long tail, which can cause huge fluttering. The destructive power of...

   is really an ugly and stupid creature.

   Lin Beichen sighed with disgust, and threw it back.


   There was a sharp piercing sound.

   This [Black Saprosy Lizard] leader can't help flying out like a cannonball. He smashed heavily among the lizards hundreds of meters away, stumbled and didn't know how many companions had been killed.

   But this did not make the group of [Black Saprosy Lizards] fear, on the contrary, it aroused their ferocity and rushed toward the stone wall more and more frantically.

   Lin Beichen laughed.

   He simply moved his neck, crossed his fingers and stretched out his arms and did a stretching exercise calmly.

   Then draw the sword.

   The sword is in hand.


  'S body shape broke through the air, moving at high speed produced visible waves of air that exploded towards the sides of the body.

   One man and one sword, like a moth to a fire, he rushed to the [Black Saprosy Lizard] group that came from 200 meters away like a moth.

   The next moment.

   The two sides met.

   The beautiful man in white with a single sword was submerged by the black tide.

   "It's over..."

   Ye Tianling couldn't help closing his eyes.

   This dude, who doesn’t know the height of the sky, is just a lord-level cultivation base. Even if it is a little stronger, how big can it be?

   was so stupid that at such a dangerous moment, because of a look in the eyes of a woman next to him, he went to die.

   However, it was also at this time that suddenly there was an unstoppable exclamation from the companions in my ears.

   Ye Tian Ling was startled.

   suddenly opened his eyes.

   Then he saw the scene that he will never forget.

   Under the city wall, five hundred meters away, in the lonely night, a beautiful man in white clothes a sword, in the dark tide of death, casually slashing and stabs, his movements are extremely elegant, just like walking in the garden, unharmed.

   Wherever he went, there were fierce and violent [Black Saprosy Lizards], but they were as fragile as rice stalks under a farmer's sickle, and they fell one after another.

   The shrill roar resounded across the night sky.

   Ye Tianling's heart beats wildly.

   He grew his mouth in disbelief.

   Terrible fighting power.

   This stubborn little boy is so strong?

   The swordsmanship he used seemed very ordinary, without amazing special effects, and it was not a complicated change. It was just that the swords were freely drawn by the horse.

   But every time the sword light flashed, dozens of [Black Saprosy Lizards] turned into several pieces in mid-air and flew out...

   Every move and every style can be seen clearly.

   Ye Tianling even feels that he can easily replicate such a move.

   But it is such an ordinary and simple move that has incredible power in the hands of that handsome little white face.

   So that afterwards, the picture was even more horrifying.

The ten-meter range around Xiao Bai Lian became the Jedi delineated by the **** of death, and some [black saprolite] chieftains with a body length of four or five meters, as long as they enter this range, they will turn into pieces at the moment of electric flint. With a broken arm, his stump flew out in the **** rain, and died instantly.

   The guys on the wall were completely dumbfounded.

   They feel like they are not watching the game.

   but watching a magnificent swordsmanship show.

   The young man in white clothes, like a jade and silver sword, like frost, stood there, like a rock, refusing to step back half a step, and miraculously stopped thousands of [black saprosy lizards] with one sword and one man.

   His figure is like an insurmountable sky.

   No matter how surging the dark tide formed by [Black Saprosy Lizard], it is difficult to cross the slightest.

   In the end, all the [Black Saprosy Lizards] were all beheaded in the screams and roars.

   The picture changed from abrupt and dramatic motion to a static state in an instant.

   The smell of fighting remained in the air.

   In the wilderness under the stone wall, with the place where Lin Beichen stood as the boundary, two completely different pictures were formed.

   In front of him, there is a mountain of monster corpses.

   Behind him, even the weak weeds were untouched.

   The stone wall of the dock port was not affected by this horrible monster raid.

   In the night, the beautiful man in white is tall and stalwart.

   Before him is death.

   Behind is tranquility.

   The roar and scream of [Black Saprosy Lizard] had already disappeared.

   The cold night wind blows.

   The sudden silence between heaven and earth made Ye Tianling and others on the stone wall feel like a dream. They didn't dare to make even a little sound, for fear of awakening this dream.


   Lin Beichen stretched out slowly, the long sword turned into a gleam and disappeared in his hand, and said with great regret: "That's it? Before you have a lot of fun, I just killed it... It's meaningless."

   Ye Tianling and others: "..."

   Although such words are awkward, they are unable to refute them.

   The figure flashed.

   Lin Beichen returned to the stone wall very smartly.


   He looked at Ye Tianling and the others with a sad look, and said, "Dude, isn't my body and sword style handsome?"

   Ye Tianling and others: "..."

   Shuai is handsome, but the problem is that if you ask it so directly, it seems that you have completely shattered the image of the superior that you just created.

   Expert, would it be so terrible?

"Haha, it turns out that you are all dumbfounded..." Lin Beichen patted Ye Tianling's shoulder lightly, and said: "Brother, don't envy me, envy is useless, because I'm so handsome by nature. , You won’t learn it in your life."

   Ye Tianling and others: "..."

   Although I am very grateful to this little white face in my heart, what is going on with the urge to slap him in the face?

   "How is it?"    Lin Beichen smiled and looked at the priest Qin again.

   The priest Qin nodded slightly and affirmed.

   This is the theoretical battle direction she designed for Lin Beichen's physique of "Supreme Emperor Bloodline".

   Based on swordsmanship, relying on the characteristics of invincible physical strength, the two are compatible, and the approach of close combat can truly break out the strongest combat power belonging to itself.

   In the design of the Qin Master, the [Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi] and various other ‘combat skills’ are just skill cards, which can often have miraculous effects, but they will never work forever.

   Qin priest also used UZI micro. Chong, knowing some truths, that's why I thought hard to design a cultivation path for Lin Beichen that really belongs to him instead of relying on foreign objects.

   Only one's own strength is truly powerful.

  Actually, after the bloodline qualification test after entering the wilderness, the priest Qin began to study various ancient books, exercises, secret records and legends, and designed the most suitable cultivation path for Lin Beichen.

   has to admit that she is a qualified ‘teacher’.

   got the right direction.

   More fortunately, she is also the only ‘teacher’ who can make Lin Beichen willing to give up using a plug-in to polish himself.

   On the way to Sirius Road, the two had heated discussions and discussed countless times in the bedroom that could sleep ten people.

   Now I have encountered the [Black Saprolite] whetstone with just the right amount of strength and quantity, which can be verified in actual combat.

   And Lin Beichen's performance just now proved once again that this theoretical direction is correct.

   Lin Beichen himself, also realized this.

  Listen to my big wife, don’t hurt her...

Yes, it is like that.

   "By the way, the situation just now is so dangerous. You may die in battle. Is that Lord Zou Tianyun really not going to help?"

   Lin Beichen turned and looked at Ye Tianling.

   The latter's attitude towards Lin Beichen at this time had already changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

   "Master Zou is too tired from playing games with beautiful girls during the day, so I need plenty of rest at night, and I will sleep more deadly..."

   Ye Tianling explained politely.

   I fuck.

   Lin Beichen was speechless for this reason.

   He seriously suspected that Zou Tianyun flirted during the day and then did something shameful and embarrassing at night.

  A powerhouse suspected of being a domain master, would he fall asleep to the point of unconsciousness at night?

   is weird.

   "Then he is not worried. At night, foreign enemies will attack and kill him. When he wakes up during the day, the hundreds of thousands of weak people sheltered by him in the dock and port will all die?"

   Lin Beichen asked puzzledly.

Ye Tianling replied politely: "More than one person once did this. They sneaked into the port dock in the dark and killed many people. We lost a lot at one time, but they couldn't find where Lord Zou was. As a result, after the day came, Master Zou Tianyun woke up from his deep sleep, launched a cruel and cold-blooded revenge, and showed almost omnipotent power. All these people were found, along with their relatives, friends, and subordinates. Kill and kill no one left, give tenfold revenge...After that, as long as it is not those ignorant beasts and monsters, any creature with a little wisdom, whether it is a human race, a demon race or an orc, dare not do this again. It’s something, so for those of us who are weak, we only need to rely on our own strength at night, with the help of stone walls and gates, to resist these ignorant beasts, and don’t let them break in to survive in the dock and port. Go down."

   Lin Beichen was speechless.

   The Qin priest thoughtfully.

   Both of them are more curious about this wonderful work called ‘Zou Tianyun’.

   Outside the stone wall, in the darkness in the distance, there was another roar of a beast.

There are some unknown low-level monsters that look like jackals. They are attracted by the **** smell of the [Black Saprosy] corpse. With the cover of night, they rush to the battlefield to feast on them, tearing [Black Rot] with their sharp teeth. The corpse of the mud lizard gobbled up.

   But soon, these low-level beasts pierced and wailed and died.

Ye Tianling looked at the piles of [black saprosy lizard] corpses outside the stone wall, and said with great regret: "It's a pity, these monsters contain a lot of speed, smelly and poisonous, otherwise, you can move in. Roast and eat..."

   Those low-level monsters were poisoned to death by the flesh and blood of [Black Saprosy Lizard].

   "This kind of large-scale [black saprosy lizard] attack on stone walls, hasn't it happened before?"

   The priest Qin suddenly asked.

Ye Tianling nodded and said: "[Black Saprosy Lizard] is a level 11 monster, some of which can reach level 14. They generally live in underground poisonous swamps and do not appear on the ground, like this kind of thousands. The head [black saprosy lizard] attacked the stone wall at the same time, which has never happened before."

   The priest Qin was thoughtful and didn't ask any more.

   There were no other twists and turns in the next night, and Ye Tianling and others finally survived the night safely.

   When the brilliance of the sun appeared on the horizon in the distance, the men were relieved, encouraged each other, and were sober and could live another day.

   They need to return to their residence to rest.

   The stone wall in the daytime, without guarding.

   Because the day is the turn of Lord Zou Tianyun.

   Ye Tianling took Xie Tingyu and other ten men, ready to go to the city to purchase.

They occupies the dock and port, so they can collect taxes on foreign starships and do some business of providing'supply'. Although the panic and chaos of the "North Fall Division Gate" starships, the number of starships entering the port is reduced. , But there is still some income.

   This is why the port dock is actually a geomantic treasure.

   But these incomes are not enough to sustain the survival needs of hundreds of thousands of old and weak women and children. This is why the ordinary people in the docks and ports are ragged and always hungry.

   But somehow there is still order here.

   Ye Tianling and a group of ten people, with some of the income accumulated in the docks and ports in the last few days, went into the city to purchase some basic survival materials, mainly food and clean water. After they came back, they could open porridge sheds to help everyone...

   "It just so happens that we have to enter the city, why don't we go together?"

   Lin Beichen took the initiative.

"it is good."

   Ye Tianling agreed without hesitation.

   I saw Lin Beichen's methods last night, and he was already convinced by Lin Beichen. With such a master by his side, this trip to the city to purchase may be smoother.

   Zaza Zaza!

   The stone wall gate slowly opened.

   A group of people filed out.

   The dock port is actually in Niaozhou City, so after going out, it takes about a tea time to walk normally, and you will arrive at the west main road of Niaozhou City.

   The city is as desolate and dilapidated as it was yesterday.

   The streets are covered with yellow sand.

  Many high-rise buildings have been emptied and are in a semi-collapsed state. Sand and dust have penetrated into the room. Some broken tables and chairs are covered with dust. Many daily necessities are scattered all over the place.

   During the day, most of the monsters are in a dormant state, so they cannot be seen.

  You can see some mummy half-buried by the yellow sand everywhere along the street. There are human races, other races, and monsters.

   is mostly human.

In some places, there are large tracts of dead human corpses. Most of them are ordinary people with average cultivation level and no status. They gather together with distorted expressions and despair. Husbands hold their wives, mothers hold their children, and children hold them. Elderly parents...

   They depended on each other before they were alive, and they are still close together after death... It looks like a piece of figurines.

   Maybe it was because the body was completely dry, so even the low-level monsters did not eat their bones.

   In this scene, Lin Beichen's scalp is numb.

   Some white withered bones rolled in the wind and sand.

  There are also white skulls that can be seen everywhere, lying quietly in the sand, with two black eye sockets, and snakes and insects crawling in and out. At first glance, they seem to be dead, and they are accusing this tragic world.

   Similar scenes, Lin Beichen has seen in some apocalyptic literary works on the earth.

  For example, the world after the nuclear war shown in the movie "Mad Max", and the doomsday world shown in the anime "Fist of the North Star" series...

   It is hard to imagine that a year ago, this was one of the most prosperous cities in the realm of the ‘Beiling Shimen’.

"Niaozhou City is now the site of Long Xuan, the former head of the Dragon Mark Army. The population is less than 1% of the former. Most of them live in the core area of ​​the city center, under the strict high pressure of the Dragon Mark Army. Under control, ordinary people are not allowed to walk around and go out at will..."

While leading the way, Ye Tianling explained: "We are now in the former Blue Bird District of Niaozhou City, and there is still a distance from the city center. According to the law promulgated by Marshal Longxuan, Yukong is not allowed in the city. Flying, everyone can only walk...In one more time for a stick of incense, we can see the entrance of the living quarters, and we can enter the bazaar after receiving the inspection by the dragon sergeant and paying the entrance fee."

   Along the way, the priest Qin was watching very carefully.

   Lin Beichen opens the Baidu map.

   As shown on the map, in the surrounding dilapidated buildings, there are actually some life forms with large energy fluctuations, probably dormant beasts, and some strong people of unknown origin.

   Fortunately, nothing attacked Ye Tianling and others.

   It can be seen that the deterrent power of the mysterious and wonderful Lord Zou Tianyun is still sufficient in Niaozhou City.

   Finally, Ye Tianling said: "Here."

   In front, a thousand meters away, there are two 100-meter-high buildings, leaning and falling, bumping together, supporting each other, forming a huge ‘human’-shaped gate on the wide and dilapidated street.

   Under the gate, three to forty-meter high towers and fortresses were built.

   There are soldiers wearing dark red armor standing in front of the gate, checking and charging everyone who wants to enter the city.

   At this time, a dozen pairs of one hundred meters long had lined up at the gate.

   People in ragged clothes with yellow and thin faces were queuing to enter the door.

   Lin Beichen was a little surprised.

Ye Tianling explained that not all people in Niaozhou City can live in the living area protected by the "Dragon Marks Army". Those powerless, poor and poor cannot afford the high housing prices in the living area. , Rent, you can only risk living in a deserted pavilion outside the gate...

   During the day, they enter the living area to work to earn food and water. At night, they have to leave before closing the door, otherwise they will be severely punished...

  Life has never been so hard.


Fortunately, the chapter with more than nine thousand words was finished before twelve o'clock.

The recently arranged dragon sets are: Wang Badan, Su Xiaoqi, Zou Tianyun, Ye Tianling, Xie Tingyu, Lin Xincheng... readers who reported to the dragon set before, you can pay attention to them, they will all appear, but because of the plot reasons, so There is no way to follow everyone's settings, and some may be deadly villains, so... don't hit me ┭┮﹏┭┮.

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