Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1748: Am I a trash?

The flames on the outer layer of the protective shield of a starship gradually extinguished.

   The star array shield was also removed.

   reveals the totem of the silver fencing team.

   The formation of hundreds of starships is orderly and tightly formed. Under the sunlight, the silver hull reflects dazzling brilliance, dyeing the sky with large slivers of silver, like a floating ocean.

  Niaozhou city.

   Countless people looked up at the sky, but they became nervous again.

   The starship formations that appeared this time, no matter the number or the orderliness of the formations, far surpass the previous fleets of Han Moshu.

Is    the enemy?

   will not be the enemy again?

   The silver starship formation sailed over the sky outside the city of Niaozhou and stopped slowly.

   "Cao Donghao, the final general, pay homage to the commander."

   "Final Zhou Zheng, pay homage to the marshal."

   "At the end, you will see the marshal."


   A group of heavily armed soldiers shot out from different starships, came into the void, stopped in front of Lin Beichen, knelt on one knee, and saluted respectfully.

   also includes the curly silver rat, which has always been huge.

   Lin Beichen showed a smile on his face.


  Milk thinking.

very good.

   came at the right time.

   Originally, he thought that the pretense just now had reached the limit.

   Unexpectedly, it is no coincidence that the book will come to an end. At the final stage, the height of the pretense can be sublimated.

   "Generals, please flatten yourself."

   He has long recognized that these large-scale starships are the fleet of the Sword Fairy Army.

  The reinforcements of the Sword Fairy Army have finally arrived.

   "Master, I want to kill you... I'm here."

   Wang Zhong wears a magnificent armor and looks very pompous.

   He rode a golden scum tiger and shot in the air. When he arrived in front of Lin Beichen, he jumped off the tiger's back and saluted respectfully.

   "Master, are you okay? After receiving the military order six days ago, his subordinates led the 200 Taijin-class starships of the "Sword Fairy Army" to come to help day and night."

   "Does this handsome still need your help?"

   Under the attention of the public, Lin Beichen's posture is very good, and he said indifferently: "It's just a few local chickens and dogs selling the first generation...The battle is set, you immediately start to take over the army."

   "Yes, the young master is indeed unparalleled, and the subordinates' admiration for the young master is like a surging galaxy, endless, and like..."

   Wang Zhong is crazy about flattering.


   Lin Beichen waved his hand impatiently.


  Wang Zhong just rolled around.

   Such a scene fell in the eyes of countless people in Niaozhou City, and was immediately shocked.

   It turns out that the sword fairy Lin Beichen is not only a strong individual in cultivation, but also has such a powerful force under his command.

   More than two hundred well-equipped starships are enough to sweep the entire ‘North Fall Division Gate’ boundary star.

  Niaozhou City, from then on, has remained solid.

   The cheers of the mountains and the tsunami came from the city.

   Lin Beichen waved to the bottom, revealing the iconic smile of a handsome man, stepping on the void step by step, returning to the ‘Sword Fairy’ to lie down.

   With the arrival of Wang Zhong, you don't have to worry about everything next.


and many more.

   When did Wang Zhong become so important in my heart?

   Lin Beichen lay down and hung up, while questioning in his heart.



   half a day later.

   "Master, it's done."

   Wang Zhong came to'Sword Fairy' to report.

   "Is it all done?"

   Lin Beichen took a sit-up in surprise, and said, "So fast?"

   "It's just a small city, it's very simple." Wang Zhong said quite proudly: "The old slave is on the Silver Dust Star Road, but he has ruled over dozens of world stars. What's this trivial matter?"

   Damn it.

   actually pretended to him.

   Lin Beichen thinks about it really.

Wang Zhong smiled again and said: "Master, I have sent Cao Donghao and Zhou Zheng to lead their troops and horses to attack the Yanbing Continent. Taking advantage of the [Blood Sea Drifting Scull] Hanmo Book is dead, the Yanbing Continent cannot be prepared. Quickly conquer, I believe that after an hour, there will be a victory."

   Lin Beichen nodded.

   is indeed a dog. Butler, everything is in place.

   He suddenly felt that since Wang Zhong came, he seemed to have become a useless waste.

   In the past, the main priest of Qin used to do things with good temptations and guide him to do things, but Wang Zhong directly solved all problems for him in a simple and rude manner.

   So it seems...

   It's cool to be a trash.

"Young master, the Yanbing Continent is already in the bag. The remaining six continents, Dongya, Xi?, Xuanzhou, Zhengding, Mo Ling, and Hanchao, should also be made quickly. Before we can react, the lightning conquered, and when all the seven continents are in our hands, then we can have a good talk with external forces..."

   Wang Zhong made suggestions.

   Lin Beichen waved his hand casually, and said, "Pharaoh, I'm relieved when you do things, you can just make up your mind to do such small things."

   Wang Zhong should be ordered.


   Lin Beichen asked curiously: "You led your army to Sirius Road, who is guarding the base camp of Silver Dust Road?"

   Wang Zhong smiled and said, "Ten days ago, Master Xiao Binggan and Long Na had been picked up from Liuyuan Star Road, and now the Silver Dust Star is guarded by them."

   "Is Li Yu dead?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

  Wang Zhong wiped his sweat and said, "Li Yu chose to stay in the Azure Rain Realm. He wants to revitalize the Lian Tian Shui Temple."

   "Huh? Is this kid embarrassed again?"

   Lin Beichen was a little disappointed.

   The real dragon is wild, and the mud can't support the wall.

Wang Zhong explained: "Li Yu said that he was grateful for the Lord Lian Tianshui Hall’s past grants to solve puzzles, so he wanted to stay and revive the foundation of Lian Tianshui Hall. In addition, he also asked the old slave to bring you a message to the young master. Saying that since I came to the prehistoric world and got a chance to start all over again, I don't want to rely on relatives and friends anymore, but start from the bottom of the warrior, rely on my own strength, and walk out of my own way."


hope so.

   Lin Beichen nodded.

   If you really have this kind of thought, then it is really a good thing.

   Of course, what surprised him the most was that this time, Long Na did not choose to stay by Li Yu's side, but took the initiative to walk out of the galaxy.

"Young master, the old slave heard that in the docks and ports outside the city, there is a strange man named Zou Tianyun, with unpredictable strength and outstanding cultivation skills. He has extremely high prestige in the star of the'Beiluo Shimen'. Have you visited this person? If this person helps us, our plan to defeat the [Seven Gods] and pacify the Seven Continents of the Beiluo Shimen can be realized quickly."

   Wang Zhong changed the subject.

   Lin Beichen sighed and said: "I can't go to the dock for three times."

  Wang Zhong pondered slightly, and volunteered: "It's better to leave this matter to the old slave. The old slave will definitely try his best to let this Zou Tianyun take the initiative to vote."

   "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

   Lin Beichen said with a smile.

  Wang Zhong is quite active, and said: "Old slave will do it now."

   Looking at Wang Zhong's back, Lin Beichen couldn't help laughing.

   I stayed in the star of the'Beiluo Shimen' for nearly 20 days. I don't know how many good people and good deeds I have done, and I didn't even touch Zou Tianyun's hair.

   You, a dog, can you still make it take the initiative to vote?

   I can finally see Wang Zhong's embarrassment.

   However, life is always full of surprises and excitement.

   something he never expected happened.

   After just a stick of incense.

   The wonderful work of the dock port really appeared in front of him.

   "Zou Tianyun, a casual repairer, has met a big man."

   Zou Tianyun, dressed in a blue shirt, is burly and heroic, but with a baby face that is too young, it is impossible to accurately determine his true age for a while.

   Lin Beichen glanced at Wang Zhong who followed in surprise.

   This dog thing...

   How did he do it?

   actually brought Zou Tianyun to Flicker.

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