Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1607: This situation

The picture freezes momentarily.

   Everyone looked at the decapitated corpse in Lin Beichen's hand with dumbfounded eyes.

   Li Guangxu is dead.

   was killed.

   Many scholars who knew its meaning suddenly had scalp numbness.

   Li Guangxu, the younger brother of the chief student of Donglin Academy and an outstanding student, died on Wendao Mountain.

   This is nothing more than hitting a meteorite directly on the surface of the water that was not calm.


   "Did you kill him?"

   "Quickly, go to the chief."

   "Go report to the teacher."

   More than a dozen scholars from Donglin College turned pale and left.

   The crowd slammed and backed away.

   They came to see the excitement, but they didn't expect to see such a scene.

   "You got into a disaster."

Murong Tianjue was pale because of the injury. Looking at Lin Beichen, his eyes were full of anger, and he said: "You killed the people in Donglin Academy. Who doesn't know the whole Mole Mole galaxy, Donglin Academy is the shortest You have no way to explain."


   Lin Beichen sneered disdainfully, and threw Li Guangxu's body aside with a clatter, and said, "It is Donglin Academy that should be explained."

   Murong Tianjue's qi knot.

   She took the healing medicine and her breath quickly recovered.

She sighed deeply and said with infinite regret: "I don't know where you come from, or what your background is, let alone what trump cards you rely on. I will only tell you everything you have. , It’s not enough to fight against Donglin Academy. It is the most terrifying force in the Tear Mole galaxy. Provoking one is tantamount to provoking a group. Dr. Donglin will not reason with you. They have always helped. Dear...You don’t listen to my advice and you ruined yourself with your own hands."

Having said this, she paused, and said: "I also ruined God Qin Lian. If God Qin Lian still had a glimmer of hope before, he could enter the School of Knowledge through the opening of the mountain gate, then from now on, Not only will she not be able to enter the School of Knowledge, but it will also be difficult for her to survive. You...hurry up and escape, but you may not be able to escape."

   "A self-righteous stupid woman."

   Lin Beichen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said impatiently: "For the reason that you didn't intend to take a shot against Sister Qin just now, I won't kill you... Go away."


   Murong Tianjue's calmness and coldness on weekdays were completely absent, and he was instantly angered, saying: "To this day, you are still so arrogant and stupid."

   "Don't force it, get out."

   Lin Beichen was not at all polite to the chief of Taiping Academy, saying: "Say one more word, it will kill you."

   Murong Tianjue was almost mad.

   This **** is not at all reasonable.

   No matter what, she is a woman herself.

   and she is still a beautiful woman.

   She is very confident about her appearance.

   On weekdays, in the entire Tear Mole galaxy, I don’t know how many handsome talents try to pursue themselves.

   But the guy in front of him, not only did not accept his kindness, but was so cruel and ruthless.

   She could see that Lin Beichen was not joking, as long as she said one more word, he would really kill himself.

   Murong Tianjue waved his hand, and left with the other students of Taiping Academy with an expression of anger and depression.

   Lin Beichen grinned at the ‘melon-eating crowd’ who had evacuated and hadn’t completely left, and said viciously, "And you, stay and wait for me to kill?"

   The crowd dispersed in a rush.

   The Straw Hat Temple finally calmed down.

   "It's finally quiet."

   Lin Beichen walked over, took the hand of the priest Qin, and said: "The environment here is too bad, go, I will take you to open a room."

The two little book boys next to    had their eyes straightened all of a sudden.

   pulled on, pulled on, pulled on! !

   actually held hands.   I thought Sister Qin was a man who is misogynistic.

   I didn't expect that I would have belonged long ago.

   The two little book boys expressed their satisfaction with Lin Beichen's performance just now.

   After cleaning up a bit, the group left the Straw Hat Temple and headed to the old book building.

Lin Beichen’s Tianzi No. 1 room, a ternary courtyard, ten spacious and bright upper rooms, let alone a Qin priest, even if Qianqian, Qianqian, Ling Chen, Ye Weiyang, Qing Lei and others come together, Definitely live.



   "What? My brother was killed?"

   Li Guangyu, who was visiting his mentor, heard the news reported by his entourage. The teacup in his hand shook, and he almost dropped and dropped: "Is the news accurate?"

   The entourage did not dare to neglect, and nodded repeatedly, saying: "It's true, more than one person sees it."

   Li Guangyu's complexion changed, he took a deep breath, and gently placed the tea cup in his hand on the table.

   After doing this, he has completely calmed down.

  He got up and saluted Zheng Xinlu, the tutor of the Qiuzhi Academy, and said politely: "I'm really sorry to let you hear such news. The students can only leave first and deal with their personal affairs."

  Zheng Xinlu is one of the well-known great tutors of the Qiuzhi Academy. He has a close relationship with the Li family. Hearing that, there is a stormy sea in his heart, saying: "I am serious, do I need my old man to accompany you?"

   Li Guangyu handed his hands to thank him, saying: "Don't dare to disturb the teacher with the private affairs of the students."

   Zheng Xinlu said: "Okay, you go quickly. Regarding the opening of the mountain gate for examinations, within the scope permitted by the rules, I will definitely help you win the first place...Sorry."

   Li Guangyu hugged his fists and saluted, then turned around and strode away.

   "At a young age, he can quickly calm down after a big change. Such concentration and cultivation really make people have to admire, and the future generations are terrifying."

   Zheng Xinlu looked at Li Guangyu's back and couldn't help expressing such emotion.

   Talented people come out from generation to generation, and new generations replace old ones.

   Li Guangyu is a new generation genius he is very optimistic about, and hopes that his brother’s matter will not affect his exam preparation.

   At the same time, Zheng Xinlu also realized that he was afraid that Shanuchi was in trouble again.

Li Guangxu, a student, he also knows. Although he is a thousand miles away from Li Guangyu, he is also an outstanding disciple selected by Donglin Academy this time. His father Li Ziyi is a senior at Donglin Academy. Grandfather Li Yuanshan was the dean. Donglin Li Family is the largest faction of Donglin Academy. With this relationship, the death of Li Guangxu will undoubtedly set off stormy waves.

   "You must report to the college."

   Zheng Xinlu also hurried out.

   and at the same time.

   Li Guangyu did not immediately go to the murderer to avenge him impulsively.

   He went straight back to the branch of Donglin College in Wendaoshan, and found his father Li Ziyi and Xue Fengqing, the head of the "Shengzhenliu" who was a guest at the branch.



   A short time.

   Asking Daoshan as a whole, he was indeed caught in a boiling noise.

   Everything that happened in the Straw Hat Temple spread quickly and uncontrollably at a plague-like speed.

   "What? Li Guangxu was killed?"

   "Donglin Academy is going crazy, right?"

   "I heard that his father Li Ziyi also came to ask Daoshan, this time the leader of Donglin Academy?"

   "Who is so bold?"

   "A samurai wearing a white scholar robe, he is very handsome, it can be said to be declining."

   "Where did this kind of character pop up?"

   "It is related to Qin Lian Shen, it is said to be the concubine of this witch."

   "Tsk tusk, it has something to do with this woman. I have already said that this woman is a catastrophe and will bring great disasters."

   "However, it is said that the people from Donglin Academy went to provoke first, not only not allowing them to participate, but also interrupting their limbs and humiliation..."

   "Hehe, you can imagine that the guys in Donglin Academy have eyes higher than the top, and they are used to doing things overbearing. This time they mentioned the iron plate."

   "I don't know who is the iron plate. Anyway, there will be a lot of chaos in the mountain, I think Qin Lianshen will definitely die in the end."

   Similar discussions and rumors are happening all the time in Wen Daoshan.

The human gossip physique has been vividly demonstrated in this matter, especially the students who have mastered the many magical powers of the Doctor’s Tao, even at the expense of cultivation, spread the news with various secret arts and magical powers, which made Li There have been countless versions of the death of Guangxu, such as'being kicked and hurting his lower body for molesting Qin Lianshen','being jealous and beaten to death by gangsters','because courtship is not angry','fighting with rivals and being castrated painful "Dead", "Died because of failing to fight for a man with Qin Lian Shen and vomiting blood" and so on...

   By the time Donglin Academy began to control the spread of the news, it was too late.

   Taiping Academy, Tianjiao Academy, Shangqi Bookstore, Hanging Deng Pavilion, Shushan, and Xuehai have also heard the news.

   Suddenly, the mountains and rain are about to come and wind all over the building.

   The power of Donglin Academy is even searching for the whereabouts of Qin Lian, Lin Beichen and others throughout Wendao Mountain.

   "Such an event happened, what shall we do?"

   Chu Hen and Xiao Binggan originally made the difference in the major trading markets, but they were a little dumbfounded when they heard such news.

   Wang Zhong said without hesitation: "What else can I do? Of course, I will immediately return to the ‘Handsome Sword Immortal’ starship to wait. The young masters must have already taken the time to run away at this time. We can’t drag the young master back."

   "What if my brother is in danger?"

   Xiao Binggan hesitated and said authentically.

   "Fear of a dick."

Wang Zhong blatantly retorted, "Young master is proficient in disguise, no one is better at escape in the world. Besides, there are only a few of us. It will not help us to stay. On the contrary, it will add chaos. These local snakes followed the vines, found us, and threatened the young master with us as hostages. That would be a big problem."

   Chu Hen touched his chin with an iron hand, and said, "It makes sense, but..."

   "It's nothing, let's run away."

Therefore, under Wang Zhong’s instigation, the group of people seemed to be frightened rabbits. They fled Wendao Mountain for the first time, left the tear-colored star in the airship, and returned to the top of the outer space [Handsome Sword Fairy]. Starship.

   "I always feel as if I have forgotten something."

   Xiao Binggan was eating "Zhenbo Bitter Sausage" while thinking.



   Lin Beichen never thought of fleeing.

  Because he still wants to help Master Qin enter the Qiuzhi Academy, and strive to become a direct disciple of [Book Emperor].

  In the old book building.

   After arranging the room for the priest Qin, Lin Beichen was not in a hurry to leave.

   Instead, he stood in the room and closed the door.

   Two little book boys stood outside the door, looking at each other.

in the room.

   The invisible formation spread silently, isolating all sounds and movements.

   "Why don't you leave?"

   The priest Qin looked at him.

   Lin Beichen said: "I haven't seen each other for so long, shouldn't we complain to each other together?"

   "There is no need to close the door."

   The Qin priest is indifferent.

   "The two little ghosts are very annoying, let them stand outside the door."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Don't you think this situation is familiar to you?"

   The priest Qin snorted and said, "What do you know?"

   Lin Beichen Road: "Liuyuan Star Road, the Military Building, is also the No. 1 suite in the world, and it is also you and me."

   "But it was night that time."

   The Lord Qin said.

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Is there any difference between day and night?"

   Qin's white shell teeth lightly bit his red lips, and said, "There is a difference."

   "What's the difference?"

   Lin Beichen approached step by step, and the male breath spit out with the hot breath.

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