Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1628: Book world

The situation is under control.

   moved. The chaos quickly subsided.

   As long as there is no intervention from outside forces, Hongqi Middle School in Liuhe Township, Yumen City will never be able to do Tsinghua University and Peking University.

   With the fall of the Black Stone Emperor, the Donglin line and their entangled mobs, in front of the four heavenly kings of the Qiuzhi Academy, only kneeled down to beg for mercy, and couldn't afford the slightest battle intent.

   What's more, there is Chen Beilin, the ‘Emperor Killer’ who is watching closely.


   Everyone attributed the death of'Black Stone Emperor' to Lin Beichen's action.

   People are always more willing to believe in everything they see with their eyes.

   Everyone saw with their own eyes that when Lin Beichen raised his hand, his invisible sword aura directly knocked the'Black Stone Emperor' into the air.

   Although he didn't penetrate the ‘Black Stone Emperor’’s body shell, it should have killed his spirit and soul.

  The biggest advantage of a scholar is brain supplement.

   And in this short cup of tea time, the most outstanding scholars in the Mole Mole Galaxy have crazily made up too much plot.

The script that is most similar and can best explain the status quo is Lin Beichen’s [Broken Invisible Sword Qi], although it hits the body, it can directly kill the soul, and the "Black Stone Emperor" from the Saint Body Road is obviously Is not very good at dealing with the attacks of the spirit soul.

   Terrible, Chen Beilin.

   Horror, Emperor Killer.

   From now on, who else would dare to oppose God Qin Lian?

   Behind her, she followed an emperor licking dog.

   asked about the storm on the mountain, and quickly subsided.

   Participating in the chaos, all of them were sealed off and detained.

   As the largest sacred place of the Doctor’s Path in the Tear Mole Galaxy, in addition to teaching and educating people, the means of excluding dissidents are not weak, so the standing prison is definitely enough, and it perfectly accommodates about more than 4,000 Donglin Rebellion Party.

   In addition, Murong Jue, Shi En and others did not perform well before.

   The wall-riding faction is always despised by others.

   So although they were not arrested, they were also required to ban their feet at their respective stations. Without permission, they must not leave the station for half a step.

   Such a scientific and reasonable request has been actively cooperated and complied with by Murong Jue and others.

   After all, everyone is a civilized person.

   At the same time, the entire Wendao Mountain was directly sealed and sealed by the Qiuzhi Academy, and only allowed to enter but not to leave.

   In this way, the news cannot be delivered within a short period of time.

   Because for the Learning Academy, solving the "Black Stone Emperor" is only the first step in a big trouble.

   The second part is how to fill the huge power gap in the "Houkongshan Yingquan Era".  ...


   School for Knowledge.

   Office of the Director of Academic Affairs.


   Lin Beichen was so scared that the tea cup in his hand almost fell to the ground: "[Book Emperor] Your Majesty wants to see me?"

He remembered that he got up this morning and brushed his teeth. At this time, he was sitting in the office of the Academic Affairs Office of the Qiuzhi Academy and drinking tea. He suddenly heard that [Book Emperor] Kongshan Yingquan was going to meet with him, and suddenly thought that [Book Emperor] was here. The invitation issued by Jiuquanxia to himself.

   Isn't this old man already dead?

   "This is not the case, don't get me wrong."

[Bitter Boat] Fang Zhili quickly explained: "His Majesty [Book Emperor] had just taken the'Black Stone Emperor' knife, which caused the old wounds to recur, and he was feigned death and healed in the'Book World'. Zheng Xinlu didn't know the truth, he He rushed out and shouted false news, just to cooperate with the Donglin rebels of the Li family and his son, to shake the hearts of all parties."


   Lin Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

   In the same period, I couldn't help but shed another tear of sympathy for the "Black Stone Emperor".

   It turned out that the so-called two emperors were both dead, but in the end it was just the ‘Black Stone Emperor’ lying alone in the coffin.

   People [Book Emperor] can still breathe.

   after a moment.

   Under the leadership of Fang Zhili, Lin Beichen came to the depths of the Qiuzhi Academy.

There is a bridge in front of   .

   On the other side of the bridge is a book.

   A big white book floating in the sky.

   The book is up and down like duckweed in the water.

   The leaves fluttered and fluttered, making people feel refreshed and couldn't help but give birth to a strong urge to take out the textbook and recite a thousand-character text on the spot.

   Fang Zhili explained that this book is a small world and different space constructed with the Doctor’s Taoist secrets and proverbs. It stores the largest knowledge treasure of the Doctor’s Tao in the past and is called the "Book World".

   Only those who have been approved by the "Book World" can enter it.

   The voice did not fall.

   Looking at the direction of the stone bridge ahead, the milky white halo flickered.

   Qiao Fu and sisters Qiao Biyi walked out of the "Book World".

After   , I saw more than a dozen tutors from the School of Knowledge, following them, following them out in twos and threes.

   Ah, this...

   Lin Beichen's eyes widened.

I thought that not everyone can be recognized by the "Book World". Only a proud man like himself, absolute protagonist, **** knight, male priest, emperor killer, and a person with the protagonist's halo can be recognized. Into it. did not expect…

   had to sigh, the identity of this ‘book world’ is really casual, like a scumbag, anyone can enter.

   "Hey, Brother Chen, you are here."

   Qiao Biyi was very lively, and when he saw Lin Beichen, his eyes lit up, and he jumped forward to greet him.

   She is still living in dreams, walking like stepping on clouds, one foot high and one foot low.

  Who would have thought that a scumbag like her could be recognized by [Book Emperor] and become his disciple.

   For Qiao Biyi, this is a good thing that she never dared to do in her dreams before.

   Until now, she didn't understand what was the reason.

   But she is a girl with a very simple thinking. If she doesn't know, she doesn't want to, just enjoy it.

   Lin Beichen touched Qiao Biyi's head, and said: "The opportunity is rare, you will have to study hard in the future and grow up as soon as possible."

   "I still use you to say it."

   Qiao Biyi straightened up her plump chest, with an arrogant expression on her face.

   Of course she has to study hard.

   After all, if you can be a master, who wants to be a scumbag all the time.

   "Master Chen, please."

  【Bitter Boat】Fang Zhili led the way, stepped onto the stone bridge, fell into a milky white halo, and entered the ‘Book World’.

   Lin Beichen followed closely.

   Stepping on the stone bridge, he felt that the surrounding air was filled with a soft and soft feeling, which was very peculiar, as intoxicating as the breast of a beauty, and did not reject him in the slightest.

   At the moment of getting off the bridge, the milky white brilliance flashed.

   The scene in front of me is flowing, and the weightlessness of transmission is fleeting.

   When the line of sight returns to normal, the light in front of you is white—it is the kind of natural sunlight, not dazzling but absolutely bright, within the line of sight, everything is...


   I can't see the side book at a glance.

   A boundless book.

   A pile of books.

   There are books everywhere.

   There are rows of huge bookshelves farther away.

   Too many, densely packed, one after another.

   is like a series of tall buildings, neatly arranged in the entire small world, endless like a forest, and like a mountain, you can't see the side at a glance.

   A hundred meters away, on a small book mountain, there is a deck chair.

   A young girl with long green hair who is not tall, looks very weak, sitting on a recliner with a yellow blanket covering her body, looking towards Lin Beichen.

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