Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1486: Don't challenge me

call out.

   The silver sword light flickered.

   The sharpness of the whale sword, cutting off the eight tentacle-like instruments of torture, is easy.

   embraced the falling wind to the north.

   The blood stained the white robe.

   Lin Beichen fed the healing medicine into his mouth, and injected his true qi to help him run the blood.

   But the injury from Feng Xiangbei is much more serious than expected. There are multiple different forces in the body at the same time, and even the spirit is severely damaged...

   Lin Beichen couldn't imagine what kind of punishment torture would make a powerful master of the dignity, his body tended to collapse, his mind would be completely chaotic, and he would turn into a delirious person.

"Who are you?"

   Liao Zhi realized that something was wrong, and his face was full of horror.

   Lin Beichen looked at him.

   This time, Liao Zhi clearly felt the breath of death.

   Seeing that the situation is not good, Bi Yuntao quickly stepped forward to hold Lin Beichen and said: "No..."

   Lin Beichen's shoulders shook slightly.


   There was a sore numbness, and Bi Yuntao only felt that half of his arm was broken. He involuntarily chuckled back and hit his back against the stone wall of the execution chamber.

   is so strong?

   He was horrified.

   It is rumored that the reason why Lin Beichen, the ‘Sword Fairy’ is arrogant, is not because of how tyrannical his cultivation level is, but because he can use the energy of a galaxy-level powerhouse.

Now it seems…

  Which **** is making such news?

   Bi Yuntao asked himself that the strength of the young generation in the Ziwei Star District is in the absolute forefront. On the basis of defensiveness, Lin Beichen was so easily retreated by the earthquake. This is at least the strength of the domain master.

   Such an age, such a strength, shows that Lin Beichen's talent must be based on himself.

   "Don't be impulsive, don't kill..."

   Bi Yuntao shouted.

   But Lin Beichen did not kill Liao Zhi.

   He moved the wind to the north and placed it on the chair next to the big case in a gentle and soothing motion, took out the'Yunnan Baiyao Spray' and sprayed it on his **** body, and fed him several healing medicines.

   The northward breathing of the wind gradually calmed down.

   He opened his eyes, but he snored slightly, as if he was asleep.

too tired.

   is too tired.

   The chairperson of the Human Race Assembly on Luyuan Star Road needs a rest and a good night’s sleep.

  A ray of cold light flashed in Lin Beichen's eyes.


   The sword light flashed.

   Sword intent tore through the **** air in the torture chamber.


   Liao Zhi, who was about to take the opportunity to escape the torture chamber, exclaimed, and the soul retreated bravely, almost beheaded by the sword light.

   "Want to go?"

   Lin Beichen stared at him with a cold expression like profound ice, as if he could freeze his soul, and said, "Do you think it's possible?"


   Liao Zhi backed away in horror, sternly: "You...who are you? What do you want to do? Did you know that it is a big crime to act against the execution officer in the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau."

"who I am?"

   Lin Beichen looked at Bi Yuntao and said, "How about you tell him?"

   Bi Yuntao regained his right arm by running his infuriating energy, secretly groaning in his heart, facing Liao Zhi's gaze, he said bitterly: "He is the'Sword Fairy' Lin Beichen."


   Liao Zhi's face changed wildly, and his heart jumped wildly, and his whole person suddenly sank into a bottomless abyss with fear.

   The Lord came to the door.

   This is a lunatic who even Xu Hang and Zhang Ru dare to kill at once.

   "It turned out that it was Lin Jianxian who was in front of him. I...I was really... rude..." His face immediately showed a flattering smile.

   Lin Beichen ignored it.

   Instead, he looked at Bi Yuntao.

   "You insisted on bringing me here."

   His eyes were as sharp as a sword, staring at Bi Yuntao steadily, and asked: "Then please tell me now, is this the picture I want me to see?"

   Bi Yuntao shook his head repeatedly, saying: "No..."

   Lin Beichen interrupted directly, and then asked: "Okay, then I would like to ask again, what crime did Feng Xiangbei commit to endure such torture?"


   After hesitating a little, Bi Yuntao said: "This is the internal affairs of the Law Enforcement Bureau. You have no right to know..."


   The sword light flashed.

   The six torture officers who were kneeling on the ground had not yet reacted, and their heads rolled off instantly, and the dead could no longer be there.

   is a cruel minion, death is not a pity.


   Bi Yuntao was furious.

   Lin Beichen looked at him blankly: "Answer my question, otherwise, after five breaths, this prison will become a real bleeding hell, no dogs and dogs... I said."

   Bi Yuntao felt a chill in his heart.

   He knew that Lin Beichen could definitely do and could do such a thing.

"President Feng went to jail because he was responsible for the loss of Luyuan Xinglu, and he had to accept relevant investigations. However, because of some clues, it was involved that he had covered the crime of killing Congressman Huyan Yulong for you. Someone wanted to take advantage of this. Matter, convict you, so..."

   Bi Yuntao explained.

   Lin Beichen understood instantly.

   He understands the meaning of the sentence when the wind is heading north when he is unconscious.

  He is fighting hard for himself.

  In an instant, the anger exploded like a volcanic eruption.

   Lin Beichen asked slowly: "Who is the'someone' in your mouth?"

   Bi Yuntao shook his head and said: "I don't know, it comes from a higher level of power."


   Lin Beichen turned to look at Liao Zhi, and said, "Then you must know, tell me who it is."

   Liao Zhi's legs trembled, fighting in a double-stranded battle, and said: "I...I don't know, I am only entrusted by the warden, I..."

   "The warden?"

   Lin Beichen nodded and said, "Thank you for your frankness."

   "'re welcome..."

   Liao Zhi smiled.

   But in the next instant, his entire face turned pale.

Because Lin Beichen was playing with the control hub of the torture room, he quickly understood some of the principles. Under the operation, eight new metal tentacles protruded from the wall and inserted into Liao Zhi's body at once, hanging him. Up...


   Liao Zhi screamed bitterly.

   This torture instrument called ‘Holy Separation’ is said to be painful enough to cause the top domain owners to collapse. Liao Zhi screamed like a pig almost instantly, with blood mixed with excrement and urine flowing...


   Bi Yuntao was anxious, and said: "If you do this, you won't be able to save the wind to the north..."

"Shut up."

   Lin Beichen directly interrupted sharply.

He turned around abruptly, stared at Bi Yuntao coldly, and said: "Boy, don't rely on my treatment of you, just make stupid things to challenge my way of doing things and patience...before I completely lose my mind. , Can you please invite the warden, just say that I am waiting for him in this torture room No. 28 and want to ask him some questions."

   Bi Yuntao felt Lin Beichen's anger again.

   That is the terrible anger that once broke out, is enough to completely destroy the entire prison and turn it into purgatory.

   After he gritted his teeth and weighed quickly, he finally turned around and walked out of the torture room amidst Liao Zhi's screams like a pig. He went to the warden at the fastest speed.

   While Lin Beichen stood by the table in the torture room, opened a file and read it, his complexion gradually became gloomy.



   Warden’s Office.

   "Hehe, even a top domain master, as long as he enters this prison, I have a way to get him to speak... A few people from the north, under torture will not last long, and they will surely become our witnesses in the end."

   Feng Zhongling, the warden, sat confidently and assured.

Dendrobium, a staff member from the second-level speaker’s office, sat on a wooden chair and was very satisfied with the warden’s posture. He nodded slightly and exhorted, “Remember, this time it’s important and time is pressing. No matter what method you use, you need to get definite evidence within three days."

   "Hehe, Lord Shi, please rest assured..."

   Feng Zhongling repeatedly assured.

   To have the opportunity to climb the thigh of Lin Xincheng, the second-level speaker, is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for anyone in the Ziwei Star District.

   He seems to have seen his glorious rise in a bright future.

  At this time—


   There was a heavy knock on the door like a drum.

   Then there was a bang, and the door of the room was smashed open.

   The voice of a trusted female confidential secretary hurriedly stopped: "Ah, hey? Wait a minute, Master Bi, you can't enter without an appointment. The warden is meeting with the most distinguished guest...ah."

   The figure flashed.

   Bi Yuntao appeared directly in the office like lightning: "Hurry up, something big happened, Master Feng, let me go to torture room 28..."

   "Get out."

Feng Zhongling was furious, he shot the case, and furiously cursed: "Bi Yuntao, it's you again? You really are lawless. What do you think of our prison? Even my door dared to smash, no matter what went out of the torture room. Big things, I have to pay the price today."

   Bi Yuntao felt the saliva stars sprayed on his face, took a step back, and said: "Sword Immortal Forest Beichen is now in execution room No. 28."

   Hearing the words in the wind, his figure shook slightly, and he was immediately stunned.

   Dendrobium also changed a lot, and suddenly grew up.

   The office suddenly became quiet like a cemetery at midnight.

   The young and beautiful female confidant asked the secretary to stumble in and said: "My lord, I'm sorry, I didn't stop it, the investigator..."

When    was halfway through, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and she subconsciously raised her hand to block her little cherry mouth.

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