Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1474: Let it be surnamed Lin

Leading the team to support is Deng Yanqiu, one of the four first-class generals of the Dragon Mark Army.

   This person is the cultivation base of the 20th-level peak consummation high lord.

   has always had a good relationship with Qijiang, and many people secretly call it a wolf and a mess. The two are embarrassed, and they have done a lot of detrimental things. In Niaozhou City, it can be described as a terrible name.

   Behind him, the elite sergeants wearing dark red dragon-print armors, flooded like a tide, completely surrounded the Zuixianlou, and began to arrange star formations.

   In a blink of an eye.

   An invisible energy layer swayed ripples in the void.

   "Take it down."

   Deng Yanqiu waved his hand.

  The four warriors behind him stepped forward at the same time, raising their hands.

   The alchemy equipment like a fishing net fell towards Lin Beichen.

   This is the means used in the military formation to deal with masters.

  【Daluo Skynet】It is woven with alchemy gold and silver threads. The true energy cannot be crushed. It is not afraid of water or fire. It also carries dense barbs. Once trapped in it, the more you struggle, the tighter it becomes.

   There are many casual cultivators and martial arts experts who have been captured alive by the Dragon Mark Army in this way, and they drank hate on the spot.

   Lin Beichen flicked the Whale Slashing Sword in his hand.


  【Luotianwang】In an instant, it was divided into two like thin paper.

   "Do you dare to make a fool of someone with a small carving skill?"

  Lin Beichen's figure is imaginary, and he is merciless.


   The sword light flickered, birth and death.

   The heads of the four warriors flew up, and a fountain of blood spouted from their necks.


   Deng Yanqiu's complexion changed.

   Then the eyes burst with a dazzling light, staring at the Whale Slashing Sword in Lin Beichen's hand.

   This is a good sword.

  A sword.

   Good things should belong to me.


   He shot it himself.

   "Good job."

   Lin Beichen greeted him with a sword.

   The 20th-order Dzogchen powerhouse is a very good whetstone.

   is just used to test and hone the way of fighting without hanging up.

   Suddenly, the two will win or lose.

  The dragon-patterned military officer watching the battle next to him, his heart moved, and he said loudly: "Don't shoot the murderer's comrades, arrest these two women..."

   The voice did not fall.


  The blood and the bones flew.

he died.

   became a mass of sludge and died on the spot.

   was pressed to death alive.

   A red human-shaped metal monster with a height of four meters, I don't know when it appeared in the crowd.

   It was originally watching the battle attentively, but after hearing the warlord’s opening, he impatiently stretched out his hand at will, as if he had killed a small bug, and directly exploded the person.

   However, after pressing the warlord to death, it seemed to have suddenly thought of something. In the eye sockets under the helmet, a strange light flashed suddenly.

Then, the red metal monster, like a child who had made a mistake, squatted in front of the flesh and blood, carefully pulled it, and then squeezed out the dragon-print armor that had been pressed into a discus, and looked at it blankly. Try to restore this armor...

   But this is obviously beyond the scope of its processing.

   In the end, the dragon armor like a discus was restored by him and turned into an iron ball.

   It squatted slumped in place.

   A melancholy breath radiated from its huge body.

   The priest Qin was watching the battle for a while, and it was already clear in his heart. He took the hand of the girl in white clothes and turned and walked towards the Zuixianlou.

   The girl in white hesitated and followed passively.

   The red metal monster stood up and followed behind.

   Everyone dare not stop.

  Because of the melancholy aura on that red metal monster, it has turned into a violent murderous aura.

   Everyone can clearly feel that it now desperately wants to kill a few things that don't have long eyes.

   after a moment.

   The priest Qin walked out of the Zuixianlou with more than a dozen young girls who also wore white skirts.

   They are all girls who were forcibly bought outside the city gate before.

   has been washed very clean, and put on a white dance skirt.

   The girls had expressions of panic, like a group of frightened little white rabbits.

   But the person who jumped off the building in the first place should have said something to them, so he still followed Master Qin very cooperatively.

at the same time.


   In the battle circle.

   The two figures separate and stand still.

   First-class general [Blood Shadow Mad Knife] Deng Yanqiu was horrified.

During the battle just now, he no longer knew how many knives he had slashed the white-clothed youth, but it was unbelievable that, with his cultivation level, he used the'Blood Shadow Sword Technique', which was famous for its lethality and brutality. The other's hair hasn't been chopped off...

   This guy is not a human at all, is he a monster?


   Lin Beichen's expression is quite satisfied.

   The 13th-order chaos returns to vitality, [Huaqi Jue] the first layer of great perfection...

   This kind of strength combination, without using the energy contained in the left arm, and without using the open items in the mobile phone, he can already compete with the lord of the 20th-level peak Dzogchen, regardless of top and bottom.

that is…

   It’s a bit of a clothes.

   Lin Beichen lowered his head and glanced at the white robe on his body, which had been cut to pieces by Deng Yanqiu, like a beggar.

   "Dog stuff, you pay for my clothes."

   He stared at Deng Yanqiu viciously.

   Deng Yanqiu was in a daze.

   This line is something he didn't think of.   People with normal brains would never say such things in such a time, such a place, and such a scene, right?

   He sneered and said, "Hehehe, young man, if your strength is limited to this, unless you have a background in the sky, otherwise, you will die..."

   The voice did not fall.


   Deng Yanqiu's head turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared.

   Lin Beichen blew the barrel of the [Snow Eagle] in his hand.

   "If you don't pay for my clothes, you also threaten me... if you don't die, who will die."

   The feeling of hand-gunning...

   It’s so cool after a long absence.

  [Snow Eagle] is filled with the domain master-level vindictiveness of the orc line. Killing a lord is not too easy.

   However, Lin Beichen also discovered when the bullets were poured before, that the endurance of this version of [Snow Eagle] seems to have reached the upper limit.

   If you want to infuse galaxy energy, it is estimated that you will have to wait until the mobile phone system is updated.

   put away the pistol.

   Lin Beichen looked to the side of Hong Yi.

   With a red scream, he stood straight and stood upright, honestly preparing to be scolded.

   "The people who just walked out of the Zuixianlou...have been cleaned up."

   Lin Beichen said: "You don't need to keep the armor, it's worthless."

   Hong's huge body suddenly sent out joyous mood swings, and then turned around and began to kill.

   This is what it likes to do.

   bang bang bang.

   One by one, the officers and soldiers were directly pressed into mashed flesh.

   a cry of exclamation and wailing sounded.

   Lin Beichen floated up in the air and shouted: "Ordinary soldiers, those who don't want to die, put down their weapons, pinch the right ear with the left hand, pinch the left ear with the right hand, and pinch the head between the thighs. Do not move on the spot! Otherwise, kill him."

   Then, the spectacle outside Zuixianlou appeared.

   One by one soldiers from the dragon-patterned military department put down their weapons and stood still in a strange posture.

   This scene looks spectacular.

   Lin Beichen directly summoned Red Two, Red Three and other [Ancient Battle Spirits].

   "Occupy Niaozhou City and capture the guy named Yong Hyun."

   He gave the order.

  【Ancient Battle Spirit】They were very excited and immediately started to act.

   Fighting is always a gene carved in the depths of their souls.

   "Next, what do you want to do?"

   the priest Qin asked.

   Lin Beichen slowly said: "Not just Niaozhou City, but the entire Beiluo Shimen. From then on, I will give it the surname Lin."

  Since the ‘North Falling Shimen’ boundary star has become an abandoned planet, let’s let the ‘Sword Fairy Army’ take over.

   Just as Ye Tianling and others expected, the "Sword Fairy Army" will come to be a "righteous teacher" to rescue people.

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