Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1614: Hidden boss?

At the beginning of the exam, there was an atmosphere of tension and expectation in the air.

  Study hard for half a lifetime, and being able to join the academy of knowledge, for many scholars, is a long way to go.

  Because only by becoming a member of the Academy of Knowledge, can you truly touch the inheritance of the emperor, and touch the light of the ancestor of the Doctor Dao.

   The entire Tear Mole galaxy, only the School for Knowledge has such a background.

   This is why the School of Knowledge is in this galaxy—no, it can be said that it is the absolute holy place of the Ph.D.path in the entire primordial universe.

   Even though the Academy for Knowledge has declined over the years, it still stands out in the Mole Mole galaxy.

   Other major academies and forces, including a powerful and domineering force such as Donglin College, which is rising rapidly, are far inferior in front of the School of Knowledge.

   The page-like door is closed tightly.

   The teaching house behind the white jade fence and the like, the exam is in progress.

  Knowledge Academy's open gate examination is divided into eight subjects, namely language, vegetation, minerals, formations, beasts, history, spirit and heroism.

   The first subject that opened this morning was language.

For scholars, language is the foundation of any esoteric practice. Its scope is not only the evolution of human history language and writing, but also the ancient writings before the two major eras of destruction, orcs, demons, and predecessors, etc. The ancient and modern languages ​​of each race.

   As long as you have a good command of these languages, you can learn through the past and the present, and then you can understand the history and remove the fog.

The primordial universe has undergone countless millions of years of evolution from its birth to the birth of life. Powerful civilizations have been born, and then disappeared, hiding many historical secrets in various sites, Among the relics, descendants have explored, inherited, and carried forward again and again on the basis of the civilization of the predecessors.

   According to legend, the sacred emperor at the time was a linguistic genius, proficient in any language of any race and any era from ancient times to the present.

   The founder of Dr. Dao Kongshan Xinyu is the righteous daughter of His Majesty the Holy Emperor and his disciple.

  Language is the foundation of any civilization and any martial arts.

   As a practitioner of the Ph.D. path, he can barely be regarded as a qualified scholar if he has mastered at least 30 different languages.

   As for to stand out among the countless scholars in the entire Tear Mole galaxy and become a leader in the academy of knowledge, the requirements are even higher.

time flies.

   Outside the gate of the college, there was gradually a noise.

   "Parents" started talking in twos and threes.

   At the same time, the various betting games of the top ten and bottom ten people in a single subject also opened the handicap.

In such a major exam that competes for rankings and scores, the emergence of gambling handicap is actually a common feature of all intelligent creatures. The School of Knowledge does not reject this. As long as it is formal, fair and just, it can be opened during the exam period. . Lottery odds.

   Lin Beichen was quite resistant to this unearned evil.

  Everything must rely on my own efforts and sweat to fight for.

   How can you always rely on luck to fight?

   "Master, it's not right. This kind of betting is based on hard work and sweat."

Wang Fengliu took Lin Beichen and came to the stone tablet at the handicap of the gambling game. He said, "Look, there are five thousand names on it. From these five thousand people, the top ten and bottom ten are not one. Easy things, you want to go through various data collection, analysis, and judgment, and then you have to bet a certain amount of money, and then you have to experience the torment of waiting...Master, this is not easy."

   Lin Beichen looked at the densely packed names on it.

   Behind each name, there are betting notes and the number of people displayed.

   And according to the number of bets, the ranking is displayed on the stone tablet.

   Currently ranked first on the stone tablet list is Li Guangyu from Donglin Academy.

Although Donglin Academy suffered a loss from Chen Beilin three days ago, this does not affect the optimism of all parties to the chief student of Donglin Academy. After all, Li Guangyu’s performance before then was really unsatisfactory. Known as the Peerless Tianjiao, his accomplishments in the Doctor's Path have long been verified by countless occasions, competitions, and literary meetings.

  The second place is Qiao Fu, the chief student of Shushan.

   That's right, that's the big fat man who visually weighs more than 300 gold.

   Obviously, Qiao Fufu's previous record and performance are also amazing.

   The third is Cao Shuyu, the chief student of Shangqi Bookstore.

  The fourth is Murong Tianjue, the chief student of Taiping Academy.

   The fifth is Shi Renchen, the chief student of Xuehai.

   Zhou Chengcheng, chief student of the seventh hanging lantern pavilion.

   The eighth is Chu Celadon, the chief student of Tianjiao Academy.

   Lin Beichen glanced around, and found that these people were the most prominent figures among the new generation of scholars who had listened to the discussion from all sides.

   And the name of the priest Qin did not even enter the top ten.

   ranked fifteenth.

   "Damn, what is this broken list, smashed smashed."

   Lin Beichen cursed and said: "Ms. Qin didn't even make the top ten, I am not convinced."

After hearing this, someone immediately retorted: "Qin Lian Shen is only a recent riser. Although he has won more than 700 battles, the gold content is not high, and she is not a student of major famous academies. , It’s just a wild way. It can be ranked fifteenth. It’s already a very high noun. If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense here..."


   Lin Beichen waited for him and said, "What's your name?"

   "In the next Zhong Dajun, what can I advise?"

   The speaker was a young man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a fair face, very arrogant.

"Do you know who I am?"

   Lin Beichen sneered.

   "No need to know."

   Zhong Dajun proudly raised his head and said: "Zhong is upright, seeks truth from facts, never talks nonsense, regardless of who you are."

   But as soon as he finished speaking, someone next to him secretly transmitted his voice and told him Lin Beichen's true identity.

   Zhong Dajun's expression changed slightly, he looked at An, and said loudly, "What? What did you say? My wife gave birth? Everyone, goodbye."

   turned around and left directly.

   Lin Beichen couldn't laugh or cry.

   He didn't want to deal with this Zhong Dajun, after all, this is just a normal argument of tongues.

   But I didn’t expect that it was only a few days, and now my own name has the ability to let other people’s wives have children...

   At the same time, the crowd around him immediately vacated a large area.

  The others avoided him one by one as if they were avoiding the plague.

Oh shit.

   Laozi's critics were killed.

   Wang Fengliu hurried over and said in a low voice: "Master, don't worry, isn't this a good opportunity to make money? Teacher Qin has a high odds, so we can make a lot of money."

   "Am I the one who lacks that little money?"

Lin Beichen glared: "I just refuse to accept Teacher Qin's ranking behind... Forget it, since you have pleaded, then don't smash it. Go and bet, and give me one hundred thousand... No, fifty thousand yuan, bet. Note that Teacher Qin is the first in the single subject of'language'."

   Wang Fengliu went to do it.

   "Hehe, young man, with so many bet, aren't you afraid that you will lose everything?"

   A curious voice sounded again.

   When Lin Beichen turned his head to look, he found an old man in black, who didn't know when, but also got under the stele, and looked at the list on the stele curiously. Obviously, he heard what Lin Beichen said just now and couldn't help but ask.

This old man is quite thin, with an ordinary face, wrinkles on his face, and a weather-beaten complexion. He has the kindness and wisdom unique to old people. Although the black clothes on his body look ordinary at first glance, but I don’t know why, give Lin Beichen There is an endless sense of wisdom hidden in each of his wrinkles.

   "Don't be afraid."

Lin Beichen said casually: "In order to pick up a girl, you have to pay for it. Even if you lose, you can also find an inadvertent opportunity to let Teacher Qin know that I have paid so much to support her. She will definitely be moved. ."

   The old man was startled, thumbs up, and said: "It's interesting."

   "You think it's interesting too, don't you?"

Lin Beichen said triumphantly again: "Besides, if you really lose, you just need to find a way to get back the predecessor gold. Anyway, on this realm star, very few people can beat me, saying To be honest, these sleazy scholars are the easiest to fight."

   He spoke with a big heart and made no secret of it. When everyone around him heard it, he immediately avoided the plague and moved further away.

  Listen, is this human?

   The old man in black also had a dumbfounded expression, and said, "You are really a weird thing."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said, "I'm just complimenting me as you are."

   "By the way, old man, are you not afraid of me?"

   Lin Beichen asked again, does this old man in black do not know his reputation.

The black-clothed old man smiled and said: "I'm so old bones, I'm afraid of what you do? You are not a cannibal... Besides, the old man is also here to bet, let my old man take a look, hehe, I will choose This little girl is called Qiao Fu."

   Lin Beichen said unexpectedly: "Master, do you know this girl?"


   The old man in black nodded and said, "But she doesn't know me."

   "Oh Huh?"

   Lin Beichen's eyes lit up, burning the raging soul of gossip, and said: "You have a story."

   "Hey, it's a long story, the romantic debt when you were young."

   The old man is also a wonderful person.

   Fortunately, it will take a while before the exam is over. Lin Beichen is also bored. Why not chat with this funny old man and beat him up?

   He directly took out the large bottle of bulk wine bought online, took out two enamel cups, and said: "I have wine, let me tell you your story?"

   The old man in black was not hypocritical. He took the glass full of wine and took a sip. His eyes lighted up and said, "Good wine...what's the name of this wine?"

  Lin Beichen said: "The donkey is bored."

   The old man in black: "..."

   "Wine is a good wine, and the name is too vulgar."

   He drank all the white wine in one breath, and he still didn't know what to say.

   Lin Beichen said: "The vulgar is the elegance."

   "It's kind of interesting."

The black-clothed old man took the wine bottle directly, poured himself into it, and said, “It’s a long story. I had a relationship with the Mole Mole Galaxy in the past. It’s a pity that I was not born to read books, so I can’t A piece of heaven and earth broke out here. In the end, it was not accepted by the other party’s family. In the end, it had to travel to other galaxies and struggle to find some foundation. Now come back and see, the people of the past have been turned into bones and disappeared. It’s just sad...oh, I’m too old to see this, let alone drinking, it’s easy to mention the things of the year when I drink."

   "Master, you mean that Joe Fu is yours..."

   Lin Beichen understood a little bit.


   The black-clothed old man shook his head and said, "It's not my descendants, it's her descendants."


   Lin Beichen said:   "Oh, your girl, later remarried?"

   The old man in black almost smashed the glass: "You kid, have you been so speechless?"

   "I'm relatively straight, the kind of steel."

   Lin Beichen smiled and said: "So, this Qiao Fu is the descendant of your former lover?"

   "Well, there is such a little bit of dew origin."

   The old man in black drank another big glass and said, "This time, if it weren't for other things, I wouldn't know about this if I didn't come to the Mole Mole galaxy... Maybe this is fate... tons."

   "Huh? Don't carry tons of wine bottles. This wine is rare and expensive."

   Lin Beichen was anxious.

   Although it’s a bulk of ‘boring donkey’, but it also costs money, and it seems that the old man is almost drinking it all by himself.

   The old man in black smiled and said, "Don't worry, the old man never takes advantage of others in vain. Let's talk about how much the old man will pay you."

   Lin Beichen wondered how the lion's big mouth seemed reasonable.

   The old man in black squinted his eyes again, and said with a smile, "Or, if you are free of alcohol and money, if you are in trouble in the future, the old man can save you once."

   Lin Beichen got serious when he heard the words. He looked up and down at the old man in black. After thinking about it, he secretly used his mobile phone to ‘scan’ to identify the person’s identity and realm. As a result, a red exclamation mark was swept out.

   I fuck.

   Lin Beichen was shocked on the spot.

   Is this a hidden boss here?

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