What are the symptoms of methanol poisoning?

   Lin Beichen recalled his knowledge of the earth age.

   In the early stage of methanol poisoning, symptoms of drunkenness, dizziness, headache, fatigue, drowsiness, or insomnia appear, and delirium, confusion, coma, etc. appear in severe cases. There may be pain in both eyes, blurred vision or diplopia, sudden loss of vision, or even blindness; fundus examination shows retinal congestion, hemorrhage, optic nerve head edema, etc.

   Of course, the worst thing in the end is death.

  The Black Stone Emperor is the emperor of the Eucharist Dao.

   His physical body is unmatched.

   This kind of toughness is not only the firmness of the body, but also the purification and detoxification function of the nervous system, internal organs, and so on.

   So whether methanol will work or not is still unknown.

   Lin Beichen observed carefully and found that the Black Stone Emperor at this time was obviously drunk.

   Closed his eyes, and couldn't see if his eyes were congested.

   So there must be a PLANB.

   Lin Beichen planned quickly in his mind, and at the same time secretly turned on his mobile phone [Taobao] to see if there were any weapons that could be rushed to buy.

   And this time—


   The long and clear bell rang.

   The last exam of the Entrance Examination of the Entrance Examination of the Enlightenment Academy is finally over.

   In the quiet campus, there is finally a noise.

   The scholars who finished the exam came out from different classrooms, in twos and threes, gathered into the crowd, and walked towards the gate.

   The sea of ​​people waiting outside the gate also made waves.

   The end of the last exam means that everything is settled.

   In another half an hour, all the scores will be announced.

The fate of five thousand scholars has been fixed. Once you pass the exam, you will leap into the dragon. Even if you are just an ordinary scholar, Qingyun Avenue will be waiting for you from now on. You will become a member of the School of Knowledge. The entire Molecules galaxy will be the'superior'.

   "Lan Er, how did you do on the test?"

   "Hahaha, Master, I will definitely pass."

   "It's over, it's over, this last exam, about the Holy Emperor, accounted for 80% of the questions... I don't know many questions at all, and I'm going to fail."

   "Book friend Lin, I have already set up a banquet in the VIP room of the old book building. I will congratulate you immediately after the final score and ranking are announced."

   "I don't know who can be the three lucky ones and worship the door under the crown of [Book Emperor]."

   "The real highlight is the Imperial War."

   The crowd talked a lot.

   From the excitement at the end of the exam, people's attention finally focused on three things.

First, the top ten rankings of the entrance examination for the opening of the mountain-this is almost the least suspenseful. Before the priest Qin had full marks seven times in a row, as long as this last one does not make a big mistake, it will definitely be based on the high score of making history. Second champion.  Secondly, [Book Emperor] Korayama Yingquan will choose which three to become his closed disciples.

   Third, the start of the Imperial War.

   Of these, the last item is undoubtedly the most eye-catching and most suffocating.

  The students have absolute confidence in [Book Emperor].

   But the old man in black is an emperor after all, and should not be underestimated.

   In the entire Mole Tear galaxy, there has been a full two thousand three hundred years, and there has been no emperor war.

   Everyone has a sense of sacredness that is about to witness history.

Fortunately, the'Black Stone Emperor' is also a member of the Human Race, so this time the Emperor War should be conducted within a certain range. It will not affect ordinary people, nor will it damage the realm stars. Otherwise, the Emperor's Battle, yes What can destroy the stars, with a single blow, hundreds of millions of lives will be wiped out in ashes.

   Around the stele, people are already surrounded.

   But they are all a hundred meters away, looking at the results and numbers on the stele from a distance.

  Because the old man in black was all drunk, closed his eyes and eyes, sitting under the stone monument, no one dared to come near even if he didn't breathe the slightest breath.

   Lin Beichen thought for a while, but did not approach.

   What if this dog's methanol goes crazy?

   Seeing from a distance, Li Guangyu's name appeared on the stele first, followed by a prominent three-digit number.

   is 100 points again.

   "It's a shit, let's take Viagra."

   Lin Beichen always felt that something was wrong.

   Li Guangyu's strength is indeed strong, but the ability he showed before is definitely not up to the level of Keke's 100 points.

   This dog must be cheating.

The score announced by    has indeed caused a lot of discussion.

   Soon, the score of the priest Qin also came out.

100 points.

with no doubt.

   Although many people have long thought that this woman from outside the Tear Mole galaxy may secretly track all the full marks in the eight subjects, but when this moment really came, many scholars and mentors were still shocked.

   Eight subjects are 100, with a total score of 800 points.

   This number is really terrible.

   For tens of thousands of years, there has never been such a monster in the entrance examination of the School of Knowledge.

   Qin Lian Shen used his own power to raise the upper limit of the entrance examination of the School of Knowledge, and directly to the ceiling, it is impossible for anyone to surpass it in the future—unless the number of examination subjects is added.

   Since the establishment of the School for Knowledge-no, to be precise, this is the first time anyone has achieved such a terrifying result since the 21st Bloodline Doctor Dao was launched.

  Isn’t it the reincarnation of the ancestor of the Doctor’s Path?

   Even the [Book Emperor] Kong Shan Yingquan had never achieved such terrible results.

   What this achievement represents is definitely the potential and upper limit of practicing on the Ph.D. Path.

A score of 800 in eight subjects means that Qin Lianshen can theoretically reach the ceiling of the Doctor’s Path—the enrollment examination questions of the School of Knowledge, have this kind of predictive ability. In the past tens of thousands of years, the higher the score, the higher the potential, and the future This theorem has never been broken.

  In the past, Li Guangyu's two subjects with perfect scores are definitely brilliant results, enough to cause a sensation, making him the most luminous person in the entire Tear Mole galaxy.

but now?

   In front of Qin Lian God, Li Guangyu's brilliance is like the brilliance of rice grains and the bright moon. The gap cannot be calculated.

Even if it was a wicked girl before, who kept saying that Lord Qin would be driven out of the Mole of Tears galaxy, when she saw this glamorous and noble mistress of the imperial sister, she walked out of the gate of the School of Knowledge, she was also low. Head, dare not look at it.

  Vaguely, they seemed to have seen the birth of a genius who could rival the ancestor of Doctor Dao.

   Li Guangyu stood in the crowd and was quickly taken away from the brilliance that should have belonged to him.

   He acted very graciously, even proactively stepped forward and bowed his hand in salute: "Shuyou Qin, unparalleled talent, first in the ages, I admire him. From now on, everyone is a student of the School of Knowledge, and I also ask Shuyou Qin for advice and guidance."

   This is his personality, not arrogant, humble and polite.

   Relying on this set of characters, he has a very high reputation in the Mole Mole galaxy.

   But the priest Qin didn't even look at Li Guangyu, and took his words as if they were in the ears.

   In her eyes, only Lin Beichen.

"finish exam."

  In the big, clear and majestic beautiful eyes, finally there was a trace of relief.

   Lin Beichen ignored all the gazes around him, and slowly opened his arms: "Hug?"

   The priest Qin smiled.

   This smile is like winter and spring, with flowers in full bloom.

   Like the melting of ice and snow, the earth is rejuvenating.

   For an instant, I don't know how many energetic young scholars lost their souls.

   She walked to Lin Beichen and hugged gently.

She chose to indulge the little man's overly obvious act of declaring sovereignty, but her delicate and full red lips came to his ears, and she whispered softly: "How old is he, so naive? You want me to be naive with you. "

   Lin Beichen did not show weakness: "Naivety is the purest feeling."

   The voice did not fall.

   There was a sudden violent noise and noise from the crowd.

   "[Book Emperor] His Majesty announced the list of three disciples."

"So fast?"

   "The list of admissions who passed the assessment has not yet been announced."

"who is it?"

   "It turned out to be... the three of them?"

   The crowd rushed towards the gate of the Academy of Knowledge.

   Just watch [Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili and other high-level groups from the Enquiry Academy came out from the gate and appeared one by one.


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