Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1615: Attack of the giant crocodile

Afterwards, the results and rankings of the scholars were continuously announced.

   But the score of 98 points is like a ditch that cannot be surpassed.

After    Qiao Fufu’s 95, Cao Shuyu’s 91, Zhou Chengcheng’s 89, Murong Tianjue’s 93...

   These high scores are all amazing and dazzling, and they can't compete with Li Guangyu's 98 points.

   Those who bet on Li Guangyu all smiled.

  Although the odds are low, it's still profitable without losing it.

   "Haha, earned, earned, hahahaha, everyone, I didn't lie to you."

A familiar voice came from Zhong Dajun, who was going to deliver his wife. He didn’t know why he appeared again. He yelled excitedly, exposing his figure, and shouted: "Yes. Didn't you listen to me? Haha, this time the eight subjects championship is none other than Li Shuyou."

   Lin Beichen turned to look around, and said, "Your wife has finished giving birth so soon?"

   "Bah, who said my wife gave birth...ahhh, yes, it's over."

   Zhong Dajun scolded halfway, only to realize that it was Lin Beichen who was speaking, withered on the spot, and shrank into the crowd.

   Li Guangyu stood in the crowd and suddenly became the only protagonist in the center of the stage, casting enviable eyes on him.

   But on his face, there is no hint of arrogance and arrogance. On the contrary, he is polite and keeps returning salutes to those who congratulate him.

   "I have a unicorn."

   Farther away, Li Ziyi's face was full of conceit.

   This is his son.

   was born to be the protagonist.

   was born to be the focus of much attention.

   And in the future, it will also become the pinnacle of the entire Tear Mole galaxy and the entire Ph.D. path.

   He smiled, with reserved pride, and nodded to the masters of other colleges and universities around him.

   "Oh, no way, although I look down on this guy, he is really strong."

   Qiao Biyi couldn't help but admire: "Among the new generation of scholars in the Mole Mole galaxy, this person is called'Wushuangbi', which is not unreasonable."

   Lin Beichen was very curious and said: "Then the question is, why didn't you chase such a young Toshihiko with a profound knowledge and a strong family? Instead, you chose Buqiu's book friend."

   Buqiuren: "..."

   You ask, are you polite?

   Qiao Biyi said: "Who said I didn't chase?"

   Lin Beichen: "???"

Qiao Biyi touched his smooth and crystal-like white jade-like pointed chin, and said, "I did chase for a while at first, but then I gave up. Li Guangyu, he looks perfect at first glance, and looks very close. Perfect, but his perfection makes people feel so fake, as if it was deliberately forget it."

   "So you think Buqiuren book friends have a kind of perfection that is not pretentious?"

   Lin Beichen asked again.

   Buqiu was secretly proud, and said: "Haha, I've been rewarded."


   Qiao Biyi shook his head and said, "At that time, I was disappointed with Li Guangyu and met a book friend. I found it very nasty and interesting. I wanted to change my taste, so I chased it for fun."

   Buqiuren: "???"

   None of you riding horses is polite.

"what about me?"

   Lin Beichen pointed to himself.

   Buqiu Renxin said: You are just a crude sacramento martial artist.

   Qiao Biyi smiled slightly, there was water in Peach Blossom's eyes, and said: "Li Guangyu is not as good as a single hair of you."

   "Oh. Your little mouth is really smeared with honey."

Lin Beichen slapped his thigh and said, "Sister, what I didn't say, is based on your unique vision and insight. From now on, brother I will cover you. If there is any trouble, you will come to my brother and I will definitely arrange it for you clearly. "

   Qiao Biyi chucked, winking like waves and said: "Brother, the person you photographed hurts a bit."

   "Ah this..."

   Feeling the cold light coming from around, Lin Beichen quickly explained: "I missed, I missed."

   then quickly changed the subject: "Look, the ranking on the stele seems to have changed."

   Qiao Biyi looked up, and suddenly he stayed in place as if he had been struck by lightning.

   And the noisy crowd around, lost their voice as if they were frozen in an instant.

   On the stone tablet, the three words Qin Lian Shen appeared.

   There are also three numbers following the name—


   full marks.

   The clear and obvious 100 points, as if it had magical powers, suddenly made everyone lose the ability to speak.

   Li Guangyu, who was originally polite and unhurried, stood frozen in the crowd, and the smile on his face instantly solidified.

   Li Ziyi, the vice-president of Donglin Academy further away, kept twitching the corners of his mouth, rubbing his eyes again and again, as if he was going to use this method to completely erase the 100 points behind the word ‘Qin Lian Shen’.

   "This... how is this possible?"

   Zhong Dajun looked dumbfounded, dumbfounded, as if his wife was born to him.

   The gamblers who placed their bets around them, the scholars of Donglin Academy who were still cheering before, looked blank but unbelievable. They looked like the same human-shaped sculptures, not moving for a long time, and silent for a long time.

  The old man in black looked at Lin Beichen's direction quite unexpectedly, thoughtfully.


   A sharp, unabashedly loud laughter echoed like thunder on the large square outside the Academy for Knowledge.

   is Lin Beichen.

   "Wow haha, what am I talking about?"

   "This number one must belong to Teacher Qin."

   "If it's not 100 points, it doesn't make sense to get the first place."

   "Well, such a simple topic is really not challenging at all..."

   Lin Beichen frantically pulled hatred.

   His laughter and his words are like a needle, a knife, and a sword, thrusting mercilessly. It stuck in the hearts of everyone in Donglin Academy, pouch, pouch, and directly splashed blood.

   Li Ziyi's face turned white with anger at the time.

   Li Guangyu's face turned gloomy, and he kept breathing deeply.

   "What are you proud of, but it's only two points away."

   A female scholar from Donglin Academy really couldn't stand Lin Beichen's arrogance, and sneered at each other: "Just a gap of two points can make you **** to such an extent. It's really ignorant of a hillbilly."

  As soon as these words came out, many people suddenly changed their colors.

   Is it too long to provoke Chen Beilin at this time?

   Lin Beichen looked at her as expected.

   For a while, countless people's hearts were mentioned in their throats.

   You need to know that Xue Fengqing was killed on the spot by Chen Beilin just because he was too noisy in the yard.

   This little book is finished.

Who knows that Lin Beichen just smiled faintly and said, "Hehe, two points? Li Guangyu took 98, that's because his ability range was only 98, and Qin took 100 because the full score of the test paper was only 100...small Sister, do you understand?"


   The female scholar turned pale in fright.

   Lin Beichen's handsome and unparalleled face showed a simple smile, and said: "Don't be afraid, I don't kill women."

   After finishing speaking, he left with the chief priest Qin and others.

   Looking at Lin Beichen's back, many people were lost in thought.

   At this moment, many people understood that they really underestimated Qin Lianshen, the spoiler from outside the system.

   721 victories in combat skills are by no means a vain name.

   The combat skills of 100 points in the language course, is it a blockbuster knowledge encountered in the field of expertise, or is it really a small test as Chen Beilin said?

   Li Guangyu and other scholars from Donglin Academy left in a hurry.

   The chiefs of the major academies also looked different.

   To some extent, they also felt the pressure.

  A woman from an alien system, in the first exam on the first day, was a blockbuster. How can they feel like the orthodox scholars of the Tear Mole Galaxy?

   "For the vegetation examination in the afternoon, you must suppress that woman's arrogance."

   "This kind of thing can't happen anymore."

   "Anyone can get the first place, but you must not let that woman get any first place."

   All the major forces are talking.

   This has nothing to do with personal grievances.

   but to defend the dignity of the Doctor Dao line of the Tear Mole Galaxy.



time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, it was time for the afternoon test.


   After a short break at noon, candidates from all major forces re-entered the examination room.

   Lin Beichen came to the outside again, waiting for the Qin priest to finish the test.

During the lunch break, all kinds of tonics have been eaten enough to restore the spirit and memory. Lin Beichen even took out the functional drinks such as [Red Bull] and [Le Tiger] purchased online to protect the logistics. The work has been done to the extreme.

   This section in the afternoon is herbal medicine.

   includes the identification, utility, origin analysis, etc. of various plants in the primordial universe.

Unlike the elixir herb pharmacist, the Ph.D. scholars may not be able to complete the work of dispensing, pharmacy, etc., but the reserve of theoretical knowledge is not inferior, and compared with the elixir herb pharmacist who specializes in the area, the scholars’ understanding will More broad and detailed.

   Various handicap has been opened again.

   This time, no matter how the major so-called orthodox academies and academies create momentum, the gamblers still use their own methods to prove that the popularity of the chief priest Qin has risen linearly, from the previous 15th odds to the fifth.

   Lin Beichen was under the stele and saw the old man in black again.

   "Hey, old man, did you recognize your baby girl?"

   Lin Beichen carried another bucket of ‘boring donkey’ and walked over.


   The old man in black didn't seem to be very happy. He received tons of wine barrels.

   Lin Beichen is bleeding in his heart, but who is the hidden boss? In case it is an NPC that can trigger a major plot task, now is the opportunity to hurry up and increase his favorability.

   However, the old man in black was obviously not very happy in the afternoon, only drinking and not talking.

   Two hours later, the exam is over.

   What has shocked countless people is that in this ‘vegetable’ subject test, Qin Lianshen once again scored 100 points, crushing the chief students of other major academies and academies.

   At the back are Qiao Fufu with 98 points, Li Guangyu with 97 points, Murong Tianjue with 96 points, and Chu celadon with 92 points...

   The second subject is full score again. The three words Qin Lianshen suddenly seem to be a nightmare, floating above every examinee's head.

   It's accidental that the perfect score in one subject, how about the perfect score in two subjects?

  The giant crocodile is coming!

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