Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1611: East Forty-two Great Scriptures

Explaining this kind of thing is often based on what others need and prescribe the right medicine for it to really work.

   You can give what the other party wants.

   instead of what you have.

  This simple truth, of course the Lis and his sons understand.

   But the biggest problem is that they don't know what Lin Beichen wants.

   Li Guangyu took a deep breath, and said, "I apologize for the lack of understanding before my brother..."

   This is bitter.

  My brother is dead, but instead he wants to apologize in a low voice.

  The younger brother just wants to interrupt Qin Lianshen’s limbs, expel him from the Tear Mole Galaxy, and cut off his path of Ph.D. cultivation...

   Chen Beilin killed him.

   is hateful.

   "If an apology is useful..."

   Lin Beichen ordered another Huazi and said, "Why am I killing your brother?"

   Li Guangyu only felt as if he heard the sound of blood splashing from a knife in his heart, and he choked all of a sudden.

   Vice President Li Ziyi stepped forward, took out an alchemy kit, and said in a proud voice: "There is fifty thousand great gold in it, you can take it."


   There is a sound of sucking cold skin around.

  Oh my god, fifty thousand yuan is a huge sum of money.

   This time, the Li family really suffered a lot of bleeding.

   This is a huge amount of wealth.

   Some people looked at the lavender alchemy bag, their eyes shone with hot light.

   Lin Beichen was startled, and immediately laughed.

   Lee and his son also laughed.

   After all, he is a barbarian from outside, with shallow eyelids, and without the cultivation of a scholar, he smiles at the slightest amount of gold.

   At this time, I listened to Lin Beichen: "You are humiliating me."

   The plum was startled.

   Lin Beichen glanced at Wang Fengliu.

"Fifty thousand rich gold?" The treacherous minister instantly understood, and let out a sneer, as if he had heard the funniest joke, and said: "You send a beggar? I am embarrassed to take out this little money? I think you just don't want it. ."

   Plum's face was slightly dark, and said: "Young people, don't be greedy."

   The voice did not fall.

   Zi La.


   The sound of the blue ghost electricity sounded again.

   Li Ziyi held the purple kit with his right hand, together with his entire right arm, directly exploded into a cloud of blood, and completely disappeared.

   "I said, don't waste your lips and tongue, saying that those silly dialogues pollute my ears."

   Lin Beichen spit out a smoke ring and said faintly: "If you say another nonsense, the next sword qi will hit your son on the head."

   spoke the most vicious words in the most indifferent tone.

Li Ziyi’s face was distorted due to the severe pain, and the cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead with large and large pieces. Unlike the martial artists who practice the Holy Physique Tao, the scholars of the Ph.D. It is already a lot of perseverance and courage to be able to endure without screaming.

   He even stopped his son who was about to get angry for a moment.

   "Wonderful hand rejuvenation... flesh and blood regenerate, intact."

Li Guangyu on the side of    vomited three consecutive ‘Secret Techniques of Proverbs’ before he cured his father’s broken arm.

He hates and angers, and for the first time in his life, he truly feels that he is not as genius and peerless as everyone touts in his daily life. He is not the protagonist of this world. There are people of his age in this world who can press on his head. , Let his original bright light eclipse.

   It turns out that there are times when I can do nothing.

   "What do you think? What do you think? Huh?"

At this time, the traitor Wang Fengliu said without losing the opportunity: "My master's pocket money for a stellar month on weekdays is one million. If you take fifty thousand yuan, it is not enough for my master's day's expenses. This is not a **** humiliation. What is it?"

   The people eating melons made a sound of sucking cold skin again in unparalleled cooperation.

one million?

   What kind of horrible wealth is that.

Isn't    bragging?

  What is the origin of this Chen Beilin? Could it be the tycoon giants from the central imperial court area?

   "I don't know... what do you want to explain, Dashao Chen?"

   Li Zi Yiqiang endured the pain, restrained the students of Donglin Academy, and finally learned the skills of negotiation.

  The first element is of course to be sincere and polite.

   Lin Beichen raised his **** and rubbed his eyebrows, and said: "I heard that Donglin Academy has a set of books called "East Forty-two Great Texts". Let me read it for three days, and this matter will be over."


"This is impossible."

   "The wolf's ambition is obvious."

"you are dreaming."

   The scholars at Donglin Academy suddenly became extremely excited, filled with righteous indignation, and shouted loudly.

The "East Forty-two Da Wen Jing" is the highest classic in the town of Donglin Academy. It is passed on inside and not outside. Even many core disciples with outstanding performances may not be able to study and refer to it. Chen Beilin really is How can they not be angry if they dare to say such an excessive request?

   For these ordinary young scholars, Lin Beichen has no intention of killing him.

He just stood there quietly, smoking Huazi unhurriedly, spitting out smoke rings with interest, spitting out an S shape for a while, and a B shape for a while, looking at Li and his son with a smile. Not urging, but his eyes are getting more and more impatient.

   is like counting down silently in my heart.

   And after the countdown ends, what will happen?

   The heartbeat of Li's father and son suddenly accelerated, accelerated, accelerated again.

   "One day."

   Deputy Dean Li Ziyi suddenly spoke.

   "At this time, you still dare to bargain with me."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "Okay."

   Li Ziyi's tight muscles all over, instantly relaxed.

   Then there was some sorrow.

   Did I agree too soon?

   can it be shortened to half a day.

  Is my performance just now too daunting?

   But these are of no avail.

Under the shocked gaze of his son and other students, Li Ziyi summoned a black ancient book, and slowly volleyed it to Lin Beichen, saying: "This is a copy of the "East Twenty-Four Da Wenjing". The content is exactly the same as the original one."

   Lin Beichen looked at him, and didn't have the first time to pick him up.

   Li Ziyi gritted his teeth and said: "It's not a student of Donglin Academy. It is impossible to read the original. If you are not satisfied, then kill us all."

Lin Beichen smiled, raised his hand and held the black metal ancient book, and said: "Forget it, copy the copy, who makes me talk good... Okay, tell me that I got it, you guys get out, don’t stay This is an eyesore."

   The plum half-son turned and left immediately.

   didn't even dare to leave a harsh word.

   Dozens of students from Donglin Academy all left in a hurry, like the tide is low.

   Seeing the curtain fall, the others all walked towards the outside of the yard.

   "Hey? Isn't this a Buqiu book friend?"

   Lin Beichen beckoned and said, "Book friends stay."


   Buqiu people only felt that their liver was trembling, and turned around tremblingly, with a bitter expression on his face, and said: "Chen Shuyou, I..."

   He was so scared to death.

   Chen Beilin, don't do it yourself.

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "Meeting is fate, book friends stay here, let the friendship of the landlord be fulfilled, how about?"

   Bu Qiuren was startled, his face was filled with ecstasy, and he hesitated immediately.

   gritted his teeth one last time and said: "It is better to be respectful than fate."

  Meeting means fate, and it doesn’t hurt to stay.

Being called by Chen Beilin in public must be disliked by Donglin College. The explanation must be that the explanation is not clear. Donglin College’s style of doing things is too domineering. No matter how you explain it, you can’t pass the test. It is better to be firm and stand by Chen Beilin. Aside.

  The so-called two thick thighs, choose the stronger one and hug them.

   "Huh? Isn't this Qiao Shuyou? Why not stay for a cup of tea too."

   Lin Beichen continued to say hello.

   Qiao Biyi was startled, and immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said excitedly: "It just happens to be thirsty."

   Seeing this, several other scholar students from Shushan wailed silently in their hearts on the spot: That's it, Senior Sister Qiao, this is fascinating.

   A few people looked at Shushan’s student chief and Qiao Biyi’s sister, Qiao Fu, as if asking for help.

   The latter seemed to have seen nothing, turned around and left.

   Lin Beichen's gaze also noticed Qiao Fu.

   "That's my sister."

   Qiao Biyi looked proud and authentic.

   Obviously, I am very proud of having such a sister.


   Lin Beichen asked.


   Qiao Biyi nodded affirmatively.

   Lin Beichen felt silent in his heart.

Good guy, how can Qiao Biyi say that she is a big beauty who is beautiful and charming, like a jade, jade, and ice muscle. Why her sister is a big fat man who looks like at least three hundred kilograms and walks like moving flesh. The ball, the special loose scholar's robe is almost bursting.

   are all born to the same mother, is that such a big difference?

   "Hee hee, my sister is not bad."

   Qiao Biyi approached, as if biting her ears, and said, "I tell you that she is much more beautiful than me. If you are interested, I can introduce her to you. Then, how about our sisters... together?"

   Damn, you are telling the content after the ellipsis.

   Am I the one who lacks that little money?

  Lin Beichen's eyes stared: "It's not right."

   Qiao Biyi covered her mouth and was amused.

   Lin Beichen waved again: "Bookers from Jiangnan Bank, book friends from Jiangnan tide, please stay."

   "Don't call, I don't know you, we are not familiar..."

   The south bank of the river immediately resembled a rabbit with its tail stepped on. With a sound of searching the ground, it jumped out from the gate of the courtyard, squeezing into the crowd and disappeared.

   "Hey, I just wanted to remind him that his pants are wet."

   Lin Beichen shook his head regretfully.

   At this time, he looked at the other people who stopped by the gate.

  The chief students of the major colleges have complex complexions, and they don't know what to say for a while.

They have witnessed the peerless brilliance of a peer of the same age—though this peer is not a Ph.D., and his brain is a bit problematic, he has really reached a height that they can’t reach, killing a 59-level star in an instant. Level Saint Physique Dao powerhouse, let alone them, even their teacher, may not be able to do it.

   Especially Murong Tianjue, the chief of Taiping Academy.

   This tall and beautiful female scholar is still shocked in her heart at this time.

   She is conceited. She thought that Chen Beilin was a newcomer and didn't know what the interests were, so she dared to kill Li Guangxu. Now it seems...

   The clown is myself?

   "Murong Bookmate, stay for a comment?"

   Lin Beichen smiled and beckoned, completely forgetting that three hours ago, he would be vicious to ask people to get rid of or kill him.

   "No, goodbye."

   Murong Tianjue took the students from Taiping Academy and turned and left.

   Soon, the people in the courtyard left cleanly.

   "Thank you Fang Lao for speaking up and helping me out of trouble."

   Lin Beichen turned around and saluted [Bitter Zhou] Fang Zhili respectfully.

"The old man can't do anything. You will finally solve the matter by yourself." Fang Zhili was full of emotion, and his eyes were full of kindness when he looked at Lin Beichen, just like the seniors looked at the promising nephews of the younger generations, and said: "However, you forcibly seized Donglin Academy’s "East Forty-two Great Wenjing" today, which is tantamount to tore your face completely with this vein..."

   "Look at what you said."

   Qiao Biyi interrupted and said: "Chen Shuyou killed Li Guangxu, broke Li Ziyi's arm, and humiliated Li Guangyu. One by one, it's not the anger between the heavens and the people. Which one is not torn with Donglin Academy?"

   "That's different."

Fang Zhili shook his head: "Before, there was still room for recovery. It was only the Li family that offended the Donglin Academy. There are other branches in Donglin Academy. However, now that the "East Forty-two Da Wenjing" is taken over, it is equivalent to completely and the whole Donglin. The academy has torn his face, when the time comes..."

Qiao Biyi was even more excited, and interrupted again, saying, "That's better, let Chen Shuyou kill them directly then. I have seen the guys in Donglin Academy not pleasing to the eye. Everyone is above the top, and the party is in the same way. The Gang went online, and people with different opinions and academic genres were killed. Many small colleges, small book houses, and small genres were replaced because they didn’t change their scriptures. The Mole Tear galaxy has stirred up the miasma, and it should have been a good deal of rectification."

   Fang Zhili, Lin Beichen and Bu Qiu were all looking at this little girl.

   I really dare to say.

   Your grandma's is really not too big to watch the excitement.

   "Old Fang, stay for a cup of tea?"

   Lin Beichen sent an invitation.

   Fang Li shook his head and said, "No, I have to hurry up and find a way to deal with your aftermath."

   finished speaking, turned and left.

   "What a respectable and respected old man."

   Lin Beichen exclaimed.


   Wang Fengliu nodded in agreement.


   Lin Beichen slapped Wang Fengliu on the back of his head, and said, "What are you doing? Go and fix the courtyard gate."

   "Huh? Oh, let's go."

   Wang Fengliu quickly said.

   Lin Beichen looked at Bu Qiuren again, and said, "Book friend Bu, won't you help?"


   Buqiuren pointed to himself, and said, "Me? Help repair the door?"

   Lin Beichen nodded seriously.

   There is a strange atmosphere in the air.

   Wang Fengliu pulled Buqiuren's sleeve.

   Buqiu people seemed to understand something, and immediately said: "Yes, right, right, the best thing in my life is actually not studying, so I just repaired..." Then he followed Wang Fengliu to do coolies.

   Lin Beichen turned around and smiled at Qiao Biyi, and said, "Let's go, let's have tea."

   Qiao Biyi blinked, looked at the two men who had been taken away, then looked at Lin Beichen, and said, "Your tea, is it serious?"

   Lin Beichen also blinked and said, "Guess?"


   "Guess again?"

   "Oh Huh? Then I have to take a sip."

   The two talked and laughed and walked to the courtyard.

   Buqiuren looked at the back of the two, and shed tears aggrievedly.


   Why is this world so malicious to male scholars? Can it be cured? When will the male scholars stand up?


As soon as Lin Beichen and the two came in, they saw the priest Qin and Yue Hongxiang sitting in the hall, talking and laughing, and discussing something. When they saw him coming in, their eyes came over, staring at Lin Beichen... Qiao Biyi.

   The six eyes are facing each other.

   The air suddenly became quiet.

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