The total height of "Chenxinlou" is 33. The white rock facade, combined with the silver glazed body, can be said to be a landmark building in Langxiao City.

   Just now, Lin Beichen fired a cannon, and now it looks a lot of miserable and miserable appearance. The glazed windows are broken, like a girl who has experienced a torrential rain.

   Lin Beichen walked into the door.

   Inside the door, there is a long dim passage.


   He was surprised: "It's interesting."

   This is the superposition of formation and architecture. Doors can be seen around the corridor, but they are tightly closed at this time, shining with metallic colors.

   Inside the door, there should be various offices seen outside.

   is now closed tightly, belonging to many office workers in the Chengxin Building, as if isolated in another world.

   The tunnel in front of you must have an end in the real world.

   But under the illusion of the celestial array master's means, it seems that there is an endless passage of time, and you will never be able to get out of the end of this dim environment.

   But for Lin Beichen, it is meaningless.

   because he has [Baidu Map].

   directly opened the navigation to Lin Xincheng's office and turned on the'real scene mode', and a blue arrow directly in front of him continuously guided him forward.

  The premise is to pay for traffic and money.

   Yes, there is money.

   Mobile phones are always a bottomless pit of krypton gold.

   It brings you all kinds of miracles, while also squeezing your body, spirit and wealth.

   seems to be following the law of conservation of energy.

   Following the guidance of the blue arrow, Lin Beichen crossed the dim corridor and came to an open area like a basketball court in the center.

   A four-meter tall giant standing in the middle of the clearing.

   "I want to be on the second floor, I have passed my level."

   The giant opened his mouth, and his voice was like rolling thunder.

  Even between his breath, a vortex visible to the naked eye was generated on the side of his mouth and nose, which stirred the airflow in the entire space and formed a peculiar vortex.

   Lin Beichen's gaze fell on this person.

Strong to exaggerated muscles, blood vessels like old tree roots, black iron skin, the whole person seems to be perfused with metallic liquid, and the exuberant blood overflows to form a blood-red flame visible to the naked eye, lingering around the body, constantly Surging.

   The first bloodline, the monk of the ‘Holy Physique Dao’.

The pressure released by    is equivalent to the north direction of the wind.

   This is a domain master-level powerhouse.

   "Lin Xincheng has three thousand customers, where do you rank?"

   Lin Beichen asked.

The giant on the other side smiled proudly, with an undisguised sneer in his tone, and said: "[Shoulder Mountain Crossing the Sea] Shen Wudi, Chairman Lin has three thousand guests, I am the third thousand...boy, your road to the barrier is here. That's it."

   "Is your mother wholesale? Dare to talk to me like this?"

   Lin Beichen kept walking and approached quickly.

   "I will screw your head off, make a quilt, and then take out your heart as a snack..."

   Shen Wudi grinned, and also stepped forward.

   He moved his arms.

  A random action, the force of terror will vent out like a mountain, and the surrounding air squeezed like a hurricane surge.

   This is the unique power of the Eucharist monks.

   Strong physical defense, terrifying physical power...

  The power of the physical body alone can achieve "one force breaks ten thousand laws".


   Lin Beichen raised his left arm and blasted out a punch.

   Shen Wudi's complexion changed suddenly.

   I only felt a surge of Pei Ran Mo Yu's powerful force rushing toward his face. The squeezed air seemed to freeze, making him difficult to breathe, making his face rippling like water lines.

   "Holy Physique Path?"

   He never dreamed that Lin Beichen, who was called the [Headshot Sword Fairy], actually practiced the ‘Sacred Physique Dao’.

   And also cultivated such terrible power.

   crossed his arms on his chest, feeling the huge threat of Shen Wudi, bends forward slightly, then slammed his right shoulder, displaying his strongest secret.

   "Secret Skill·Iron Mountain!"


   fist bombarded the superimposed arms.

   Shen Wudi's figure shook.


   The air flow is frantic.

   The air within a radius of thirty meters is like boiling water.

   Shen Wudi, black hair flying wildly, round eyes, a faint blood mist bursting out of the skin pores of his arms...

   did not take a step back.

   " should also practice the sacramental path. What kind of secret is your punch?"

   He kept the posture of'Tieshan Kao' and stared at Lin Beichen.

   "I won't tell you."

   Lin Beichen blasted out another punch.

   Shen Wudi remained motionless, letting this punch hit his head, and instantly the flesh and blood flew, his head turned into blood mist and disappeared.

   It's not that he doesn't hide.

   It was the previous fight. Lin Beichen's attack had completely destroyed the bodily function he was proud of. If he avoided this punch, he would undoubtedly die.

   Tossed the blood on his hand, Lin Beichen looked calm.

   Lin Xincheng's running dog, death is not a pity.

   Besides, he swept this person just now, he was a great evil person.


   Wait, why am I heading again?

Habit is second nature.

   Lin Beichen threw a smoke bomb at the ground.

   After the mist filled, he pressed his left hand on Shen Wudi's headless corpse and began to operate the ‘swallow’ secret technique, absorbing the flesh and blood essence in his body.

   ‘Swallow’ is one of his biggest hole cards.

   cannot be discovered by outsiders.

  The pure energy enters the left arm.

   Shen Wudi's huge body, like a leaky doll, dries out quickly, and eventually the flesh and blood dry up and the skin becomes sandy, turning into a pool of fine sand.


  A hint of surprise appeared on Lin Beichen's face.

He felt that the pure essence of Shen Wudi that he had swallowed this time was not stored in his left hand and left arm, but directly turned into warm energy and poured into his limbs. , To strengthen his muscles extremely quickly.

   Could it be that he is a powerful person who specializes in cultivating the flesh, and has a special bonus to the [Huaqi Jue], so that it can be directly strengthened without transformation?

   After ten breaths.

   "I feel swollen all over, as if I'm full."

   Lin Beichen's body is once again'huge'.

   has reached nearly two meters in height, and his body is much more burly.

   is accompanied by the power contained in the body as endless as mountains and seas.

   Strength has doubled and increased.

   "The body's defense and power have reached the strength of the 23rd-level domain master... Ah, before I know it, my body has already walked ahead of Zhen Qi and soul."

   Lin Beichen moved his body in the smoke.

   After a few breaths, he collected all the ‘sand particles’ on the ground without leaving any traces, and then he felt the changes in his muscles.

   The second layer of Huaqi Jue has reached the bottleneck stage.

   break through again, you can complete the absolute muscle strengthening, and enter the third layer of [Huaqi Jue].

   The mist of the smoke bomb gradually dissipated.

   Lin Beichen's figure disappeared on the first floor.

Lin Xincheng, who has been watching the battlefield through the monitoring formation, frowned slightly: "What is the magical power of this white smoke? It can cut off the prying eyes of the sky formation and hide all auras and signs... There really are a lot of trump cards in the blood of the holy emperor. ."

   Shen Wudi's body disappeared.

  Lin Beichen took the corpse for what?

   Lin Xincheng fell into thinking.

   after a moment.

   Lin Beichen appeared on the second floor.

   A young man who also wore white clothes, with a cruel smile, stood quietly in the center of the second floor, surrounded by twenty handleless flying swords dancing like spirits.

   "The speed of your coming is a bit slower than I expected."

The young man looked at Lin Beichen, with a look of disappointment on his face, and said: "The time that Shen Manzi was entangled for a whole cup of tea, Lin Beichen, you really disappointed me. "


The update will be resumed tomorrow.

Thank you all for your tolerance.

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