Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1536: In the enemy camp

Dark vacuum, distant stars twinkling.

   A metal starship, sailing at a constant speed like a locust.

   There is also a huge mountain-like six-winged ox star beast, bound with blue luminous cables, pulling an asteroid more than a thousand kilometers in diameter, and advancing in the middle of the fleet.

The interior of the asteroid has long been hollowed out. In the huge space, there are docks, decks, military camps, repair camps, planting areas, living areas, entertainment areas, etc. The complex and complete functional divisions, it is no exaggeration to say , It is a mobile war weapon.

   A small star war fortress.

   In the Galaxy War, this is a strategic existence.

   There are only four war fortresses of this level in all of the mighty Chilian Gods in the Hunting King Star Territory.

  【The Flower of Chilian] Li Yuxun is highly powerful and one of the powerful elders of Chilian God.

   Responsible for the war against the Ziwei Star District this time, mobilizing a "small planetary star war fortress", it can be regarded as a lion fighting a rabbit with all its strength.

   Of course, in Li Yuxun's eyes, winning the Purple Star Area was just a matter of effort.

The real purpose of dispatching a war fortress is to demonstrate the strength of the Chilian Divine Sect and strive to get more cakes. The most important point is to frighten the temporary partners, the source of war, the green-skinned orcs, and let them cooperate honestly. .

   "My lord, the newly selected group of close guards have all been sent to the fort, waiting for your review at any time."

   Adjutant Ye Qingan knocked on the door and came in.

   Ye Qing'an is very young, he looks like he is in his early twenties, he has a fair face and fair skin. He has a strong bookish air, like a gentle, white-faced scholar.

   This is also a legend in the Chilian God Sect.

  He is a human race, not a demons.

   As of today, I have never accepted a seedling.

   He is an outstanding kendo expert, majoring in the seventeenth element of the human race's twenty-four bloodline. His true energy is unfathomable, with two swords hanging from his waist all the time.

   a handful of cyan.

   a handful of red.

   He has never drawn a blue sword. No one has ever seen him draw a red sword.

  Because he uses the cyan sword, he can solve his opponent.

  The reason why he stayed by Li Yuxun's side as an adjutant was because he was pursuing this [Red Lianhua].

   Very serious pursuit.

   instead of just showing pleasure in the flesh.

   So so far, Ye Qing'an is the only man who can knock on the door and enter his bedroom beside Li Yuxun who has not slept with her.

   And he doesn't seem to care about Li Yuxun having **** with other men.

For example, this time, the so-called'close body guards' selected by all parties are actually'drafts'. They are selecting young and beautiful men to supplement Li Yuxun's harem group—Ye Qing'an even personally manages this matter. Be conscientious.

   Li Yuxun glanced at his weird adjutant and closed the picture album in his hand.

Inside    are the portraits of this group of twenty “close guards” in total.

   The age, appearance, and birth of each person are clearly written.

   "In this group, there is a young man named Ignorance Hao Dai, who seems to be extremely outstanding."

   Li Yuxun licked his lips.

   Her appearance is extremely pure, and her whole body reveals a kind of clarity and weakness that I can see, and it makes people feel an unstoppable desire for protection.

   This kind of temperament is obviously completely contrary to her fame, status and terrible deeds.

   Many people see her first side, and it is difficult to associate it with the four words "the flower of red refining".

"There is such a boy whose appearance stands out among all the candidates. It is also unique among all the beautiful boys I have seen. I have never seen such a handsome person." Ye Qing'an nodded in agreement. Said: "The pinnacle lord-level true Qi cultivation base, the 25th-level domain master-level physical body, was born in the Yizhi dynasty. The aristocratic nobles do not know the family. He is a single bloodline of the family. The loyal minister later failed in the struggle for power and ended in depression. The family has since been ruined. I don’t know that Hao Dai is a great-looking person. He is a natural prodigal son. He ran away from home at the age of ten, wandering the galaxy, practicing martial arts, and all his experiences so far. Most of the facts and deeds are well documented, and the identity is very innocent, and there is nothing suspicious about it."


   Li Yuxun licked his lips and said, "I can't wait."

   "Would you like to see them now?"

   Ye Qing'an asked as usual.

   Li Yuxun smiled lightly, his eyes were as clear as autumn water and stared at the adjutant, and said: "Before seeing them, don't you have anything to say to me?"

   Ye Qingan thought about it seriously, and said, "For example, I marry you?"

   Li Yuxun yawned, sat up straight, and said, "Don't think about it. You can go to bed, but you can't marry me. You are not handsome enough."

   "Then I will arrange the batch of I don't know Hao Dai to see you as soon as possible."

   Ye Qingan said, turning around and walking outside, the expression on his face calm and calm.


   "This the **** is the Gaowu civilized world."

   Lin Beichen looked at the inner space of the war fort and was shocked.

   This kind of thing, previously only existed in anime animations on the earth-movies couldn't make this kind of feeling, and the special effects artists estimated that they would vomit blood even if they were tired.

   In concept, this kind of war fortress is no less inferior to the concept-class space carrier.

  With the blessing of various formations, the inner world of the asteroid is vivid and beautiful.


   He was sent to the enemy camp by Wang Zhong.

   Although I don’t know how Wang Zhong did it, he really became another person out of thin air.

   There is no flaw in his identity.

   You don’t even need to change your appearance.

   Along the way, I easily handled all the inspections.

   With him, there were a hundred people in total at the beginning.

   was subsequently eliminated one after another.

   There were also several characters who were found to be various spies and assassins, all of which were killed.

   Now there are only the last twenty people left.

   Without exception, they are all beautiful men.

   But Lin Beichen has no pressure.

   Because of beauty, they can't beat him.

   is all rubbish.

   Along the way, Lin Beichen had a profound influence on the adjutant named Ye Qing'an.

   Because the moment he saw this person, he felt a danger of towering hairs, and intuitively told him that this person is very strong, far more terrifying than his bookish appearance, so he should pay attention.

no way.

  I was in the enemy's camp, it was so perilous and scared every step of the way.

   "This Xiongtai."

   A beautiful boy came over and said, "In Xia Chuxin, I don't know how Xiongtai is called?"

   Lin Beichen glanced at this competitor, and said, "What is your name, it's my shit, what is my name, it's your shit?"

   Chu Xin: "..."

   Say hello kindly, this is a direct blow.

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